solar power

Your Questions About Solar Energy Environments

Susan asks…

What are the ways that Solar Energy is more environment-friendly and feasible than Nuclear Energy?

The more, the better. The arguments should be at least remotely feasible. I’m looking for ecological arguments why Solar Energy is a better alternative than Nuclear Reactors.

admin answers:

They both have their place, so if you’re planning for a debate, you’ll have to take this into consideration. Your argument should be for solar, but not against complete replacement of nuclear. If you argue the latter, you’re sure to lose, unless your opponents are incompetent.

But to answer your question directly:

– Solar can provide heat directly, without being converted to mechanical motion and then electricity. It is thus more efficient at heating (say) water.

– Solar scales down well, so a single house system can be feasibly installed. A nuclear reactor needs at least an apartment-building load to be feasible. And they would only do that in Russia, because

– Nuclear reactor technology can be used to breed weapons materials. And even if you couldn’t construct an A-bomb, if you could order fuel for your home reactor, a bad person could grind it up into a fine power that would make a hazardous mess when blown up in a public place.

– The nuclear waste and radiation hazard also make nuclear unsuitable for single-home usage. These are not as much of a problem for a centralized plant.

I came accross a new, proven and tested home made wind power system and solar power system which eliminates our electricity bills. It was written by a Renewable energy enthusiasts Michael Harvey the diy called Earth4energy. You can get your copy to save energy and help environment while eliminating your power bills. Get it from here:

Thomas asks…

How does solar energy effect australia?

For example, how does it effect the environment?
How much solar energy is used in australia?

admin answers:

Without solar energy there would most likely be no life on Earth let alone Australia.

There is an argument that all energy except geothermal and nuclear derives from our Solar source.

As Australia is closer to the ozone depleated South Pole the sunlight there is more intense than in other places in the world. As a result skin cancer rates can be expected to be higher.

You might wish to narrow your question a bit.

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The Importance Of Solar Power Light

The issue of solar power light is one of great importance and significance, and all key issues in relation to this matter should be taken fully and thoroughly into consideration, in order to truly distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of the topic of solar power light.

What Is Solar Power Light?

Solar power light is light which is derived from the sun, which is usually taken in through a series of panels, which attract the sun and then literally suck in the accepted power from the sun and convert that into energy.

What Are The Advantages Of Solar Power Light?

There are many advantages in regards to solar power light, including that of: solar power is pollution free during use, and production end wastes emissions are manageable using existing pollution controls facilities can operate with very little maintenance or intervention at all solar power is becoming more economical as the costs with production decrease in certain situations where connection to an electrical grid is difficult, harvesting solar power is often an economically competitive advantage to energy from traditional sources.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Solar Power Light?

There are also many disadvantages to solar power, which includes: indeterminacy, as it is obviously not available at night and is also reduced when there is cloud cover locations at high latitudes or with that of frequent substantial cloud cover then offer reduced potential for solar power use solar power can only be realistically used by converting light energy into another form of energy and more.

There are many uses for solar power light, such as that of solar garden lights, which can dramatically enhance the beauty of any of your gardening areas. In general, solar garden lights, as with many other things, the more you pay the better quality you will receive. The main problem with solar lights is that they tend to have only a small area of solar cells and as well a relatively modest battery capacity. Due to these factors, solar garden lights have a reputation for emitting a small amount of light for a short period of time.

Solar garden lights require no electrical wiring or work, and they are powered by DC electricity which is generated from sunshine and can be easily relocated should you wish to redesign your gardening landscape. The factor which is considered to be best of all is that the light from solar garden lights does not require the burning of fossil fuels and the generation of carbon dioxide.

Important Things To Know About Solar Power Energy

What Is Solar Power Energy?

There are many important things that you should know and understand regarding the matter of solar power energy. In the simplest terms, the term solar power energy is used to describe a number of methods which are harnessing energy from the sun. Solar technologies use the sun’s energy and light to provide such elements as heat, light, hot water, electricity, and even cooling for homes, businesses, and industries.

In other words, the sun has produced energy for billions of years, and solar power energy is the radiation which then reaches the earth. This solar power energy can then be converted either directly or indirectly into other particular forms of energy, such as heat and electricity, for instance. Solar energy can be used for heating water for domestic use, for the space heating of buildings, the drying of agricultural products, and even for generating electrical energy.

Solar energy has been around and been used since the prehistoric times, and before 1970, some research and development had been carried out in a few countries, with hopes to exploit solar energy more efficiently, however most of this work remained academic for the most part.

Solar energy is, in fact, even being used in India for heating the water for both industrial and domestic purposes.

Solar energy is considered to be the most readily available source of energy, and it is easily the most important of the non-conventional sources of energy because it is non-polluting and therefore helps in lessening the greenhouse effect. The electricity that can be stored from solar energy can be used for many purposes, such as: domestic lighting, street lighting, village electrification, water pumping, desalination of salty water, powering of remote telecommunications repeater stations, and railway signals to name a few.

The only real problem with solar energy is that it only works when the sun is shining, so on cloudy or dark days or during nights the power plants cannot create energy. There are other certain hazards that are possible with solar power proponents of solar energy present facts, figures, and graphs support claims that energy from the sun would be less expensive, considering that conventional fuel supplies dwindle and technology of solar energy systems improves.

Even so, one must stop to consider what will actually stop the solar energy equipment manufacturers and solar power companies from raising prices when they achieve a monopoly and other fuel sources disappear.

The Need of Today The Solar Power Generator

More and more people today are turning to solar power for their energy needs. It is a great source of energy, which requires just a one-time investment. Once this is done, you would have free uninterrupted electricity for life. Anyone will tell you that this is a very wise investment.

