
Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators India

Robert asks…

How do we stop global warming?

How do we decrease or stop global warming when to run windows vista unltimate and directx 10 video cards we need at least 650watts power supply? Whos at fault?

admin answers:

I think the problem is beyond a few cards kiddo.

We must become more conscious of the effects of our actions on the world. Making responsible decisions is what it is all about. In Europe the latest fad is about the size of your footprints on the planet. It is almost a game there it is so popular.

Here are a few really basic common sense ideas for you. Dump your SUV and get a hydrogen run vehicle. Run your dishwasher only when it’s full, replace air-conditioning and furnace air filters regularly, and adjust your thermostat to a little warmer in summer and a little cooler in winter. You can also set your water heater to no higher than 120 degrees (F); it saves money and is safer. Try low-flow shower heads to use less hot water and wash clothes in cold water. Most detergents today clean just as well in cooler temperatures. Use energy efficient light bulbs. Improve your home insulation. And seal up all the cracks. And my favourite, shower with friends. LOL.

Since all of these save electricity, they save not only resources, but also money for you. It just makes sense.

For you fools who deny the truth of global warming, here are a few facts for you. By the way, they also include some solutions to help east the problems, although there is so much more to do. Saying you do not believe in something does not make it any less real!

Big Business is beginning to look at global warming through eyes blinded by dollar signs. Climate change is replacing tech and bio tech as the major investment theme of the future. Wall Street’s analysts are devising ways to cash in on weather.

Discussions have changed to talk of what a 1-degree rise each year in temperature would do to profits. Global warming is becoming a major market-moving force that represents a generational shift likely to influence how people invest for decades. The world’s biggest financial services firms are investing massive amounts of time and brainpower trying to pinpoint what stocks and sectors will benefit or be hurt by Global warming.

There are at least 74 companies in 18 countries that can profit from changing weather patterns. Global warming will change world economy. There is a company in California which manages the largest pension plan in America that has committed $800 M to invest in clean technology. At this time 90% of global warming is the result of human activity.

Temperatures around the globe could raise 2 to 12 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. This will result in more intense heat waves, stronger tropical storms and a rise in sea levels that will swamp low-lying cities and farmland. When I was boating through rice fields in India last summer I wondered how these people would survive even a few inches rise in water. Most of the farmers live at sea level.

Corn will be used to create ethanol. The technology is already in use. If corn is used to provide even 10% of the nation’s automotive needs, it would use 35% of America’s corn crop.

Since 25% of all food prices are affected by the cost of corn, we could face a corn vs. Food situation. Farm leftovers can be used to create cellulosic ethanol for fuel. Farm equipment companies should do well because farmers will be rethinking harvesting techniques. They will also retool their machines for the new fuels. Monsanto is working on creating more drought resistant crops.

Energy conversion devices and sun power are becoming buzz words. Windmills. Fuel cells. Solar panels. Several companies are developing types of clean solar panels with the hope of rivaling oil and coal, deemed “dirty” fuels. Eco technology is still too mature to make a lot of money. Solar will only create a tenth of the world’s energy. Technology that makes dirty energy sources like coal and oil cleaner. There will be more money made on the dirty stuff. Nuclear power generators are also on the rise. The new nuclear energy is much cleaner and produces no carbon.

Ethanol, hydrogen, clean diesel, bio diesel fuels hold promise for the future. Hybrid cars are the way of the future. The major car manufacturers are working on increased efficiency. Investing in hybrid vehicles and components and batteries etc will be good investments. Automotive builders are striving to outdo each other in these fields. “Smart cars” are popping up everywhere.

The insurance industry will change incredibly. So many energy and utility companies will all have to face different challenges due to the effects of weather. Suddenly they realize climate and profits are closely related. Investors will start to lean more toward green investments. This movement has been spreading for a decade.

I also think security and protection companies might do well because the displacement of people and shortages could result in an increase in crime.

The world’s demand for energy is accelerating as China and India grow. Heavy construction and engineering companies that build power plants will do well. The smart ones will build ecologically sensitive plants will steal market share. They will find ways to make plants more efficient and cleaner. One technology, clean coal, puts devices in smokestacks that pull the carbon out of the exhaust and plow it back into the soil.

After Hurricane Katrina, folks are rethinking the option of coastal real estate. People will develop an aversion to locations on the water and severe-weather-prone areas. People will flee Florida for the Smokey Mountains for example. This covers Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina. This is already happening. Thousands have begun the process of relocating to higher ground. The high insurance premiums for living near the water will affect property values.

Small parts and components that go into everything from washers and dryers to fighter jets and elevators could play a gigantic factor in curbing energy use. We already have the technology to reduce the world’s power use by 30% overnight. About 11% of the savings could be achieved with efficient electric motors inside washing machines, conveyor belts and other motors that use half the energy of older technology. Another 11% could be saved in transportation using hybrids. The last 8% can be saved with energy-efficient fluorescent bulbs. Currently businesses that focus on energy efficiency are already becoming more profitable.

The wealthier nations are in better condition to deal with these things. It is the poorer nations that will have serious difficulties. Holland could just disappear. A great deal of landmass will also be lost, which will drive up the cost of real estate everywhere.

That is how America sees the future according to Global Warming. In its usual entrepreneurial way, Americans see the silver lining of this problem as an opportunity for positive change and innovative growth. This is all fact, kids. You know corporations do not make such changes without a good reason.

Although global warming is a problem today, there is an equally huge problem that governments do not want their citizens to know about and keep all information suppressed. If this particular topic is not addressed, we will face changes on the planet more deeply embedded not in nature but from within our bodies.

I speak of Depleted uranium and its effects on the human race and all other living things on the planet. If the environment of earth is ill humanity becomes ill. Our health depends upon its health. The environment is the world around us, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil in which we grow our foods. It is exciting to see individuals begin to take responsibility for their footsteps upon the planet even if the movement was only taken seriously once Global Warming began to hurt big business. There are all sorts of wonderful initiatives out there.

However, we can pretty things up, cut down on carbons and become more eco friendly but all of these accomplishments will mean nothing if we do not get to the invisible pollutions that are becoming harder and harder to escape. I am not trying to denigrate these wonderful actions people are taking. We have to begin somewhere and global warming is as good a place as anywhere.

N April of 2003, the World Health Organization said they expect global cancer rates to increase 50 percent by the year 2020. Infant mortality is going up at appalling rates all over the world, an indicator of the level of radioactive pollution. Basically, it’s like smoking radioactive crack. It goes straight into the blood stream and is carried all throughout the body into the bones, the bone marrow, and the brain. It goes into the fetus and corrupts its development. It’s a systemic and a radiological poison.

Winds carry this radioactive dust several miles, contaminating the air and water that innocent humans breathe and drink. These munitions were used in both Iraq wars, Kosovo, and training sessions in Puerto Rico. We have huge dust storms that are a million square miles and transport millions of tons of dust and sand every year around the world.

The main centers of these dust storms are the Gobi Desert in China, which is where the Chinese did atmospheric testing, so that’s all contaminated with radiation, and it gets transported right over Japan. It then comes straight across the Pacific and dumps its sand and dust in North America. The stuff is loaded with radioactive isotopes, soot, pesticides, chemicals, pollution — everything is in it — fungi, bacteria, viruses.

The Sahara Desert is another huge dust center, and it goes up all over Europe and straight across the Atlantic, to the Caribbean, and up the East Coast. Of course, you get it in Texas with those hurricanes. They all originate in the Sahara Desert.

The third region is the Western United States, which is where the Nevada test site is located.

Concentration of the depleted uranium particles in the atmosphere all around the globe is increasing. There are indications that the U.S. Will go in June and bomb the heck out of Iran. U.S. Army ammunition factories have very large orders for those huge bunker buster bombs that have 5,000 tons of DU in the warhead.

Hold your politicians accountable. For both this crime against humanity as well as implementing stronger controls on factors contributing to Global warming. Both of these horrible threats must be dealt with immediately if our grandchildren are to have a planet to live on.


Jenny asks…

Can we use solar energy to power a whole house in india?

admin answers:

It is all relative – Big House, or Small House?

Yes you can use solar energy.

2 types – generate electricity and/or make hot water.

First work out your NEEDS.
Make a list of all the appliances you will be using – at any one time – read the Watt or Kjoul rating off the ‘appliance info plate – at the back’.
Add to this all the LIGHTS – ie… 10x 60 watt globes = 600 watts

Arrive at a TOTAL POWER for the House – and start costing the SOLAR COLLECTORS available to you to find if you can afford it all.

