Your Questions About Solar Energy Jobs
George asks…
Where can I learn all about installing a solar system for the home to start my own business in Cairns, AU?
I would like to learn all about installing a solar system for the home to start my own business in Cairns, AU.
I would really like to get hands on experience ordering and installing solar energy and wind systems. I have no idea where to start. I would be happy to go to a school to learn everything that I need to know so that I can start my own green energy business.
Thank you!
admin answers:
I lost my job 8 months ago, but I’ve finally found something I can do at home to make some exta money to pay the bills. By no means am I making as much as my previous job, but every dollar helps. Try it yourself. Http://
Chris asks…
Is it possible to use solar and electricity at the same time seamlessly?
I’m just starting to learn about solar panels and solar energy. I’m curious if it is possible to rig your house up to a few batteries charged by a few solar panel, and when the batteries are empty, it will switch to electricty.
It would be handy if you didnt have to switch back and forth all the time when the batteries get low, if that makes any sense.
admin answers:
Yes this is often done; there are also currently incentives from Fed govt and many states to do so.
Below is an article on the incentives (including link to a database to see what is available from your state.)
This can be tricky to install, so unless you have a good knowledge of electricity, contact an installer; just google “solar panel installations” +yourstate and you will find local ones that should be able to give you a good price (get quotes, references and ask if you can see any other jobs they have done.) There are a lot of new “Fly-by-night” companies jumping into this these days; you want somebody with solid knowledge of solar, the programs available, and licensed electrician.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators India
Sandy asks…
can I produce clean water, electricity and cooling at the same time from bio-diesel or solar?
This technology is called tricogeneration, but is seem as though not even money can buy it. There seems to be many false leads on the internet or there are lots of prototypes that have not hit the market yet. I have just spent $500,000.00 U.S.D on a water treatment plant and a seperate diesel generator to run a resort. I would be willing to pay much more for a more progressive system. Can some one put the components together and sell me a system that gives you distilled water, Power generation and utilizes the waste heat to produce either refrigeration and or air conditioning? The need for a bio-Diesel or solar electric generator that produces fresh water and cooling as a biproduct is crucial in most parts of the world. I have found a solar desalination plant on the internet that they produce in India but have not yet been able to buy them due to lack of responce from the web site contact (a very common thing on the internet). They are either booked, don’t care or can’t perform.V
admin answers:
Excellent sustainable strategy, and yeah, it’s REALLY hard to wallow through all the BS out there if you aren’t sure what to look for.
I wish I had your budget for upgrades, lol. I don’t even know what country you are in so I don’t know if there is any govt assistance to offset the costs. And I know NOTHING of “resort finance”, so I don’t know what the acceptable ROI of green technology is for you.
There must be environmental engineering companies out there that specialize in what you want, but it would take a lot of “eclectic(?)” skills collected under one roof. It is difficult to give you definitive answers without knowing where your resort is located, i.e. A ski resort is going to have different energy needs than a beach resort. If you are looking for fresh water and AC I assume it is a beach resort.
Speaking of co-gen … Great way to increase the efficiency of fossil fuel based technology, but doesn’t really replace it, it just uses the energy that would have been wasted. A good example on a large scale is the relationship between Bruce Nuclear and Bruce Energy Center. Some of the waste heat from electrical generation is used to heat acres of greenhouses. Have you considered a greenhouse as a source of AC? Or incorporating as much green as possible into interior spaces? It may not completely replace your AC compressors, but it will lighten the load. If you encorporate a water misting system into your greenery, the tiny water droplets will absorb a lot of heat as well. It takes much more energy for water to change state than to change temperature, so it is a good source of cooling. You can look up the terms “Latent heat of fusion” and “Latent heat of … Vaporization(?)” to learn more about the effect. That is a natural form of AC that could reduce your power consumption.
When you say water treatment plant I’m not sure if you mean incoming potable water, or outgoing waste water. If I recall correctly there is a company in Australia (Rowater) that makes portable desalination and purification plants. Offhand, I do not know how their product compares to those of other companies. A “solar still” might be a method of water purification to be considered in your case. SolAqua in Texas makes a product, but I think it can be done better. Nature has many elegant engineering solutions to common problems which have been replaced by machines that run on oil.
Lots of ideas, but no way to know if they are applicable to YOUR situation. Basically, I am thinking that a miniature indoor rain forest would offset the energy needs of your resort. I don’t believe you need to burn bio-diesel to do it either. I have other ideas, but it comes down to if you got the money, I got the time; if you got the retainer, I got the proposal.
I can be reached through my profile.
Helen asks…
How would you compare ocean energy and wind energy?
maybe in paragraph form or in dotted form like
* blah
* blah
admin answers:
Ocean energy
The ocean can produce two types of energy: thermal energy from the sun’s heat, and mechanical energy from the tides and waves.
Oceans cover more than 70% of Earth’s surface, making them the world’s largest solar collectors. The sun’s heat warms the surface water a lot more than the deep ocean water, and this temperature difference creates thermal energy. Just a small portion of the heat trapped in the ocean could power the world.
Ocean thermal energy is used for many applications, including electricity generation. There are three types of electricity conversion
systems: closed-cycle, open-cycle, and hybrid. Closed-cycle systems use the ocean’s warm surface water to vaporize a working fluid, which has a low-boiling point, such as ammonia. The vapor expands and turns a turbine. The turbine then activates a generator to produce electricity. Open-cycle systems actually boil the seawater by operating at low pressures. This produces steam that passes through a turbine/generator. And hybrid systems combine both closed-cycle and open-cycle systems.
Ocean mechanical energy is quite different from ocean thermal energy. Even though the sun affects all ocean activity, tides are driven primarily by the gravitational pull of the moon, and waves are driven primarily by the winds. As a result, tides and waves are intermittent sources of energy, while ocean thermal energy is fairly constant. Also, unlike thermal energy, the electricity conversion of both tidal and wave energy usually involves mechanical devices.
A barrage (dam) is typically used to convert tidal energy into electricity by forcing the water through turbines, activating a generator. For wave energy conversion, there are three basic systems: channel systems that funnel the waves into reservoirs; float systems that drive hydraulic pumps; and oscillating water column systems that use the waves to compress air within a container. The mechanical power created from these systems either directly activates a generator or transfers to a working fluid, water, or air, which then drives a turbine/generator.
Wind energy
Wind energy is the kinetic energy associated with the movement of atmospheric air. It has been used for hundreds of years for sailing, grinding grain, and for irrigation. Wind energy systems convert this kinetic energy to more useful forms of power. Wind energy systems for irrigation and milling have been in use since ancient times and since the beginning of the 20th century it is being used to generate electric power. Windmills for water pumping have been installed in many countries particularly in the rural areas.