The Uses Of The Solar Power Generator

The best thing that a solar power generator does is provide continuous, free electricity to whomever it uses it. Free electricity is not an exaggeration here it is totally free. This is the beauty of the solar energy it is free for whoever wants it. Hence, your investment will be reimbursed to you within two years time, time in which you will get totally hooked on you solar power generator. You will be surprised in the end, how you could live before without it because life becomes impossible without it.

There are millions of families out there in the world who are happily using solar power generators these people have completely forgotten what it means to have to pay an electricity bill. They can use any and all the appliances they need in the course of the day, just as they did before they switched off from the conventional electricity company to the solar power generator. The only difference they find is the lack of bills at the end of the month. The electricity provided by the solar power generator is as good, if not better, than the conventional electricity system.

A Befitting Answer To Environmental Problems

Since people are shifting to using solar power over the conventional hydro-power that we use today, the solar power generator also contributes to the solving of the environmental problems that we are facing today. The more people who opt for solar power, the better the environment will get, since there will be lesser exploitation of the natural resources available.

The cost of electricity is spiraling out of control. People are fighting hard to make both ends meet on one salary and paying thousands of bills that come from all over. Once the shift is made, from conventional electricity to solar power generator, the electricity cost will be reduced to zero. Solar power is totally free. All you have to do is to order its installation and then enjoy its use forever. The solar power generator will show you how you get free electricity forever.

Solar Power House One Viable Alternative To Power Shortage

People, the world over, are realizing that we are running out of natural resources. There will be one day, when there will be no potable water available to drink, no gasoline to use for the car, no hydro-power. Conservation of these priceless energy resources is one remedy. Another highly popular alternative emerging is the use of solar power.

The Solar Power House The House Of The Future

Solar power was first envisaged as the answer to rural power woes. In reality, it turned out that the installation of solar panels for the consumption of a village or hamlet was too high to be a feasible choice. Today, when the technology has brought out better, cheaper and more powerful solar panels, the rural solar power house seems a possibility again. This could mean that rural areas, too, can enjoy the benefits of electrification, without having to pay for it. Solar power is free!

What started as an alternative electricity source for rural areas, turned out to be a boon for the urban population as well. The rising costs of electricity and the increasing dependence on electric appliances, be it the air conditioner, the fridge, the TV, the DVD player, the kitchen robot, the electric oven and so on, almost crippled the urban population with its cost.

Desperate to escape the rising costs, the urbanites stumbled upon the solar power house possibility. There are now billions of people out there, who enjoy free electricity following the installation of solar power systems in their homes. The installation is costly, but it represents a one-time investment for a lifetime free source of electricity. The bargain is great!

The Solar Power House Has Other Advantages As Well

The solar power system offers great advantages to its users. The best and highest on the list is that they become independent of any power failure problem. The electricity they get from their solar power house is perennial and free. The solar panels today come with a guaranteed lifetime of 25 years however they are known to last at least double of this quote.

Side by side with enjoying free electricity, they also have the greatest satisfaction that by turning their home into a solar power house, they are actively contributing to the preservation of energy on the planet. This situation is a good example of having your cake and eating it too.

Solar Power Information That Is Crucial For Anyone To Know

There is much available solar power information that is essential to learn and understand, in order to truly gain a proper grasp on the entire solar power situation. Solar power information and the matter of solar power is actually quickly increasing in popularity, primarily due to the upheaval in concern for the environment and for the world as a whole people in general are beginning to take more notice and try to involve themselves and participate by helping in whatever way they can. Its use is spreading even more as the environmental costs and limited supply of other power sources such as that of fossil fuels is realized.

Important Solar Power Information

The actual term solar power is used to describe a number of methods that involve the harnessing of energy from the light of the sun. Solar power can be used in many different facets and situations of life, including that of practically anything you can think of. Solar power is used in water heaters, fans, lights, as well as any type of battery charger you can think of, and more.

There are both many advantages and disadvantages to solar power. One advantage is due to the dangerous issue of Global dimming, which is an effect of pollution that is beginning to allow less and less sunlight to reach the earth’s surface. Global dimming is a matter which is rather intricately linked to that of Global warming, and is deeply of concern to proponents of solar power, due to the fact that there is an existing and potential future decrease in available solar energy.

Besides the advantages and disadvantages of solar power, there is also a lot of other solar power information that is quite crucial to know and understand. Solar power information basically involves anything which relates or bases around that of the issue of solar power, such as that of solar design in architecture, solar heating systems, solar cooking, solar lighting, and any and all other key or related matters.

Solar power is thought upon differently by each person, and it is a matter which is sure to be thought about even more as time goes by. This is because the continuing increase in pollution continues to bring the rise of concern in regards to such dilemmas as Global warming and Global dimming thus increasing the yearning of the public for solar powered products and services.

Where To Find Solar Power Outdoor Lighting Products

There are many places available that offer solar power outdoor lighting products and most of them sell their products at reasonable prices. There is a wide multitude of options to choose from in regards to solar power outdoor lighting products and, depending on what sort of an overall look you are trying to achieve, the final decision will obviously primarily rely on your own personal preference.

What Solar Power Outdoor Lighting Products Are Available?

There is a vast array of available solar power outdoor lighting products, including: general solar outdoor lights, solar spot lights, Malibu solar garden lights, solar flag pole lights, solar wall lights, solar lamp posts, solar security floodlights, solar floodlights, solar pillar and column lights, solar accent lights, solar house and address number lights, solar Christmas tree lights, solar floating pond and pool lights, solar marker lights, solar street lights, solar bollard lights, solar recessed deck and dock lights, and more.

Where Can I Find Solar Power Outdoor Lighting Products?

There are many available locations across the world that offer these types of products, including that of the Rittenhouse, which offers a wide variety of solar products that help you to beautify your garden at both day and night, with their contemporary solar lights that are the perfect synthesis of solar technology and garden art.

