solar energy

Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators

Thomas asks…

Is there a solar electric generator? I heard a company in Chicago has manufactured an electric generator that?

I am looking for a company that manufactures electric generators that uses solar energy.

admin answers:

Erm – that would be a electric solar cell then.

James asks…

is there an alternative for solar panels that can collect and convert solar energy into electricity?

A solar panel is a device that collects and converts solar energy into electricity or heat which can be used by (for example) nearby buildings. But is there any device that acts like a solar panel?

admin answers:

Besides the silicon type, there are a couple of types:

1. The reflector type of solar power, which uses a mirrored dish to focus sunlight to boil water to drive a generator.
2. Using sunlight to heat a thermocouple which drives a current.

Both of these are larger than your typical solar cell and are not really that efficient – yet.

A solar cell is the only thing that converts photonic energy into electricity, although they can be made of silicon and other materials.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Colorado

Paul asks…

Why is oil shale not used as a natural resource?

There is more oil shale in Colorado than all the oil in the middle east. If we use solar energy to refine it wouldn’t that make up for the energy loss? I think oil shale can be converted into a type of jet fuel. Correct me if I am wrong please.
oh well nice though

admin answers:

Be patient as oil shale will be developed in the future. Oil shale extraction has been around in Colorado since the early 1980’s and was once subsidized by the US Government in order to try to determine if it could be made economical. However, oil price collapses during the late 1980’s caused those projects to be canceled. At the present time it is just too expensive to compete with conventional oil & natural gas resources. However, there are several Federal Government permitted oil shale projects in smaller scale field trials underway. It will take about 10 years per project just to determine if they can be reasonably expanded to larger scale trials. The interest in oil shale was great in 2008 when oil prices peaked at $150 per barrel but some of that interest has decreased now that oil is around $70 to $80 per barrel.

See the link below on oil shale extraction methods in general.

Chris asks…

Is there a way to tell how much solar energy will be produced based on location?

For instance, in Colorado, more Wattage can be produced in a Solar cell than in Ohio. Is there way to tell the difference?

admin answers:

Insolation maps can be found here:

These are based on actual measured historical data, so take into account local clouds and weather conditions.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Wikipedia

Michael asks…

What is the establishment cost for a coal burning factory?

I need this for a science assignment. Holy crap do I hate science.
So yeah, what is the establishment cost to set up a coal burning factory? (Where the coal is transferred into energy)

admin answers:

The current establishment cost of a coal fired power station is about $2000 per kilowatt of power produced. Over a 50 year life; this is quite low compared with establishment costs for wind and solar power generation, and a lot (hundreds) of wind generators are needed to produce the same power output of a large coal powered generator. This is why it is proving difficult to replace coal for large scale power generation.

Here’s a wiki ref:

Charles asks…

Year 12 Physics – How do generators and transformers work?

I have a basic idea but am having a little trouble understanding it completely – so i can answer abstract questions in texts… and the textbook is just confusing.
Anyone want to explain a little?

admin answers:

A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled electrical conductors. A changing current in the first circuit (the primary) creates a changing magnetic field; in turn, this magnetic field induces a changing voltage in the second circuit (the secondary). By adding a load to the secondary circuit, one can make current flow in the transformer, thus transferring energy from one circuit to the other.
The voltage in the secondary circuit is in general different from the voltage in the primary circuit.
In electricity generation, an electrical generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy, generally using electromagnetic induction. The reverse conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is done by a motor, and motors and generators have many similarities. The source of mechanical energy may be a reciprocating or turbine steam engine, water falling through a turbine or waterwheel, an internal combustion engine, a wind turbine, a hand crank, the sun or solar energy, compressed air or any other source of mechanical energy.

In electricity generation, an electrical generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy, generally using electromagnetic induction. The reverse conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is done by a motor, and motors and generators have many similarities. The source of mechanical energy may be a reciprocating or turbine steam engine, water falling through a turbine or waterwheel, an internal combustion engine, a wind turbine, a hand crank, the sun or solar energy, compressed air or any other source of mechanical energy.


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Your Questions About Solar Energy Pros And Cons

Betty asks…

Pros and Cons of using nuclear energy to produce electricity?

Please give me some pros and cons of using nuclear energy for producing electricity! List as many as you know.

admin answers:

Cheaper per kW-hr than gas, coal, petroleum, and solar energy production.
Zero carbon emissions power production
Higher output than any other energy source for a given area
High paying jobs stimulate local economy more than other forms of energy production
More jobs created than from gas, coal or petroleum production
With reprocessing, nuclear energy could provide a nearly endless supply of power at current demands.

Re-Processing of commercial fuels currently creates issues with waste volume in the United States, leading to storage and disposal issues.
Wastes are highly radioactive and must be handles carefully and dealt with using engineered safety features.
Public opinion of nuclear power presents a “not in my back yard” mentality, even with US plant design being some of the safest plants in the world to operate.
Plants must be built in geologically stable area, or engineered to withstand geological events to prevent the release of contamination.
The approval and construction process for new nuclear plants is quite costly, making it difficult to build new facilities.