Wind turbines transform the energy in the wind into mechanical power, which can then be used directly for grinding etc. Or further converting to electric power to generate electricity. Wind turbines can be used singly or in clusters called ‘wind farms’. Small wind turbines called aero-generators can be used to charge large batteries.
Five nations – Germany, USA, Denmark, Spain and India – account for 80% of the world’s installed wind energy capacity. Wind energy continues to be the fastest growing renewable energy source with worldwide wind power installed capacity reaching 14,000 MW.
Realizing the growing importance of wind energy, manufacturers have steadily been increasing the unit size of the wind electric generators since the late 1980s. Another important development has been the offshore (i.e. In the sea) wind farms in some regions of Europe, which have several advantages over the on-shore ones. The third major development has been the use of new techniques to assess the wind resource for techno-commercial viability.
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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Sale
Sandra asks…
how do you purify water on camping trips?
I have heard there are some new products on the market that are just as effective as boiling.
admin answers:
Assuming sufficient fuel and time, nothing portable and reasonably priced is as effective as bringing water to a rapid boil for 1 minute (3 minutes above 2000 meters). This will destroy protozoa, bacteria and viruses. However, boiling does nothing to improve turbidity or taste. Boiling does not remove chemical contaminants, so when farm or industrial run-off is a problem, there are more effective treatments.
UV sterilization using a product such as the SteriPen comes closest to boiling. It is effective against protozoa, bacteria and viruses. As with boiling, UV sterilization does nothing to improve turbidity or taste, and does not remove chemicals. Further, these devices require electrical power (usually batteries, but there are solar-rechargeable and even hand-crank generator versions now available) and are susceptible to failure due to damage or defect. Some people swear by these devices, others shun them because of potential reliability issues.
Opinions vary on whether chemical disinfection or filtration is more effective. On a camping trip, outside of industrial/farm areas, you are more likely to encounter protozoa (Cryptosporidium, Giardia) or bacteria (e-coli, coliform) than viruses. A quality water filter with an efficiency of 0.3 microns or smaller can effectively remove these threats from water. Filtering also improves water turbidity and taste. Filters with carbon elements can also remove many chemicals from water, such as those from industrial or farm run-off (but at limited concentrations), and some claim to kill viruses (iodine impregnated filter elements). They require no fuel or electrical power. Filters can withstand some abuse but can be broken either by strong impacts on rocks or even overly-aggressive pumping. Filters can also become clogged by sediment and debris, but this can usually be resolved by back-flushing or cleaning the filter element.
Note that there is a new filter product available, the Lifesaver Bottle, which filters down to 15nm and is effective against viruses as well as protozoa and bacteria. Currently this product is targeted towards developing areas and disaster relief, but it is available for retail sale in the USA. The cost is fairly high — around $200 — but it is worth a look if viruses might be a concern.
Chemical disinfection using Iodine or Chlorine Dioxide will destroy bacteria and viruses. Reduction of protozoa is less reliable, requiring extended treatment times. Chemical disinfection does not improve water turbidity or taste, and in fact, contribute their own unpleasant taste (less so for Chlorine Dioxide than Iodine). The more turbid and/or colder the water, the greater quantity of Iodine or Chlorine Dioxide must be used, as well as allowing longer treatment times. For Iodine, the taste and smell can be reduced by adding Vitamin C after treatment is complete. For Chlorine Dioxide, leaving the container of fully-disinfected water open for several hours will allow the taste and smell to dissipate.
When I’m camping, if the water is clear and clean and I’m starting a fire for warmth or cooking, I’ll boil my water. Otherwise I filter. There are several great models of filters available. First Need, Katadyn, MSR are all worth looking at; I own and have used different models from each and they all have their pluses and minuses. Currently I’m experimenting with a gravity filter (MSR Autoflow) instead of a pump, and it’s working very nicely and I enjoy not having to stand around pumping for several minutes to produce enough water for my next few meals and day’s journey. I also bring Chlorine Dioxide tablets with me as a back-up, should my filter fail for some reason (has never, but why tempt fate?).
Jenny asks…
Is there any steryotypical misconceptions about Amish people?
admin answers:
There are a multitude of misconceptions about the Amish. Here are just a few:
The Amish don’t use any modern technology – FALSE. The Amish are selective about the technology they use. They tend to reject technology that they feel would have a significant negative impact on their lifestyle, but are accepting of technology they do not see a problem with. Also, what technology is accepted and what is rejected depends on the Amish affiliation and each individual church community.
The Amish feel electricity is evil – FALSE. This has to be the most ridiculous of all the misconceptions. Most Amish (but not all) do not want electricity supplied by utility companies in their homes. They do, however, use some electrical devices where they can generate the power themselves through the use of gasoline generators or battery (which they charge using solar or wind power). They also do not want natural gas lines into their homes from utility companies, but readily use bottled gas (propane).
The Amish produce all of their own food and clothing – FALSE. I live in an area with a very large Amish population. I see Amish people in supermarkets and department stores all the time. The local Walmarts have tie ups for the horse and carriages.
The Amish do not use modern medicine or doctors – FALSE. The Amish have no aversion to modern medical practices or medicines at all. They go to doctors when they need to. They are hospitalized when it is required. Some Amish women still use midwives for birthing, but many use doctors and give birth in hospitals, especially for difficult pregnancies.
The Amish live communally without any outside contact – FALSE. Amish families live in their own private homes on their own private land. They own private businesses or work outside of the homes and manage their own finances. They keep bank accounts and take out loans for homes or business. They participate in many community activities with the general public, especially those that involve charity work.
The Amish don’t pay taxes – FALSE. The Amish pay all income, property, and sales taxes. They can claim an exemption from Social Security with-holdings under certain circumstances (are self employed or work for an Amish owned business), but if they do then they can never collect any SSI benefits either, and are therefore not a burden to the SSI system.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy International
Maria asks…
Is it true that wind turbines can never produce enough energy in their lifespans to offset its creation?
I’ve heard on several occasions that wind turbines are not economically feasible because it takes an inordinate amount of time and money, such that it will never produce enough energy to recoup that which was lost in building the turbine. Is this true? Can anyone give me a source?
admin answers:
Hey Patrick, this concept has been around since about 1998 when it first surfaced in regard to solar panels. There was a lot of complaints that solar panels never earn back their, “Embodied Energy,” which is a phrase referring to how much energy it takes to mine raw materials, ship them to a factory, build the product, ship it to it’s destination and install it. To be honest, it is difficult to put an exact energy price on something like that, there are almost limitless variables, such as which mine was used, where it was shipped, how it is installed and used in the end, and so on. A non profit group called, Solar Energy International finally offered some grants to a few colleges to research this. In the end, they couldn’t come up with an exact timeline, but a range based on the above variables.