One of their most popular products is the Firefly, which is a stainless steel garden stake that is topped off with a delicate hand-blown cracked glass globe. The Firefly works by having its solar panel convert photons into electrons during the daytime, while it charges the rechargeable batteries. Afterwards, during the nighttime, it is these batteries which power the high efficiency LED source, which then will turn on automatically once the night comes.

The Firefly is an incredibly attractive type of solar powered light, and is easy to relocate, and most importantly, by using this light you are making a conscious choice to help the environment by using a renewable source of energy, rather than that of the earth’s fossil fuels. The most primary offered features of the Firefly are: the amber LED light will last 100,000 hours includes two rechargeable AA batteries superior quality solar cell keeps the product lit for a minimum of 6-8 hours and a detachable bottom stake which allows for two different size stakes in order to be able to accommodate various sized plants and flowers.

Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Price

Lizzie asks…

Is it better to store a solar battery in the sun or in a drawer?

I have a 4000 mah, portable solar battery. I got it to charge my e cigs and cell phone, while I’m partying I’m the woods next summer. Would it be better to keep it in my window where it gets charged every day or should I put it in a drawer or somewhere out of the light, until I need to use it.

admin answers:

Without batteries to store energy you would only have power when the sun was shining or the generator was running. This tutorial describes the 4 basic types of batteries & provides some good tips on the care & feeding of your batteries to maximize their performance and life.

1) RV / Marine / Golf Cart : RV or Marine type deep cycle batteries are basically for boats & campers and are suitable for only very small systems. They can be used but do not really have the capacity for continous service with many charge/discharge cycles for many years. Regular or Car type batteries should not be used at all because they cannot be discharged very much without internal damage. A very popular battery for small systems is the Golf Cart battery. They are somewhat more expensive than deep cycle recreational batteries but are probably the least expensive choice for a small system on a budget.

Industrial strength : Flooded, Gel, and AGM sealed batteries
The next 3 types are the heavier industrial type batteries. They are all also considered Deep Cycle and are usually Lead Acid types with much thicker internal plates that can withstand many deep discharge cycles. These next 3 are all designed for alternative energy systems.

2) Flooded types : These are Lead acid batteries that have caps to add water. Many manufacturers make these types for Solar Energy use. Trojan, Surrette, and Deka are probably the most well known. They are reasonably priced and work well for many years. All flooded batteries release gas when charged and should not be used indoors. If installed in an enclosure, a venting system should be used to vent out the gases which can be explosive.

3) Gel : Not to be confused with maintenance free batteries, sealed gel batteries have no vents and will not release gas during the charging process like flooded batteries do. Venting is therefore not required and they can be used indoors. This is a big advantage because it allows the batteries to maintain a more constant temperature and perform better.

4) AGM : Absorbed Glass Mat batteries are in my opinion the best available for Solar Power use. A woven glass mat is used between the plates to hold the electrolyte. They are leak/spill proof, do not out gas when charging, and have superior performance. They have all the advantages of the sealed gel types and are higher quality, maintain voltage better, self discharge slower, and last longer. The Sun Xtender series by Concorde Battery is an excellent example of AGM batteries. They are more expensive, but you usually get what you pay for. You will find this type of battery used in airplanes, hospitals, and remote telephone/cell tower installations.

Sandra asks…

What is the best type of battery to use for a solar battery bank?

And where can I find them at a decent price in central Florida?
And what is an appropriate gauge for the battery cables?

admin answers:

HEY READ THIS ARTICLE … I have attached the link too … I like the question … Wanted to learn … So i looked up 🙂

Solar Power 101

By Jeffrey Yago, P.E., CEM

This article is the first in a series of what will be a beginner’s course in solar electricty. Simultaneously we have instituted a Home Energy Information ( section on our website where you can ask questions of Jeff Yago, the author of this series. Yago is a licensed professional engineer and certified energy manager who has writtten many energy articles for BHM. He has extensive solar thermal and solar photovoltaic system design experience, and is author of Achieving Energy Independence — One Step At A Time, which includes many solar system wiring examples. It is available from the Backwoods Home Bookstore or by calling 804-457-9566. Those interested in solar electricity will want to save these articles for future review when planning your solar system.

I am getting numerous requests from readers wanting very specific guidance on how to install their own solar electric systems. Many have already found that this process is a little like trying to build an automobile by purchasing parts from a NAPA dealer. For example, you can buy a brake drum, wheel bearing, and oil filter, but since your car does not yet exist, how do you know what parts you need, what parts will fit with other parts, and how should these parts be wired together.

During the next few issues, I will take you through the “basics” of solar system design and installation, and answer your specific questions as we go along. This course will continue on the Backwoods Home Magazine website ( under their new Home Energy Information ( section. You will be able to e-mail your installation questions and offer suggestions for future home energy saving articles.

Before I can help you design your own solar power system, you have to understand that there are actually many different types of solar power systems, for many different applications.

System types
Some solar power systems are 12-volt DC due to the many low voltage RV and boating lighting and appliances available, and do not have a utility line connection. These DC only systems can be used to power several DC lights in a remote cabin, or a DC well pump in a field for watering cattle. Some solar power systems have an inverter to convert a 12, 24, or 48-volt DC battery voltage into 120-volt AC power to operate standard household appliances. Some grid connected solar power systems are designed for direct connection to your utility line and do not use any batteries at all.

Hybrid solar power systems can include a battery bank, a solar array, a generator, and even a wind turbine to provide power at all times with the utility grid serving only as backup. Inverters and solar arrays are available in many different styles, voltages, and wiring configurations. Some solar arrays are mounted on the roof, some on the top of a pole, and some are ground mounted, with each having different wiring rules.

