Your Questions About Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells

Mary asks…

What role does information technology play in the solar energy industry? and how is IT used in this industry?

Appreciate any information the areas in the solar energy production or solar cell manufacturing where IT plays a role? IT firms providing solutions or technology to solar companies or case studies?


admin answers:

Any manufacturing is going to need control of inventory, process control, and procurement of materials at best prices.

Large solar facilities will need to track the output of each panel and each inverter individually, or at least track groups of them, so that if something breaks, the company can go and fix it. They can also notice a slight percentage drop in output, possibly indicating that the panels need to be cleaned.

Selling the electricity is a financial transaction. The kind of bidding and selling that Enron did still goes on, but is more regulated now. As such, it’s the similar to a stock market, and lots of IT is needed.

Mark asks…

What is the difference between a panel of solar cells and a solar heating panel?

What is the difference between a panel of solar cells and a solar heating panel?
Its for my physics homework :/

admin answers:

The cells produce electrical current. The panels produce heat.

Cells are made of photo electric material (like variations of silicon). So when photons (light) strike the material, electrons are bounced off their outer orbitals and become free electrons. The free electrons drift through connecting wires towards ground level and that creates the current to power your computer.

The panels are infused with small pipes that carry a fluid. As the photons strike the pipes, the fluid is heated by the radiant energy. And that fluid is propelled by the heat gradient, high heat runs toward low heat, and that creates a fluid current. The fluid then travels through pipes, usually embedded in the floor, to heat the room.

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