Lizzie asks…

What are Problems of Fossil Fuels and the Advantages of Solar Energy.?

What are the pros and cons of Solar Energy with respect to cost, impact on the environment, availability etc.

admin answers:

There are several problems with fossil fuels. They are a limited commodity, they cause pollution when burned, and they are destructive to drill for or mine.

Solar energy is a growing technology right now. People who have solar panels on their houses often generate more electricity than they can even use, and in some places they can sell it back to the power companies and make a profit while not paying for electricity.

At present, solar panels are expensive to buy, but this will change as more people buy them, just like any other technology.

For the environment, I would guess that solar energy is almost completely harmless. I don’t know what kind of chemicals that are required for making solar panels, but once they are produced, solar energy uses a virtually unlimited energy source that is clean to harvest and gives off no emissions.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Price

Joseph asks…

How can people say that green energy is inefficient when the lack of investment causes it’s inefficiency?

The financial elite (the 5% of Americans who own 75% of America or the 1% of the world who own 40% of the world, whichever way you want to look at it) invested a lot in the coal and oil energy business because they controlled the coal and oil mines.

They could invest in solar, tide, wind, geothermal etc energy but they can’t sell us any of those things, so even though it would make very positive change for everyone, they aren’t doing it, which is WHY the technologies are still inefficient.

admin answers:

Some of it is inefficient. For example, solar panels can only capture about 20-40% of energy. For the price of the item, no one wants to take that chance. All the investments in the world won’t change the fact that you’re not getting most of it. There is a reason only businesses and celebrities have solar panels. Also, the world tends to get dark from time to time, making it unreliable.

I agree that we should have them. It’s not like surfers and fishermen need the oceans to be pretty and not have wave generators five miles from the coast. It is free and everywhere. But the fact still remains that it isn’t prestigious or cheap enough.

Mark asks…

Solar energy: How to get more wattage from several solar panels?

Here’s the thing. I have this little farm in a far far place where there’s no electrical power. I only have a generator that I can’t afford to have on all day… I have this chickens I need to keep warm at night among other things, like turning on light bulbs (both old and energy saving ones), tv, radio, etc for a few hours.
Here’s the thing, I was looking online and I found a descent price on a 130 watts solar panel, 12 volts output so I was thinking of buying it.
I’ll explain what I know so far so you can maybe help me out with my doubts:
I am supposed to sum up the amount of watts consumed by the devices connected to my panels right ? for instance, if I have three 40 watts bulbs that would mean 120 watts per hour, which means the panel would do the job right ? Let’s assume for a second we have ideal weather conditions. So that would mean that if I need the bulbs on for 4 hours that’s “120*4= 480 watts hour” .. the panels would need to be working under ideal conditions 4 hours as well right ? That would mean “130*4=520 watts hours” so I should be fine, right ? No energy storage involve so far. Just direct energy consumption right?

Now, here’s one of my main question. I couldn’t fine panels that could provide more than 130 watts, so what do I do when I need more energy than that ? am I supposed to connect several panels in parallel to keep the same voltage or am I supposed to connect them in series and deal later with the voltage increase ? My “common sense” tells me that I should connect them in parallel (assuming I’m buying the same panel several times), so I get the same voltage output, to them connect them to a power inverter. But, will I get a wattage increase, will it just keep adding up ? For instance if I have four 130 watts panels in parallel will I get total of 520 watts ? *Crucial question*

Also, among all the doubts I have, I would also like to ask how to select my system. Like I said before, my main issue is to keep the chicken warm. I would like to light up say, 6 old light bulbs just so I can heat up the room for the chickens. Let’s say 60 watts (maybe?). According to my logic that would mean 360 watts so one panel wouldn’t be enough, so how to I get more wattage ? How to I get enough wattage to light up these light bulbs plus a couple other energy saving ones for the surroundings of the farm, and old small tv and maybe a small fan ? The “warming bulbs” would be on all night, that’s the goal.. the other things I intend to power would be on for 4 hours average.

Last but not least, actually this is quite important… how to I store enough energy to keep this things going on once the sun is gone. As you may have figured out already I need energy at night, once the sun is gone, to keep the chicken warm at night an to light up the patio I guess. I’m gonna need an arrangement of batteries for this.. but which ones ? How many ? in parallel (of course?) ? How much time will they need to charge before I need to use them again ? Remember I plan to use them on a daily basis.

So as you can see I’m pretty much an ignorant when it comes to this, but I’m really trying to figure it out. I know this sounds a bit nuts but I’m basically asking you to teach me to set up a whole systems for my needs. Is it even possible ? Given the case that I can’t keep the “warming bulbs” on, I would still like to set up a system to light up the patio with energy saving bulbs, to turn on a small tv and perhaps a fan, that would still help a lot.

Even if what I’m asking is too crazy, do you know of any other affordable way to produce or store enough energy for any of this things ? Like maybe wind energy? or (I don’t know) is there a way to charge an arrangement of batteries with my generator and then use these batteries with an inverter to keep the rest of the things on at night ? Because I don’t keep the generator on all night, it would probably break after a while. Sounds like waste to have such a huge thing on for hours every night just to keep a few bulbs and a small tv on.

