Your Questions About Solar Generators
Robert asks…
how much is the cheaper electricity generator ?
is it possible to have a solar generator to the cellular phone ?
and to the notebook ?
what s scheme ?
how long to charge ? adapter ? how to use it etc ? thanks
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Linda asks…
What do you think Julia Gillards biggest class war biogotry worst hypocrisy is?
I have heart disease. My electric bill subsidises rich folks generating solar power yet I cannot afford to switch on the hot water heater? Why can’t I get a free solar electricity generator and solar hot water heater? It’s irrational bigotry Labor even dream they’re not fighting either a class war nor have environment credentials?
Surely at least solar energize housing commission homes? Why is Labor so pro rich elitest ideals I dont even own a Prada shoe to even loose at a racism riot I create?
Why is Labor so barking mad devoid of their ideals? Money?
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