If you visit a solar home that has a well designed and properly installed solar power system, you will find the concept is actually fairly simple. The hard part is knowing what wiring layout was best for this specific home, what size and quantity of each system component was required, and what wire size and fuses were needed to keep from burning down the house.

One of the most misunderstood parts of a solar power system is the battery or battery bank, and that is where our class begins. Some solar battery banks use wet cells, like golf cart batteries, while others use sealed or gel cell batteries, and each have different temperature, mounting, and ventilation requirements.

Every battery is designed for a specific type of charge and discharge cycle. Car batteries have thin plates to keep their weight down and are designed for a heavy discharge lasting a few seconds, followed by a long period of slow re-charge. A 6-volt golf cart battery (size T-105) is the minimum battery I recommend for a residential solar application. You will need to buy these in “pairs” to make 12 volts. Golf cart batteries have very thick plates and are designed for hours of heavy discharge each day, followed by a fast recharge in only a few hours each night. This is similar to the duty cycle of a residential solar application, only in reverse. A solar battery must be able to provide long periods of deep discharge each evening and night, followed by a full recharge in only a few hours of sunlight each afternoon. Very few batteries can take a deep discharge-recharge cycle every day, and the 6-volt golf cart battery is the least expensive and easiest to find locally that can.

For some reason, everyone wants to use a sealed marine battery for their homegrown solar system. I strongly recommend that you do not. Included is a photo showing a sealed marine battery that “exploded” after being connected to a small solar charger for several months.

Even though this was a small 12-volt DC 5-amp solar charge controller powered from a single 50-watt solar photovoltaic module, this was enough energy to gradually overcharge the battery and evaporate all of the electrolyte even though this battery was “sealed.” A low electrolyte level can expose the plates which will gradually warp or “grow” in thickness as they oxidize. This can cause an internal short circuit and ignition of the hydrogen gas.

Plate damage can also occur when there is a large buildup of sediment after the upper plate areas become exposed from reduced water levels and begin to “flake” off. Most liquid acid batteries do not vent gasses while discharging. However, near the end of a typical charging cycle, when the battery is almost “full,” the sulfuric acid and water electrolyte will begin to break down into hydrogen and oxygen—a very explosive combination.

When ignited by a nearby spark or flame, an “explosion” can result, but this flash lasts only a fraction of a second, which is usually too fast to ignite nearby walls. However, this is still a very explosive reaction, with plastic battery parts becoming acid-covered shrapnel. While using a hand grinder one day in a shop, I accidentally directed the sparks towards several car batteries being charged about 30 feet away. There was a very loud explosive sound with acid and plastic hitting every wall of the large shop, yet I did not see a flame and there was no fire. Regardless, it was not a pleasant experience.

Always wear eye protection and acid proof gloves when working around batteries, and have lots of water and baking soda nearby. This will neutralize any acid spills from battery refilling and prevent further corrosive damage.

A typical 6-volt golf cart battery will store about 1 kilowatt-hour of useful energy (6 volt X 220 amp-hr X 80% discharge = 1056 watt-hours). Since this would only power two 50-watt incandescent lamps for 10 hours (2 X 50 X 10 = 1000 watt-hours), your alternative energy system will most likely require wiring several batteries together to create a battery bank. Since each golf cart battery weighs almost 65 pounds, there are weight considerations as well as battery gas venting issues to think about.

An area of a garage or storage building having a concrete floor is the most common location for a battery bank, although some large systems have their own specially designed battery room. I am going to assume you are installing a much smaller system and will only require four to eight batteries.

If you need more than the 220 amp-hr capacity contained in each golf cart battery, I suggest switching to the larger “L-16” size traction battery, having a 350 amp-hour rating, which may allow using fewer batteries. This battery is the same length and width as a golf cart battery, but is much taller and twice as heavy. This is an excellent battery for solar applications and can take very heavy charge-discharge cycling. This industrial rated battery may be more difficult to find, as it is only available from battery wholesale distributors.

Batteries can lose over half of their charge when exposed to extreme temperature swings, so be sure your proposed battery location stays in a 50° to 80° F range, or you will need to insulate the battery box. Since liquid batteries require refilling and battery terminal cleaning to remove corrosion several times each year, the floor area selected should be able to take an occasional acid spill and water wash down.

Battery venting is very important as discussed earlier, and if you build an enclosure around your batteries, it should be designed to direct all vented gasses to the outside. A 2-inch PVC pipe makes a good vent, but be sure it is located at the highest point in your battery enclosure where the lighter hydrogen gas will accumulate. Be sure it also includes a screened vent cap to keep out rain and insects. Do not locate your battery bank near a gas water heater or other open flame appliance that could ignite any accidental hydrogen accumulation.

A battery box can be built using standard 2 x 4 framing construction, with pressure treated plywood lining the interior surfaces. A hinged top door is needed for periodic battery maintenance, and should include a gasket to prevent gases from entering the room. Note how the top of the site-built battery box shown in these photos slopes up to a high rear area where two PVC vent pipes are located. The interior plywood surfaces of this wood frame construction were painted with several coats of fire and acid resistant paint. Since batteries lose capacity with lower temperatures, your batteries should not rest directly on a cold uninsulated concrete floor.

Pressure treated 2 x 4s on edge, spaced every 6 inches and covered by a fiberglass laminated concrete board, makes an excellent base for your battery box. This heavy sheet material is sold in most building supply outlets as a backing behind ceramic tile work in wet shower stalls, and is usually available in smaller 2-foot by 4-foot sizes. By careful planning, you may be able to use the entire sheet without cutting or splicing.

If you can afford to invest in the more expensive gel or absorbed glass matte (AGM) batteries, you will have more flexibility in locating your battery bank, since these batteries do not need to be refilled and do not normally generate explosive gasses. The photo shows a large battery bank with the batteries mounted close together in a vertical steel rack. You do not need a vapor proof enclosure or vent pipe when using these batteries, however they cost almost 30 percent more without providing any additional life or storage capacity.