HOT WATER SOLAR is easy – a tank and a BLACK hose – use convection [hot water rises] and place the Tank on the roof – and the hose below it – then you have a gravity feed to your bath, etc.

SUPER HOT SOLAR WATER – can make steam pressure, to run a turbine blade connected to a generator.. But this is a bit more hassle and high tech.. But simple in concept.

ELECTRICAL STORAGE – batteries – is what you charge up of a day, and run them flat of a night – via an INVERTER – to boost the 12volts (DC battery) – up to 115/240v to run your ‘stuff’.

A small solar collector is okay for your mobile phone or computer – maybe… Check the ‘watts’.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy For Kids

Carol asks…

Pl. send any social org.Who can privide fin. support for my project of use of solar energy in automobile?

I am trying to use solar energy in four wheeler.###Trying to mount solar pannel on carrier of 4 wheeler and providing solar power to a/c,lighting and music system.This has been sent to govt. since one month ,But I hope nobody will take care of it as my experience says.

admin answers:

Our company took one of those 12 volt John Deere Gator toys that kids ride on, and mounted solar panels on the roof, and it would have to sit in the sun two solid days to charge the battery to where the kid could actually drive it.

It’s only a working idea that they take to schools for energy fairs, and it’s only to inspire. So I know if you are looking to actually power a real car, not even a golf cart (NEV) with solar panels hanging off everywhere, you are going to need to find the latest technology and even then there will likely be a lot of shade with panels hanging way over the roof and hood nearly like an airplane to get it to where you could drive on the generation. It kind of sounds like the National Lampoon’s Vacation Family Truckster, ‘If you think it looks bad, just wait until you drive it…’

Ken asks…

What does mechanical and thermal energy have to do with Global Warming?

I am doing a project about the conversion that take place in Global Warming. I need to figure how heat, mechanical energy, and thermal energy is converted.

admin answers:

Global warming is the theory that the earth is warming. There is little accurate data to support this, but historically we are very cold, almost as cold as the ice ages. So, likely we are warming. Anthropomorphic global warming is theory that man’s activities contribute significantly or mostly to global warming. No evidence for that, but many people fervently believe in it anyway.

Not clear what energy conversion you are talking about. Energy can have different forms. Two basic catagories are potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is stored energy that can do work; kinetic energy is energy stored in the motion of an object. Classical examples are kid on a swing or roller coaster. As the kid or coaster reaches the top, speed slows as potenial energy (height of weight) increases, and kinetic energy, sort of like momentum, decreases.

Other distinctions are things like chemical, mechanical, thermal, electrical energy. For example, coal or oil are chemical energy (also potential energy). A moving machine represents mechanical energy.

If you are talking about electrical power generation, this doesn’t have much to do with global warming, but it sounds as if your teacher may think it does.

To make electricity, the most efficient and cheapest was to make it is generally to burn coal. The coal fired plants work by burning the coal to generate heat or thermal energy (same thing). This is used to boil stream inside a huge “tank” called a boiler, and to pressurize the steam to very high pressures and temperatures. This steam goes through a turbine, similar to a big jet engine on an airplane, where it forces the turbine to turn. This is the mechanical energy form. Mechanical energy is nice partly because it is easily converted to electricity. This is done by turning the crank of a generator, which looks pretty much like an electric motor.

Alternative energies can work a little differently. For example, in wind power a propeller (called a wind turbine) is turned by the wine, making mechanical power. This then turns a generator that makes electrical energy. Solar power can use small cells (like a battery) that make a little electricity. Large solar plants use the sun’s heat by focussing in onto a boiler that makes steam and runs it through a turbine to make electricity. Water turbines convert kinetic and potential energy in water to mechanical energy, which again drives generators. This could be considered solar power, since the water gets above the dam via solar energy evaporating it, then rain from the clouds.

Google things like power plants or coal power to get more info.

Good luck.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators For The Home

Betty asks…

What’s the simplest way to hook up a small generator to a home’s power grid?

I’ve search the internet extensively and haven’t found an answer to this question.

I just wanted to play with solar panels and human powered generators and couldn’t figure out the simplest and cheapest way to hook it into my house to get some benefit out of it.

I.E. can i just have my panel hooked into a charge controller and a single battery to act as a float and then an inverter and hook the output from the inverter into a standard power plug in the house? can i push power into a power outlet or is there some system so that power can only come out of the plug?

anyone have any ideas on the easiest simplest way to hook up a panel or a car alternator? I was going to turn my indoor bicycle into a generator by hooking up a car alternator to it… how could i most simply hook this into the house?

admin answers:

You can put power into a plug, just be sure to shut your main breaker off first. And shut off breakers for high draw appliances like AC oven microwave waterheater etc.. When my power goes out I unplug my dryer and plug in a whip that I made that plugs into my generator. If you want to power the whole house you will need to use a 240v recept like for an electric dryer, if you use a standard 120v recept you will only power up one bus bar / half your house.

Yes 12v with an inverter will work, yes you can put an inverter on your car battery and power your house with your running car I suggest getting a deep cycle gel type battery in your vehicle if you want to do that, you should also upgrade to a 200a alternator if you’re going with an inverter larger than 2500watts, a car won’t be near as fuel efficient as a standard generator though, and it won’t put out near the wattage. But like I said before, if it’s only a 120v inverter you’re only going to power up half the house

Lizzie asks…

Who makes the parts for a wood fired steam powered electricity generator that can also heat a home?

Outdoor wood and coal furnaces as add on units to heat pumps are becoming popular now. I’m trying to find a vendor who makes a stand alone unit for powering a riverside cabin home. A 200 amp 240 VAC unit would be perfect, but a 100-150 amp unit would power everything.

admin answers:

Wood and coal good for heating and cooling but using them to produce steam to power a small generator would be too costly. Hippies run 200 amp services using solar panel arrays for lights and fans to move the hot and cold air.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Sale

Lisa asks…

Which is the best DIY solar panel/wind turbine program? Real people only, please.?

I’ve been looking at all of the options for installing solar electricity systems online, and I’ve noticed that even the so-called review sites all seem to be part of a sales pitch….haven’t found a single, independent review of any of these products. Has anyone out there actually used any of these (Earth4Energy, HomemadeEnergy, etc.), and if so, how good are they?

admin answers:

If you have noticed that Earth4Energy is a scam (which it is), then you may be amused by my analysis of it at http://www.nlcpr.com/Deceptions6.html

If you want to build a wind turbine yourself (like a good engineer would), then get the following book:

Homebrew Wind Power
Dan Bartmann & Dan Fink
Foreword by Mick Sagrillo

ISBN: 978-0-9819201-0-8
Published by Buckville Publications LLC

You can get this from www.otherpower.com This is a startlingly complete book and it has all the background theory you need too. They explain why, for example, you cant use a car alternator or something from a generator, and then proceed to build alternators from scratch. The references are compete — if you explore them and have the time to read, you will be right up there with the pioneers.

As for DIY solar, you can get the parts (panels, inverters, batteries, charge controllers) individually from many sources and make a system. It will not be cheap. You can’t make your own silicon cells, and probably aren’t up to designing the electronics, can’t make your own batteries etc.

My recommendation is this: Get the wind book. Look through the web sites of some of the better looking solar dealers, and if they seem to be “no bull” then e-mail them and tell them what you want. E.g. An entry level system, 80W panel, battery, inverter and charge controller so that you can make enough power for say, a small laptop. The good ones will be able to tell you what works together.

If you are thinking of a whole home solution, then you have a lot of reading to do. You need to switch to natural gas or propane (no electric heat, electric stove, electric hot water) and absolutely mininize the electrical load.

It would be nice to market a good DIY manual, but with a truthful title like “Generate power at home for more than you are paying now” or “With thirty thousand dollars in equipment, you too can avoid those monthly power bills” sales would be pathetic.

Have fun.

As for “real people” comment, when I see questions like this, I wonder if I am wasting my time because many of the questions are not real either. They are simply created by scammers so that they can add their scam replies and rate it best answer. I find this particilary galling when someone says, “this is for my science fair, and I am 14 years old” and all the answers are Earth4Energy scammers. Other times, I find my comments pasted on fake energy sites with links to pharmaceuticals. It is a mad world out there.