First of all, solar panels actually do repay their embodied energy some time between 1.5 and 6 years after they are installed. Virtually all manufacturers warranty their product to last at least 25 years, and typically they operate well beyond this time. Similar work was done later with wind turbines, and the results are very similar. The main difference being the range of payback time is wider, meaning it’s possible for a turbine to repay its embodied energy faster, like in less than a year, but it may take as long as 9 years. This is because shipping a utility sized wind turbine can take a huge bite into its embodied energy budget depending on how far it has to go. Solar panels can fit in the back seat of a good sized car, some wind turbines have specially designed hauling vehicles that might have to drive across the country, or across the street. But when you look deeper down this rabbit hole, you eventually learn that non of this matters, I’ll explain.
Electricity has been around since Thomas Edison nearly burned down his house running high amounts of current through bailing wires inside old mason jars, so it isn’t going away anytime soon. The question becomes, “What is the best way to produce it?” Let’s assume you build a 10 KW wind turbine, and put it alongside an efficient conventional power source, say a natural gas fired turbine 10 KW generator. Which will earn back its embodied energy faster? The answer is the gas generator never does. You have to remember that once you build a natural gas generator, coal plant, or any other non renewable energy based power plant, you now have to feed it fuel for the rest of it’s life. It’s conversion rate will always be something below 100%, so in the end it slowly digs itself a deeper and deeper energy hole that it can never crawl out of. At least the wind turbine has a chance to get even in it’s lifetime. This is the key to what makes renewable energy so great, it’s really the difference between buying a home and renting an apartment, one day the home will be paid off, the apartment never is.
We live in a home that is powered by the wind and sun today. About 12 years ago we started looking into solar and wind when our electricity was constantly going out. It began as a small backup plan, just to run a few lights and some electronics. Over time it became more of a hobby and lifestyle, like growing your own tomatoes instead of buying them at the store, we just grew electrons in our garden. Now our home generates over 90% of its own electricity, and we use the power company as our backup source. Even though it will take years to get even with the power bill, it’s worth it to us, and we’ve turned a lot of heads. Once each year now I am invited to the local schools to teach solar power to the 5th graders, then they run a field trip out to our house to see a working solar and wind powered home. Since then the power companies have been busy building wind farms and looking into solar, geothermal and biomass energy. They even have a methane plant alongside a landfill in the next county. Most people are not aware of these things, but they are happening. They are busy complaining about wind mills never earning back their manufacturing energy, solar being too expensive, or hybrid cars not really saving and gas. There is research on these subjects, and it’s available for the asking if you look for it online. My suggestion is you look into it and become better informed insteading of asking hacks like me online for advice. I’ll include some sources below. Hope this answers your question. Good luck Patrick, and take care, Rudydoo
Jenny asks…
Do you think investing in solar energy companies at this time would be wise?
I came across “Envision Solar International Inc.(EVSI)” today. They are building solar trees in parking lots. The solar panels can track the movement of the sun to allow the panels to absorb more of the sun’s energy during the day. In addition to providing shade for electric vehicles, customers will also be able to charge their vehicles. One is already in use at the Dell Co. headquarters. It’s a penny stock currently selling at around $0.47 per share. This is the first company to do this. I’m thinking about purchasing 10,000 shares for the “future”.
admin answers:
I think it would be. Alternative energy is becoming very popular these days. Furthermore, the “Green Collar” economy is getting off the ground, so people of all economic backgrounds could potentially benefit from it, and not just the wealthy. Most western countries are ahead of the USA in alternative energy, so it’s only a matter of time before we catch up.
Furthermore, technology like that would be incredibly helpful in places like sub-Saharan Africa where there is a lot of sun. With purchasing power, the cost of producing and buying these “solar trees” will decrease and thus they will become more abundant, in accordance with supply and demand.
If you can afford it, I say go for it 🙂 I wish I could
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Suppliers
Nancy asks…
Solar Installation – Novice (needs help)?
I’m preparing to install solar power into my computing room as a method to reduce electric cost’s and as a backup in case of a power failure; I decided this as my documents we’re corrupted when our Power Supplier fed a small 100W’s into our entire household, damaging my SSD (data drive – non-mechanical).
So far I snagged up a couple of online bargains to get started such as some 12V 90AH Battery’s and Solar Panels.
I currently have:
2 x 12V 90AH Battery’s (
2 x 12V PV 80W Solar Panel (
In order to power up to a 1kW – 240V appliance, how would this need to be setup / what else do I need? I’d prefer to draw the power from the mains during daytime, and automatically switch to the solar / battery’s after sunset or a power-cut.
The power drawn won’t likely reach 1kW for more than 10 minutes, depending on the task I need computing; else it will drop to around 230W an hour.
Also how many hours of power can I get from a single day’s worth of charging, let’s saying I’m using 100W an hour? (an average of 11 hours sunlight).
If you have any advice / answers then please let me know, as I’m lost to what needs doing next.
Kind Regards,
admin answers:
Lead acid batteries are 50% efficient while charging, you will also need 24 V to charge each 12 V battery. You can expect maybe 8 hours of usable sunshine per day which if you assume you will get a full day of sunshine each day then you would need at lest 21 of those panels. If you assume a 50% chance of having a good day of sunshine then you would need enough battery power to last 5 days so you would need 24 of those solar panels but if you assume you needed to recharge all those batteries on the sixth day then you would need 388 of those solar panels.
A purely solar powered solution should cost about $30,000 not including the energy needed for air-conditioning.
I would suggest you buy a surge protector and a UPS instead. If you really want to be able to take a long term hit on the grid, have a transfer switch and a generator that can be started when you’re on UPS battery power. Select a tri-power generator and connect it to your natural gas line, if the natural gas line is broken, you can use propane or gasoline with the same generator. In the future there will be hybrid diesel generators that can run mostly on natural gas with just enough diesel for the compression ignition and could switch to running entirely on diesel or bio-diesel.
James asks…
Saving money on electricity…………………?
Power costs are making news across the country and over three years bills have increased an average of 12 per cent in most states.
St Vincent de Paul’s energy analyst Gavin Dufty releases his forecast for power prices next week.
Carbon pollution policy will increase the average bill by $200, the introduction of smart meters will add another $80 and what are know as dynamic tariffs could boost that by another $200.
“Expect to see the biggest prices increase, or the start of the price increases in Victoria and then we’d probably suggest Queensland and then followed by New South Wales,” Gavin said.
There is not much we can do about what the power companies charge so we are being encouraged to control what we use.
Anne Armansin is employed by Origin Energy to show customers how to reduce electricity consumption.
“We can all do something about it,” she said.
“I have noticed over the decade that people are willing to if they do get a high bill they’ll call and say help us.”
Some easy options involve changing behaviour, so for every degree an air-conditioner will use 10 percent more electricity and even after it has been turned off by the remote it is sucking power.
Every appliance on standby 24/7 can chew up to 15 watts of electricity. It soon adds up.
“There are about 27 appliances in the average house that use standby power and it amounts to about 800kw of wasted power a year,” Anne said.