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What A Solar Power Panel Is And Where You Can Find One

What Is A Solar Power Panel?

A solar power panel is a semiconductor device which converts photons from the sun into electricity. A solar power panel has many applications and uses, and is considered as being particularly used in situations where electrical power from a grid is unavailable, and they are often electrically connected and encapsulated as a module, thereby termed as a photovoltaic array or solar power panel.

A solar power panel uses semiconductors which are made from silicon, and the generating of useable electrical energy that a solar power panel creates is considered to be the photovoltaic effect.

What Is The Photovoltaic Effect?

The photovoltaic effect consists basically of the fulfilling of two functions: photogeneration of charge carriers in a light-absorbing material, and separation of the charge carriers to a conductive contact that will transmit the electricity. It is actually the conversion of this which is titled the photovoltaic effect. In other words, the photovoltaic effect is the basic physical process through which a solar cell coverts sunlight into electricity the energy of a photon is transferred to an electron in an atom of the semiconductor device.

A photovoltaic cell is principally made from doped silicon, and when a cell such as this is exposed to the sun’s electromagnetic rays, the photons in light transmit their energy to atoms in the connection. Basically, the photovoltaic effect is the phenomenon in which the incidence of light or other electromagnetic radiation upon the junction of two dissimilar materials, as a metal and a semiconductor, induces the generation of an electromotive force.

Where To Find A Solar Panel

There are many different locations that offer solar panels for the public to purchase, and if you are going to buy solar panels, you should remember to compare them by dollars per watt. Used solar panels are the best idea, and can be considered as bargains in several different ways. However, used solar panels produce less power per square foot than do new panels. As well, a modern solar panel might produce twice as much power as an old one of the exact same size however it will also cost you about twice as much.

Solar panels are obviously essential to the process of solar power, and are an incredibly important matter to thoroughly understand if you are hoping to actually learn anything about the solar power process.

The Benefits Of Having A Solar Power Home

The issue of having a solar power home has become one of incredible popularity, especially as of recently. This is due to many reasons, especially the fact that so many people are becoming more considerate of the environment and the world as a whole, and are taking time to consider other options that save and protect the earth’s fossil-fuels as best they can.

What Is A Solar Power Home?

A solar power home is a home which has all its forms of electricity run by solar powered mechanisms, rather than the conventional form of electricity. There are many myths, advantages, and disadvantages that surround the matter of a solar power home, and all of these should be carefully and thoroughly considered and discussed in order to be able to gain a proper and correctly knowledgeable viewpoint on the subject matter.

For example, a few of the common misconceptions surrounding a solar power home are: too expensive, won’t provide enough power for large applications, won’t work during the winter, only provides power when it is sunny or windy, too difficult to install and maintain, only last for a short length of time, unreliable, useless at night, inefficient, and not worth it or simply not profitable.

Although there are, of course, certain disadvantages with a solar power home, as with anything else, most of the myths and discussed disadvantages are simply not true. For instance, solar power is actually quite cheap and, as well, solar panels in fact work better in winter, because of the huge temperature change in the weather. It does not need to be sunny outside for solar power to work efficiently, as solar panels use the changes in temperature in order to provide electricity.

As well, the modern solar panels that are available today are heavy duty, reliable, and usually come with lengthy warranties. In the event of a black out, a home that is powered by solar power will thus remain unaffected, with a battery supply and also a constant supply of wind and solar power in order to keep the battery system full.

An interesting fact is that the government in some areas is actually considering a new law that will make all new homes and buildings required to have solar panels on them. Not only could these solar panels provide extra power to the electrical grid, but also to that of emergency power for owners, and even dramatically decrease the electricity shortage.

The Benefit Of Solar Power For Residential Homes

When we think solar power, the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that it is environmental friendly. However, this is not the only benefit that solar power for residential homes brings.

Solar Power Benefits

Lower electricity bills, or not having a bill at all, are the first and foremost issues that have many home owners convinced to make the switch the solar power. It is one of the best incentives solar power for residential homes has to offer and is on the top of the benefits list. In due course you will only lower your electricity bill but you can also make some money by selling the excess energy that you produce from your solar power installation.

A solar power system also requires little to no maintenance at all. It is easy to install and has practically no wiring to worry about. This feature will help you save money in the long run as there will be no repairs, replacing etc to be done.

Solar power is extremely environmentally friendly. This feature is the reason why solar power was tapped into the first place. As we all are painfully aware, our earth is getting more polluted on a daily basis and anything that we can do to prevent it is a step towards having a better environment not only for us but also for the generations to come.

Solar Power Disadvantages

Even something that sounds this good has disadvantages and they are:

The cost of solar power for residential homes is considerably high however, there are many incentives made available both by the government and private sector to assist homeowners in installing solar power for their homes.

The other disadvantage may be the location of your home in relation to the sun. In order to produce electricity the solar panels need to be facing directly to the sun for a considerable amount of time during the day failing which it will not be possible to create the electricity desired.

Other Ways To Implement Solar Power In Residential Homes

On the market today, there are a number of appliances available, which are powered to solar energy such as ventilators, flash lights, radios and video cameras to name a few.

It is important that we all make an effort to adopt the solar power in the residential home we live not only for your benefit but also for a preserving a better environment for our children and the generations after them.

Solar power in residential homes has been on the increase in the last years as more homeowners are finding the benefits of the solar energy to be much more than the disadvantages of the same. For more information on how you too can switch to solar energy visit any specialized site on the matter today and help make earth a better place for all of us.

Your Questions About Solar Energy Jobs

David asks…

Is there any kind of training for something related to solar energy?

