
Your Questions About Solar Generators For The Home

Mark asks…

How do you build a thermoelectric generator?

I am doing a project probably going to use solar power to see how much it can power or use waste heat in a home… does anyone know how to build one?

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Chris asks…

What reasonable steps can I take to better improve my household to be more environmentally friendly?

So far I:

– Recycle all glass bottles and jars
– Recycle all paper from home (and work!)
– Recycle Plastic bottles
– Take clothes to charity shop rather than chuck in landfill.

I am keen to both save money and resources by looking at alternative fuels, but I live in a tiny terraced house with a small garden so a wind-based generator and solar panels may be out of the question! Can I also make my car more environmentally friendly, as it is a petrol gulping 1990 ford escort!


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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Home

Daniel asks…

Energy Conservation: How do I start solar powering my home? and living OFF the grid?

Average middle income family living in the boondocks. Where do I learn more about how to do it? Can I do it in stages? How many do I need for my size house? Do I have to put solar panels on my roof? or a big solar panel form in my yard? Are they strong enough to survive severe storms and hail?

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Sharon asks…

What is preventing us from turning to the Sun for our main source of energy?

The Sun is going to keep shining for a long time, and it’s energy is renewable (I think), unlike gasoline and other resources. It seems like the most sensible source of energy to use (or is it? If not, point it out in your answer)! However, it also seems that there are things preventing us from using the Sun. What are they? Is it just too expensive? Is our society too used to using gasoline and other fuels that nobody is willing to take a leap to create a product using the Sun’s energy because they fear losing money? Is it just the lack of technology? and if so, why aren’t we developing the technology to use the sunlight? Do we get a small amount of energy from the sun that isn’t worth harvesting?

What is preventing us from turning to the Sun for our main source of energy?
Regarding the answers that point out something about the Sun not shining 24/7, or that the weather (clouds, haze, fog, etc.) would cause the energy source to be unreliable, why can’t we create something that collects and stores the sunlight into some sort of battery to be used when sunlight is not available?

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Facts

Donald asks…

What would damage liberals more: electing a pretty liberal Republican, or a super far left Democrat?

McCain bought into the whole Global Warming and ANWAR BS, and he is their greatest ally on Illegal Immigration. I even saw him at a photo op with another liberal Republican (Schwartzenegger) at a solar energy plant. With the exception of Iraq, isn’t he going to give them everything they want, and the Republicans are going to be blamed for the mess in 4 years when our country is overflowing with illegals and gas is 5 bucks a gallon because we can’t even pump our own damn oil?

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Paul asks…

How can you travel through the Sun ?

I have read some online books about heat shielding, the suns temp runs at roughly 15,000,000 degrees Kelvin in the centre. These are estimates as nothing has entered the sun or made it to the centre,
it’s guess work but if it could be traversed perhaps we could learn more from it. What if a vehicle could be built with a large mass of heat shielding to protect it obviosly radiation would be a factor as would heat, distance, pressure etc. I know the facts that we so called “know”, but until you actually go there you can’t study somthing unless your there. They could study mars from miles away in space but they still landed so why not our sun ? Being that if we could harness just the smallest part of that energy we would never need any other form of energy. I am aware of solar energy and nuclear power being that the sun uses two isotopes of hydrogen (tritium and deuterium). Any ideas would be appricated.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use

Donald asks…

What’s an alternative environmentally friendly way of heating up a home?

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William asks…

Good title for research paper about natural disaster preparedness?

I am writing a research paper over natural disaster preparedness, or how people are generally not very prepared at all for a natural disaster. Such as not being able to use generators properly or even how to be safe with candles. I cannot think of a title for my essay at all though, if anyone has a creative title it would help me a lot thanks!

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Price

Paul asks…

what will I need to wind power my sail boat?

I have a 33 feet sailboat. I will like to power it with a wind generator for all our needs, including a little fridge and an ac… its possible? How powerful should it be? Where can I learn more about it?