Well anyway, thanks for your time. I hope this doesn’t sound too crazy and I hope you can help me out or maybe guide me in the right direction.
ROWLFE: Please, I hope you read this. You seem to be well informed, more than just well. Thanks by the way.. but I need to flood you with a bunch of other questions if that’s alright. So I assuming I have a established storage battery system (which I don’t, I don’t even know where to start, but let’s just assume I have it) would it matter if I have a 130 watts panel or a bazillion watts panel ? What I mean is, since I’m using the power almost strictly when the sun is gone, then I can’t consider the panel a “battery” as you said. I absolutely need the so said storage unit… so if I had this unit, any panel would do the trick to charge it ?
I don’t know if I’m explaining myself well, what I’m trying to say is that my energy consumption will be strictly supplied by my batteries, the solar panel in this case is just one of the many ways to charge those batteries. If I could charge the batteries with anything else then I would.. but I need pow
but I need power at night to light up incandescent light bulbs. So would I need an specific solar panel to charge an ARRANGEMENT OF BATTERIES THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN DESIGNED TO POWER MY NEEDS ? or any panel/wattage would do the job since I would not be feeding directly from it ?

By the way, since I have no clue where to start, do you think you could maybe recommend some panels/wattage for what I need ? and batteries, specially batteries. I know I can’t use just regular car batteries since they are not designed to be charged and discharged so often. I heard something about golf car batteries, I don’t know. Man if you could maybe show some quick schematics/designs of a system that might work for my needs, that would help me out a lot. Even if its just a block diagram… I’m sorry to sound so stupid but this is the first time I try to do something like this so I’m still on the trial and error stage. I promise I’m a bit smarter than this. Thanks for your help!

admin answers:

To keep a 12v system, mount multiple panels in parallel. That increases available watts leaving volts constant.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Calculator

George asks…

Q. How the electricity is produced by using solar energy?

Please describe in details how do the whole mechanisms work? How it is developed? What apparatus is required? How the solar panel is constructed and how it works? Explain me all questions by using 3d figures or images or video if available. I have no prior knowledge about solar electricity so; please guide me in the easiest way as much as possible; I want to make electricity for my home by using solar energy what should I do? How can I achieve or construct it myself?

admin answers:

Solar electric panels are made up of something called silicon, the same thing that makes up sand. There is more silicon on the planet than almost anything else. Even though you can find silicon almost everywhere, making a solar panel is difficult and expensive. The silicon has to be heated to super high temperatures in a big factory, and then formed into very thin wafers.

When sunlight hits a solar panel, it makes electrons in the silicon move around. (Electrons are teeny tiny specks–they?re way too small for us to see, even under a microscope.) The electrons flow through wires that were built into the solar panel. And presto! We have electricity! We can do whatever we want with this electricity, run a calculator, a CD player, or, if we have big enough solar panels, a satellite! [Solar panels are also called photovoltaic panels. “Photo” means light and “voltaic” means electricity.]

Before installing solar panels, make sure you are wearing safety goggles. Make sure you have read and understand the manuals for your installation equipment.

Mandy asks…

How do solar powered calculators work?

Explain how a solar powered calculator works. My solar powered calculator also works with, light from a light bulb, how is this?

admin answers:

A solar powered calculator uses a photovoltaic cell to convert light energy (photons) into electric current to power it. Any source of visible light should work, including a light bulb.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Home

Donald asks…

need help with my science home work questions?

1) describe 2 different ways to convert solar energy into electrical energy.
2) what problem exists when you use either solar or wind energy to generate electrical energy?
3) describe the nessary conditions for the use of tidal energy to generate electrical energy.
4) what is nuclear fusion? how does it differ from nuclear fission?
5) nuclear fission reactions take place is a large, sturdy tank. why is it impossible to use the same type of vessel for nuclear fusion reactions.

admin answers:

1. Solar energy can be converted to electricity in two ways:
Photovoltaic (PV devices) or “solar cells” – change sunlight directly into electricity.
Solar Power Plants – indirectly generate electricity when the heat from solar thermal collectors is used to heat a fluid which produces steam that is used to power generator.

2. The amount of sunlight that arrives at the earth’s surface is not constant. It depends on location, time of day, time of year, and weather conditions.Because the sun doesn’t deliver that much energy to any one place at any one time, a large surface area is required to collect the energy at a useful rate.

4. Nuclear Fusion- the process by which multiple atomic particles join together to form a heavier nucleus.

Nuclear fission is the splitting of the nucleus of an atom into parts (lighter nuclei) often producing free neutrons and other smaller nuclei, which may eventually produce photons.

5. An electrode structure is comprised of a pair of electrodes provided in a reaction vessel for causing a nuclear fusion reaction with deuterium or a deuterium compound in a gaseous or liquid state, at least one of the electrodes having a surface portion which is made of a reactive material for nuclear fusion reaction and a base which is tightly connected with the surface portion, wherein a heat exchange medium is introduced from a heat exchange device into the base and out from the base to the heat exchange device after heated by nuclear fusion reaction.

Sandra asks…

What is alternative energy and what are some examples?

