
Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Companies

Daniel asks…

How can i produce my own electricty?

I have bought this countryside land of 10 acres and it has this pond of water that is about 1/2 acres could I use that to generate electricity. I am also planning on putting several solar panels and generators that generate energy through a bikecycle. so when I exercise it produces and saves electricity. would this work out or not.

The water pond does not have a continuous water as it its does not flow through the whole land but is set in that 1/2 acre of space.

I also wanted to know that is there internet connection in a countryside.

admin answers:

You can obtain PowerG 1800 Watt star Generator wherever you’ll never have to be compelled to worry a few equipment failure once more. This star high-powered battery backup is that the good power answer for remote cabins, looking lodges and notwithstanding you only need to prevent giving your hard-earned cash away to the electrical company. This star generator will run all of your essential electrical devices and it even has space for enlargement with the choice for doubling your backup power capability. This star generator off-grid battery backup kit comes with a a hundred and forty watt solar array, 50′ star cable Associate with an integrated charge controller.

Charles asks…

How do I plug the output of an AC generator into a power meter?

I have a solar powered AC generator (5hp AC motor spun by a stirling engine), and I want to put the outputted energy into the power grid. However, I don’t know how to connect it so that the engine will spin the motor (producing current) rather than the motor spinning the engine (sucking current).
Any (good) ideas?

Thanks in advance!

admin answers:

You need to talk with your power company before you attempt to connect anything. There are serious safety concerns with supplying power back to the grid and a special meter is required if you want to get paid for it in most locations. When I say serious I mean you can kill somebody besides yourself.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy International

Daniel asks…

I have a Solar Energy essay for Bio-Ecology.and i don’t know how to start?what could i do?

im having trouble on my essay.
i don’t know anything about solar energy.
we’re split into groups of four and my topic about solar energy is
SOLUTIONS;local,state,national and international.
what does that mean?
im lost?and my biology teacher he intimidates me,im too scared to ask for help.yikesss! 🙁

admin answers:

Each one in your group discusses possible solutions to the solar energy problem. One person take possible local solutions, another person takes possible state solutions, etc. Each person in your group should do their own research, and be prepared to present their material themselves. But then that’s just the way I’d do it….

Mary asks…

How do you build a solar panel out of household objects?

I’m doing my science fair project on solar energy and i need to know how to make a solar panel out of household objects. I found a website that said it is possible to build one out of a box, paint, plastic, and aluminum foil but I can’t find out how.

admin answers:

If you are trying to build a solar oven you can get some great ideas and free plans at: Solar Cookers International: http://solarcooking.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Solar_cooker_designs

And like the other have said Build it Solar has lots of great solar energy projects: http://www.builditsolar.com/

If you are trying to build your own solar panels that is a little more involved and you will need supplies that are not in your home but this can still be done as a do-it-yourself project: http://www.applied-solar.info/earth4energy-homemade-power/

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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Sale

Donna asks…

What are other good investments for the meltdown of western civilization?

Since were 57 trillion in debt and it is continuing to the point when hyperinflation knowck the dollar down to pennies of it’s current value. Besides guns, ammo, gold, and non-perishable food items? I can’t buy gold I don’t have that kind of money. 2 of the 4 I listed I’m pretty good on but what more can I do? I have gasmasks and am building a solar oven and generator from old car parts.

admin answers:

According to CNBC-TV last year (additional links below), the two top selling products in the USA have been:

#1 Fire Arms
# Safes (gun safes)

“On Concerns Over Gun Control, Gun Sales Are Up” (11-06-2008)

“Obama Driving Surge in Gun Sales, Firearms Groups Say” (01-16-2009)

“Americans stick to their guns as firearms sales surge” (04-13-209)

“Fear and Greed Have Sales of Guns and Ammo Shooting Up” (04-16-2009)

Recently there was another report that discussed a shortage in the USA on ammo.

“Gun dealers experiencing shortages of bullets” (02-10-2009)

Much of this buying frenzy has been out of concern that Obama will at one point try and take down or strip US Citizen Constitutional rights from the 2nd Amendment

Second Amendment Org.


U.S. Constitution: Second Amendment

Second Amendment to the United States Constitution

The debt isn’t exactly there yet, but we’re on track for that in a few decades or less.

“Ten Trillion and Counting” PBS Frontline. (Watch the video on-line)

I am not sure if the gas masks will be able to stop viruses.

Do you have an underground shelter yet? (kidding, sort of) 😛

I don’t know which Flag Burning Demo put the thmbs down, but the sources of this article are cited for reference.

Lizzie asks…

Can i convert a solar charge controller into a wind turbine charge controller?

I am building a wind generator and it turns out the system needs a charge controller. There a some on sale but I’d rather build or modify one myself. I pulled one out of a solar lamp. It has two ports, one for the input, whose input voltage range was 6-12v and and the other, output, with 6 volt output.The lamp used a 4 volt battery. However, the generator is a 30 volt ametek (capable of supplying up to 28 volts on a good windy day), and the battery am going to use as a bank is a 12 volt UPS one. Am just wondering if this controller will deliver on my wind turbine system, and where to connect the dummy load because I’ve heard solar controllers don’t use dummy loads yet they are essential on wind turbine systems. Thanks

admin answers:

A solar lamp will likely simply be a small voltage regulator, not a good choice. I would use a power FET, a zener diode, two transistors, a capacitor and maybe some resistors but then again, I’m an electrical engineer and actually know what I’m doing.

The UPS batteries are lead acid batteries which you can buy for about $12.

I think, you should stop and get an education before you hurt yourself.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Home

Donna asks…

What companies are the best in supplying Alternative Energy Generators(Solar, Wind…)?


I was wondering if one day I wanted to buy good products for generating energy from alternative resources like the Wind power and the Solar power, which companies are the best in supplying those kinds of generators?

I’m not just thinking of small generators for homes, I’m thinking of a bigger level too. Like for big industrial companies or even National level!