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Carol asks…

Can a homeowner purchase a wind generator at what cost and eliminate an electric bill?

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Calculator

Chris asks…

What are the costs of installing solar panels in a school?

I have to do a brochure project on Solar Panels for my school. I need to include costs, benefits, political concerns, economic concerns, and social concerns.

I need this information ASAP!

thanks in advance(:

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Betty asks…

How does a solar powered calculator work?

Why do some have a battery and a solar pannel?

How much voltage can a solar strip on a calculator generate?


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Your Questions About Solar Generators Portable

William asks…

anyone familiar with the FreeCharge Weza portable power source?

i’m looking for anything that runs on dynamo or human power. i want to disconnect from the grid but solar panels and wind generators ar sooo expensive. all i need to power are a few small appliances. and maybe an electric bike that i’d like to get. thank you; links appreciated
aqualuna, i didnt see this on your site

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Susan asks…

if you were the last person on earth how would you power things?

if you were the last person on earth how could you power things?
would a portable generator be the best option?
how many things could this power eg could you get 1 big enough to power an entire house and all its appliances?
what type and how much fuel would it require?
would a solar generator be easier?


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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Wikipedia

George asks…

How is electricity produced?

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Jenny asks…

describe how electricity or other useful forms of energy may be obtained from 😕

-chemical energy stored in fuels
-water,including energy stored in waves,tides or behind dams
-geothermal resources
-nuclear fission
-heat and light from the sun(solar cell and panels)

thank you so much! guys god bless you all! may all your dreams come true! 🙂

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Pros And Cons

Joseph asks…

What is the impact of Biomass on the Environment?

I need both the pros and cons of biomass. Any extra information you can give me on biomass in general will be appreciated too.

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Linda asks…

electrolysis of seawater to form hydrogen from solar energy.what are the pros and cons?

if possible, please explain the pros and cons in detail. if there are cost problems, what exactly would be the cost?
or just write the pros and cons

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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use

Lisa asks…

How much KWH from a wind turbine generator to fully charge two 12V 80AH?

Hi guys,

I am building my own little wind turbine and I would love to know what will be the specifications of the generator that I will use to fully charge two 12V 80AH at the same time. What will be the best way to connect the 2 batteries for a better charge? in series or parallel?

Thank a lot


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Sandy asks…

What are the best steps one can take to prepare one’s home for a massive solar flare?

The internet is full of bad advice on this topic I think it would be good to be prepared and to do so the correct way. It’s always possible another Carrington event may happen.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Cost

Richard asks…

What are some developments for solar and wind generators?

I need this information for a science project I am doing and I can’t find any information. Help please?

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Helen asks…

How much hydrogen (gas and/or liquid) could an oil tanker covered in solar panels produce in a day?

if you take one of those big enormous oil tankers that they have today, and convert it and cover it with solar panels and park it on the equator, how much gas hydrogen could it produce in one reguarl sunny day? and how much liquid hydrogen could it produce?
thanks for the info Ecko, i was really thinking of the feasibility of a hydrogen powered commercial airplane that could travel from LA to Miami. not really cost effective, but green energy is not about making a profit, just being sustainable and beneficial

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Jobs

Paul asks…

What Are The Consequences And Benefits Of Solar Power?

Im doing this project on solar power. i need a little help figuring out what some consequences of solar energy. i didn’t think there were any. and if you could throw in some benefits of it too that’d be great. thank you 🙂

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Sandra asks…

Would this be a good way to fight Global Warming at the grassroots level?

Specifically, sending an email to Steven Jobs informing him that you won’t buy any more iPods until he makes a solar powered version available.

Discussion: One of the two obstacles that solar energy has in replacing fossil fuel on a large scale is the high cost and inefficiency of solar PV cells, the devices that convert sunlight (or any light) directly into electricity. It’s going to take somebody with some vision, imagination and most importantly money to make PV cells cheap enough for evey Joe and Mary Sixpack to mount them on their roof and totally disconnect their homes from the fossil fuel power grid. Congress has the money, but since it is essentially split 50-50 these days, any Federal money is going to be spent where the most readily harvestable votes are, namely in farming states where the ethanol boom is already underway.