Ken asks…

What are some good green technology carers or job?


admin answers:

The Wind Industry
Designing Wind Turbines

Wind Analyst (studies wind patterns) They earn approximately $54 to $75 thousand a year!

Wind Turbine Machinist (usually specialise in metal and plastic parts, but also other areas of wind turbine’s structure)

Wind Farm Electrical Services Designer Operator (Makes sure the electrical components of a wind farm operate properly)

Wind Development Director (Massive responsibility for the correct overall functioning of the Wind Farm and oversees well everyone else!)

Wind Power Field Salesperson (You could start as a Representative and work your way up to Sales Manager, maybe even a Executive Position!)

Wind Turbine Drivetrain Engineer (Perform Engineering and Mechanical tasks relating to wind turbines) They make an average of $52 to $62 thousand a year.

Wind Farm Construction Manager (Make $60 to $80 thousand a year!)

Wind Farm Electrical Systems Designer ($30 to $50 thousand a year)

Wind Turbine Generator Builder (Make $15 – $20 an hour)

Wind Power Turbine Installer

Wind Energy Technician (Make $15 – $22 an hour)

Solar Power Industry
PV Solar Panel Installer

Solar Sales Person (make $43 to $73 thousand a year)

Photovoltaic – PV Solar Designer

Solar Thermal Installer

Solar Operations Engineer

Solar Lab Technician

Solar & PV Installer-Roofer

Solar Fabrication Technician

Photovoltaic PV fabrication Testing Technician

Solar Radiant Heating Installer

Solar Hot Water Installer

Organic Farming Industry


Organic Food Production Worker



Organic Farmer

Nursery Manager


Organic Poultry Farming

Natural Building Industry

Star Bale Construction

Sustainable Home Design

Indoor/Outoor Lanscape Architect

Green Interior Designer

The list goes on and on and on!

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Colorado

Sandra asks…

How do you think the united states should gain energy independence?

I am looking for how people think we should gain energy independence here in the united states and not have to rely on foreign countries for our energy sources.

admin answers:

There is no realistic possibility of it happening in the foreseeable future. Hydrocarbon fuels are essential for transportation, and alternatives to petroleum are simply too expensive to be practical. In future, if nuclear power catches on big, there may be enough nuclear energy available to split water and make hydrogen, which could be combined with coal to make hydrocarbons — but the process is very expensive in terms of energy and won’t be economical any time this century. Oil shales, present in vast quantity in Colorado, will be a cheaper source for decades, although they are not cost effective now. Solar and wind will continue to be bit players, as they are simply too expensive — as well as intermittent.

Nancy asks…

How to calculate the amount of electricity produced by a solar cell ?

How to calculate the amount of electricity produced by a solar cell when the efficiency and the area of the solar panel is given? In my case, the efficiency is 18 % and area is 333 466 122 400 sq.centimeters. Please help quickly!!!!!!!!

admin answers:

Http://ecee.colorado.edu/~bart/book/book/chapter4/pdf/ch4_8.pdf gives the equations.
Http://www.wholesolarpower.com/solar-panels-2/worldwide-pv-panel-efficiency/ gives panel ratings.

The cm^2 per ft^2 is 929 to 1. Your array is 3,602,263 ft^2. For an average of 12W/ft^2 energy density, the best guess is 43,227KW
Peak amount occurs only at the point when the sunlight angle is at exactly normal to the panel. Anything different will be much less, falls off as the cosine of the angle of incidence.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use

Chris asks…

How to make electricity at home?


I want to know how to make electricity at home. I have a science assignment to do and we need to make something that will make electricity. Anybody know how to make a windmill or a solar system? What would be the cheapest of these 2?

admin answers:

Hi Jackie,

If you want to make electricity at home the more exciting of the 2 is making the windmill and the parts are easier to get. You will need a few things to make this including the blades, generator. And you can also add a battery.

If you want a helping hand look at : http://www.earth4energy.com
You will get the full instructions with diagrams there.

Jenny asks…

At which height should i be seriously concerned about lightning strikes and how to compensate?

I am building a wind turbine and it is on a steel rod and i will be using a metal pole footed in the ground (4ft as per the local frost line) as its structure.
I have been contemplating on if i need to use a grounding rod to ensure that the generator ($300) or my charge controller/battery bank does not get damaged.
This is a completely homemade project and i plan to have it stand 9-10ft in the air, it is not for major power production but rather just an experiment and i will use the power generated to provide power for garden lighting.

There are trees in the vicinity of where i plan to place the turbine.

admin answers:

Henry, you are on the right track by being concerned about lightning, but there are ways to mitigate the problem. We have a 75 foot metal tower with a turbine on top now. My installer calls our property, “lightning hill.” We had several direct hits the first year or so and damage to our inverter, charger controller and turbine controls, as well as the TV, phone and furnace circuit card. After consulting with a retired radio tower engineer, Xantrex and the electrical inspector, what we learned is that grounding is quite a science.

Your metal post, or tower needs to be earth grounded, but by something better than the bottom 4 feet or so of the post jammed into the ground. Then you want to connect any DC negative if you have batteries, and AC nuetrals to a good ground point as well. The point to grounding the tower is not to attract the lightning, or dissipate it once it hits, the point is to, “de-ionize,” a volume of air travelling over the tower, turbine and wiring. The bigger culprit is static buildup from miles of air rubbing up against the tower building up a charge, much like walking on new carpet with dry shoes, then grabbing a metal door knob. While the spark your hand feels is uncomfortable, it is fatal for the circuit card in your inverter. By constantly, “wicking,” this charge away at the tower base, it doesn’t have a chance to build up and eventually jump across your inverter or charge controller, and better yet, it doesn’t have a chance to build up an ionized air column around the tower, which is what the lightning bolt is looking for in the first place.

In our case, we drove four 8 foot copper ground rods into the earth in an array around the base of the tower, then connected each one to each tower leg and the guy wires with separate bare copper wires. Then the common ground point in our battery room has the chassis frame from all our electronics, the AC nuetral, and the battery DC negative connected together there. After that, we ran a #4 bare copper wire from that point to the top of our steel well casing. Again, we are constantly wicking away static charges, and providing an easy route for a large surge to exit the system as well. We also put surge arrestors on the base of the tower, and incoming lines from the tower and solar array leading into the battery room. It’s been 9 years since then, and after tons of storms up here in the Northern Great Lakes, everything is still humming along nicely. The retired radio tower engineer told us in many instances in areas prone for lightning, such as Florida, they sometimes hired a well company to drill a 200 foot deep well and install a steel casing, but no well pump. Then they would just use the well casing for a ground rod. Think of it as a drain in a bathtub, if it is unplugged, has a large 3 or 4 inch pipe leading out of it, and it is free flowing to the city sewer, than the tub should never overflow. If it has small piping, many kinks and turns, and a partially plugged screen, one day the tub will overflow, you just don’t know when. The well casing is like a really big drain, and the extra electrons keep flowing down it all day and night.

Home Power Magazine ran a side bar article on our systems grounding plan about 10 years ago. If you subscribe, you can look for it on their websites archives under, “Ground Side Bar.” If you don’t subscribe, you should, it’s a great periodical on this materiel and inexpensive. Good luck Henry, and take care, Rudydoo

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Home

Donald asks…

Is there a way that a wind mill can generate enough electricity to turn the lights on in a house?

I am writing an essay for school and it has to be on everyday life and how you can use alternative fossil fuels to do the same things. So if they are other things you can think of that i can use (wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectric energy, etc), to put in my essay that would be extremely helpful. Thanks!

admin answers:

A good way to discuss it would be to think about using Alternative energy to supplement fossil fuel energy. Aside from hydropower, alternative energy is not consistent enough to be used on a small scale to power a home (like if clouds cover your solar panels, you’re screwed).

If you used all kinds of alternative energy and then supplemented with a generator, then you’d have a really good, and consistent source of energy.

Mandy asks…

how car batterie to for solar system of 5kw and how much roughly cost?

i am planing to have independent solar system at home 5 kwh capacity , how many car size batteries do i need for this system.
with thanks for the answer.

admin answers:

Batteries are only 50% efficient at charging and lose 1% per day. If you can, use net metering and just sell your excess power to the utilities and buy the power you need back from them. How many batteries you need depends on your energy usage ( a figure of 5 kwh is meaningless without the period of time that is over ) and how long you want to run without solar power. Most people design just for diurnal use and fill in with a generator for back up power in an off grid home. But it is possible to consult the weather office and determine how many days in a row you can expect to be without productive sunshine and how many days you can expect to be able to recharge your batteries over. Note that the average North American home uses 950 kwh per month.

