Monthly Archives: December 2024
Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use
Lisa asks…
Is it practical to use solar panels and batteries to run an HHO gas powered car?
I have just purchased an HHO generator which I intend to put on a Tercel. If I put Photovoltaic panels on the roof of the car, and a deep cycle battery in the trunk with a plug-in charger, would it be realistically possible to make a sort of “Home made Hybrid?” Is there a limit to the ratio of HHo to gasoline that I can burn without damaging the valves, etcetera? Anyone out there trying to do something along these lines?
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Maria asks…
how do i make a thermoelectric generator?
i’m trying to make a thermoelectric generator from easy to get items (preferably household items). please be specific and if you can, please include a source.
and, how can i compare this to a solar cell?
thxx in advance first one to answer completely gets 10 points.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Environments
David asks…
What do you think of the Indian government’s strategy to combat climate change?
solar energy, enhanced energy efficiency, sustainable habitat, conserving water, sustaining the Himalayan ecosystem, promoting a eco-friendly lifestyle, sustainable agriculture, and strategic knowledge platform for climate change. what else do you think could be done from their point? any legal action?
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Michael asks…
What if man could harness the power of photosynthesis the way plants do?
We often hear about the potential of solar energy. But when I look at what plants do, even the most optimistic estimates seem modest.
What if we could reproduce photosynthesis the way plants do? Am I correct in assuming such technological prowess would solve man’s energy problems, as well as the scourge of famine in the world?
And just how much more advanced is mother nature when it comes to harnassing the power of the sun?
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