Its true that iPods only consume a negligible amount of energy, but that would actually make it easier to reach the goal of producing a 99.99% “green” iPod that doesn’t require recharging from an inefficient recharger on the wall thats being energized by a fossil fuel power plant somewhere. Buyers of next generation iPods would be a perfect market for such a device, and once its successful, Microsoft will of course want to play “me too” and compete with Apple in the same market, pushing along the drive to reduce manufacturing costs and increase PV cell performance.

So here’s a chance for the current Disposable Income generation to be at the forefront of the Global Warming fight and with little sacrifice on their part.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators Portable

Richard asks…

what do i need for solar panels to power a 15kw 3phase motor?

i know how many panels but there are things called inverters , are these expensive and can it be done

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Joseph asks…

Is there a portable DVD player than has the option of running on AAA, AA, C, or D size batteries?

In case the power goes out, I have a solar battery charger that can charge AAA, AA, C, D and 9V batteries. So, I’m looking for a portable DVD player that can run on any of these kind of batteries, rather than having to use a generator, or the car’s battery to recharge the unit.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators

Linda asks…

Solar Energy and Hydropower energy would you say these are good energy resources?

Im doing a project for science on energy resources and i happened to chose solar and hydro power energy. I need some opinions about them.. Are these good energy sources..Tell me what you guys think.

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Carol asks…

Are there any careers that deal with the study of solar energy, generators, ect?

I really like the idea of big solar panels, generators, water powered electricity and such, but I don’t know if there are any good careers out there for it.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy For Kids

Nancy asks…

How can I explain solar power to 8 year olds?

I am writing on behalf of one of our students, who is really motivated to demonstrate how solar power changes sun energy to electricity to his fellow third graders. He only has a short time for this project so any practical leads help or ideas would be a really big bonus to him. Cam will get a really big kick from reading your responses so thanks in advance for your help!
Hey guys! Thanks SO much for your responses so far. I can’t wait to share them with my student! If you don’t mind I will let him dtermine which wa sthemost helpful answer for him. I appreciate all your efforts. Thanks for oyur time and inspiration!
Hey guys! Thanks SO much for your responses so far. I can’t wait to share them with my student!
If you don’t mind, I will let him determine which was the most helpful answer for him.
I appreciate all your efforts.
Thanks for your time and inspiration!

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Sharon asks…

My physics teacher once asked us to write a paper about energy saving methods our school could apply?

I suggested that we make all the fat kids run on treadmills for at least an hour. It seems reasonable, considering how much stored kinetic energy they have in the form of jiggly flesh. Is this an ethical response?

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Your Questions About Solar Generators For The Home

Joseph asks…

Are diesel vehicles affected by solar storms?

I have a diesel truck as well as a 25,000 watt diesel standby generator for my home. I’m curious if they will be affected should a solar flare zap us. I’m not too well versed in the whole solar storm issue.

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John asks…

I would like to get some info on a wind turbine to power my home?

I like to know how much it would cost to by a wind turbine to power my home an that includes professional installation. How much on average would i have to pay yearly for maintenance costs. Would i get a task cut from the government. If you can answer my questions that would be helpful. Thanks!

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Companies

James asks…

Are infrastructures fueled by renewable energy sources more resilient?

Like if a hurricane happened or some other natural disaster occurred would the variety of the renewable energy sources such as wind and solar bode well for those who depended on them?

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Chris asks…

Should I get a solar power system or wind turbine to reduce my electrical bill?

I live in west Texas where wind turbines are huge so I am considering either a personal wind turbine or solar system to reduce my electricity bill. The power company says we use 4000kw per month. Which system is best and what model should I consider

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Environments

Lisa asks…

How the voyager space probes work in the outside of our solar system and when they will stop their work?

The sun is too far from these spacecrafts. How they abserve the solar energy from the sun?