I need a few examples of alternative energy and what it is.

admin answers:

Alternative energy is a term that refers to methods of generating energy that are not the usual method (i.e. Fossil fuels). There are many forms of alternative energy, but, as energy is conserved, you have to ask yourself where the energy comes from (and the answer is always “the sun”). You should always be careful when you look at energy forms, because some of them just won’t work – like the idea of putting water in your gas tank that another user has suggested (thermodynamics shows that these ideas won’t work).

The sun undergoes nuclear reactions which result in the release of photons (beams of light that have energy associated with them). Alternative energy forms just capture the energy from the sun in different ways (actually, fossil fuels also got their energy from the sun a long time ago).

Here are a few alternative energy sources and how they relate to the sun:

Bio-fuels: We can grow plants (such as algae, corn, sugar cane) which collect the photons from the sun and use the energy in the photons to create sugars. We can harvest those sugars and and turn them into liquid fuels such as ethanol.

Solar Energy: This technology directly harnesses the energy of the sun by absorbing photons through photovoltaic solar cells and which create an electrical current when they absorb a photon. Additionally, you can use the energy of the sun to thermally heat an object, which is referred to as solar-thermal energy.

Wind Energy: When the photons from the sun hit the air in the atmosphere, that energy can cause the generation of wind. We can harvest the wind energy by using turbines which spin when the wind hits them. The spinning motion is used to turn a generator which produces electricity.

Hydro-electric: When the sun hits water, it can cause the water to turn into a gas and later that gas can result in rain. If the rain occurs at a high enough elevation and gets held behind a dam, the water now possesses a high potential energy due to the energy from the sun. That energy can be turned into electrical energy by converting the potential energy of the water into kinetic energy which is then used to turn a turbine in a hydroelectric dam.

I came accross a new, proven and tested home made wind power system and solar power system which eliminates our electricity bills. It was written by a Renewable energy enthusiasts Michael Harvey the diy called Earth4energy. You can get your copy to save energy and help environment while eliminating your power bills. Get it from here:

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Facts

Linda asks…

What is the easiest and cheapest way to use solar energy in a classroom?

Hi, I’m doing a school project. We are required to design a classroom which exists in a “storage” container, with the idea that this classroom could host 25 learners and be self-sufficient so that it would be able to be used in rural settlements.
What is the easiest and cheapest method of using solar energy? The energy would only need to be used in winter for lighting and maybe a heater/radiator of some sort.

admin answers:

It is possible but very expensive to build a solar system that will make a room the size of a classroom “Self Sufficient” in winter period. May even be practically impossible if located where a lot of cloudy days are experienced.

At least the projects design and cost calculations may open your students eyes to the fact that Solar power is not easy and cheap like the news media likes to make us believe.

I have studied solar power for years. My first guess is you would spend over $100,000 and still not have a system that could support the goal of “Self Sufficient” unless class is willing to spend many days bundled up in freezing temperatures. May be possible in an area like Arizona or the Sahara desert.

Sharon asks…

what daily activities can be done effectively if solar energy is used?

to reduce the use of non-renewable energy in our day-to-day activities, solar energy can be used as it is abundantly available to us. but please give me an idea for which of our daily activities can solar energy be used however small or trivial the work is.

admin answers:

With the net metering laws in most states today, most solar arrays can be connected directly to the grid, and they supply any load you may have during the day.
In fact, most of them supply power to the grid and spin your meter backwards during a sunny day. This “excess” accumulates a credit on your account and you can use the power later for no cost.
Do your job today to run your loads from solar energy!
Contact us today to start the steps to declaring energy freedom!

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Solar Power Generation: Mechanism And Advantages

The concept of using sun as a source of energy is as old as man himself. Man’s relation to solar energy gradually became more systematic and planned as he entered the industrial age from his ages old agricultural heritage. Solar energy began to be used as the driving force for a variety of tasks and culminated in solar power generation in our age. Solar power generation, as we know it now, refers to the generation of electric power by direct conversion of solar energy-a process known as photovoltaics.

Early Use Of Solar Energy

While the use of solar energy for drying wet objects of human households and heating dates to antiquity, the idea of more systematic use of solar energy emerged at around mid 19th century. British astronomer John Herschel, in the 1830s, cooked food in a solar collector box, during a trip to Africa. The exact channel for generating electricity was introduced by Henri Becquerel’s discovery of the photovoltaic effect. It produces electricity directly from the sun through a photovoltaic (PVs) cell or solar cell, as it came to be known in general.

Solar Power Generation Through A Photovoltaic Cell

A photovoltaic cell is basically a non-mechanical device made from alloys of silicon. When sunlight falls on the photovoltaic cell, part of the solar energy is absorbed by the material of the cell. This energy excites the cell’s material to release free electrons that migrate to the cell’s surface. An imbalance of positive and negative charges results between the cell’s front and back surfaces. Connecting these two surfaces through an external load results in a flow of electricity from the surface of higher potential to the lower one. A number of these solar cells are connected electrically to form a module (a weather-tight package). Connecting the modules constitutes the PV system, also called an array. The output of the PV generating plant depends on the size of the array i.e. the number of modules connected.

