solar power system

Solar Power House One Viable Alternative To Power Shortage

People, the world over, are realizing that we are running out of natural resources. There will be one day, when there will be no potable water available to drink, no gasoline to use for the car, no hydro-power. Conservation of these priceless energy resources is one remedy. Another highly popular alternative emerging is the use of solar power.

The Solar Power House The House Of The Future

Solar power was first envisaged as the answer to rural power woes. In reality, it turned out that the installation of solar panels for the consumption of a village or hamlet was too high to be a feasible choice. Today, when the technology has brought out better, cheaper and more powerful solar panels, the rural solar power house seems a possibility again. This could mean that rural areas, too, can enjoy the benefits of electrification, without having to pay for it. Solar power is free!

What started as an alternative electricity source for rural areas, turned out to be a boon for the urban population as well. The rising costs of electricity and the increasing dependence on electric appliances, be it the air conditioner, the fridge, the TV, the DVD player, the kitchen robot, the electric oven and so on, almost crippled the urban population with its cost.

Desperate to escape the rising costs, the urbanites stumbled upon the solar power house possibility. There are now billions of people out there, who enjoy free electricity following the installation of solar power systems in their homes. The installation is costly, but it represents a one-time investment for a lifetime free source of electricity. The bargain is great!

The Solar Power House Has Other Advantages As Well

The solar power system offers great advantages to its users. The best and highest on the list is that they become independent of any power failure problem. The electricity they get from their solar power house is perennial and free. The solar panels today come with a guaranteed lifetime of 25 years however they are known to last at least double of this quote.

Side by side with enjoying free electricity, they also have the greatest satisfaction that by turning their home into a solar power house, they are actively contributing to the preservation of energy on the planet. This situation is a good example of having your cake and eating it too.

The Benefit Of Solar Power For Residential Homes

When we think solar power, the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that it is environmental friendly. However, this is not the only benefit that solar power for residential homes brings.

Solar Power Benefits

Lower electricity bills, or not having a bill at all, are the first and foremost issues that have many home owners convinced to make the switch the solar power. It is one of the best incentives solar power for residential homes has to offer and is on the top of the benefits list. In due course you will only lower your electricity bill but you can also make some money by selling the excess energy that you produce from your solar power installation.

A solar power system also requires little to no maintenance at all. It is easy to install and has practically no wiring to worry about. This feature will help you save money in the long run as there will be no repairs, replacing etc to be done.

Solar power is extremely environmentally friendly. This feature is the reason why solar power was tapped into the first place. As we all are painfully aware, our earth is getting more polluted on a daily basis and anything that we can do to prevent it is a step towards having a better environment not only for us but also for the generations to come.

Solar Power Disadvantages

Even something that sounds this good has disadvantages and they are:

The cost of solar power for residential homes is considerably high however, there are many incentives made available both by the government and private sector to assist homeowners in installing solar power for their homes.

The other disadvantage may be the location of your home in relation to the sun. In order to produce electricity the solar panels need to be facing directly to the sun for a considerable amount of time during the day failing which it will not be possible to create the electricity desired.

Other Ways To Implement Solar Power In Residential Homes

On the market today, there are a number of appliances available, which are powered to solar energy such as ventilators, flash lights, radios and video cameras to name a few.

It is important that we all make an effort to adopt the solar power in the residential home we live not only for your benefit but also for a preserving a better environment for our children and the generations after them.

Solar power in residential homes has been on the increase in the last years as more homeowners are finding the benefits of the solar energy to be much more than the disadvantages of the same. For more information on how you too can switch to solar energy visit any specialized site on the matter today and help make earth a better place for all of us.

Residential Solar Power System Why Is The World Not Accepting This Concept Yet?

All of us agree that our using the natural resources much too fast is contributing to the deterioration of our Planet. We also agree that unless we ration water, oil, and electricity, we will find ourselves very soon with no other choice but learn to live without it. Thus, people are avidly searching for alternatives for renewable energy, as well as methods of conserving rationing what we have left on the Planet. Nothing, though, seems to work the way as planned.

What Is The Place Of The Residential Solar Power System In This Scenario?

The residential solar power system looks like a good alternative for the electricity shortage problem. Billions have already shifted to solar power systems in their homes and offices and find it pretty good. What is, then, preventing the states and countries the world over to shift to this alternative and stop the pressure on the non-renewable energy sources?