That amounts to $160 a year. If we all turned off our appliances at the switch across the country we would save enough power to run every home in Western Australia.
There are gadgets to help, power boards that cut standby power by turning off one appliance.
Anne said our most power hungry consumers are Generation Y.
“They’re filling their rooms with big screen TVs, games and high powered computers and they have a lot of fun,” she said.
Ed Parker is one person who is being careful and has gone from power consumer to power generator.
Photvoltaic solar panels produce more power than his family can use so instead of getting $300 bills every quarter, he is getting $300 cheques.
“We’re actually returning better that 7-8 per cent on that extra investment,” he said.
The pool filter is another power-hungry device. It runs eight hours a day and in winter it does not have to.
“You can drop it down to either four or two hours depending on what your pool supplier tells you,” Anne said.
Then there is the hot water.
Choose an off peak tariff for your hot water system. Switch to solar if you can or an energy efficient heat pump.
Energy saving tips
1. Switch appliances off at the wall or get standby power saving power boards.
2. Use fans instead of air-conditioning, they use one-tenth of the power.
3. Replace old light bulbs with efficient globes.
admin answers:
Salam Alaikum,
thanks for sharing this info ..
And also, we must save electricity to help save our planet.. We humans are seriously wasting away our resources.
Another way of saving electricity is:
once you turn off the computer ( at home or office ) to turn off the main power also.
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Your Questions About Solar Generators
Steven asks…
help needed to configure a solar generator?
can someone with knowhow help me to design a solar generator?
it will need to
charge 2 laptops
charge 2 galaxy 3 phones
power one small hand held cd player
I will have good sunlight for loads of hours
I must be able to plug it into an ac socket occasionally to help with charging the battery.
i dont want to dismantle anything for ac charging ,it will stay in one position,but ocassionally ,when i have the petrol generator on ,I would like to plug in and help to fill up the battery.
please write a shopping list for me.
admin answers:
Harbor Freight has a 45 watt solar panel and power regulator for around $180.00, You need a deep cycle 12 volt 35 amp hr. Battery at $75.00. And a battery box (like they use in boats) for $25.00. A 300 watt inverter for $60.00. Finally some wire, plus an in line fuse for charging the battery. The power regulator has usb output for charging phones etc., but the laptop charger needs 120 vac from the inverter.
William asks…
How much it would cost for wind power generator ?
A couple of persons said Solar power generators are costly because of it equipments. How about the wind power generators ? I residing a km near sea shore an there would be some wind at most times.
I am in South India and I need to know the total cost for setting up a wind generator for my home in order to cut down my electricity bill. A set up that can power at least 4 Fans, 4 tube lights (40W) and a computer.
admin answers:
Starting from $ 700, Wind Power Generator has a versatility of uses. The wind turbines below are used worldwide for battery charging, home power, and water pumping applications, and range from 400 to 65,000 watts.
Wind Turbines start producing power at 7.5 mph wind speed, and increase their output through 45 mph winds. Higher wind speeds require the blades to be slowed down, to protect the equipment, but are very effective in wind speeds between 7.5 and 45 mph.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Jobs
Paul asks…
What majors to pursue for energy/solar power jobs?
I’m looking for different majors to pursue for college and, for fun, I decided to stray away from the ordinary boring ones.
I figured solar/energy-saving power is probably going to become a big business, but what majors are there to pursue?
I’d just like some ideas, but if I may ask try to keep it less general. (For example, please don’t simply say “the sciences” unless you may be able to briefly explain any branch of science in particular!)
admin answers:
Hi there,
Engineering wouldn’t be a bad field for something like alternative energy. I know that’s kind of general, but maybe there is something else specifically within engineering, that may cater to solar energy, wind energy, wave energy, etc..
I guess it really depends in the school you are in, and what kind of variety with the majors that they offer.
Mark asks…
Would an energy consultant be a good job to get into?
I heard that you can go to school for about 2 years with a minor in environmental engineering and with that you can become an energy consultant. would this be a good job to go after? is there a good outlook for this job? maybe i can start my own solar energy instalation business? thanks!
admin answers:
10 years ago was the time to get into IT. Today its all about saving energy, solar power, solar water heater etc. I think its the time to get into it, maybe even a little late. It also depends where you are from, is your municipality, province state or country putting more funds into this field?
I was in China last year at the world’s biggest tradeshow, Canton Fair and as far as I can remember there are thousands of companies starting to sell solar, energy stuff and its all a matter of time before it gets here. Lots of wind turbines being installed everywhere too.
I think its a good field also lots of money in it as long as you work for the right company. Do a little bit of research. See what the trend is like in your area. The government maybe spending $2 trillion dollars in this field. Who knows. Good luck!
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Companies
Sharon asks…
solar and wind energy combinedly converting into electricity?
I need a machine which produce electricity by wind and solar energy combinedly and also the company which manufactures this machines and also the cost of this machineries….
admin answers:
Solar and wind energy are very useful forms of renewable energy, and both are also supplied by nature free of charge. It is just a matter of harnessing the energy in the best way for your circumstances.
There are many companies around the world which can assist with combined wind generators and PV solar arrays, complete with all the required control equipment for interconnections. The one in the link below also has prices indicated, starting from around USD6,000. You will find many more by googling “solar and wind power plants”.
Good luck, and The Way to Go !!
Jenny asks…
How do they get wind powered electricity to city/power grid?
I am curious of how they get the electricity produced by a windmill or even solar panel to a city or a city’s power grid or city’s electric plant. I know obviously they have to send it via wires underground but does anyone have more info on the process like installation, how the electric system (how they send electricity to a grid with out over loading it.
admin answers:
Wind Energy FAQ
What do I need to know to purchase a residential wind turbine?
Will my utility allow me to hook up a wind generator?
Federal regulations (specifically, the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, or PURPA) require utilities to connect with and purchase power from small (less than 80 MW) wind energy systems. A wind turbine manufacturer should be able to help arrange the required utility company approvals.
See State-by-State small wind information for lists of interconnection requirements for many U.S. States.
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Your Questions About Solar Generators Costco
Michael asks…
What’s the best way of fuelling electric vehicles? Will trolleybuses make a comebak?
admin answers:
The one EV car I currently have (have 2 vehicles that run on hydrogen also) I converted from a vw bug and is free to charge. As I live completely off the grid all my electricity comes from solar panels and 2 wind generators, which I a;sp built.
However I did charge up at Costco in Carlsbad California (I actually only drove up there to fill up) if I remember right it was around $2.00
Here’s a list of other places you can charge up, don’t know if there are any prices though.
Not sure if you’re interesting in doing it your self, but I’d be willing to walk you step by step threw the conversion. I’ve converted 3 of my own cars (a datsun truck, ford ban, and a vw bug) and a few for neighbors. I’ve also converted cars to run on hydrogen, ethanol and biodiesel, by far EV is the easiest.