Thanks a lot for your expertise exchange 🙂

admin answers:

Mr. Solar
Specializes in renewable energy products including solar panels, batteries, solar kits, and other items.
Kyocera Solar
Network of solar energy companies answering the growing worldwide demand for reliable, economical, solar-generated electrical power.
Big Frog Mountain
Manufacturer of solar panels, wind generators, inverters, batteries, and other renewable energy equipment.
Sierra Solar Systems
Engineers solar electric and solar pumping systems worldwide.

Charles asks…

What do you think would happen if a virtually free source of energy was discovered?

If individuals and businesses suddenly became self sufficient in terms of electricity and transportation, lets say an ultra efficient solar or fuel cell was developed, how would the government compensate for the sudden massive loss of tax revenue? Would they tax the production and ownership of such an energy source at such a rate as to make its ownership financially prohibitive? Would they follow Oregon’s example with their planed requirement of GPS units in cars, tracking the distances you travel, then tax you for every mile you drive? Would some sort of meter be required on every solar array or generator in homes and businesses?

What do you think the political and economic repercussions of such scenario would be?
@cob bollum “it will never be completely “free”, it’s physically impossible.”
I’m not suggesting a way around the laws of thermodynamics. I said ultra efficient. An ultra efficient way to capture the suns energy and store it for instance would be a source of “free” energy, other than it’s initial purchase and any maintenance required.
@James L Those are my thoughts as well, however I do not see government giving up their control so easily despite the economic windfall such a development could precipitate. Perhaps i’m a pessimist, but I do not see them trading control and revenue for just more revenue, even if that revenue had the potential to be much greater.

admin answers:

It seems typical for government to find new methods of taxation. That is the only thing they do with efficiency and perfection.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Pros And Cons

Chris asks…

What are other environmentally friendly alternative energy sources?

other than solar panels and turbines, what are other energy sources? what are the pros and cons to it? THANKS AND 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER I SWEAR
also, what are the pros and cons to turbines?

admin answers:

Wind turbine.
Tide machine
Wave machine
Water temperature differential machine.

Pros should be obvious. Cons, they are usually expensive, and do not operate continuously, except for the last 2.

PS, turbines are not environmentally friendly, they are used in all oil and gas and coal fired plants.

Sandra asks…

What are the pros and cons for a solar energy law, figuratively speaking?

Lower energy bills
A safer, greener environment

High price to purchase and install
In Texas. Forgot to mention that.

admin answers:

It is actually very expensive and not every day is sunny, but on the other hand it is very very good for the environment

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Your Questions About Solar Generators Hawaii

Sharon asks…

Is living in Hawaii practical for a loner with money?

I’ve been thinking that I want to just relax for a few years.

admin answers:

Yup, loner or not, Hawaii gotta place for evabody, ok? I know of place ova onna Big Island, nice house off the grid, got year round spring for water, solar lectric, windmll for well, to elevate pressure tank, also propane 15K generator, delivery from truck to 2000 gallon tank, use to cook, heat water, run fridge, end of 4 mile graded gravel road, with 5 acres of you own…if you really a loner, can’t get much more alone than that, so if you wanna be alone, this maybe place for you, ok? But, mobetta that you gotta heavy check book too, but hey that what you say, yeah? Peace and aloha to you!

Maria asks…

can I run a desktop computer with a solar panel?

I am moving to Hawaii and the house we are living in has independent electricity. (solar panels and gas powered generators.)

admin answers:

The system in the Hawaiian house has solar panels that charge a battery bank. If the sun doesn’t shine enough, the generator will kick on and provide the extra power needed. An inverter converts the DC voltage stored in the batteries to AC power that you plug into a wall outlet to use. Depending on the inverter, it should be exactly the same as the AC you buy from the electric company now, so anything that you currently plug in to use will work.

The exception is if they are using an inexpensive modified sine wave inverter, that doesn’t generate as clean power as a pure sine wave inverter. Some delicate electronics may have trouble running on it. You may want to ask the house owners which type of inverter it is. If they don’t know, ask them the model and you can easily look it up.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Price

Lizzie asks…

Is it better to store a solar battery in the sun or in a drawer?

I have a 4000 mah, portable solar battery. I got it to charge my e cigs and cell phone, while I’m partying I’m the woods next summer. Would it be better to keep it in my window where it gets charged every day or should I put it in a drawer or somewhere out of the light, until I need to use it.

admin answers:

Without batteries to store energy you would only have power when the sun was shining or the generator was running. This tutorial describes the 4 basic types of batteries & provides some good tips on the care & feeding of your batteries to maximize their performance and life.

1) RV / Marine / Golf Cart : RV or Marine type deep cycle batteries are basically for boats & campers and are suitable for only very small systems. They can be used but do not really have the capacity for continous service with many charge/discharge cycles for many years. Regular or Car type batteries should not be used at all because they cannot be discharged very much without internal damage. A very popular battery for small systems is the Golf Cart battery. They are somewhat more expensive than deep cycle recreational batteries but are probably the least expensive choice for a small system on a budget.

Industrial strength : Flooded, Gel, and AGM sealed batteries
The next 3 types are the heavier industrial type batteries. They are all also considered Deep Cycle and are usually Lead Acid types with much thicker internal plates that can withstand many deep discharge cycles. These next 3 are all designed for alternative energy systems.

2) Flooded types : These are Lead acid batteries that have caps to add water. Many manufacturers make these types for Solar Energy use. Trojan, Surrette, and Deka are probably the most well known. They are reasonably priced and work well for many years. All flooded batteries release gas when charged and should not be used indoors. If installed in an enclosure, a venting system should be used to vent out the gases which can be explosive.

3) Gel : Not to be confused with maintenance free batteries, sealed gel batteries have no vents and will not release gas during the charging process like flooded batteries do. Venting is therefore not required and they can be used indoors. This is a big advantage because it allows the batteries to maintain a more constant temperature and perform better.