You also have to take into account that most systems are designed for just the bulk charge to 80% capacity.

If you are saying that you use 5 kwh evenly over a day and you can expect 8 hours of useful sunshine then considering the 50% charging efficiency of lead acid batteries you would be looking at storing 5 kwh * ( 2 * 16 / 24 ) = 6.7 kwh. A typical car battery is 12 V at 65 AH so it would hold 780 WH, at 80% capacity that would mean you would need 10.73 batteries and you would need 2,504 watts to provide for the 1/3 of the 5 kwh that you use when the Sun is out plus the recharging of the batteries, that would be about 25 of those 100 watt two foot by four foot solar panels which sell for about $250 so with a charge controller you would be talking about a $13,000 system. However, this assumes you have DC appliances. If you toss in an inverter, those can be as bad as 65% efficient so you would have to increase everything by about 54%.

Of course, power usage isn’t even though the day so you should characterize your power use better plus 5 kwh per day amounts to 150 kwh per month which is only 1/6th of typical usage so it may be an unrealistic value.

I would strongly advise that you characterize your power use carefully, consider net metering as that would mean you only have the inverter inefficiency to worry about and not the battery inefficiency. If you must go off the grid, consider DC appliances to remove the inverter inefficiency and consider an absorption refrigerator which could run off a propane tank buried in the yard as food storage can not risk possible daily outages, plus you can run a gas stove top off the propane. Gas ovens are a problem as many have glow plugs which consume 300 watts constantly but if you can find one with piezoelectric lighters or one of the old outlawed ones with a pilot light then a gas powered oven becomes possible. You can also run your backup generator off the propane.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Pros And Cons

Richard asks…

SOLAR ENERGY! How does it work, how its made, come from,pros & cons, fit hawaii???HELP PLEASE!?


I need to know what is solar energy.

How it works, how its made, where does it come from.

What are the pros and cons.

How does it fit Hawaii.

Please and thank you.

( describe very much )

admin answers:

I cant write it all down so here a link that might help


Mary asks…

What are some creative uncommon, creative renewable energy sources?

for my science class exam, I must assemble a portfolio of 4 types of renewable energy technologies, it cannot be solar or wind. I must explain whether the technologies are feasible or not. I must explain the pros & cons of utilizing this type of energy, whether it be environmental, economic, social or political. I can only find wind and solar and we’re not allowed to use those. I know of like cranks and generators but I still need more. So can anyone give me any other good ideas for renewable energy technologies?……….. I have until friday.

admin answers:

A hundred mile long cable attached to a satellite assembled to allow the cable to drag through the Earth’s magnetic field would produces massive amount of energy that could be turned in micro waves, beamed to a receiver on the ground and distributed over the already established grid. A series of small wind turbines arrayed alongside freeways would be turned by the wind energy produced by moving traffic. Using underwater ocean currents to turn turbines is a proven technology and a future use of matter/anti matter interchange is technically feasible as that technology is developed. The best way to improve the energy picture is to use far less of it. We really don’t need all night/every night advertising lights….all that does is burn up massive quantities of fossil fuels for no reason. Of course folks that sell fossil fuels would lose money, and electric companies that sell electricity would lose money as well…but that’s another factor that you might consider bringing up in the discussion.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators

James asks…

Can an automobile voltage regulator be used in a 12v solar generator system?

Can an automobile voltage regulator be used in a 12v solar generator system?
i am trying to use a 12 volt automobile regulator for a solar panel and i want to know if any one has done this and whether it will work with a small solar panel. Any advice and opinion welcomed.

admin answers:

Probably not.

As the first link below shows, a car voltage regulator senses the voltage and tells the alternator to put out more or less voltage.

This is not the way a solar voltage regulator works.

The second link shows how a solid state voltage regulator works. It cuts down a voltage and stabilizes the voltage (eliminating ripples). This is the kind of voltage regulator you would need for a solar generating system.

Lizzie asks…

Can you make a residential/personal use solar generator from a 24-volt industrial solargizer?

I have a small supply of 24-volt industrial solargizers and am wondering if I can make a residential/Personal use solar generator from them?

admin answers:

Then you have a small supply of a device that supplies a very small amount of electricity. Each one has only a rather small 4 x 5 ” solar panel I suppose if your “small” supply was about 100 of them and you had the equivilent of a 40″ by 50″ pannel you might reach somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 watts on a clear bright day. That would be enough energy to run a laptop or maybe a small blender. Http://www.batterystuff.com/battery-restoration/24-volt/IS24L.html

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Your Questions About Solar Generator For House

Linda asks…

Is it mandatory to have a electric meter on your house if you`re not using electricity from the power company?

I recently had solar Pannels installed. The panels generate enough electricity to power my house during the day. I use a 20kw silent diesel generator to power my house at night. I really hate my power provider PG&E. If i tell them to shut off my power, Will they remove that tacky smart meter from my property?

admin answers:

Use a bat and take it off yourself

James asks…

How do I keep my house safe during this years hurricane season?

We got hit by hurricane Rita almost 2 years ago and we still have a blue tarp on our roof. We are renting and the owner of the house didn’t have insurance on the house so we stll have a blue tarp covering it. I’m worried about this years hurricane season. I can’t afford to move and I’m trying my best to safe up to get it fixed but in the meantime, how do I keep my house safe? No jokes please. I’m still trying to get mold spores out of the house.
Sorry to hear about all of that. FEMA said we had significant damage but said they couldn’t help us because I forgot to include my middle name when I signed my name during the inspection of my house. They caontacted me 8 months after the hurricane, after is started raining in our house and leaks were everywhere and then they mentioned they could have helped us but I left out my middle name on my signature. I had to show proof who I was about 3 times and finally I got it straight but then I recieved a letter in the mail from FEMA saying I missed the deadline and they couldn’t help us fix the roof. So now I am saving up to have it fixed.

admin answers:

Start early, purchasing plywood to board up windows and doors to preserve glass and protect family from what might come through. Purchase generator, candles, solar or windup radios, stockpyle canned food and water. You may want to invest in some type of fuel heating unit. First aid kit is a must. Store some clothing for each family member in your shelter. Keep important documents handy, billfold, checkbook ect. Just plan ahead and be smart. You know you cant stop it so prepare for it.

I cant imagine the devistation, remember what you needed the day after and try to accomidate for that.

May Gods hand of protection be upon you this season…

God Bless

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Sale

Chris asks…

how much solor energy would be needed to run a air conditioner?

admin answers:

Far more than you can afford.

A 3 ton central air conditioner draws about 7,500 watts. The sun doesn’t shine all the time, indeed you typically get less than 8 hours of usable sunshine for photovoltaics so you have to generate three times the power that you need in order to run the air conditioner around the clock so that’s 22,500 watts. Inverters are inefficient and are more inefficient the bigger they get to the point where motor generators are used with large sale DC to AC conversion, however most solar systems use an inverter so you’ll likely to have 60% efficiency therefore it’s 37,500 watts that’s needed. Air conditioners are ideally sized to meet the cooling demands as closely as possible as a short duty cycle results in high humidity so let’s say it has an 80% duty cycle, that brings the requirements to 30,000 watts. A solar cell costs $1.20 a watt to manufacture in China and $2 a watt to manufacture in the US but by the time a system is installed, it would likely be $5 per watt so your solar panels would cost $150,000. Oh, and you won’t have enough roof space facing the Sun.

If you do want solar powered air conditioning, your best bet would be evacuated tube solar thermal panels running an absorption air conditioner. But this won’t be cheap either and it will probably still require natural gas as a backup source of heat and it would mean completely replacing your air-conditioner.

Sandy asks…

Advice for building a solar generator?