Performance Of PV Generating Plant

The performance of the PV generating plant directly depends on the amount of sunlight received on its surface. Climatic conditions (fog, clouds etc.) thus affect the performance. Currently, most PV generating plants are 10 % efficient in conversion of solar energy to electricity.

Advantages Of Solar Power Generation

The greatest advantage of solar power generation is perhaps its minimal environmental impact. It requires no water for cooling of the system, thus creating no large heat imbalance. Also, no by-products are produced that are detrimental to the environment. Another advantage of solar power generation is that bulky mechanical generators are not needed. The process of electricity generation is quick and the arrays are available in a variety of sizes according to the specific use.

Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Cost

Mark asks…

what type of battery should I use?

I am going to be making a small solar generator, what type of battery should I use for the longest lasting quality.

admin answers:

I think lead acid batteries are the lowest cost for the energy stored. But charge/discharge cycles degrade the plates, especially high capacity types intended for motor starting. So either you use over sized starting batteries, so you don’t discharge them very deeply each day, or you buy deep cycle versions that degrade much less for each deep charge/discharge cycle.

Also, low maintenance types (absorbed glass mat and especially gel cells) are very easily damaged by too fast charging or overcharging, since either of those conditions produces gas on the plates. This gas consumes the water in the starved electrolyte (absorbed glass mat types) drying them out, or makes permanent bubbles in the gel of gel calls, damaging them. Flooded cell batteries allow you to replace the water lost to gas production, so that less than perfect charging is a lot less damaging to them.

But any battery will last longer if its charge is controlled by a charge regulator circuit than if it is just charged with whatever the solar cells put out.


John Popelish

Lisa asks…

How do I do a science fair on solar energy with a thermoelectric generator? How would I ask the question?

For example, if I wanted to see how much waste energy from a house can be turned into usable electricity with a thermoelectric generator, how would I do that?

Or any more ideas?
And how would I word that into a question? “How much electricity can a thermoelectric generator power from waste heat from a house?” or something? PLEASE ASAP

admin answers:

The first question would be “How does the temperature of a thermoelectric device effect the electrical output?” You can measure the temperature fairly easily while measuring the intensity of sunlight is more difficult.
The most likely question about waste heat would be one of these two: “Can electricity be produced from the low level of waste heat from a house heating system?” “Is it cost effective to install thermoelectric generators in the heating system of a house?”

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Your Questions About Solar Energy For Kids

Mark asks…

What do you think of creating your own wind and solar energy?

I stumbled across this site that shows you how to make your own windmill and solar panels…
Do you think it’s a good investment? If it works I’m a welder and I could pop a whole bunch of windmills up easy but thats only if this works.. What do you think?

admin answers:

Wind Power wouldn’t really benefit you unless you have a lot of wind near your house. Also Wind Turbines cause a lot of noise pollution (annoying noise) and kill birds (I’m not kidding, migratory birds get killed when they get near the turbine because they get stuck). I wouldn’t invest in wing power unless I live near the beach where there is a lot of wind or a place with a lot of wind.

It will take you about 10 years to get back the money you have invested in a solar panel. Keep in mind that the days get shorter during winter until the winter solstice and there is less sunlight. Solar Panels absorb very little of the energy of the sun.

Keep in mind what I said before investing in solar and wind power. I suggest waiting till the solar panel cost gets cheaper till you buy.

Betty asks…

Can you get solar energy when your renting a town house in Las Vegas?

Or do you still have to pay an electric bill with the energy company?

admin answers:

It would cost a substantial amount to eradicate an electric bill. Keep in mind that most states have laws regarding housing, specifically anything that is physical attached becomes the property of the property owner. This would apply even to something as simple as an under counter can opener.

If you want to maintain ownership get it in writing.

You will also need permission to make an addition to the property. A homemade window box collector would not need attaching necessarily but fits into a partially open window. Search it like
solar windowbox heater free plans Relatively easy to build and cost effective until some smart “S” kid throws a rock.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators India

Susan asks…

Is it costing Germany the renewables more than the nuclear?

Renewable energy is very expensive, and it takes more energy to produce than energy that could be recovered. So I think Germany is making a mistake by phasing out all the nuclear plants, because nuclear is cheaper.
Please tell me your thinking about this, and please include facts !

Thank you 🙂

admin answers:

It is a Pro situATION
PRO: The Fuel Is Free, Abundant, and Perfectly Clean. Through nuclear fusion reactions that are taking place a nice, safe distance (93 million miles) from Earth, the sun provides our planet with 6000 times more power than we’re consuming. Though the low latitudes receive more direct sunlight than those closer to the poles, places as far north as Germany and Canada do quite well.

PRO: Distributed Energy: Solar is “The People’s Power.” Solar energy is ideal for deployment at the consumer level, on the rooftops of homeowners, office buildings, etc. This reduces loss of power in transmission from utilities, while reducing the overall importance of those utilities in our lives.

PRO: Solar Comes in Many Flavors, Each of Which Is Advancing Technologically. There are many different technologies by which the sun’s energy is directly converted to electricity via photovoltaics, some of which have the potential to be extremely easy to install, e.g., thin-film, which can be sprayed on windows – transparently.