4) AGM : Absorbed Glass Mat batteries are in my opinion the best available for Solar Power use. A woven glass mat is used between the plates to hold the electrolyte. They are leak/spill proof, do not out gas when charging, and have superior performance. They have all the advantages of the sealed gel types and are higher quality, maintain voltage better, self discharge slower, and last longer. The Sun Xtender series by Concorde Battery is an excellent example of AGM batteries. They are more expensive, but you usually get what you pay for. You will find this type of battery used in airplanes, hospitals, and remote telephone/cell tower installations.

Sandra asks…

What is the best type of battery to use for a solar battery bank?

And where can I find them at a decent price in central Florida?
And what is an appropriate gauge for the battery cables?

admin answers:

HEY READ THIS ARTICLE … I have attached the link too … I like the question … Wanted to learn … So i looked up 🙂

Solar Power 101

By Jeffrey Yago, P.E., CEM

This article is the first in a series of what will be a beginner’s course in solar electricty. Simultaneously we have instituted a Home Energy Information (www.homeenergy.info) section on our website where you can ask questions of Jeff Yago, the author of this series. Yago is a licensed professional engineer and certified energy manager who has writtten many energy articles for BHM. He has extensive solar thermal and solar photovoltaic system design experience, and is author of Achieving Energy Independence — One Step At A Time, which includes many solar system wiring examples. It is available from the Backwoods Home Bookstore or by calling 804-457-9566. Those interested in solar electricity will want to save these articles for future review when planning your solar system.

I am getting numerous requests from readers wanting very specific guidance on how to install their own solar electric systems. Many have already found that this process is a little like trying to build an automobile by purchasing parts from a NAPA dealer. For example, you can buy a brake drum, wheel bearing, and oil filter, but since your car does not yet exist, how do you know what parts you need, what parts will fit with other parts, and how should these parts be wired together.

During the next few issues, I will take you through the “basics” of solar system design and installation, and answer your specific questions as we go along. This course will continue on the Backwoods Home Magazine website (www.backwoodshome.com) under their new Home Energy Information (www.homeenergy.info) section. You will be able to e-mail your installation questions and offer suggestions for future home energy saving articles.

Before I can help you design your own solar power system, you have to understand that there are actually many different types of solar power systems, for many different applications.

System types
Some solar power systems are 12-volt DC due to the many low voltage RV and boating lighting and appliances available, and do not have a utility line connection. These DC only systems can be used to power several DC lights in a remote cabin, or a DC well pump in a field for watering cattle. Some solar power systems have an inverter to convert a 12, 24, or 48-volt DC battery voltage into 120-volt AC power to operate standard household appliances. Some grid connected solar power systems are designed for direct connection to your utility line and do not use any batteries at all.

Hybrid solar power systems can include a battery bank, a solar array, a generator, and even a wind turbine to provide power at all times with the utility grid serving only as backup. Inverters and solar arrays are available in many different styles, voltages, and wiring configurations. Some solar arrays are mounted on the roof, some on the top of a pole, and some are ground mounted, with each having different wiring rules.

If you visit a solar home that has a well designed and properly installed solar power system, you will find the concept is actually fairly simple. The hard part is knowing what wiring layout was best for this specific home, what size and quantity of each system component was required, and what wire size and fuses were needed to keep from burning down the house.

One of the most misunderstood parts of a solar power system is the battery or battery bank, and that is where our class begins. Some solar battery banks use wet cells, like golf cart batteries, while others use sealed or gel cell batteries, and each have different temperature, mounting, and ventilation requirements.

Every battery is designed for a specific type of charge and discharge cycle. Car batteries have thin plates to keep their weight down and are designed for a heavy discharge lasting a few seconds, followed by a long period of slow re-charge. A 6-volt golf cart battery (size T-105) is the minimum battery I recommend for a residential solar application. You will need to buy these in “pairs” to make 12 volts. Golf cart batteries have very thick plates and are designed for hours of heavy discharge each day, followed by a fast recharge in only a few hours each night. This is similar to the duty cycle of a residential solar application, only in reverse. A solar battery must be able to provide long periods of deep discharge each evening and night, followed by a full recharge in only a few hours of sunlight each afternoon. Very few batteries can take a deep discharge-recharge cycle every day, and the 6-volt golf cart battery is the least expensive and easiest to find locally that can.

For some reason, everyone wants to use a sealed marine battery for their homegrown solar system. I strongly recommend that you do not. Included is a photo showing a sealed marine battery that “exploded” after being connected to a small solar charger for several months.

Even though this was a small 12-volt DC 5-amp solar charge controller powered from a single 50-watt solar photovoltaic module, this was enough energy to gradually overcharge the battery and evaporate all of the electrolyte even though this battery was “sealed.” A low electrolyte level can expose the plates which will gradually warp or “grow” in thickness as they oxidize. This can cause an internal short circuit and ignition of the hydrogen gas.

Plate damage can also occur when there is a large buildup of sediment after the upper plate areas become exposed from reduced water levels and begin to “flake” off. Most liquid acid batteries do not vent gasses while discharging. However, near the end of a typical charging cycle, when the battery is almost “full,” the sulfuric acid and water electrolyte will begin to break down into hydrogen and oxygen—a very explosive combination.

When ignited by a nearby spark or flame, an “explosion” can result, but this flash lasts only a fraction of a second, which is usually too fast to ignite nearby walls. However, this is still a very explosive reaction, with plastic battery parts becoming acid-covered shrapnel. While using a hand grinder one day in a shop, I accidentally directed the sparks towards several car batteries being charged about 30 feet away. There was a very loud explosive sound with acid and plastic hitting every wall of the large shop, yet I did not see a flame and there was no fire. Regardless, it was not a pleasant experience.

Always wear eye protection and acid proof gloves when working around batteries, and have lots of water and baking soda nearby. This will neutralize any acid spills from battery refilling and prevent further corrosive damage.

A typical 6-volt golf cart battery will store about 1 kilowatt-hour of useful energy (6 volt X 220 amp-hr X 80% discharge = 1056 watt-hours). Since this would only power two 50-watt incandescent lamps for 10 hours (2 X 50 X 10 = 1000 watt-hours), your alternative energy system will most likely require wiring several batteries together to create a battery bank. Since each golf cart battery weighs almost 65 pounds, there are weight considerations as well as battery gas venting issues to think about.