We are moving to a remote location without any electricity, and would like to produce our own. We have read that it is pretty easy to set up solar power, and there are ready-made solar generators for sale. If we build our own, how many solar panels would we need to comfortably power a small cabin, and what other materials will we need to set it up? About how much will this all cost?

admin answers:

A solar electric system consist of in simplest terms a panel, charge controller, battery, and a load “lights, radio, etc”. This system can be expanded on.
The first item you need to consider is the loads, what do you want them to be. How much energy do they consume per hour and how many hours a day are they used. The next is the voltage of the items 12volt dc, 24 volts dc, 120 volts ac. In general 120 volt ac itmes are easier to obtain but in general less effeciant but also have longer life spans then the 12 and 24 volt dc versions.
Example we use 1 light bulb that consumes 20 watts at 12 volt for 4 hours a day. This buld would need 20*4=80 watts of energy per day. Next lets say you had 5 of these light bulbs and they were all used the same amount every day, you would need 80*5=400 watts to run these lights. Next lets say you want 2 days of reserve enegy incase it rains or something 400 *2=800 watts.
These 2 figures help give us the panel and battery size. Lets look at the panels first. We determind we needed 400 watts per day. Look around on the interent and you will find a chart with hours a day of sun light for your area. Lets say your area get 2.5 hours of direct sun per day in the worst time of year you would need 400/2.5=160 watts of panels.
The next figure is the 800 watts of battery. You never want to discharge your battery more than 40% this will reduce your battery life. So lets do the math again. (800/40)*100=2000
Now lets assume your battery back is 12 volts 2000/12=167 amp hour back.
So your system would consist now of 160 watts of solar panels 167 amp 12 volt battery bank a charge controller mounting system for the panels, box for the batteries, and an small fuse or breaker panel to protect all the equipment.
This would be a very simple system but if you wanted to add tv’s radios computer etc. You need to do the load calcs on them add them all together and do the math. Don’t just go out and buy a system someone off the internet sales you it may not be right for what you need.
Something else you will need to see the sun most of the day no shading of the panels. Good luck solar is great.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Calculator

Helen asks…

Can you get solar energy from a household lamp ?

Can you get solar energy from a household lamp?

admin answers:

Jordan is technically correct. But if you mean to ask if light from a lamp can produce electricity in a solar cell, then yes it can. But the amount of power the solar cell would produce is always less than the power needed to make the lamp shine, so there is no point in doing it. Except possibly for using a hand held calculator that has a solar cell on it and no battery. The light from the lamp will be enough to power such a calculator.

Charles asks…

How do you determine sun angle to apply in passive solar design?

I’m trying to self-educate myself in principle of passive solar construction. I have a basic understanding of the principle behind it:
-Capture winter sun
-Block out Summer sun
-Thermal mass to store energy
-southernly facing within 15 degrees of true south

My question is, how do you determine/calculate the sun angle to accomodate the principle. I can do a sun angle calculator but I don’t know how to interepret and apply the output: for example:
how would I determine the angles winter & sun angles ( picture: http://www.spartansaving.com/solarenergy/passive-solar-heating/) based off of information received:

Lat/Long: 37.05N / 94.51W
Altitude Angle: -17.73
Azimuth Angle: -74.22
Clock time: 6:00am
Solar time: 5:38am
Hour Angle: -95.43
Declination: -22.97
Equation of time: -0.06
Sunrise: 7:28am
Sunset: 5:15pm

**the above is just an example of a given day***

Now that I have the data for that one day, how would I use those figures to determine the winter & summer critical sun angles?

I understand thats just any day and I think I would need the figures for for the beginning and end of the solistices to get a span, but what do those figures above tell me?

How would I use them to draw a diagram (like the link provided) for any given location to ensure enough glass would capture the maximum amount of sunlight in winter but determine enough overhand to block the sun?


admin answers:

The basic critical angle is 90 degrees minus your latitude. The sun angle will vary +/- about 23 degrees from this.
I found that I put an awning above my 2-story south windows which was just wide enough to completely block the sun at the summer solstice. This gave a varying amount of insolation throughout the year without the hassle of tracking.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators Lowes

William asks…

I have a 110 volt refrigerator that i would like to power with solar panels..?

I have a cabin up in the woods and i just bought a little fridge.. http://www.lowes.com/pd_61493-47224-FRC445GB_?PL=1&productId=1190667&cm_mmc=search_gps-_-gps-_-gps-_-Frigidaire%204.4%20Cu.%20Ft.%20Compact%20Refrigerator%20(Color:%20Black) … thing is its too much to have the generator on all the time so i would like to put in some solar panels…im just confused on how to calculate it all and what kind of batteries i would need and anything else…If you could help me out i would appreciate it.

admin answers:

It would probably be a whole lot cheaper to have a super insulated box and haul some ice to your cabin.

Ken asks…

zombie survival?

what would you do if the world was taken over by zombies, and why?

admin answers:

Gather up people and fortify a position in orange county.

About 2-3 years into zpaw we move north to Idaho or something, a climate more suitable for farming and a area more remote.

I’ll distribute my guns (there’s 3)- my dad will take my shotgun, I’ll take the SKS and my bro will take the .22lr. I have at least 1000 rounds of each, so there should be no problem defending ourselves.

We group at Irvine High School, a small task force will weld all exterior doors shut, another force will weld bars over every window. The third will block all gated entrances by first chaining them shut, except for the back one.

Once this is done, I take 5 people with me, the SKS and shotgun. The rest will remain at the citadel with the .22lr, where they are very safe.

My little group will go into the chaos and get food, water, and some very nesscary supplies. Guns are needed because by this point people will be fighting over food and water. We pull up in front of Ralphs, One remains in the van with a bat and a machete. I lead with the shotgun hidden under my jacket (stock cut off), three people behind me grab shopping carts to fill up, the bring up the rear is another friend with the SKS in plain sight.

If we meet armed resistance, we open fire and leave trail of dead bodies. First is to grab is fresh produce and food, then bottled water.

We go back to the citadel to off load our supplies, then head off o big 5 sporting goods. Its a sporting store with guns, we break the crappy wooden lock bar with a crowbar and grab all the guns, ammo, and camping supplies, head back to the van, drive forward some and take some more food from the nearby albertsons.

Again, off load at the citadel and give out our newly acquired long guns to everyone. I trade in my shotgun for a 10/22 rifle, and off we go, another trip to the gun store. We head up Tustin Ave, now packed with cars, so we drive on the sidewalk. First to a storage place, we we trade in the van for a large truck. Then up to Fowler’s guns, which should be empty of people and very well locked up. We borrow a car someone’s car left on the road and drive it into the store front, go inside and grab every gun, ammo, and cleaning/reloading they got. Same for Turner’s outdoorsman. At Army-Navy We take all the camping things they have.

And on the way back take a second truck and go to home deport / lowes (whatever it is) and get some building materials, generators, fuel, BBq machines, solar panels, tools and more stuff. Then we head back to the citadel.

With our newly acquired weapons, ammo, tools and materials, we first park the truck in the gated autoshop area, Which we first reinforce with additional barricades and steel. Then we offload everything. Everyone can now get their gun or choice, plenty of ammo, take a room to sleep in.

During week 1 we set up patrols, which will patrol the roof tops and shoot any zombies we see, we set up the kitchen, the BBq machines we picked up cooks the meat we got form stores (packed in dry ice), bread, fresh produce and milk is also around to consume first.
The generators and lugged to the amphitheater area, set up.
The locker rooms are ventilated and cleaned, prepped to store the guns and ammo we have, including any fuel and dangerous things.
The aquatics center has the pools drained and filled with fresh water (thats 4 Olympic pools)

Week 2
we break up the cement in the quad to make room form farmland
we clear surrounding neighborhoods and salvage for additional supplies, tools, or materials.

After that, we continue living for a couple years, get good at farming and independence, then move to Idaho with electric cars (no gas worries) and set up a new walled city there.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Suppliers

James asks…

what are solar energy converters?

i need to do a presentation on solar energy converter…can someone please suggest me a site where i can look for matter related to the topic….

admin answers:

A solar energy converter includes: a light-concentrating instrument; an electron emitter in an insulated vacuum vessel, emitting electrons in a vacuum as a temperature rises by sunlight; an electron accelerator within the light-concentrating instrument; a cathode on a surface of the electron emitter opposite to a surface which is irradiated by sunlight, and electrically connected with the electron emitter; an electric field supplier having a positive terminal and a negative terminal; and an electron collector in the vacuum vessel, collecting the emitted electrons flying from the electron emitter toward the electron accelerator; wherein the electron accelerator is connected with the positive terminal and the cathode is connected with the negative terminal to generate an electric field, and the electron collector is used as a negative generator electrode and the cathode is used as a positive generator electrode in which the collected electrons migrate to the electron emitter to generate electricity.

Sandy asks…

what are the main european power stations?

admin answers:

The EU use various sorts of power, ranging from fossil fuels to renewable energy: coal, gas, solar thermal, hydro, wind, nuclear.