The detrimental factor is the cost. The charge for installing a residential solar power system to support the whole household’s needs for electricity is quite high. However, if you look at it from the larger picture point of view, you will see that the cost of the installation can be recovered within two years only. Thereafter, the electricity you use would be completely free. This can easily save you about 1500 per year which is not a small amount.

In spite of the benefits, residential solar power systems are still on the threshold of acceptance by the majority of the world. It is true that there are billions of people out there, who have shifted to residential solar power systems, are happy with their choice. Nevertheless, the movement is yet to gather real momentum.

It is expected that the technology advancement will bring down the cost considerably in the near future as well as make the solar panels smaller and more powerful. This will enable people to use these panels not only for their residential solar power system but also for their cars, boats, gardens and so on.

There will come a day, in the not too distant future, when residential solar power systems would be the conventional style and the hydro-power the exception. When that day will come, we will be able to give our Planet that has been supporting us for so many thousands of years, some respite to regenerate and breathe. Hope that day will come before it becomes too late.

Installing A Home Solar Power System

With the growing rise in the concern of such issues as Global warming and the lesser known but just as critical Global dimming, the world seems to be paying more and more attention to the matter of solar power. The term solar power refers to any type of method that harnesses energy from the sun and then works by converting this energy into electricity.

How To Install A Home Solar Power System

There are actually quite a few different important issues that are involved or can be optionally involved in the installing of a home solar power system. The most common processes involved in that of a home solar power system are: solar design in architecture, solar heating systems, solar cooking, and solar lighting. Although these are the most popular and common in regards to a home solar power system, there are many other available options.

Solar power can be used in the architecture factor of your home solar power system, in that solar design can be used to achieve a comfortable temperature as well as light levels with little or no additional energy. The matter of passive solar can also be involved here, which is the maximizing of the entrance in sunlight in cold conditions and reducing it in hot weather then there is also that of active solar power, which refers to the using of additional devices such as pumps and fans in order to direct warm and cool air or fluid.

In regards to solar heating systems, these are systems which use sunlight in order to heat the water of a home, and these particular types of systems can either be used to heat domestic hot water or for space heating, however, they are most commonly used to heat pools. Thereby, there are three most basic categories which all solar heating systems fall under, which includes: active systems which use pumps to circulate water or a heat transfer fluid, passive systems which circulate water or a heat transfer fluid by natural circulation, and batch systems which use a tank that is directly heated by sunlight.

In the issue of solar cooking, there is a solar box cooker which is used to literally trap the sun’s power into an insulated box, which can then be used for cooking. In regards to solar lighting, the entire interior of a building such as your home can be lit during daylight hours using light tubes, and generally, it is claimed that this actually gives the interior a more natural light and can be used to reduce the energy demands of electric lighting.

Backup Solar Power System Can This Be The Answer To Power Failures?

There are many instances where sudden power failures paralyze a location, a city and even a State. You, too, must have, at one time or other, faced the hardship of a sudden unscheduled power failure. During such times, you will realize how much dependent you are on electricity, and how much you tend to take it for granted. We need power to see, to cook our food, to keep our homes cool, to preserve our food, to purify water, to draw water, to read, to bathe, and so on. When the power fails, it becomes imperative that we have a replacement for electricity or our lives become paralyzed.

The Backup Solar Power System Can Be Extremely Convenient

When there is an unscheduled power failure, you tend to use invertors or generators, which can provide sufficient electricity to run your household with the least of inconvenience. However, you cannot run all the appliances on a generator or inverter for too long. At best, these can help you for four to eight hours. After that, you will have to do with candles for light, and do without the rest of appliances.

If the power failure stretches over long periods, life becomes very stressful. There are instances when people die because of lack of electricity. This could be in the case of quadriplegics who need electricity in order to keep their life support systems working. You also have cases where people die of extreme cold or heat due to lack of power.

The backup solar power system can ensure continuous free electricity for as long as you need it. If the solar system is installed well, you can run all your appliances without any interruption. It is wonderful to have a reliable source of electricity whenever you need it. All your power problems can be solved with the installation of a backup solar power system.

The Backup Solar Power System Is Safer than Any Electricity Backup Program

Look at the alternative electricity providers. You have to choose from among wet batteries, generators, inverters each of these can expose you to extreme danger of fire, explosion and acid spills. If you look at it, the backup solar power system is your safest choice. There is no spillage, almost no maintenance, no chance of it exploding and in return, you get the best and most reliable source of electricity.