I heard in solar energy jobs is growing. I want to learn more about it & maybe working in that field. Where can I take training class in San Jose, California?

admin answers:

ITT tech insitute

Michael asks…

What are some jobs created by using solar energy?

I mean how is solar energy contributing to the job market?
Is it creating more jobs? If so, which ones?
If not, why not?

admin answers:

It requires people to manufacture the solar cells (in a semi-conductor plant) as well as people to get up on roofs to install them, PV doesn’t require much maintenance although solar thermal (pretty much restricted to large scale generation) does require quite a bit of maintenance.

The diffuse nature of solar power means that you need a lot of collectors to get a decent amount of power out of it so solar would create quite a lot of jobs for the amount of power generated which is one of the disadvantages of solar power compared to other more concentrated forms of power. Creating jobs isn’t really of much use if the jobs are useless and having more people working in the energy industry than necessary means that there are less people available to work elsewhere (though there are much better arguments against ground based solar power).

If we reduced our energy usage by the levels that many solar and wind proponents want us to then we’d probably find we don’t have enough energy to run any of our factories (although those levels are never going to happen so it isn’t a very realistic worry).

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What Do You Understand By Solar Power Inverter

Today, when the whole world is looking for alternatives to renewable energy, solar power seems to be an excellent choice. If there is something we will always have in plenty, it is the solar power. It is true that it takes some investment to set up the solar power inverter and panels, but once it is done, the electricity cost you consume will dwindle to almost nothing.

The Many Uses Of A Solar Power Inverter

The application of the solar power inverter is now more versatile than ever. What started targeting homes and offices now are found in gyms, factories, schools, and even gardens and glasshouses. You will find solar power inverters everywhere today. You look around you and wherever you think electricity is needed, you can now use a solar power inverter.

Is It Cost Efficient To Use Solar Power?

It is true that there is a substantial investment required initially to set up the solar power inverter. Nevertheless, once it is installed it has the capacity to cut the annual bills to a fraction of what it was. On an average, a family of four would pay a bill of 1500-2000 per year. However, after the solar power takes over, the cost for the electricity would be about 300 per year. In a few years, whatever investment you have made will be reimbursed. In addition, you will have the mental satisfaction that you have contributed to the global conservation of energy.

There are many ways to improve on the investment costs as well. For this, you will have to use special strategies. If your home is situated in a cold climate area, you will have different ways to conserve and collect solar power. For example, you would need to use a dark roof surface to attract more sun in winter. You will also need to have the majority of your windows facing south to capture the sun in the winter. At night, it would be advantageous to use insulated shutters to conserve heat.

On the other hand, if your home were situated in a hot climate area, you would use other strategies to ensure the best use of your solar power inverter. For, example a sunny home should be having a good number of porches and patios to protect it from direct sun on the walls. Here, the roof may be of light color to reflect the sun as much as possible.

Wherever you use it, if it is installed well, the solar power inverter would pay for is cost within maximum two years, and then you can enjoy free electricity as a gift from nature.

Solar Power Boat The Modern Day Boat

Expert sailors insist that boats should be equipped with as much solar backup power as possible. There is no other power source, at present, which can give you electricity better or more conveniently. All you will need is to make a one-time investment in the installation of the solar panels on the boat. Then, you will have a perennial source of electricity that needs no maintenance, nor imposes any recurring costs.

The Advantages Of Having A Solar Power Boat

The solar power boat is indeed the best that we can have today. Just think, this is a boat which can produce its own electricity, have no bills for producing or using it and it can last forever. The solar panels available today come with a guarantee for 25 years, which is a conservative estimate of their life. In reality, the panels can last double the time or more.

A solar power boat can be the answer to all those sailors who want to be free of any tie-ups’ to the world while sailing. You can do without gasoline, petrol or generators and still have all that you need in terms of electricity on your board. The best part is that the solar panels, once installed, will be working for you for a lifetime. This makes for a very wise investment.

Another great advantage of having a solar power boat is that you will never need to ration the use of electricity again when you are at sea. With the solar power boat you can produce as much electricity as you will need, so you will not have to bother about how much electricity you are using or worry whether it would last you during the trip or not.

One thing you will need to ensure is that your solar panels can convert as much electricity as it is required for you to be comfortable on your boat. Many complain of lack of space for installing adequate solar paneling, for which they have to complement the solar power with conventional sources of electricity.

There are many types of solar panels being manufactured today, specially keeping in mind this problem. Though the solar panels are today smaller and more powerful than they ever were, this problem is still not fully addressed. The day there will be an adequate design for the solar paneling, will be the day when people can enjoy totally free of worry trips to any destination, without having to worry about how long will their generator last.

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solar Power Cars

What Are Solar Powered Cars?

Solar powered cars are electric vehicles which are powered by solar energy that is obtained from solar panels on the surface of the car. Basically, photovoltaic cells then convert the sun’s energy directly into electrical energy. Solar powered cars are can operate for limited distances without the sun, but they are still not considered as a practical form of transportation.

Solar powered cars were first built by universities and manufacturers, and development continues on solar cell design and car power supply requirements such as heater or air-conditioning fans.

The solar array on solar powered cars consists of hundreds of photovoltaic cells converting sunlight into electricity. Cars, unlike many other objects that use solar energy, can use a variety of solar cell technologies, which most often involves polycrystalline silicon, monocrystalline silicon, and gallium arsenide. Solar cars usually have incredibly distinctive shapes, as designers aim to minimize drag, maximize the exposure to the sun, minimize weight and still make the vehicles as safe as possible.

The Advantages And Disadvantages

There are both advantages and disadvantages to solar cars, and all of these should be taken carefully and thoughtfully into consideration. Some of the advantages include, for one, that of safety and convenience, for instance there are batteries available on most solar cars which store electrical energy that is to be used later by the electric motor when the demand for electric power exceeds that of the output of the onboard generating device.