An area of a garage or storage building having a concrete floor is the most common location for a battery bank, although some large systems have their own specially designed battery room. I am going to assume you are installing a much smaller system and will only require four to eight batteries.

If you need more than the 220 amp-hr capacity contained in each golf cart battery, I suggest switching to the larger “L-16” size traction battery, having a 350 amp-hour rating, which may allow using fewer batteries. This battery is the same length and width as a golf cart battery, but is much taller and twice as heavy. This is an excellent battery for solar applications and can take very heavy charge-discharge cycling. This industrial rated battery may be more difficult to find, as it is only available from battery wholesale distributors.

Batteries can lose over half of their charge when exposed to extreme temperature swings, so be sure your proposed battery location stays in a 50° to 80° F range, or you will need to insulate the battery box. Since liquid batteries require refilling and battery terminal cleaning to remove corrosion several times each year, the floor area selected should be able to take an occasional acid spill and water wash down.

Battery venting is very important as discussed earlier, and if you build an enclosure around your batteries, it should be designed to direct all vented gasses to the outside. A 2-inch PVC pipe makes a good vent, but be sure it is located at the highest point in your battery enclosure where the lighter hydrogen gas will accumulate. Be sure it also includes a screened vent cap to keep out rain and insects. Do not locate your battery bank near a gas water heater or other open flame appliance that could ignite any accidental hydrogen accumulation.

A battery box can be built using standard 2 x 4 framing construction, with pressure treated plywood lining the interior surfaces. A hinged top door is needed for periodic battery maintenance, and should include a gasket to prevent gases from entering the room. Note how the top of the site-built battery box shown in these photos slopes up to a high rear area where two PVC vent pipes are located. The interior plywood surfaces of this wood frame construction were painted with several coats of fire and acid resistant paint. Since batteries lose capacity with lower temperatures, your batteries should not rest directly on a cold uninsulated concrete floor.

Pressure treated 2 x 4s on edge, spaced every 6 inches and covered by a fiberglass laminated concrete board, makes an excellent base for your battery box. This heavy sheet material is sold in most building supply outlets as a backing behind ceramic tile work in wet shower stalls, and is usually available in smaller 2-foot by 4-foot sizes. By careful planning, you may be able to use the entire sheet without cutting or splicing.

If you can afford to invest in the more expensive gel or absorbed glass matte (AGM) batteries, you will have more flexibility in locating your battery bank, since these batteries do not need to be refilled and do not normally generate explosive gasses. The photo shows a large battery bank with the batteries mounted close together in a vertical steel rack. You do not need a vapor proof enclosure or vent pipe when using these batteries, however they cost almost 30 percent more without providing any additional life or storage capacity.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Environments

Mary asks…

What impact does solar energy have on people, animals and the environment?

Im stuck on this question for homework and i have looked really hard to try and find it but i still can’t. I need the answer to this question:
What impact does solar energy have on people, animals and the environment? Thankyou for helping

admin answers:

The sun’s energy, when converted through photovoltaic cells, has the positive impact of being a renewable energy source as contrasted to fossil fuels.
The sun’s energy, as a heat source, can be positively used to to warm water via solar hot water heaters or cook food via solar ovens.
The sun’s energy heats the ocean which results in the wind. The temperature of the oceans, impacted by the sun and the location of the earth relative to the sun, also moderate the earth’s temperature making existence on the earth bearable for us humans.
Negative impacts of solar energy could be when there is an excess of sun that leads to sunburns, or excessively hot cars (that you should not leave animals, humans, or ice cream in).
A negative of solar energy may also be in the negative impact the making of photovoltaic cells has on the environment because of the energy they consume use and chemicals they emit during the manufacturing process.

Lisa asks…

What are the ways that Solar Energy is more environment-friendly and feasible than Nuclear Energy?

The more, the better. The arguments should be at least remotely feasible. I’m looking for ecological arguments why Solar Energy is a better alternative than Nuclear Reactors.
Just list as many as you can come up with.

admin answers:

Its all about the “after life” of the energy source. With solar panels there is some carbon and other things that can (hopefully) be reclaimed and recycled. With nuclear power you get things like Yucca Mountain. However, unless we invest in breeder reactors and breeder nuclear fusion to enrich the uranium waste into plutonium. This is great because the waste that would other wise be carted off to Yucca Mountain gets recycled.

Plutonium caries a stigma due to the fact that it can be easily weaponized. More over breeder plants use liquid sodium. Liquid sodium is highly volatile when exposed to air or water. They can also be cooled using helium.

The down falls of solar are that the productivity will decrease with the age of the panels. Disposal (nothing like radio-active storage). And power generation at night (overcome with the use of solar towers).

Solar power generation has very little environmental impact beyond mining the resources, manufacturing, and disposal.

Best of luck.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use

George asks…

How does an electric inverter used at the tail end of wind generator stay in phase with the power company.?

how does an electric inverter used at the tail end of either home solar panels or wind generator stay in phase with the incoming household current. It would seem to me that if the phase was just slightly out of time with that from the power company, much of the power produced would be lost.

admin answers:

The best inverters use a pulse-width-modulated output and a low-pass power filter for the line frequency (60 Hz or 50Hz). The high voltage DC input is modulated at a rate in the 20-40 kHz range or even higher. The modulation is controlled directly by the line to which the power is fed into. Some of these inverters can run in the high 90% efficiency range.

For the PWM inverter to work, whatever the output of the generator, it must be converted (any phase, any frequency, or even DC) to high voltage DC. This can be done independantly of the line frequency or phase.


Sandy asks…

How to set up a wind power system in the home?