If you’re interested here’s what it would entitle…
– The engine compartment is first cleaned out of any gasoline components.
– Electric components are then installed in exchange.
– A battery bank is built and incorporated.
– Existing starter and driving systems are connected.
– Turn the key, step on the gas pedal sending more energy to the electric motor, & thus more power to the drive system, which in return creates more speed, more acceleration.
– The system has normal automotive top speeds and acceleration, typical to the vehicle your modifying. If your top speed was 85 mph and your acceleration was 1 mile per min, then this will be what your left with after the conversion.
The methods are extremely simple, making the process possible for anyone, everyone, ANYWHERE.
Typical tools, hardware & supplies are used, making access to parts available for all.
Electric Conversions can be easily accomplished in ANY model vehicle, even tractors, Generators, types of machinery, etc.
Project lengths range from 1 day to 1 month.
If you’re interested I wrote a guide on it which is available at www agua-luna com
Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at www agua-luna com on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.
Dan Martin
Alterative Energy / Sustainable Consultant, Living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World… Instantly Elevating Their Income & Lowering Their Debt, While Saving The Environment by Using FREE ENERGY… All With Just One Click of A Mouse…For more info Visit:
www AGUA-LUNA com
Stop Global Warming, Receive a FREE Solar Panels Now!!!
Betty asks…
Will plug-in, hybrids, become available and affordable before gas prices become too high?
The Toyota Prius has a range of 1.9miles via its battery. A plug-in, hybrid should have a range of 120miles via its battery. Obviously, the battery required for this type of hybrid is presently unaffordable for most people or unavailable.
When is the first, affordable, plug-in, hybrid, scheduled to be released? (Affordable, meaning, a price range of $20,000 to $40,000)
admin answers:
Robert f
The one EV car I currently have (have 2 vehicles that run on hydrogen also) I converted from a vw bug and is free to charge. As I live completely off the grid all my electricity comes from solar panels and 2 wind generators, which I a;sp built.
However I did charge up at Costco in Carlsbad California (I actually only drove up there to fill up) if I remember right it was around $2.00
Here’s a list of other places you can charge up, don’t know if there are any prices though.
Not sure if you’re interesting in doing it your self, but I’d be willing to walk you step by step threw the conversion. I’ve converted 3 of my own cars (a datsun truck, ford ban, and a vw bug) and a few for neighbors. I’ve also converted cars to run on hydrogen, ethanol and biodiesel, by far EV is the easiest.
If you’re interested here’s what it would entitle…
– The engine compartment is first cleaned out of any gasoline components.
– Electric components are then installed in exchange.
– A battery bank is built and incorporated.
– Existing starter and driving systems are connected.
– Turn the key, step on the gas pedal sending more energy to the electric motor, & thus more power to the drive system, which in return creates more speed, more acceleration.
– The system has normal automotive top speeds and acceleration, typical to the vehicle your modifying. If your top speed was 85 mph and your acceleration was 1 mile per min, then this will be what your left with after the conversion.
The methods are extremely simple, making the process possible for anyone, everyone, ANYWHERE.
Typical tools, hardware & supplies are used, making access to parts available for all.
Electric Conversions can be easily accomplished in ANY model vehicle, even tractors, Generators, types of machinery, etc.
Project lengths range from 1 day to 1 month.
If you’re interested I wrote a guide on it which is available at www agua-luna com
Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at www agua-luna com on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.
Dan Martin
Alterative Energy / Sustainable Consultant, Living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World… Instantly Elevating Their Income & Lowering Their Debt, While Saving The Environment by Using FREE ENERGY… All With Just One Click of A Mouse…For more info Visit:
www AGUA-LUNA com
Stop Global Warming, Receive a FREE Solar Panels Now!!!
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Pros And Cons
Lisa asks…
what are the pros and cons of solar Energy?
I need two differences, but I honestly can’t think of any cons for solar energy. Can you help me please
admin answers:
The negatives include:
The worst thing about solar energy is that it is typically expensive to install. This means that the effective cost of the power is high compared with just buying it from your local utility company.
Solar panels can take up a lot of space.
You may find that your roof is not at a good orientation or angle to the sun, which would make the installation on your roof less effective or not possible.
You can’t make solar power at night, so you have to have a way to store it.
Your power output will also be affected by bad weather.
Positives include:
The greatest thing about solar energy is that it is virtually free to use.
Solar energy causes no pollution when you generate it.
You can get financial incentives from the government to help you pay for your system.
Companies are starting to produce rental plans that allow you to avoid the large capital costs.
There was a law passed a couple of years ago that allows you to “sell” your excess power back to the utility, reducing or eliminating your bills, and covering your need for power at night.
You don’t need to order any fuel to be delivered to your house, and you can’t run out.
Solar power does not suffer from inflation and increasing prices.
Typically there are no or few moving parts to a solar installation, cutting down on maintenance.
Solar power can be generated anywhere, even if there is no local electrical supplier, so you can have power in remote areas.
Using solar power reduces the amount of fossil fuel burnt, and decreases greenhouse gas creation.
Charles asks…
I am considering putting solar panels on my roof so I can go to Solar Energy. What do you think?
I was wondering about the pros and cons. Also I live in a climate where you get hail and tornadoes. Could the hail break the panels? Are they secure enough to handle the wind? Also what happens when it’s cloudy out for a week or so? Can they store up enough energy?
admin answers:
1. Pros and cons – solar is a good choice. Make sure you realize though that if you go through a solar franchise / company you’ll pay waaay more than you need to. Source the parts yourself and get a local installer / electrician..
#2. Hail won’t be a problem.
#3. Wind won’t be a problem. They’ll only come off if your roof was going to come off anyway.
#4 & #5 – Battery storage technology has advanced a lot, you won’t have a problem unless you live in the polar winter.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Wikipedia
Daniel asks…
Can someone please explain to me what this energy reform will do to our economy?
I have read different articles, but it seems that mostly everyone is against this.
admin answers:
Not at all. Many are for it, even if it might seem otherwise. Krugman is one. He notes that it is far from perfect, but is a step forward:
What everyone agrees is that it will cost some money. (After all, if it were free, we would have done it by now.)
One question is how much. The Congressional Budget Office, generally non-partisan, estimates about $175 per household by 2020:
This is much lower than the scary figures that the Republican opponents have been touting.
The next question is who pays. In the end, of course, it will be the ordinary consumer. But the costs will not be spread evenly. Places where most of the electricity is produced with coal will pay more than places where it comes from natural gas, which will pay more than places where it comes from hydro-electric dams. But the variation should not be too great.
The bill will create a number of new jobs but it will also, gradually, make old jobs obsolete. In the long run, we don’t want to burning coal because it produces too much pollution. But that means that coal miners, people who work in coal-fired power plants, people who ship the coal from the mines to the power plants, etc. Will be put out of work.