There is also the advantage involving efficiency, which relates to the fact that all solar cars are able to produce their full rated power at any speed, unlike that of regular automobiles. Another prime advantage of solar cars is that they are positive in regards to the economy. This is because an electric motor and an electric generator are the same device, basically, and electrical current is fed into such a device, causing it to act as a motor and, thus, creates mechanical power.

There are certain disadvantages, too, such as, most of the solar cars available do not have the power or speed of many of the regularly available cars and vehicles and, as well, the battery on the solar car may have to be used far too frequently depending on the weather, for instance if it is dark out for several days, you will have to rely on the battery of the car in order to make it work. This can seem as a hassle to many people, which is a large explanation towards why solar cars still aren’t that popular today.

Why Use A Solar Power Battery?

Solar power is known to provide a number of benefits out of which one is energy. The main reason why solar energy is pursued is for the protection of the environment. Today, our earth is faced with drastic circumstances due to pollution, which is caused by every single one of us in one form of the other.

Take batteries for example, from the type that you use in your flash light to those used to run a car, they all pollute our earth. Choosing solar power battery is one way in which you can help prevent pollution.

Helpful Information On Solar Power Battery

In order to get the right solar power kit to charge your batteries you must determine how much energy the size and energy required by these.

Different types of batteries require different temperature in which they can be charges such as lead-acid batteries, which at 40 degrees F will provide about 75% of its capacity and at 0 degrees F just 50%. Amp hours are used to measure the storage capacity and the amount of energy a battery can hold.

A solar power battery will be able to hold and provide energy for the amount of time it is not exposed to the sun and in cloudy conditions as well.

There are two types of solar power battery wiring used in order to produce energy for the same and they are parallel wiring and series wiring. Series wiring increases the volts and the parallel wiring increases the amps.

Solar Power Benefits

Whether you use a solar power battery or you have a whole solar powered home you can only benefit from this source of energy. It is environmentally friendly and cost effective in the long run.

Millions have turned to solar powered products from household appliances to cars that have solar powered batteries. It is important that we acknowledge the importance of switching to more environmentally friendly products, which will in turn provide us with a healthier planet.

Even though solar power has been used for centuries and without which life would not be possible on earth we have not used it to its fullest capacity. An expensive investment even if you are just going to use solar power batteries but definitely worth it in the long run not only for yourself but for generations to come as well.


Even the smallest changes such as using solar power battery will help in preventing pollution and making the earth a better place to live in. This itself should be reason enough to make anyone start using solar powered appliances today.

Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Sale

Sandra asks…

What home energy saving scams have you found?

open4energy has published a list of home energy scams to help energy conscientious home owners avoid being taken advantage of. They range from down loadable plans to build a magnetic generator, a solar panel or a windmill, to energy saving plug in gadgets, to full blown sales promotions for kvar power factor correction units which have negligible savings capabilities for even the biggest homes.

Each one we find is another community we can protect!

admin answers:

The most common website I encounter is DIY solar panels. The claim is that “for under 200 dollars you too can build your own solar panel and save thousands” I do not dispute the validity of that claim. I do take issue with what they don’t say. There are some building code violations to say the least. I have posted a blog on this very issue, and will continue to do so on a weekly basis. It is my goal to bring clarity to the cyber solar world. Check out my post “To build or not to build that is the question” at

P.S. Maybe we could post links to each other”s sites.

Ruth asks…

How much does it cost to put solar panels on a house? ?

I want to be more green and if I get the panels will I still have a regular electric bill?

admin answers:

Yes, and no.

My cottage is primarily solar powered. However, we’re only there on weekends, and we’re only powering a small fridge (the biggest power draw, by far), televisions, stereos, lights, a water pump, and that kind of thing. For the more powerful items (vacuum cleaner, air conditioner, power tools, washer and dryer) we use a gasoline generator. Our water heater and stove are propane.

We have an array of seven solar panels, and two battery banks.

Obviously, we don’t have utility bills for our cottage.

We will soon replace the solar panels with more efficient ones. Currently, there are 85W panels on sale for $500 CAD. We will buy as many of those as we can afford. We recently had to replace one battery bank.

At home, we currently have a geothermal heating/cooling system. That cuts our energy use for heating and cooling quite a bit. That’s reflected on our utility bill. (Because we’re not in the city, we have our own well, plus a septic tank. So, our only utility bill is for electric.)

My husband and I have discussed it many times and, based on our experience with our cottage, we don’t think we’ll try to do a “whole home” solar system.

Typical estimates for panels, batteries, inverters, etc., to run a typical city home are in the $17,000 range. But with our cottage experience, we know that the real monkey wrench with solar power is STORING that power. And we’ve had more battery problems than we anticipated. Once the batteries are no longer holding charge well, they have to be replaced…and they’re expensive….and heavy…and have to be disposed of as hazardous waste. Our cheapest batteries are probably $200 each. We also use more expensive / bigger 6V batteries. We may even, one day, switch to the huge, very expensive 2Vs.

In any event, I find that the best way (for us) to incorporate solar power into our urban home will likely be panels which will provide power when the sun is shining, but still be on the grid for night time, bad weather, and times of excess power use. That will eliminate the expense and problems of batteries and power storage (and limiting power use, so as not to run down the batteries).

In some places, the excess power you create with solar panels can be put back into the grid, and the local power utility company will pay you for it.

So, for me, based on my experience, that’s what I think I’d do, when it comes time to outfit our home with solar panels. Using only solar power for the bulk of our living at the cottage is great, but we do have to be mindful of how much we’re using. Once the stored power drops below a certain point, the inverters won’t work, and you have to either go without power, or turn on the gas generator. I wouldn’t want that hassle at home.