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Maria asks…

Do you think the world’s manufactured energy should run exclusively on renewable resources?

Honestly, I think Florida (and most other places) could run exclusively on solar energy.

And I think that is the direction we are going in for the future.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators Costco

David asks…

help in electric car?

ok ive been researching about how to build a electric car and i know how to put every thing together but i cant calculate how much distance or speed i can get from the the parts im gonna buy

im thinking of 12v batteries with more then 100 amps

144v system

and i want like 50 or 60 miles and high way speeds on it

can you recommend me what i will need to get that distance and speed

i don’t wanna spend more then 5K

what if i connect some in parallel and some in series
Ive seen cars that can get that much range and didn’t cost much

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William asks…

What should i research first before tackling a gas to electric conversion?

i’m getting a part time job so i can save up money for the project. i’m very optemistic about doing this. i’d say i’m pretty mechanicaly inclinded. i’m planning on being a mechanic after highschool.

anyways, what will i have to know about to do this gas to electric conversion? i know the basics already. for example, i know the gas pedal is attached to some device that tells the controller how much electricity to be transfered to the motor.

thanks for your answers!
you can attach a motor to the power steering pump and to the brake vacuum…

plus, who cares about the labour. this is something to do for fun. i’m not a lazy *ss like you who doesn’t want to get up and do something to change the world…
hmmm, that book seems like a good idea. but i looked it up on my local library’s website and they don’t have it…maybe i can get my dad to buy me it. he’s encouraging me to learn this electric car stuff too.
it costs a penny a mile to operate an electric vehicle…what big electricity bill are you talking about? and don’t bother talking about coal electricty being bad for enviornment…i get my electricity from hydro. ye ye niagara falls baby!!!

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Sale

Sandra asks…

global warming? does anybody have the common knowledge to see that global warming is natural?

Do you suppose that man made Global Warming? Well, you shouldn’t!
You don’t have to encompass an elevated thinking ability to see through the propaganda. Here’s how to figure out the truth for yourself:
1. Have you looked at your personal outside thermometer? Records are low and snow storms thrive.
2. Seventh grade physics show that CO2’s molecular mass makes it exceedingly heavy, thus fore; it can’t lift high enough to cause the greenhouse effect.
Yes, there is a greenhouse effect, except it’s mostly caused by water vapor! H2O is, to a great extent, lighter than CO2.
3. University freshman statistics will show you that the miscalculation rate in temperature samples used is greater than the claimed temperature increase.
4. Glaciers in Greenland have recently been shown to be getting thicker, not thinner. Same with Antarctic ice, which is never mentioned by warming alarmists.
5. The stories of polar bears declining are deceit, according to our government’s own statistics.
6. CO2 is plant food! When the earth was adolescent, there was awfully diminutive oxygen. It was lethal to the minority life forms here (primeval micro-organisms as well as plants). It amplified to today’s levels partially as exhaust from vegetation and, to a magnitude, from a few “visiting” comets
7. Reimbursement of forests happens only where government owns the forest. Clandestine tenure of forests results in recurring growing and cutting. They don’t waste the economic assessment of their own land! Take a glance toward the massive forests in Georgia and Florida, owned by Weyerhaeuser & other lumber companies.
8. Sunspot activity is in a cycle in which it reduces warming radiation from the sun. This is essentially causing a cooling cycle.
9. What about recent record cold temperatures and snow storms?
10. Why is it that the big scares always mean big profits for companies connected to governments? E.g. GE owns NBC, which is scaring us. But GE makes big dollars from sales of generators, nuclear, windmills and solar to governments.
11. Those who want US to completely change our lives are immune. Think this, How about Al Gore making his millions – driving his SUVs, owning several energy inefficient HOMES, that’s plural. He tells us to stop using gas, while he is private-jetting around to give big money speeches?
12. We’re supposed to forget similar false fears. Many of the same companies made big money off the “ozone layer” scam. Remember that one? It has also proven false. But, the media which scared us about it has remained silent. Instead, they come up with a new scary theory.
13. About 7 years ago, the same government-connected scientists and insiders were trying to scare us with the coming ice age. Remember that?
14. Volcanoes and the ocean are by FAR larger sources of CO2 and other “greenhouse” gases. Many, many, many multiples of the amounts we exhaust.
15. NASA was actually caught faking “warming” data. They simply copied September temperatures and submitted the same figures for October. They then claimed October was the hottest it’s been in decades.
ok kid. first answerer, your an idoitic hippie arent you? People are not responsible for Climate change we produce 1/10th of 1% of Greenhouse gasses.
Who is at fault Its called the sun and earth….
We have gone through several ice ages and warming periods.
Al Gore is the greatest con artist and makes a fortune off of these carbon credits his companies sell. This Global warming lie he has created. You notice it’s no longer called Global warming but Global Climate change since it has been cooling over the last 20 years. But global warming ended 10 years ago at the peak of the last solar cycle. And it switched to global cooling 3 years ago when the sun shut down all major activity and went into the coolest mode ever scientifically documented. Up until 1998 the world was receiving a slightly above normal amount of power from the sun causing the planet to warm slightly. Since the sun went into standby mode 3 years ago all the planets are cooling off.
Record cold and record snowfall across North Amerca and the world this year. The melting ice we hear so much about from liberals, hippies and other kooks have almost completely refrozen to the original state. After record 11 foot snowfall last year in the northeast and New Year’s snow in Florida this year as part of a record cold year…..once again the global warming idiots are exposed in their hoax.