But the old jobs can’t be eliminated till the new energy sources are in place, which means the new jobs start appearing before the layoffs do – which is just what we want in this time of high unemployment.
In the longer term, we can hope that alternative energy will become cheaper, but there is no reason to assume that it will ever be cheaper than coal has been. Our economy has been built on cheap energy, so higher energy costs mean that we will have to have a reduced standard of living or learn to do more with much less energy.
(Note that this has nothing to do with this bill but with the fundamentals of energy economics. Any mechanism that reduces the use of coal and oil or increases their price will have this effect. And we’ve already seen the price of oil rise dramatically over the past decade. The price has slid back somewhat, but it is still more than twice what it was 10 years ago. And when the recession ends, oil prices will start climbing again, so we will be facing this problem with or without this bill.)
Clearly, the bill provides various incentives to learn how to produce cleaner energy cheaper and use energy more efficiently. That is technology that everyone is going to want. If we get good at it, that is something we can sell to the rest of the world. If we don’t get good at it, it is technology we may have to buy from the rest of the world.
(The Chinese have many terribly dirty coal powered plants, but the new coal plants they are building are much cleaner than most American coal plants.
Of course, it would be better if they weren’t burning coal at all, but if you are going to do it, better do it as efficiently as possible.
The Spanish seem to be doing well in the area of thermo-solar power:
The Germans seem to be doing well in area of energy efficiency:
(They already make appliances that much more energy efficient than U.S. Appliances.)
Susan asks…
what are some good reasons and benefits to be a electrician?
I might choose this trade for when I go to job what are some good reasons to be an electrician?
admin answers:
You learn how not to be shocked when working with electrical tools and equipment.
The pay is good.
Seriously, every business uses electricity. The huge office buildings, the chemical refineries, automobile factories – all need electricity to power their motors and lights and computers. They also use electricity at much lower voltages for signals, control, and data transfer.
You could choose to be a high-voltage electrician, and work on the power transmission lines that march across the country and operate at voltages over 100,000 volts (100 kV), or on the power lines within neighborhoods that operate at 15,000 volts (15 kV). These require extra-special training and safety procedures, because at those voltages, the energy jumps out at you.
You could choose to work at the lower voltages – that’s what they call it in the power industry – of 120 to 480 volts AC, which powers homes and all small businesses.
There are lower voltages still, such as for electroplating, aluminum refining, solar power modules, but these are very high current levels, which again require special training.
The petrochemical refineries make extensive use of much lower voltage for their instrumentation and control signals. These are for computer-controlled processes and thus signal integrity depends on properly made cabling and protection of those cables.
Go to your library and find every book you can about “electricity” and read each one. While you might not understand a lot of terms and explanations at first, every time you read a new book you will see the same terms again and again, and they will make more sense. Learning this way helps you understand the language of the electrician.
Understanding what electricians do requires hands-on work, and most schools do not provide that. You should look for a local electrician union hall and ask what kind of training is available for people new to the electrician field. Being an electrician is difficult work. The books describe how to do various things, and working at a bench is easy, but when you are on a 20 foot ladder it’s not so easy ! And when you have to correct mistakes others have made, it’s not so easy explaining to a customer why the corrections have to be made.
You have to constantly train to learn new things. 30 years ago, there were very few wind generators and solar panel arrays; today there are many projects installing those things and they all have to be maintained and repaired after weather damage. The mechanical installation forces the electrical connections to made certain ways. There is an excellent magazine devoted to solar and wind power on residential and small businesses, called “Home Power”.
Wikipedia has an article about the magazine :
Their website :
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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use
Sandra asks…
How to build home source of energy?
What are the component I need for a hydro power?
Do I need battery for hydro power with alternator? How it works?
Can I use any car’s alternator to make one?
What kind of regulator do I need to control the alternator?
let say for a basic home needs
Can I combine the solar panel and windmill and hydro power all together as a source of power at home?
what would I need for a windmill source of energy?
many questions I guess, thanking you in advance yo…
admin answers:
These questions require a lot of detail so the best I can do is direct you to where I got all my information. I recently installed some home made solar panels over my roof, I also installed a small windmill like generator. The solar panels work great! The windmill wasn’t the best choice I guess because I don’t get that much wind where I live so it usually just sits there. I also have a solar water heater which I built. All the additions I have made have cut my energy bill by around 75% on average. The webiste below is what I went off of, its not free, but it is much better than having to round up bits and peices all over the web. It gives you instructions on how to build all types of energy solutions and also tells you where you can purchase the parts required. Hope this helps!
James asks…
Does anybody have any ideas for an invention for a school project?
Its some stupid project where we have to come up with an idea to help us in our community. It could be anything, something to help with home/school/work etc. I don’t want anything complicated, I was thinking combining a ruler with a calculator and like something else to help with math. I honestly can’t think of anything good though. Any help?
admin answers:
I think you should redesign student chair: motorized recliners, with a drink dispenser, small refrigerator, a place to store books and supplies, ( no lockers needed) built in laptop, cell phone, etc. Everything could run on solar power or back up generator- no cords needed. Deluxe models could include vibrator and temperature controls. Students can research on line ( no libraries needed), write papers and print them out without leaving their chair. You could draw or photo shop this project.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Cost
Sharon asks…
What is the price tag on a wind farm for generating energy?
I was wondering about the total cost of building a wind farm or even a solar farm. What would the initial investment be?
admin answers:
If by wind farm, you refer to those gigantic wind generators found in some places around the country, our Electric co-op did an article on them last year. ONE of those gigantic windmills runs around a million dollars.
Mary asks…
Does anyone know anything about solar energy?
i don’t know if solar energy and solar power are the same thing? are they?
1.) How widely used is this form of energy (in usa) . (example: Provides 40% of total electricity in the us.)
2.) How economical is solar energy when compared to other sources?
3.) What are the environmental factors which must be considered when using solar energy? (at least 2)
i will reward the best answer with all stars so please help me. dont forget please CITE your source its very important that you do so(: please and thank you.
admin answers:
Solar power usually refers to making electricity from the sun. Solar energy may refer to this and also sometimes using the heat energy from the sun. Thermal solar collectors may use solar energy to make solar power.