If you want the names of a few major power companies…

RWE npower is one of the UK’s leading electricity generators. Its parent company, RWE is one of the leading international utility companies. The company provides customers with electricity, gas and water as well as services related to these products. The company’s core markets are Germany, the UK and Continental Europe.

There are other national energy supply companies such as Eon in Germany and Gaz de France. There is also the power supplier E.ON UK.

In addition, EDF already has a significant presence in the UK energy market with its purchase of London Energy, Seeboard Energy and SWEB Energy. The company operates 58 atomic reactors in France and is expected to be among those firms bidding to build the new nuclear plants.

The E.U. Already imports half of its energy. By 2030 that figure is set to rise to 70 percent. While Europe has managed to reduce its dependence on oil since the crises of the 1970s, imports still account for three quarters of oil consumption and are expected to approach 90 percent by 2030. In Europe, natural gas is expected to be the largest energy source after oil, but before coal and lignite. Already 15 percent of electricity comes from gas power stations.

At present, nuclear power generates 35 percent of electricity within the E.U. The popular alternative to coal for electricity generation is natural gas. Already 15 percent of electricity comes from gas power stations, and this is expected to rise to 40 percent by 2030.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Environments

Donna asks…

What are engineering challenges to develop solar energy for comfort/home uses?

What are engineering challenges to develop solar energy for comfort/home uses?

admin answers:

Solar is an old technology now and is fairly developed. Cost is a bit of a barrier but that is coming down quickly. Production scale could also be considered a barrier, as the industry can’t yet make enough solar panels to satisfy demand. The panels themselves are limited in how much energy they can take out of the sun’s rays, but they are getting better at this. Materials are a big thing now, mostly in trying out different materials and structures in the cells to bring down the cost and boost the efficiency.
I came accross a new, proven and tested home made wind power system and solar power system which eliminates our electricity bills. It was written by a Renewable energy enthusiasts Michael Harvey the diy called Earth4energy. You can get your copy to save energy and help environment while eliminating your power bills. Get it from here:

Ken asks…

What are the democratic and republican views on solar energy?

What are the democratic and republican views on solar energy?
what are the views, and how do they affect america?
i need both sides, democratic, and reublican views

admin answers:

In reality – Solar Farms are not practical or cost effective – YET!
They need to be subsidized by government. Solar panels only have a 10-20 year life.
When solar panels go below the 8 cent per watt cost – then they will be more cost effective.

Some Democrats don’t want their development or wind Farms.
“AMBOY, Calif. — Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced legislation in Congress on Monday to protect a million acres of the Mojave Desert in California by scuttling some 13 big solar plants and wind farms planned for the region.” – – Plus the Kennedy’s stopped a wind farm in Massachusetts.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators Costco

Laura asks…

I need help with building an electric car?

I’m soon to be for fourteen and I have been ideas for the future, I plan on building an electric car. I need to find somebody that has already built one and ask you about it.

admin answers:

The one EV car I currently have (have 2 vehicles that run on hydrogen also) I converted from a vw bug and is free to charge. As I live completely off the grid all my electricity comes from solar panels and 2 wind generators, which I also built.

However I did charge up at Costco in Carlsbad California (I actually only drove up there to fill up) if I remember right it was around $2.00

Not sure if you’re interesting in doing it yourself, but I’d be willing to walk you step by step threw the conversion. I’ve converted 3 of my own cars (a datsun truck, ford ban, and a vw bug) and a few for neighbors. I’ve also converted cars to run on hydrogen, ethanol and biodiesel, by far EV is the easiest.

If you’re interested here’s what it would entitle…

– The engine compartment is first cleaned out of any gasoline components.
– Electric components are then installed in exchange.
– A battery bank is built and incorporated.
– Existing starter and driving systems are connected.
– Turn the key, step on the gas pedal sending more energy to the electric motor, & thus more power to the drive system, which in return creates more speed, more acceleration.
– The system has normal automotive top speeds and acceleration, typical to the vehicle your modifying. If your top speed was 85 mph and your acceleration was 1 mile per min, then this will be what your left with after the conversion.

The methods are extremely simple, making the process possible for anyone, everyone, ANYWHERE.

Typical tools, hardware & supplies are used, making access to parts available for all.

Electric Conversions can be easily accomplished in ANY model vehicle, even tractors, Generators, types of machinery, etc.

Project lengths range from 1 day to 1 month.
If you’re interested I wrote a guide on it which is available at www agua-luna com

My last EV conversion ran me about $1400. Everything is available online. I have a how to do it yourself guide available at www agua-luna com that will walk you step by step through the process. If you have ANY questions feel free to contact me through the site. Here’s a list of what you’d need…

Advanced DC Motor
The motor is an 8″ Advanced DC series-wound motor. It weighs 107 pounds and is rated at 68 peak horsepower. These motors are available in several sizes.

Adaptor plate
The adaptor plate mates the motor to the transmission. It is constructed of 1/2 inch aluminum and is pre-drilled with bolt hole patterns for both the motor and transmission. An aluminum spacer is also used for proper spacing between the shafts of the transmission and motor. Adaptor plates are available for many cars.

DC Motor Controller
The controller regulates current going to the motor. It is a solid-state device that uses a pulse width modulator (PWM) that sends short bursts of current to the motor at a rate of 15 kHz. Controllers are available from both Curtis and DCP.

Potbox (Potentiometer)
The potbox is a 5K ohm throttle between the controller and the accelerator, similar to the way a sewing machine pedal works. The potbox’s lever arm is attached to the existing accelerator cable.

Main Contactor
An electric relay that serves the same purpose as the ignition switch in a gas car. When the key is turned to the start position, the contactor closes the circuit to allow current to flow to the controller.

Circuit Breaker
A safety device that shuts down power for servicing or during an emergency. The circuit breaker is installed under the hood and can be switched both off and on from the drivers seat with an extension or cable.

Main Fuse
The main fuse protect the system from high voltage spikes. A fuse should be installed at each battery box or group of batteries.

A shunt is placed in series within the wiring as a means to connect meters. Shunts are available in different sizes for both high and low power configurations.

Charger interlock
A relay that keeps the circuit open so nobody will inadvertantly drive off with the charge cord plugged into the car.

DC/DC Converter
The DC/DC converter is similar in function to a gas car’s alternator. It charges the 12 volt accessory battery by chopping voltage from the main battery pack down to 13.5 volts.

If you interested I offer several DIY alternative guides to walk you step by step threw EV conversion process at agua-luna com or

www agua-luna com
Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at www agua-luna com on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

Dan Martin
Alterative Energy / Sustainable Consultant, Living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular Peop

Mary asks…

Has any done an electric car conversion in the Denver area?

I’m considering doing a conversion I just wanted to get some insight from someone who has already been there.

admin answers:

The one EV car I currently have (have 2 vehicles that run on hydrogen also) I converted from a vw bug and is free to charge. As I live completely off the grid all my electricity comes from solar panels and 2 wind generators, which I also built.

However I did charge up at Costco in Carlsbad California (I actually only drove up there to fill up) if I remember right it was around $2.00

Not sure if you’re interesting in doing it yourself, but I’d be willing to walk you step by step threw the conversion. I’ve converted 3 of my own cars (a datsun truck, ford ban, and a vw bug) and a few for neighbors. I’ve also converted cars to run on hydrogen, ethanol and biodiesel, by far EV is the easiest.

If you’re interested here’s what it would entitle…

– The engine compartment is first cleaned out of any gasoline components.
– Electric components are then installed in exchange.
– A battery bank is built and incorporated.
– Existing starter and driving systems are connected.
– Turn the key, step on the gas pedal sending more energy to the electric motor, & thus more power to the drive system, which in return creates more speed, more acceleration.
– The system has normal automotive top speeds and acceleration, typical to the vehicle your modifying. If your top speed was 85 mph and your acceleration was 1 mile per min, then this will be what your left with after the conversion.

The methods are extremely simple, making the process possible for anyone, everyone, ANYWHERE.

Typical tools, hardware & supplies are used, making access to parts available for all.

Electric Conversions can be easily accomplished in ANY model vehicle, even tractors, Generators, types of machinery, etc.

Project lengths range from 1 day to 1 month.
If you’re interested I wrote a guide on it which is available at www agua-luna com

My last EV conversion ran me about $1400. Everything is available online. I have a how to do it yourself guide available at www agua-luna com that will walk you step by step through the process. If you have ANY questions feel free to contact me through the site. Here’s a list of what you’d need…

Advanced DC Motor
The motor is an 8″ Advanced DC series-wound motor. It weighs 107 pounds and is rated at 68 peak horsepower. These motors are available in several sizes.