Hi yahoo answers tell me the procedure for setting up the power system in the home..

admin answers:

Electricity can be generated by building Windmills which rotate when there is wind blowing and generate electricity through a generator.Nowadays, the Technology is so improved that we can build our own Solar Panels or Wind Power Generators at home with materials available in our local hardware stores to generate electricity. This way we can eliminate or reduce our Electricity bill.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Companies

Steven asks…

How do the energy companies generate ac power?

and how could I build myself an ac generator, can it be done with photovoltaic cells or would that be dc, Im trying to emphasize using a power inverter powered by solar charged 12 volt batteries, would this work. Any help apprciated.

admin answers:

Various ways, but in the US, mainly coal fired boilers driving turbines, which drive generators.

Some oil fired, some hydroelectric, some wind, some solar, some nuclear.

You can buy a solar array and use that to keep a battery charged, and run an inverter from the battery to generate 120 or 240 VAC. You will need a charge controller between the solar array and the battery, which regulates the charge to the battery.


Maria asks…

Do power companies store excess energy during times of low demand?

Power companies always shut down generation plants when there is low demand in the power grid, but they always have to maintain a safety margin – perhaps 10% or more power than the grids demand.

Do they STORE this excess/unused power? what happens to unused power.

admin answers:

I read up a bit on this and here what I’ve found:
Like your car’s Alternator there is no “extra” power that is created without demand. Meaning if everyone shuts off their A/C’s in a big city the power plant’s generators simply slow down or shut off.

The safety margin is that they try to preemptively have power “potential” that is on the ready – maybe some turbines spinning, ready to accept load. Given, running a power generation source without load is wasteful but it is acceptable since even the power companies cannot tell when exactly or how much demand will change. They usually make up the needed power from providers while they increase capacity – if they can.

You car’s alternator is good example – once you get up to speed above an idle, it is making more power than the engine, the basic accessories and the battery needs. If you could monitor the drag or draw of the alternator on your car as you turned devices on a off you would see how load makes the alternator put out more power – while spinning at the same rate. Your engine has to absorb the drag of the alternator by increasing fuel consumption or idle speed. Your alternator is simply using regulating the voltage going out and its’ speed determines the amperage potential. At about 2500 rpm your alternator is putting at about 70% of capacity.

The easiest way to see this is turn on all your accessories at idle and you should see the headlights dim a bit. Raise the engine speed and notice that they brighten but only so much.

Overall the generators that power company’s use are far more efficient than the alternator in your car so any waste is simply there to feed our ravenous need for power.

The only utilities that are planning for storage for solar and wind, since the sun sets and winds change. Those methods range from air compression, to molten salt to flywheels and many others.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Jobs

David asks…

Is there any kind of training for something related to solar energy?

I heard in solar energy jobs is growing. I want to learn more about it & maybe working in that field. Where can I take training class in San Jose, California?

admin answers:

ITT tech insitute

Michael asks…

What are some jobs created by using solar energy?

I mean how is solar energy contributing to the job market?
Is it creating more jobs? If so, which ones?
If not, why not?

admin answers:

It requires people to manufacture the solar cells (in a semi-conductor plant) as well as people to get up on roofs to install them, PV doesn’t require much maintenance although solar thermal (pretty much restricted to large scale generation) does require quite a bit of maintenance.

The diffuse nature of solar power means that you need a lot of collectors to get a decent amount of power out of it so solar would create quite a lot of jobs for the amount of power generated which is one of the disadvantages of solar power compared to other more concentrated forms of power. Creating jobs isn’t really of much use if the jobs are useless and having more people working in the energy industry than necessary means that there are less people available to work elsewhere (though there are much better arguments against ground based solar power).

If we reduced our energy usage by the levels that many solar and wind proponents want us to then we’d probably find we don’t have enough energy to run any of our factories (although those levels are never going to happen so it isn’t a very realistic worry).

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Your Questions About Solar Generators

Steven asks…

Is the usage of Wind Powered Generators & Solar Generators Illegal in Singapore?

I’m planning to buy either a Wind Powered Generators, Solar Generators or a Hybrid Generator to be more “Green” & at the same time save on electric bills… I’m able to install such a generator on my home…

admin answers:

Its sad that Singaporeans should ask such questions. We are so timid. At the very worst you get a fine for installing green equipments. Take a MRT ride where you can see many terrace houses. You will find many with solar roofs.Their owners are not languishing in Changi prison. As for wind power, Singapore is not windy whole year round. Best stick with solar panels.

Maria asks…

Can a solar generator and panels be hooked up to a trailer home on a rural field?

I plan on moving a newly manufactured trailer home onto around ten acres of rural field. I need a source of power, i have found solar power can be fairly inexpensive in the long run, though i have been told trailer homes cannot be hooked up to solar generators and panels. Is this true? if not how do i hook six 80 watt panels up to the trailer home?

admin answers:

USA Yes you can, unless there is a local municipal ordinance against it – which I have never heard of. But, why 80 watt panels? The industry standard is 230 watt. Six 80 watt panels won’t even power a normal refrigerator (they’re usually 700 watts). If you have all the parts and equipment, or if you can get them for free, then it is worth it to hook them up. But, if you have to buy the items, the average cost is $5 per watt, which is $2400.00 for a 480 watt set up. Generating 480 watts per hour will total 5000 watts on a good day. That is about $0.50 worth of electricity. At $0.50 per day, it will take you 4800 days – that is more than 13 years – just to break even.

You should add up the power requirements for everything in the home that might be used at the same time – cooking, refrig, cooling or heating, well pump, lights, TV – and base the size of your system on how many watts you will need. If you can, go more than what you need and sell the extra to the utility. They have to buy it from you.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Suppliers

Mark asks…

Does the excess solar power you make from your home solar panel go back into the grid?

I know someone that has solar panels on their house. They say that the extra electricity they make goes back into the grid and they get paid for it.

Now i was wondering, as they have no way of storing the electricity(elec) they make, that this means that any elec they make must be used at the time of making the elec, i.e if they happened to be boiling the kettle and the sun was shining then they could immediately use their solar generated elec.

But what if the sum of the elec they generate is greater than what they immediately need?