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Solar Power Air Conditioner: Past And Present

The need to utilize solar energy is being thoroughly appreciated by innovators, so much so, that now their inventions become almost paradoxical. What else, but paradoxical, would you call an invention like the solar power air conditioner? It is a device that cools down the heat generated by solar energy falling on earth, while itself working by absorbing this very heat energy. What surprises more, perhaps, is the fact that the idea of cooling rooms and living places with solar energy is anything but new.

The Romans’ Ancient Solar Power Air Conditioner

It evokes wonder to know that the Romans, in their acme of civilization, used a natural form of air conditioning or ventilation. They used to dig a trench just leading from their house to about 100 200 yards in a straight line away from the house. A pipe and chimney were fitted in it such that the heated air in the chimney would rise, drawing air through the cool pipe. The pipe, which was underground, cooled the air to the temperature of the earth. This cool air was let to circulate through the house to keep its temperature lower than outside.

Modern Solar Power Air Conditioner

With the development of Direct Absorption (DFA) in Japan in the 1960s, solar cooling technology took off. In 2004, BROAD Air Conditioning Co. Ltd. provided an American customer with the first solar power air conditioner. It has worked exceptionally well. Today, it is possible to cool down the heat generated by the sun by means of battery-powered air conditioners such that the battery is charged by solar energy. The solar modules charge the battery during the day, when the sun is high, while the solar power air conditioner can be used anytime.

Direct Cool Air Conditioning Inc. has created its own energy efficient DC Airco units. These solar air conditioners consume less than half power requirement of an AC input system. They are good cooling devices for small houses and cottages, industrial buildings telecommunication cabinets etc. A couple of these air conditioners can be used to cool a larger structure. Since the units operate on low voltage (2448 DC) batteries, they are ideal for replacing expensive external generators. These cooling units are available as wall-mounted devices.

Advantages of DC Airco Solar Conditioners

DC Airco Solar Conditioners consume less power and provide greater cooling. They can be used anywhere in the world because they are not frequency dependent. They do not require Genset for power supply, and do not need an inverter.

The Basic And Most Primary Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solar Power

What Is Solar Power?

Solar power is an incredibly and dramatically important issue, and there are many important issues in regards to the matter of solar power. Solar power technologies use the sun’s energy and light to provide heat, light, hot water, electricity, and even cooling for such things as homes, businesses and industries. There are several primary solar technologies that are used, which include that of: photovoltaics, passive solar heating, concentrating solar power, and solar hot water and space heating and cooling.

Photovoltaics are solar cells which are used to directly convert sunlight into electricity. These solar power cells are made of semi conducting materials, and crystalline silicon is the leading commercial material for photovoltaic cells, which can be used in itself in many forms, including that of: single-crystalline or monocrystalline silicon, multicrystalline or polycrystalline silicon, ribbon and sheet silicon, and thin-layer silicon.

Passive solar power heating involves that of buildings which are designed for passive solar and daylighting incorporate design features such as that of south-facing windows and building materials that absorb and slowly release the sun’s heat. In passive solar heating, there are no mechanical means at all used, and passive solar designs can also include that of neutral ventilations for cooling.

The concentrating of solar power involves that of technologies which use reflective materials such as mirrors in order to concentrate the sun’s energy this then concentrated form of energy is converted into electricity. Solar hot water heaters on the other hand, use the sun to either heat water or a heat-transfer fluid in collectors. A typical solar hot water and space heating and cooling system will reduce the need for conventional water heating by about two-thirds, which is obviously considered as being quite dramatic.

Solar power, besides providing heat and light, is also what causes the wind that we feel on Earth. This is because winds are created when various layers of that atmosphere absorb different amount of heat and therefore expand differently, thus creating regions of lower and higher pressure, which results in masses of air that circulate both at ground level as well as that of higher altitudes. Solar power is also responsible for fossil fuels such as that of petroleum and coal, as these substances are the result of large masses of decayed plant matter, which during their own lifetime, had absorbed solar energy.

The Basics On Solar And Wind Power

Energy is quite literally what makes the world go around, and without the continuous supply of energy that is taken for granted on the whole, everything in life would dramatically and quickly come to a halt. Solar and wind power are two incredibly important and highly significant factors in this matter, and both should be properly and thoroughly understood and considered in order to gain a respective ideal on the subject issue. In order to truly gain a proper understanding on solar and wind power, all key issues should be taken fully into consideration.

What Are Solar And Wind Power?

Solar and wind power are alike and different in many ways, and the similarities and differences of solar and wind power should both be properly learned and understood. First, the term solar power is used to describe the number of methods which include the harnessing of energy from the sun. Solar power has been around and been considered and used for centuries, although it has truly only come into completely widespread use as of particularly lately.

Solar energy is energy which is derived directly from the sun, and passive solar heating involves that of the design of homes and buildings in order to make use of direct sunlight for that of heating purposes. Most of the solar energy today is harnessed as heat or electricity, and the most common uses for solar power involve that of: solar design in architecture, solar heating systems, solar cooking, solar lighting, and more.

Wind power is literally defined as the conversion of wind energy into more useful forms, which is usually that of electricity using wind turbines. Most of the modern wind power is primarily generated in the form of electricity by converting the rotation of turbine blades into electrical current through the means of an electrical generator. Wind energy is incredibly abundant, widely distributed, clean, and renewable.

We as a people have, in fact, used the wind as an energy source for a particularly lengthy amount of time. In fact, the electricity-generating wind turbines were invented in the United States and Europe in the late 1800s. Wind power didn’t used to be much of a topic of interest, however as of recently there has been a sudden increasing interest in it. There are two primary reasons for this, which are: one, most electricity generated today uses non-renewable fuels such as coal, oil, and gas and secondly, advances in wind power science and technology are reducing the cost of wind power to a point where it is actually becoming competitive with many other energy sources.