Solar energy is only beginning to be explored in our society. In other societies (ancient Greece for example) there were laws to prevent one person from blocking the sun from the land of another as the sun was important for heating. The sun’s energy stored in chemical bonds has been very common in our society. Oil is king. This has marginalized direct solar energy use. The amount of Solar energy in our society depends upon what you are including. Direct Solar? Wind? Biomass? Hydro generation? Here is one site that adds it up to 13%:″>
2 the economics of solar is also subject to definitions. Real cost or cost including politically gained subsidies. Gasoline may cost $3.00 at the pump but estimates of its real cost are from $10 to more than $20. Nuclear power is also heavily subsidized. Solar is just getting into the game and is taking time to get its political markers in place. When it comes to efficiency solar is far more direct and has some distinct advantages. Http://
3. Direct Solar energy and renewable solar energy is substantially more eco friendly than using fossil solar energy. Shading environments with solar collectors changes environments this may have effects to be considered. Some large scale solar power installations need water in environments where this is scarce. Wind generators may have an adverse effect on flying wildlife. And hydroelectric dam may add unusual pressure on the Earth’s crust. Http://
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Calculator
Maria asks…
explain me about working of scientific calculator using solar energy when battery power is down?
that is, how a scientific calculator works when its battery power is totally down?how it works when it is shown in sunlight for sometime?please give me the mechanism involved in it.
admin answers:
When batt not available the triac is used so the base power switches to solar cell and there if it gets energy it emmitts power to 7-segment and again ur calc is on solar batt. When u replace battreis again the triac actives through batt power.
Richard asks…
[URGENT] What are the failures and successes of solar energy?
may i know what are the examples of failures and successes that are related to solar energy? need them urgently.. thanks.
admin answers:
A failure, the need for vast quantities of clean water. To flush and wash the commercial solar cells.
A success, the ability to bring portable power to remote and off grid areas. Where only a small gas generator was possible before. Simplifies and eases the load while going to such areas. No need for gasoline.
A success, the use of solar power, as a direct water heat source, has been proven to decrease the need for normal means of home water heating.
A failure, the stable ability to bring a home under total solar power. By available area of panels, storage ability and days when less sun available cuts power.
A failure, the high maintenance, low output, and short life of panels.
A success, the decreased use and waste of small batteries for small electric powered hand devices. Like radios, calculators, over the life and use of the device.etc….
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Your Questions About Solar Generators For The Home
Sandra asks…
How to convert a horse trailer to a camper?
Hello, I have a 2001 Sundowner 3 Horse Slant horse trailer and I might want to covert it into a camper in the future. Is there any permit needed to do this? I’d also like to wire it so it can run off of a generator, solar powering, or wind power. I want plumbing too and I was wondering if there is some sort of system that recycles the shower water, filtering it then putting it back in the water heater. And I’d like to install a window and replace some with larger windows and seal some up. Can I do this on my own or do I need to pay someone? I also want it to be insulated and maybe a fireplace. I’ve seen fireplaces that aren’t really tradition fireplaces but are meant for tents. And I want the end result to be a cozy home away from home. Like a home on wheels, not some RV feeling.
Also, what are the pros and cons of converting it into a camper? I’ve heard of people doing this before.
How much can I do on my own?
How much can I except to spend roughly?
Who would I need to contact for permits (if any)?
Do RV parks allow trailers that have been converted to a camper?
Is this all too ambitious? Am I better off buying an RV?
admin answers:
A friend of mine did it with his. He put a small generator in the back of his pickup,(but you could easily put on in the trailer itself)
He has a 30 gallon water tank that he uses for the water heater and his horses. It already had windows.
He did all the work by himself, it was pretty reasonable. He uses it to go camping and to haul his horses. With a quick change. There were no permits required.
Hope this helps.
James asks…
Are there any monthly expenses when purchasing solar panels for your home?
I understand you pay the price for the solar panels once and then use them for like 20 years – but are there any other expenses? Such as…charging the battery, maintanence, etc.?
admin answers:
batteries, inverter, wiring, switches, photo cells, knowledge to hook it all up,
solar isn’t, what its all hoped up to be,
solar lights are a better deal, you can put them to work, but to power a home ? Forget it,
buy a 13 K generator for total home power, all that cost is fuel ,
use propane powered stove,s fridge,s freezers, [ the amish do ]
there still for sale, in cross ville, tn
there is a lot of other ways to be self sufficient, solar is a gimmick, for now
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Home
Sandy asks…
What is the best way to reduce energy costs with renewable methods?
I’ve been trying to find out more about saving money through renewable energy sources. Solar seems to be quite a popular one for residential purposes but I wonder about how expensive it is. Has anyone done a cost analysis comparing all the different renewable energy sources?
admin answers:
Been looking at this one for a while myself. Solar is just too expensive for me to get into right now. I’m keeping the potion open for a latter time when my finances are better. A basic package system that can SUPPORT about a third to half of the usage of the typical american home will start at around 7 to 8 grand not counting install cost. Wind is cheaper and readily available by hundreds of suppliers, but, the output can vary widely even in areas that have a constant wind. Wind in my opinion is better for a supplemental system. These are the two most common. Also seen a farming operation that powers its own generators from biomass off its cows waste. Use is kind of limited on this one. Bio diesel generators don’t have enough efficiency to relay consider unless you live way off the grid and only use electricity for short periods. Using small water wheel systems in some parts of the country but with the same problems as wind. Right now with solar its about how much you want to spend up front and what do you want out of it? I’ve so far just gone to all CFL bulbs and improved insulation which has chopped off almost half of my bill with that. Thinking about doing a roof overlay that will add 3 inches or more of insulation and a tin roof over my existing asphalt shingles. Probably cost me around 3500$ for this as it requires no additional support or rework of the roof other than extending the vents. Most available packages either come with vent extensions or they will send the ones you want when you order the kit. The one I’m considering includes installation.
Lizzie asks…
What are best wind and solar powered generators?
This would be for a residential area and need to comply to fire and other safety regulations. I want to generate electric power for home and electric vehicles.
admin answers:
You’re asking a difficult question only because the technology is improving each month. What is the best today probably won’t be the best next year. For wind power you will need a wind availibility survey describing the average wind conditions throughout the year for your locality. Every homesite is a bit different. To establish a cost/benefit analysis your first have to know how much wind energy is available.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Facts
Betty asks…
What are some good things about nuclear energy?
Im doing a group debate tomorrow, about why you should use Nuclear energy as opposed to Fossil Fuels, Hydroelectric, and Solar energy. I will be presenting our opening statement, and any good things to include would be a great help.
admin answers:
Fossil fuels always release more pollutants, including CO2 if you consider that a pollutant. Hydroelectric electricity has limited availability, and it’s a resource that is pretty much tapped out – every river which can be dammed for electricity already is. Solar energy is expensive, far more expensive than anything else. There is a lot of variation is solar panels, but it often involves rare earth elements, which limits the total numbers of panels which could be produced (at a number too low to matter). Solar energy is also not very energy dense. The total land it would take to capture the same amount of energy using solar as can be generated using nuclear is tremendous. States worth of land. Unlike oil, we have a lot of uranium locally, and the other nation with big resources is Australia who we’re on pretty good terms with. And if we had some modern reactors, there would be much less nuclear waste produced. In fact, some of the new plants can eat material which was previously considered waste.
Daniel asks…
Solar Energy accounts for how much of our energy consumption?