Then this extra elec goes back onto the grid?

If so how does the grid manage this extra supply of elec(even if it is tiny, it’s still surplus?) as i would imagine the grid already has some way of knowing how much elec should be needed.

Or does this extra supply go back to some storage batteries or however the grid may store elec.

Confusing i know, but basically how does the grid manage the elec they need plus any extra from home users?

If you imagine a river with lots of little streams pouring into it, the more rain the more these streams fill the river adding surplus water, same idea with the elec.

admin answers:

Sending your excess energy to the grid is a very convenient arrangement and small suppliers normally get paid as much (sometimes more!) for the kWh they supply as for that which they draw; often ending up with net income. So you notice no inconvenience or interruption with your power supply due for example to the vagaries of batteries.

No one seems to address your central question about where the supplied energy goes. Well, it may, as you say, ever so slightly upset the balance of input and output power on the grid and this will cause all the generators and the grid frequency to speed up just a tiny amount. Because of such imbalances between supply and consumption occurring from minute to minute on the grid, the frequency is constantly monitored and generator loads are always being adjusted to maintain the frequency which can nevertheless vary by 1 or 2 percent from its nominal value at any time. Over a whole day the frequency is adjusted so as to achieve exactly the correct total number of cycles, which keeps any mains-powered clocks at the correct time. So an extra 2 kW that you supply may be taken by a load which happens to switch in at the same time and if not then ultimately the load being supplied by a generator somewhere will be reduced by 2 kW. In the end then, there is an energy storage buffer in the grid in the form of the kinetic energy of its connected generators but it is not much and requires pretty continuous control to stabilize it.

James asks…

Anyone know where I could access solar panel and wind generator for small home from reliable supplier? Thanks?

Try to help small village home with their drought, electricity, farming, small industry, pump and water problems. They got plenty of wind and sunshine but rather dispense with fuel operational cost. Perhaps wind generator and solar panel generator could be the solutions. Besides being a good standby reliable no cost operation it also help prevent greehouse emission. Looking for a reliable products and supplier both for sosial and commercial purpose. Appreciate any website you could introduce me to. Thank you.

admin answers:


i know that tractor supply company carries solar panels but they are not high producing. Each set cost around 300 bucks not including the batteries. I’m going to use complete solar energy for my house. I figured that it would take 3 sets of solar panels from tsc. Each set using 4 marine batteries would cost 2500 to 3000 bucks and it would produce enough power run my most basic energy needs. As far as wind mills i haven’t checked that idea out yet but i will soon enough. I hope that you find what you need. Good luck.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells

Mary asks…

What role does information technology play in the solar energy industry? and how is IT used in this industry?

Appreciate any information the areas in the solar energy production or solar cell manufacturing where IT plays a role? IT firms providing solutions or technology to solar companies or case studies?


admin answers:

Any manufacturing is going to need control of inventory, process control, and procurement of materials at best prices.

Large solar facilities will need to track the output of each panel and each inverter individually, or at least track groups of them, so that if something breaks, the company can go and fix it. They can also notice a slight percentage drop in output, possibly indicating that the panels need to be cleaned.

Selling the electricity is a financial transaction. The kind of bidding and selling that Enron did still goes on, but is more regulated now. As such, it’s the similar to a stock market, and lots of IT is needed.

Mark asks…

What is the difference between a panel of solar cells and a solar heating panel?

What is the difference between a panel of solar cells and a solar heating panel?
Its for my physics homework :/

admin answers:

The cells produce electrical current. The panels produce heat.

Cells are made of photo electric material (like variations of silicon). So when photons (light) strike the material, electrons are bounced off their outer orbitals and become free electrons. The free electrons drift through connecting wires towards ground level and that creates the current to power your computer.

The panels are infused with small pipes that carry a fluid. As the photons strike the pipes, the fluid is heated by the radiant energy. And that fluid is propelled by the heat gradient, high heat runs toward low heat, and that creates a fluid current. The fluid then travels through pipes, usually embedded in the floor, to heat the room.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators India

Paul asks…

What’s the most earth friendly car on the market today? Also is there any solar powered cars in the works yet?

I think that having solar powered cars would be amazing you hear about people trying to make them possible and then the idea just fades away. I guess that would be a big upset for the gas company’s or maybe it’s just impossible…. Any why, what is the most earth friendly car on the market right now and what is it powered by?

admin answers:

A problem with solar is the energy conversion is so low that to be affective the cells must be put into huge frames on large land areas. These are solar farms that convert the Sun’s energy into electricity.
The most earth friendly vehicle is made in India and are used as delivery trucks. They run on compressed air. Here in the states, a complete electric car that can travel 200 miles on a charge is called a Tesla sports car and costs over $100,000. Here is the problem, it runs quietly and efficiently on electricity but where does this power come from? Much of our electricity comes from heavily polluting coal generators. See the problem?

David asks…

why use of solar energy has not worked for India so far?

It is widely accepted that use of solar power for domestic purposes in the country like India can share the burden of power crisis to a great extent. Govt. apathy may be the reason?

admin answers:

Solar panels or cells requires silver lining which needs more capital (money) and the output is very less for each solar plate.It also requires lot of maintenance because of direct exposure to environmental conditions.Any how, the solar generators or solar lamps are now coming into market abundantly;But as you said to resolve the power crisis,I think it would take more time….

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Calculator

Lizzie asks…

Is it possible to use solar panels from calculators and make a super solar panel?

I was doing a project how I want to change my school. I came with an idea to use solar energy, but solar panels are expensive. That got me to another idea. Is it possible to take those tiny solar panels from old calculators schools don’t use anymore, and connect that with lets say a million more calc panels. That way, you can create one big panel. Could this be possible? Why or why not?

admin answers:

That might be more expensive than a big solar panel. Unless all these calculators are already there and being thrown out.