Adaptor plate
The adaptor plate mates the motor to the transmission. It is constructed of 1/2 inch aluminum and is pre-drilled with bolt hole patterns for both the motor and transmission. An aluminum spacer is also used for proper spacing between the shafts of the transmission and motor. Adaptor plates are available for many cars.

DC Motor Controller
The controller regulates current going to the motor. It is a solid-state device that uses a pulse width modulator (PWM) that sends short bursts of current to the motor at a rate of 15 kHz. Controllers are available from both Curtis and DCP.

Potbox (Potentiometer)
The potbox is a 5K ohm throttle between the controller and the accelerator, similar to the way a sewing machine pedal works. The potbox’s lever arm is attached to the existing accelerator cable.

Main Contactor
An electric relay that serves the same purpose as the ignition switch in a gas car. When the key is turned to the start position, the contactor closes the circuit to allow current to flow to the controller.

Circuit Breaker
A safety device that shuts down power for servicing or during an emergency. The circuit breaker is installed under the hood and can be switched both off and on from the drivers seat with an extension or cable.

Main Fuse
The main fuse protect the system from high voltage spikes. A fuse should be installed at each battery box or group of batteries.

A shunt is placed in series within the wiring as a means to connect meters. Shunts are available in different sizes for both high and low power configurations.

Charger interlock
A relay that keeps the circuit open so nobody will inadvertantly drive off with the charge cord plugged into the car.

DC/DC Converter
The DC/DC converter is similar in function to a gas car’s alternator. It charges the 12 volt accessory battery by chopping voltage from the main battery pack down to 13.5 volts.

If you interested I offer several DIY alternative guides to walk you step by step threw EV conversion process at agua-luna com or

www agua-luna com
Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at www agua-luna com on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

Dan Martin
Alterative Energy / Sustainable Consultant, Living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World… Instantly Elevating Their Income & Lowering Their Debt, While Saving The Environment by Using FREE ENERGY… All With Just One Click of A Mouse…For more info Visit:

www AGUA-LUNA com
Stop Global Warming!!!

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Cost

Ruth asks…

How hard is it to install solar panels on a swimming pool?

I was thinking about adding a solar heater to my swimming pool. The panels seem very affordable, but is this something I could install myself with no experience or do i need a professional?

admin answers:

Not hard. This web site provides you a step by step process to build a devise that generates solar and wind energy. Not only will it provide electric for your pool, but can lower your utility bill. The cost to build this generator is under $200.

Carol asks…

What are the best Deep Cycle batteries to use when storing energy from a wind generator and a solar panel?

I hear the forklift batteries are the best but they are to heavy to transport so I was thinking something a bit smaller but still capable of storing a lot of energy.
Well thank you very much !

admin answers:

Deep cycle batteries are the correct choice for renewable energy systems. Unlike your car battery, deep cycle batteries are made to be deeply discharged and recharged many times over the life. When selecting batteries for solar and wind systems, flooded lead acid (FLA) batteries are the most cost effective. They also require maintenance -i.e. Regularly checking the fluid level to ensure longest life. FLA batteries offer the largest storage potential, and batteries can be up to several hundred pounds each.

Besides FLA batteries there are also sealed gel cell and absorbed glass mat (AGM) batteries for RE applications. These batteries are more expensive than FLA batteries and are generally smaller in storage capacity. They are good for remote applications where maintenance would be difficult, and because fluid levels do not need to be maintained, they have a shorter lifespan than the FLA batteries.

Remember to be conservative when calculating battery size for a stand-alone solar or wind system. If your battery bank is undersized, you will not be able to supply the energy you had planned. Battery bank is size is directly dependent on the amount of Watt-hours you are supplying; how many days of autonomy you will need; the depth of discharge; and inverter efficiency. Be sure to look at the battery warranty as well. Rolls-Surrette batteries are known for their quality and are also a bit more expensive upfront. But high quality batteries, if properly cared for, will outlast cheaper batteries and save money in the long run.
Good luck!

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells

Maria asks…

How much fossil fuel does it take to make solar cells (energy ratio)?

Count the energy the solar cell can harvest over its lifetime. For the fossil-fuel side, you can use the chemical energy in the material, or the amount that could be obtained with heat engines, but in either event specify which measure you used.

admin answers:

I don’t think the Information on this page entirely answers your question, but it gets you a lot closer…


Paul asks…

How do solar cells work?

Hi, can anyone please tell me how solar cells work? Not in too much detail with alot of compicated terminology. I just need to know how they convert solar energy into electrical energy without all the complicated stuff.

Thanks alot!

admin answers:

Detailed Version: A solar cell is composed of a semiconductor with n-type and p-type material, that has a built-in potential at the junction. When light photons hit the semiconductor, they are absorbed and convert the photons energy into an electron and hole pair. These carriers are split by the built-in electric field of the junction in the semiconductor which outputs a current and voltage that can be used for energy.

Less complicated version: light hits a solar cell and the light is converted into a voltage and current similar to a battery which can be used to supply electrical power.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Sale

Richard asks…

What would you do if society colapsed end every one was on their own?

no cooperation between anyone, not even families

no utilities or power, unless you can provide it for yourself like your own well or generator and if you can you have to protect it from any one else who might want to steal it for them selves.

no sale or trade between people you just have what you own and what you can take or steal from others.

how long do you think you could last? Where would you go? What’s your plan?

admin answers:

Regenerate society among my family and our neighbors (we already have that planned)

We have wind / solar powering our ranch, and diesel back up… We also raise 80% of our own veggies and 95% of our meat / dairy… We have a 1 year stock of grain, coffee, sugar, etc.

I won’t mention our weapons… Or our security arrangements other than to say that a few Marine Gunny Sergeants and SEALs (friends) have been up here and approved / and improved.

We live 20 miles from town and 90 miles from the city… We have our own valley and access to another four via neighbors… Time to start a tribal / feudal system !!

James asks…

How much does a tie to grid battery bank cost per KWH?

A power company has a sales thing where for an 18 month contract, you can get free power from 10pm to 6 am. I would like to get a solar setup eventualy, and think this would be a great stepping stone.

I would need to be able to charge the battery from the grid or from panels eventualy. What would be the cost to setup a 10kwh bank tied to the grid (using 6v batteries or whatever)? Ball park? 500? 2k? 5k?

admin answers:

Solar panels would be your best bet as generators are expensive when you factor in the (rising) fuel costs.

Find a local solar installer here: http://www.installeco.com/find/solar-installers/

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Companies

Linda asks…

solar energy used in a real life for what ? and is it successful?

1.successful example of solar power in use of the real life .where in the world it’s successful and why can all sources be used in any country?
2.why not success economically?what improvement have been made ?

admin answers:

You are asking a big question so I advise you to do some research. I will offer some of what I’ve learned.

Solar is getting cheaper at a rapid rate. The solar industry was one of the hotter sectors in the stock market in the last year. Prices are expected to reach grid parity over the next ten years, depending on where you live.
Grid parity means solar is competitive in price without subsidies. Till then we have subsidies.
Some photovoltaic panel makers are saying they may be at grid parity in two to five years.

In sunny areas like California, which also have high electricity prices, prices are already competitive.
In California, the three power companies have already signed on for solar power plants totaling 3 gigawatts. One gigawatt would power San Francisco, for comparison.
These are both photovoltaic and solar thermal power plants.
They are hundreds of megawatts each, and plants as big as 900 megawatts have been proposed. That’s 9/10 of a gigawatt.

Solar thermal power plants use the heat from the sun to generate electricity, usually by boiling water to drive a steam turbine generator. The heat from these plants can be stored and electricity generated at night. Solar thermal plants also won’t fade when a cloud goes over them.
They are fairly competitive now, with claims of 8-12 cents per kilowatt hour.

There is also concentrating solar photovoltaic power plants.
Both these and solar thermal plants, use parabolic mirrors, mirrors that track the sun, or fresnel lenses to concentrate sunlight up to 1000 fold onto a receiver, either thermal, or photovoltaic.