Wind turbines have three basic parts: the blades, the pole and the generator. Three large, propeller-like blades are mounted on top of of a tall pole, and when the wind blows, it turns the blades. The energy produced powers the generator, which creates electricity that you can use in your home. If the turbine produces more energy than you need, it can be fed back into the power grid.

Europe has been producing energy from wind for years, especially Germany, Spain, Denmark and France. Many other countries such as China and India also produce wind energy. The US has a lot of catching up to do, but as these renewable energy systems become more popular, they also become more affordable.

Wind Energy Pros
•Wind energy is clean, and harnessing it does not produce any harmful by-products.
•Wind is free and 100% renewable.
•Turbines pay for themselves within a few years.
•The power company pays you back if you produce extra electricity.
•Tax incentives may be available from local or the federal government for those who install wind turbines.

Wind Energy Cons
•Upfront costs are high.
•You must have enough land to accommodate a turbine.
•Not all geographical locations are suitable for wind turbines; check your local wind speed averages.
•Building codes may restrict turbine installation.
•Wind turbines make noise and some people (possibly your neighbors) find them to be ugly.
•Turbines typically operate at only 30 percent capacity (but to put that in perspective – solar panels operate at only 15 percent efficiency).
•Blades have been known to kill birds.
•Turbines can be damaged in lightning storms.

Donald asks…

why india has not been able to take up solar energy power generators and devices at a faster rate?

admin answers:

That fully depends on the budget that India has. Indian Govt. Is also not that interested in developing nation’s facilities.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Environments

Susan asks…

What are the ways that Solar Energy is more environment-friendly and feasible than Nuclear Energy?

The more, the better. The arguments should be at least remotely feasible. I’m looking for ecological arguments why Solar Energy is a better alternative than Nuclear Reactors.

admin answers:

They both have their place, so if you’re planning for a debate, you’ll have to take this into consideration. Your argument should be for solar, but not against complete replacement of nuclear. If you argue the latter, you’re sure to lose, unless your opponents are incompetent.

But to answer your question directly:

– Solar can provide heat directly, without being converted to mechanical motion and then electricity. It is thus more efficient at heating (say) water.

– Solar scales down well, so a single house system can be feasibly installed. A nuclear reactor needs at least an apartment-building load to be feasible. And they would only do that in Russia, because

– Nuclear reactor technology can be used to breed weapons materials. And even if you couldn’t construct an A-bomb, if you could order fuel for your home reactor, a bad person could grind it up into a fine power that would make a hazardous mess when blown up in a public place.

– The nuclear waste and radiation hazard also make nuclear unsuitable for single-home usage. These are not as much of a problem for a centralized plant.

I came accross a new, proven and tested home made wind power system and solar power system which eliminates our electricity bills. It was written by a Renewable energy enthusiasts Michael Harvey the diy called Earth4energy. You can get your copy to save energy and help environment while eliminating your power bills. Get it from here:

Thomas asks…

How does solar energy effect australia?

For example, how does it effect the environment?
How much solar energy is used in australia?

admin answers:

Without solar energy there would most likely be no life on Earth let alone Australia.

There is an argument that all energy except geothermal and nuclear derives from our Solar source.

As Australia is closer to the ozone depleated South Pole the sunlight there is more intense than in other places in the world. As a result skin cancer rates can be expected to be higher.

You might wish to narrow your question a bit.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Companies

Daniel asks…

How can i produce my own electricty?

I have bought this countryside land of 10 acres and it has this pond of water that is about 1/2 acres could I use that to generate electricity. I am also planning on putting several solar panels and generators that generate energy through a bikecycle. so when I exercise it produces and saves electricity. would this work out or not.

The water pond does not have a continuous water as it its does not flow through the whole land but is set in that 1/2 acre of space.

I also wanted to know that is there internet connection in a countryside.

admin answers:

You can obtain PowerG 1800 Watt star Generator wherever you’ll never have to be compelled to worry a few equipment failure once more. This star high-powered battery backup is that the good power answer for remote cabins, looking lodges and notwithstanding you only need to prevent giving your hard-earned cash away to the electrical company. This star generator will run all of your essential electrical devices and it even has space for enlargement with the choice for doubling your backup power capability. This star generator off-grid battery backup kit comes with a a hundred and forty watt solar array, 50′ star cable Associate with an integrated charge controller.

Charles asks…

How do I plug the output of an AC generator into a power meter?

I have a solar powered AC generator (5hp AC motor spun by a stirling engine), and I want to put the outputted energy into the power grid. However, I don’t know how to connect it so that the engine will spin the motor (producing current) rather than the motor spinning the engine (sucking current).
Any (good) ideas?

Thanks in advance!

admin answers:

You need to talk with your power company before you attempt to connect anything. There are serious safety concerns with supplying power back to the grid and a special meter is required if you want to get paid for it in most locations. When I say serious I mean you can kill somebody besides yourself.

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Important Things To Know About Solar Power Energy

What Is Solar Power Energy?