In theory, you should be able to do it. But you’d need a LOT of those little guys. More than you think. Say you want a 1 by 1 meter solar panel. Each little solar panel is like 3 cm by 2/3 cm. That means that you’d need about 5000 calculators to do it.
Also, you’d lose some efficiency with all the cables, as that is a lot of cable to go through before reaching the end of the circuit.

You should be able to get about 1 kW per day out of that if you live in a somewhat sunny area, and the solar panels you use aren’t too old.

That’s all very rough math using off the top of my head numbers, so I could be off by an order of magnitude XD

If you have the calculators, then it should be a pretty neat school project though.

Helen asks…

How solar energy in converted into electricity and stored? what is that electrons or chips and batteries?

The so-called panels consist of some chips?what are those chips?Solar power stored in some Batteries.What are those batteries? Whether these panels can be manufactured in a small set up like any other Village Industries.OR How the heat generated by the solar energy can be transmitted to a copper coil and generate heat in it?

admin answers:

Solar or light can be converted into current and batteries can be made at a smaller scale. Example is, small calculators are powered by solar cells.

As for as construction of those batteries they are made of smaller cells and then smaller cells are joint with other smaller cells to make little large cells. Its very expensive to make them on commercial level thats why we are addicted to oil.

Cheap things sometimes don’t come cheap.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators For The Home

Linda asks…

What solar equipment is necessary to power a steam generator for a home steam bath?

The generator I have is rated at 12 KW, requires 220V and 33Amp service to heat a room of 500 cubic feet. The power is only needed periodically and for short periods of time, 30 – 60 minutes a day. (on a rare occasion, twice a day.) How do I plan, organize and calculate the required equipment?

admin answers:

You want to power it with Photovoltaic panels?
Or are you asking about passive solar pre-heaters?

If you are going to buy Photovoltaic panels, just call up a install firm and get some. There is a 30% tax credit for them now even. But why you are specifically tying the PV panels into your sauna is just confusing. It would sure make for an expensive sauna.

Sandy asks…

easiest way to quiet down a portable generator?

I am looking to run a generator to power my mobile home when my solar and wind generators aren’t making enough power. I usually park in semi suburban areas and the last time I ran my generator for a prolonged period I got a noise complaint and had to move at 3am [not so fun] what are some ways to quiet down the generator while its running?

admin answers:

I had the same issue with an air compressor. I built a wooden enclosure with a small fan to bring cool air into the box. It has worked fine for over twenty years! But for your problem:

Find a cardboard box that will fit comfortably, upside down, over the generator. If that is not enough, glue some fiberglass insulation inside the cardboard box. That will decrease the decibels sufficiently. Otherwise, you will need to build a wooden enclosure with fiberglass insulation inside.

Good Luck

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Your Questions About Solar Generators Home Depot

Lizzie asks…

What would your two weapons of choice be if your town was being attacked by zombies?

I would carry a double barrel shotgun with unlimited shotgun bullets and a chainsaw?
Also your the soul survivor so where would you go.

admin answers:

I’d find an industrial 2,000 watt laser, and power it with deep-cycle marine ni-cad batteries inside my armored track-vehicle. When they attack at night, I’d have plenty of spare power to slice them from any range. Wind or weather have no effect on aiming and there is not much noise. Daytime hoards would be easy to repel.

The shotgun is a satisfying tool for blowin’ zombie heads apart. But it gets hot with constant use and ammunition is heavy. It takes time to reload.

A laser can always keep cutting ‘em down.

Batteries have mass, but the energy that they store has almost no mass. The laser’s energy supply could be recharged indefinitely, which means I wouldn’t have to risk trips into urban areas to commandeer ammo.

Also, guns are noisy, and so, always give away your position. Zombies are slow, but when there’s a bunch of ’em, I want every tactical advantage.

A laser in the ultra-violet range is invisible, so unless Zombie-vision mutates to see in those ranges, they would not know where the blasts are coming from. They’d just see their zombie pals’ heads exploding for no reason. Even if they could see in ultraviolet ranges, laser blasts are short, and at the speed of light, the source would be impossible to locate. A Laser would not make noise to reveal my high-tech sniper-position.

Sure, capacitors and engines make some noise, but that could be easily muffled, especially in a heavily armored vehicle. If I forgot to recharge my batteries, or something malfunctioned, the vehicle itself could be a formidable weapon. I’d just escape by driving over them in crowds or individually, doing my best to crush their zombie-brains to oblivion on the way!

As the sole survivor, I’d drive to an unpopulated area with a flowing stream, woods (so I could rebuild with simple tools like a chainsaw) and fertile land for growing crops. Also, the chainsaw could be an effective ancillary weapon in case some random zombies were able to sneak up on me while I was building my log-fortress.

I have built log homes before. They can be very strong, weather proof, and I believe zombie-proof with a few modifications. Building cabins by yourself is hard work, so one of the first things I’d do after the major conflicts were over, is commandeer some heavy equipment like bulldozers, graders and back-hoes. Of course I’d have to also get a large stockpile of gasoline, kerosene and oil to fuel and maintain them. I figure that would be pretty easy in a post-apocalyptic America. There would be plenty of gas-stations left unattended, lots of tool stores, and probably giant building supply stores with pre-made materials! I have always wanted to buy an entire Lowes or Home Depot! Man, this is starting to sound like fun!

I like the Catskills, so if the initial attacks came from New York, that would be a good choice. But I also like Vermont, and the rolling mountains of the southern USA.

I would prefer a hillside or small mountain with a south-facing exposure. That way I could build a solar array to capture solar energy. Living near a fast flowing stream would allow a water-powered mill and generator, and the uphill walk would be harder for those slow-moving zombies that accidentally discovered my location. Having redundant energy sources seems like a sensible idea.

Another benefit of locating in the south: red neck zombies are even slower and stupider than regular zombies. That makes them easier targets. Plus, it would just be so much fun to shoot red neck zombies!

Zombies tend to congregate in urban areas, since it is a more target-rich environment. If a few remaining stragglers stumble (literally) on to my property, then I’d have plenty of time to see them, and cut ’em down with the laser from my mountainside fortress or from inside my mobile laser vehicle. A little action now and then would keep me from getting bored.