Using less than 1% of our southwest desert lands, solar power plants could power the whole country. This is an area 92 miles by 92 miles, an area which is less than the land now used for coal mining. The January 08 issue of Scientific American featured an article called “A Solar Grand Plan”, a proposal, which you can read online, to do just that.
It proposes building solar thermal and concentrating photovoltaic power plants and a network of high voltage DC transmission lines to distribute the power to other parts of the country. This HVDC distribution system is the same thing that T Boone Pickens is recommending to move wind generated power from Texas to the rest of the country. This will have the added benefit of beefing up the grid, something that is needed anyway.
There is no shortage of good ideas out there. At setamericafree.org, you will find another plan called “A Blueprint for U.S. Energy Security”. This plan shows how we can achieve energy security and meet the goals of reducing the threat of global warming, using current technology. It calls for plug in hybrid cars, which would achieve an overall 100 mpg for the average driver. Once the grid is clean energy, it can power much of our transportation as well.
At that point, electric cars will make perfect sense and will have had more time to perfect the technology.
If you study these two plans and that of T Boone Pickens, you will see they have much in common. By combining the best ideas of these and other similar plans, we can get the job done. For instance, Pickens wants to use natural gas as a cleaner alternative to gasoline in cars. How about plug in hybrid natural gas powered cars? Plug in Partners website has good information on plug in hybrids.
Pickins’ argument for natural gas for cars is a good one, it’s cheap, it’s abundant, it’s cleaner than gasoline, and it’s ours.
And he’s right about something else, we can’t drill our way out of it, and oil is killing our economy.

Those in power want you to believe that these solutions will be too expensive. Nothing could be further from the truth. For example, the solar proposal published by SciAm calls for spending about $400 billion in public money, over a period of about 40 years. This is less public money, than we spent to build the high speed information highway over the last 35 years. And that is about how much we give to oil companies, in the form of tax credits and subsidies, every five years. So by spending about 1/8 of what we now give away to oil companies, we could power the entire nation with solar energy in the southwest.

Add to this solar panels on rooftops, large scale arrays on the ground and such all over the country, and you have both distributed energy and centralized energy, all from solar.

Wind has huge potential too and is cheap.
Both wind and solar large projects are quicker to get up and running than nuclear or coal plants. Cheaper too!

Green Wombat has lots of articles on related issues, with several stories about solar power plants in the southwest.

One thing that is helping is power purchase agreements and other financing designed so that a homeowner, for instance, could install solar panels with no money down. This is also being done in larger commercial installations and utility scale installations.
Berkeley California just voted to finance solar for homeowners. They will sell bonds to finance solar panels for any homeowner that wants them, with no money down. Each year, along with your property tax, you will pay down part of the loan. If you sell your house you can pass on the solar and the debt. It’s a win win.

It no longer will take 20 years to pay off a solar system as someone else said.

There is much dis information out there. Big powers are trying to convince us that renewable energy can’t power the country. It is not true.
All we lack is the political will.

Nancy asks…

how do ordinary people buy and install green technology such as solar and wind in Michigan?

I know these things are MADE in Michigan and TV shows people doing this, but when I search all I get are companies looking to do business with other companies or sites that have no buying info just product info. I don’t understand why there is this disconnect with TV and the Internet. TV pushes the new technology while the internet seems to just now be admitting it exists.

admin answers:

Let me start off by saying we (my family and I) live completely, 100% “off of the grid and are completely self sufficient”

The house is built utilizing natures natural elements, in the shape of an octagon with 8ft wide arch doors on every wall to catch every angle of wind (typical 4 sided homes have half the chance as one with 8 sides. A circle being the most efficient design). Woodburning stoves, solar chimney, solar AC, solar heating, solar water heating (pool and home), solar stove, solar power, wind power, hydrogen powered back up generator, hydrogen back up water heater, hydrogen stove, 2 hydrogen powered trucks, 1 EV (electric vehicle) and satellite internet.

There are no utility lines, no water lines, no roads, tv, cell service, etc. On our ranch. EVERYTHING needed is produced here. All electricity comes from 27 solar panels, 2 main wind gens and a back hydrogen generator if needed (typically we can last 9 days with all luxuries of sunless windless weather, hasn’t happened yet). Water is caught and storaged from the rain. Hot water is made with solar batch water heaters with an on-demand hydrogen hot water heater as backup. Even our vehicles use alternative energy (2 hydrogen trucks, 1 EV electric vehicle converted). Because of this we have no bills, no debt and no mortgage.

The fallowing steps were taking directly out of a DIY guide I offer to those who would like to run their homes on solar power safely, reducing their monthly utility bills or even selling power back the the electrical companies. The entire guide is available at www agua-luna com. Its pretty simple but if you have any problems feel free to contact me directly I can walk you threw the process.

Materials you will need
A sheet of copper flashing from the hardware store. This normally costs about $5.00 per square foot. We will need about half a square foot.
Two alligator clip leads.
A sensitive micro-ammeter that can read currents between 10 and 50 microamperes. Radio Shack sells small LCD multimeters that will do, but I used a small surplus meter with a needle.
An electric stove. My kitchen stove is gas, so I bought a small one-burner electric hotplate for about $25. The little 700 watt burners probably won’t work — mine is 1100 watts, so the burner gets red hot.
A large clear plastic bottle off of which you can cut the top. I used a 2 liter spring water bottle. A large mouth glass jar will also work.
Table salt. We will want a couple tablespoons of salt.
Tap water.
Sand paper or a wire brush on an electric drill.
Sheet metal shears for cutting the copper sheet.

The first step is to cut a piece of the copper sheeting that is about the size of the burner on the stove. Wash your hands so they don’t have any grease or oil on them. Then wash the copper sheet with soap or cleanser to get any oil or grease off of it. Use the sandpaper or wire brush to thoroughly clean the copper sheeting, so that any sulphide or other light corrosion is removed.
Next, place the cleaned and dried copper sheet on the burner and turn the burner to its highest setting.
As the copper starts to heat up, you will see beautiful oxidation patterns begin to form. Oranges, purples, and reds will cover the copper.
As the copper gets hotter, the colors are replaced with a black coating of cupric oxide. This is not the oxide we want, but it will flake off later, showing the reds, oranges, pinks, and purples of the cuprous oxide layer underneath.
The last bits of color disappear as the burner starts to glow red.
When the burner is glowing red-hot, the sheet of copper will be coated with a black cupric oxide coat. Let it cook for a half an hour, so the black coating will be thick. This is important, since a thick coating will flake off nicely, while a thin coat will stay stuck to the copper.
After the half hour of cooking, turn off the burner. Leave the hot copper on the burner to cool slowly. If you cool it too quickly, the black oxide will stay stuck to the copper.
As the copper cools, it shrinks. The black cupric oxide also shrinks. But they shrink at different rates, which makes the black cupric oxide flake off.
The little black flakes pop off the copper with enough force to make them fly a few inches. This means a little more cleaning effort around the stove, but it is fun to watch.
When the copper has cooled to room temperature (this takes about 20 minutes), most of the black oxide will be gone. A light scrubbing with your hands under running water will remove most of the small bits. Resist the temptation to remove all of the black spots by hard scrubbing or by flexing the soft copper. This might damage the delicate red cuprous oxide layer we need to make to solar cell work.
Cut another sheet of copper about the same size as the first one. Bend both pieces gently, so they will fit into the plastic bottle or jar without touching one another. The cuprous oxide coating that was facing up on the burner is usually the best side to face outwards in the jar, because it has the smoothest, cleanest surface.
Attach the two alligator clip leads, one to the new copper plate, and one to the cuprous oxide coated plate. Connect the lead from the clean copper plate to the positive terminal of the meter. Connect the lead from the cuprous oxide plate to the negative terminal of the meter.
Now mix a couple tablespoons of salt into some hot tap water. Stir the saltwater until all the salt is dissolved. Then carefully pour the saltwater into the jar, being careful not to get the clip leads wet. The saltwater should not completely cover the plates — you should leave about an inch of plate above the water, so you can move the solar cell around without getting the clip leads wet.
Now place in the sun with the magnefied on top.
The solar cell is a battery, even in the dark, and will usually show a few microamps of current.
That’s it it’s that simple. If you’d a more detailed process and some pics (ouldn’t put them here) it’s available along with some other DIY alternative energy projects at www agua-luna com

Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at www agua-luna com on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

Dan Martin
Alterative Energy / Sustainable Consultant, Living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World… Instantly Elevating Their Income & Lowering Their Debt, While Saving The Environment by Using FREE ENERGY… All With Just One Click of A Mouse…For more info Visit:

www AGUA-LUNA com
Stop Global Warming, Receive a FREE Solar Panels Now!!!

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