There are many important things that you should know and understand regarding the matter of solar power energy. In the simplest terms, the term solar power energy is used to describe a number of methods which are harnessing energy from the sun. Solar technologies use the sun’s energy and light to provide such elements as heat, light, hot water, electricity, and even cooling for homes, businesses, and industries.

In other words, the sun has produced energy for billions of years, and solar power energy is the radiation which then reaches the earth. This solar power energy can then be converted either directly or indirectly into other particular forms of energy, such as heat and electricity, for instance. Solar energy can be used for heating water for domestic use, for the space heating of buildings, the drying of agricultural products, and even for generating electrical energy.

Solar energy has been around and been used since the prehistoric times, and before 1970, some research and development had been carried out in a few countries, with hopes to exploit solar energy more efficiently, however most of this work remained academic for the most part.

Solar energy is, in fact, even being used in India for heating the water for both industrial and domestic purposes.

Solar energy is considered to be the most readily available source of energy, and it is easily the most important of the non-conventional sources of energy because it is non-polluting and therefore helps in lessening the greenhouse effect. The electricity that can be stored from solar energy can be used for many purposes, such as: domestic lighting, street lighting, village electrification, water pumping, desalination of salty water, powering of remote telecommunications repeater stations, and railway signals to name a few.

The only real problem with solar energy is that it only works when the sun is shining, so on cloudy or dark days or during nights the power plants cannot create energy. There are other certain hazards that are possible with solar power proponents of solar energy present facts, figures, and graphs support claims that energy from the sun would be less expensive, considering that conventional fuel supplies dwindle and technology of solar energy systems improves.

Even so, one must stop to consider what will actually stop the solar energy equipment manufacturers and solar power companies from raising prices when they achieve a monopoly and other fuel sources disappear.

Your Questions About Solar Energy International

Daniel asks…

I have a Solar Energy essay for Bio-Ecology.and i don’t know how to start?what could i do?

im having trouble on my essay.
i don’t know anything about solar energy.
we’re split into groups of four and my topic about solar energy is
SOLUTIONS;local,state,national and international.
what does that mean?
im lost?and my biology teacher he intimidates me,im too scared to ask for help.yikesss! 🙁

admin answers:

Each one in your group discusses possible solutions to the solar energy problem. One person take possible local solutions, another person takes possible state solutions, etc. Each person in your group should do their own research, and be prepared to present their material themselves. But then that’s just the way I’d do it….

Mary asks…

How do you build a solar panel out of household objects?

I’m doing my science fair project on solar energy and i need to know how to make a solar panel out of household objects. I found a website that said it is possible to build one out of a box, paint, plastic, and aluminum foil but I can’t find out how.

admin answers:

If you are trying to build a solar oven you can get some great ideas and free plans at: Solar Cookers International:

And like the other have said Build it Solar has lots of great solar energy projects:

If you are trying to build your own solar panels that is a little more involved and you will need supplies that are not in your home but this can still be done as a do-it-yourself project:

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Home

Donna asks…

What companies are the best in supplying Alternative Energy Generators(Solar, Wind…)?


I was wondering if one day I wanted to buy good products for generating energy from alternative resources like the Wind power and the Solar power, which companies are the best in supplying those kinds of generators?

I’m not just thinking of small generators for homes, I’m thinking of a bigger level too. Like for big industrial companies or even National level!

Thanks a lot for your expertise exchange 🙂

admin answers:

Mr. Solar
Specializes in renewable energy products including solar panels, batteries, solar kits, and other items.
Kyocera Solar
Network of solar energy companies answering the growing worldwide demand for reliable, economical, solar-generated electrical power.
Big Frog Mountain
Manufacturer of solar panels, wind generators, inverters, batteries, and other renewable energy equipment.
Sierra Solar Systems
Engineers solar electric and solar pumping systems worldwide.

Charles asks…

What do you think would happen if a virtually free source of energy was discovered?

If individuals and businesses suddenly became self sufficient in terms of electricity and transportation, lets say an ultra efficient solar or fuel cell was developed, how would the government compensate for the sudden massive loss of tax revenue? Would they tax the production and ownership of such an energy source at such a rate as to make its ownership financially prohibitive? Would they follow Oregon’s example with their planed requirement of GPS units in cars, tracking the distances you travel, then tax you for every mile you drive? Would some sort of meter be required on every solar array or generator in homes and businesses?

What do you think the political and economic repercussions of such scenario would be?
@cob bollum “it will never be completely “free”, it’s physically impossible.”
I’m not suggesting a way around the laws of thermodynamics. I said ultra efficient. An ultra efficient way to capture the suns energy and store it for instance would be a source of “free” energy, other than it’s initial purchase and any maintenance required.
@James L Those are my thoughts as well, however I do not see government giving up their control so easily despite the economic windfall such a development could precipitate. Perhaps i’m a pessimist, but I do not see them trading control and revenue for just more revenue, even if that revenue had the potential to be much greater.

admin answers:

It seems typical for government to find new methods of taxation. That is the only thing they do with efficiency and perfection.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Pros And Cons

Chris asks…

What are other environmentally friendly alternative energy sources?

other than solar panels and turbines, what are other energy sources? what are the pros and cons to it? THANKS AND 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER I SWEAR
also, what are the pros and cons to turbines?

admin answers:

Wind turbine.
Tide machine
Wave machine
Water temperature differential machine.