No zombie-movie has ever made it clear exactly what causes zombie-ism, but the method of contamination is always the same: contact with zombies. We never know whether zombie-ism is caused by a virus, a bacteria or some biological experiment cooked up in a government laboratory.

I wouldn’t take any chances. I’d leave the rotting corpses of zombies far away in the in remote small towns, out in the sun to bake until they were bone dry. That way, any potential infection possibility would be practically nil. If there were too many, I’d put on a haz-mat suit and bulldoze them into huge piles, then torch ’em with gasoline. Even the undead can’t walk or do much harm if their muscles are cooked off the bone, their bones are crushed to powder and their brains are vaporized.

Ahhh… I can see it now…

My impenetrable mountain fortress… A windmill, a water wheel, solar panels galore, fertile fields for raising food, and in the distance, the decomposing corpses of red-neck bible-toting zombies. Just me, an invincible sodium laser, and an armored track vehicle. Sweet!

Mark asks…

physics geniuses please help: In the generation of electricity is permanant magnetic material neccessary?

That is I know induction is the cutting of magnetic field lines with a coil of wires, but the plants don’t use iron lodestone like the examples in textbooks do they?

They must use electromagnets. But then the question is how does the current from the electromagnet originate? I suppose you could use a battery?

In a nutshell, please answer the following questions.

1) Is permanant magnet material neccessary to generate electric current?
2) is permanant magnetic material present in the generators one would buy from home depot or something?
3) and do coal powered power plants use permanant magnets to form the current that runs the electromagnets that spin within the massive generators?

admin answers:

1. No. Solar Power.
2. Yes. When you use a rotary method(wind turbine, gas engine, hydro turbine) to generate electricity, there has to be an existing magnetic field.
3. Yes.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Sale

Sandra asks…

What home energy saving scams have you found?

open4energy has published a list of home energy scams to help energy conscientious home owners avoid being taken advantage of. They range from down loadable plans to build a magnetic generator, a solar panel or a windmill, to energy saving plug in gadgets, to full blown sales promotions for kvar power factor correction units which have negligible savings capabilities for even the biggest homes.

Each one we find is another community we can protect!

admin answers:

The most common website I encounter is DIY solar panels. The claim is that “for under 200 dollars you too can build your own solar panel and save thousands” I do not dispute the validity of that claim. I do take issue with what they don’t say. There are some building code violations to say the least. I have posted a blog on this very issue, and will continue to do so on a weekly basis. It is my goal to bring clarity to the cyber solar world. Check out my post “To build or not to build that is the question” at http://www.solarmandan.com.

P.S. Maybe we could post links to each other”s sites.

Ruth asks…

How much does it cost to put solar panels on a house? ?

I want to be more green and if I get the panels will I still have a regular electric bill?

admin answers:

Yes, and no.

My cottage is primarily solar powered. However, we’re only there on weekends, and we’re only powering a small fridge (the biggest power draw, by far), televisions, stereos, lights, a water pump, and that kind of thing. For the more powerful items (vacuum cleaner, air conditioner, power tools, washer and dryer) we use a gasoline generator. Our water heater and stove are propane.

We have an array of seven solar panels, and two battery banks.

Obviously, we don’t have utility bills for our cottage.

We will soon replace the solar panels with more efficient ones. Currently, there are 85W panels on sale for $500 CAD. We will buy as many of those as we can afford. We recently had to replace one battery bank.

At home, we currently have a geothermal heating/cooling system. That cuts our energy use for heating and cooling quite a bit. That’s reflected on our utility bill. (Because we’re not in the city, we have our own well, plus a septic tank. So, our only utility bill is for electric.)

My husband and I have discussed it many times and, based on our experience with our cottage, we don’t think we’ll try to do a “whole home” solar system.

Typical estimates for panels, batteries, inverters, etc., to run a typical city home are in the $17,000 range. But with our cottage experience, we know that the real monkey wrench with solar power is STORING that power. And we’ve had more battery problems than we anticipated. Once the batteries are no longer holding charge well, they have to be replaced…and they’re expensive….and heavy…and have to be disposed of as hazardous waste. Our cheapest batteries are probably $200 each. We also use more expensive / bigger 6V batteries. We may even, one day, switch to the huge, very expensive 2Vs.

In any event, I find that the best way (for us) to incorporate solar power into our urban home will likely be panels which will provide power when the sun is shining, but still be on the grid for night time, bad weather, and times of excess power use. That will eliminate the expense and problems of batteries and power storage (and limiting power use, so as not to run down the batteries).

In some places, the excess power you create with solar panels can be put back into the grid, and the local power utility company will pay you for it.

So, for me, based on my experience, that’s what I think I’d do, when it comes time to outfit our home with solar panels. Using only solar power for the bulk of our living at the cottage is great, but we do have to be mindful of how much we’re using. Once the stored power drops below a certain point, the inverters won’t work, and you have to either go without power, or turn on the gas generator. I wouldn’t want that hassle at home.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Facts

Michael asks…

what is the fact about earth that creates the unequal distribution of solar energy?

Need help on this question:

what is the fact about earth that creates the unequal distribution of solar energy?


admin answers:

That it is a sphere. At high latitiudes, the sun’s rays hit nearly parallel to the ground, and thus heat is spread over a large area (like tilting a flashlight at a wall. It forms a circle, but as you tilt it, it makes a larger and larger circle that’s dimmer). And that’s why it gets cold.

William asks…

How could i find a sponsor to invest on solar energy?

I have finalized some inventions in the field of hydrogen and solar energy. I have made many connections to demonstrate them, but because of very poor investment on research in my region there is the least chance to find a sponsor. Do you know someone, some company or organization to be interested in the matter?
The fact is that i have also contacted some universities, but since my prior education is not related to this field (mining engineering), they can not accept me.
At the time being I am working on the patents.

admin answers:

I work for appalachian energy. We provide solar, wind, andhydro power. Go to appalachianenergy.com

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