” According to the US National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), the average temperature of the global land surface in January 2008 was below the 20th century mean (-0.02°F/-0.01°C) for the first time since 1982. Temperatures were also colder than average across large swathes of central Asia, the Middle East, the western US, western Alaska and south-eastern China.
For the contiguous United States, the average temperature was 30.5°F (-0.83°C) for January, which was 0.3°F (0.2°C) below the 20th century mean and the 49th coolest January on record, based on preliminary data’. SUCK IT HIPPIES!!!
kids, just research these facts. they’re all true. “just a mistake”??! come on! its the government!

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Nancy asks…

Got any suggestions, wacky or otherwise, for topping up the battery of electric cars?

You may have heard recently in the news about the governments plan to boost electric car sales by offering subsidies of upto £5K for electric or plug-in cars ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8001254.stm ). One of the problems with electric cars is how to top-up the battery without excessive down-time (ie periods where you can’t drive the car). Have you any suggestions, wacky or otherwise, for how to do this?

My own suggestion is to divert some airflow through tubes that run the length of the car (maybe even avoiding the passenger compartment!), with miniature wind-turbines inside that help recharge the battery.
>There wouldn’t be near enough power >generated from that small amount of wind to >make any noticeable difference. Seriously.

Ever tried trying to open the door of your car when it’s traveling at 30mph or more? You might discover that the ‘wind’ is not that small!
>It would require MORE energy to move the car >and you will get less energy from the turbines >due to irreversibility’s.

Irreversibility’s of what?
>You can’t get something for nothing. The car’s motor is what is making the wind you feel. If you put a turbine out the window or in a tube or whatever, you would make less energy than you use to make the wind to turn it with (friction, less than 100% efficiency…).

I agree you can’t get something for nothing. The idea of the tubes would be to take some airflow that would have otherwise been acting to slow the car (through friction of airflow, or drag), and to instead partially convert it to electricity (via the miniature wind-turbines). I wouldn’t stick the wind-turbines out the window!
>How about putting a dynamo into the passenger side window winder. Whilst driving along the passenger can repeatedly wind the window up and down to generate electricity to help top up the batteries. This would also dramatically cut down on friends who wanted to ponce a lift somewhere as well. heeeeheeeheee.

Good idea, but with some minor problems:
Extra drag whilst the window is in the open position.
Your passenger may develop RSI.
Your passenger may develop bigger arm muscles to thump you with!
>can it run on feces?
If you could bear the stench!

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