Pros should be obvious. Cons, they are usually expensive, and do not operate continuously, except for the last 2.

PS, turbines are not environmentally friendly, they are used in all oil and gas and coal fired plants.

Sandra asks…

What are the pros and cons for a solar energy law, figuratively speaking?

Lower energy bills
A safer, greener environment

High price to purchase and install
In Texas. Forgot to mention that.

admin answers:

It is actually very expensive and not every day is sunny, but on the other hand it is very very good for the environment

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Environments

Mary asks…

What impact does solar energy have on people, animals and the environment?

Im stuck on this question for homework and i have looked really hard to try and find it but i still can’t. I need the answer to this question:
What impact does solar energy have on people, animals and the environment? Thankyou for helping

admin answers:

The sun’s energy, when converted through photovoltaic cells, has the positive impact of being a renewable energy source as contrasted to fossil fuels.
The sun’s energy, as a heat source, can be positively used to to warm water via solar hot water heaters or cook food via solar ovens.
The sun’s energy heats the ocean which results in the wind. The temperature of the oceans, impacted by the sun and the location of the earth relative to the sun, also moderate the earth’s temperature making existence on the earth bearable for us humans.
Negative impacts of solar energy could be when there is an excess of sun that leads to sunburns, or excessively hot cars (that you should not leave animals, humans, or ice cream in).
A negative of solar energy may also be in the negative impact the making of photovoltaic cells has on the environment because of the energy they consume use and chemicals they emit during the manufacturing process.

Lisa asks…

What are the ways that Solar Energy is more environment-friendly and feasible than Nuclear Energy?

The more, the better. The arguments should be at least remotely feasible. I’m looking for ecological arguments why Solar Energy is a better alternative than Nuclear Reactors.
Just list as many as you can come up with.

admin answers:

Its all about the “after life” of the energy source. With solar panels there is some carbon and other things that can (hopefully) be reclaimed and recycled. With nuclear power you get things like Yucca Mountain. However, unless we invest in breeder reactors and breeder nuclear fusion to enrich the uranium waste into plutonium. This is great because the waste that would other wise be carted off to Yucca Mountain gets recycled.

Plutonium caries a stigma due to the fact that it can be easily weaponized. More over breeder plants use liquid sodium. Liquid sodium is highly volatile when exposed to air or water. They can also be cooled using helium.

The down falls of solar are that the productivity will decrease with the age of the panels. Disposal (nothing like radio-active storage). And power generation at night (overcome with the use of solar towers).

Solar power generation has very little environmental impact beyond mining the resources, manufacturing, and disposal.

Best of luck.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Companies

Steven asks…

How do the energy companies generate ac power?

and how could I build myself an ac generator, can it be done with photovoltaic cells or would that be dc, Im trying to emphasize using a power inverter powered by solar charged 12 volt batteries, would this work. Any help apprciated.

admin answers:

Various ways, but in the US, mainly coal fired boilers driving turbines, which drive generators.

Some oil fired, some hydroelectric, some wind, some solar, some nuclear.

You can buy a solar array and use that to keep a battery charged, and run an inverter from the battery to generate 120 or 240 VAC. You will need a charge controller between the solar array and the battery, which regulates the charge to the battery.


Maria asks…

Do power companies store excess energy during times of low demand?

Power companies always shut down generation plants when there is low demand in the power grid, but they always have to maintain a safety margin – perhaps 10% or more power than the grids demand.

Do they STORE this excess/unused power? what happens to unused power.

admin answers:

I read up a bit on this and here what I’ve found:
Like your car’s Alternator there is no “extra” power that is created without demand. Meaning if everyone shuts off their A/C’s in a big city the power plant’s generators simply slow down or shut off.

The safety margin is that they try to preemptively have power “potential” that is on the ready – maybe some turbines spinning, ready to accept load. Given, running a power generation source without load is wasteful but it is acceptable since even the power companies cannot tell when exactly or how much demand will change. They usually make up the needed power from providers while they increase capacity – if they can.

You car’s alternator is good example – once you get up to speed above an idle, it is making more power than the engine, the basic accessories and the battery needs. If you could monitor the drag or draw of the alternator on your car as you turned devices on a off you would see how load makes the alternator put out more power – while spinning at the same rate. Your engine has to absorb the drag of the alternator by increasing fuel consumption or idle speed. Your alternator is simply using regulating the voltage going out and its’ speed determines the amperage potential. At about 2500 rpm your alternator is putting at about 70% of capacity.

The easiest way to see this is turn on all your accessories at idle and you should see the headlights dim a bit. Raise the engine speed and notice that they brighten but only so much.

Overall the generators that power company’s use are far more efficient than the alternator in your car so any waste is simply there to feed our ravenous need for power.

The only utilities that are planning for storage for solar and wind, since the sun sets and winds change. Those methods range from air compression, to molten salt to flywheels and many others.

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