Monthly Archives: August 2024

Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use

Helen asks…

what is solar power plants and how they work?

can you give the source where i can read more information about it?

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Jenny asks…

I am a technician. How do I install a set of solar electric system?

The isue is that we bought a set of (10 KVA) of the system and I am called upon to mount it as a prominent technician of the town. So how do I go about all the appropriate dimentions, earth connections, and other aspects like the use of salt, chakol. I am already conversant with the working principles of all the parts. I need a comprehensive explanation of the installation from the begining to it’s end.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Price

Betty asks…

I have a 110 volt refrigerator that I would like to power with a solar panel or wind generator.?

It is a full-size model made in 1995. I can not find the watts usage but it is 60 hz and 6.5 amps at full load. I need to know what size inverter, how many deep cell batteries, and how much 12 volt power I would need to put back into the batteries to keep them charged. Thank y’all.

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Charles asks…

how energy independent could one be if they were to dedicate a 40x10ft.houseboat deck to solar cells?

what might be the weight of the necessary batteries and how cost benificial would this realy be?

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