Your Questions About Solar Energy Pros And Cons

Chris asks…

What are other environmentally friendly alternative energy sources?

other than solar panels and turbines, what are other energy sources? what are the pros and cons to it? THANKS AND 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER I SWEAR
also, what are the pros and cons to turbines?

admin answers:

Wind turbine.
Tide machine
Wave machine
Water temperature differential machine.

Pros should be obvious. Cons, they are usually expensive, and do not operate continuously, except for the last 2.

PS, turbines are not environmentally friendly, they are used in all oil and gas and coal fired plants.

Sandra asks…

What are the pros and cons for a solar energy law, figuratively speaking?

Lower energy bills
A safer, greener environment

High price to purchase and install
In Texas. Forgot to mention that.

admin answers:

It is actually very expensive and not every day is sunny, but on the other hand it is very very good for the environment

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