I need to know out of all the electricity we use, how much of it comes from solar energy? source please
admin answers:
Since heat is what energy through inbody is released, about 25 – 30% of it comes for solar energy.
On more fact is that, beside energy consumption, it also tends us to feel tired and lazy ……. This is because … Sometimes the heat accumulated by the skin cells from the sun is complexed and as a result it dehydrates our body.
These are the following sources:
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Your Questions About Solar Generators Hawaii
Linda asks…
how can solve this question please need help?
(a) One approach to ameliorate the effects of the variability of wind and solar power is the use of energy storage. Calculate the approximate surface area that would be required of a lake of an average depth of 20 m at an elevation of 300 m (mean water level between full and empty reservoir) above an array of Francis turbines, operating at an efficiency of 85%, if we were to store enough energy to meet the
entire power requirements of the National Grid (say 50 GW) for 24 hours
my answer was
Energy released at turbine, E = force x distance = mass x acceleration due to gravity x distance.
So E = volume x density x acceleration due to gravity x distance.
So E = π.r² x 1000 x 9.81 x 300, assuming that the lake is a cylinder with radius = r.
This gives E = 1.85 x 10^8 x r².
Only 85% of this is converted into electrical energy,
so the electrical energy produced = 0.85 x 1.85 x 10^8 x r² = 1.57 x 10^8 x r². [Joules].
Now 50 GW for 24 hrs. = 50 x 24 GW-hours = 1,200 x 10^9 watt-hours = 1200 x 3600 x 10^9 watt-seconds.
Since one watt = 1 Joule / second, one watt-second = 1 Joule.
So, 1200 x 3600 x 10^9 watt-seconds = 1200 x 3600 x 10^9 Joules.
So, equating the two figures for energy available and energy out, we have:
1.57 x 10^8 x r² = 1200 x 3600 x 10^9.
When we do that arithmetic, we get: r = 5.2 x 10^3 metres = 5.2 km.
► Hence, the area of the lake = π.x (5.2 x 10^3)² sq. m. = 85 x 10^6 sq. metres, approximately.
my question is
b-Comment on the result you obtained in part (a). Your remarks should include your thoughts on the practicability of building and using such a reservoir; what you thought of the assumptions behind the question in (a); and some suggestions for other measures that could be taken to moderate the effects of variability of energy supply
please any help
admin answers:
Hey David, kudos on the math work, although I can’t say for certain the calculations are correct, they look good to me. As far as thoughts on practicability, in the years we’ve been learning about and powering our home with renewable energy, one thing I’ve learned is this: The future of power today is a diverse source. People are constantly asking me what’s best, wind, solar, coal? We would be best off if we had a little of each of them. Any disruption in one source, either due to supply constraints, technological changes, or environmental issues, would not be hard to offset. When you rely on oil for 80% of your countries energy source, then a war erupts on the other side of the globe, you have an instant recession, we’ve proven this several times now.
The same can and should be said for energy storage. Many nuclear plants today have a reservoir like you outlined above connected to them. This way, the plant can operate at its design parameters all day and night, and the reservoir can make up for the dips and peaks in demand changes. The storage medium here is gravity, forcing the water up to the top when you have excess energy, and allowing it to fall when you have a shortcoming. But in many cases, thermal could work better. Suppose you build a large thermal solar plant in the desert, that boils water to run a steam turbine. But in the daytime, you have excess power. Instead of venting it off, we could heat oil to say 500 degrees ( it boils at a much higher temp than water, yet stays liquid well below 32 degrees ). Now once the sun goes down, we could simply reroute our water through a water to oil heat exchanger, and continue boiling water with the hot oil until dawn. Now we have access to solar power at night, petty slick. I submit that this type of energy storage would work great in the Southwest United States, Northern Africa, and some other places that both lack water and have excess sun and heat. Consider this in your discussion. This points a large finger at what I like to call, “appropriate placement.” Take a long skinny river with very little flow on a mountain side. Not a great place to make hydro power due to the low output. But as a reservoir to make a gravity battery like the one you outlined, it could be perfect, with a large, high altitude reservoir that powers a large generator intermittently, rather than a small one continuously. It would be a self trickle charging battery that could be recharged by pumping water back in when there was a surplus of energy too. You wouldn’t put one in Phoenix, where it’s flat and dry, but it would be great in Seattle or Hawaii. Lots to think about here, good luck David, Rudydoo
Jenny asks…
Can Anybody Find Anything But Hot Air in the Climate Bill?
This question is asked sincerely by a lifelong enviro. A supporter of Al Gore. But this bill appears to have been written by the coal companies based on 25 year old ideas, many of which were accepted by G.W. Bush the Moron President.
The whole idea of the market based solution — the cap and trade solution — making a market in pollution permits — maybe having them brokered through a firm like Enron — which I think did actually broker some of these permits for a while — that idea is 25 years old. It is not change. It’s just slapdash legislation based on making the old dregs by bygone ideas look like a new bill by updating the year and putting a new cover on it. It’s like the old news that CBS, NBC, and ABC purvey — stuff from a few weeks ago — offered today as your “news”.
Nobody in America is willing to do any part of their job anymore. It’s a nation of AWOL officials and AWOL staffers and AWOL employees.
If they wanted a real climate bill, they would have included funding for the hydrogen technology. Ways to electrolytically dissociate water efficiently. Ways to store hydrogen efficiently. Ways to burn hydrogen in fuel cells, or in turbines (possibly combined with methane to make hythane (R).
There would have been a huge push for the sorts of thing T. Boone Pickens is recommending. Natural gas powered trains would have been in the mix — and transcontinental tracks for same on the median strips of East West Highways.
Geothermal would have played a huge role. It is a very rich power source in some places, always on, not like solar or wind. Hawaii could power all seaborne freight in the Pacific with Geothermal based Hydrogen Fuel Cell Gas.
Tidal Hydro would have been in the bill.
Micro-scale wind generators (egg-beater style) would have beeb there.
The National Energy Spine (super efficient cable from coast to coast) would have been there. This creates conservation by allowing energy to be wheeled from coast to coast so peak loads can be met with cheap energy on both coasts.
Instead we get the ancient mantra “Let’s find a market based solution (that way G.W. Bush The Moron President, and the Republicans can be happy). No breakthroughs please! No movement away from fossil fuels, and certainly no less coal or oil! We’ll just do this with financial manipulations, sort of Enron style, with pollution permits, create a playground for the K Street lobbyists, make it look like we are doing something because what we do is so complicated administratively.That way we can do nothing — and nobody will know.
With or without cap and trade the carbon footprint of the energy plants was bound to be legislatively reduced in future years. Cap and trade just bring Federal Pre-emption and knocks out the states ability to legislate on this matter. It’s a form of state legal dis-ablement. It’s a form of permission to just keep on keeping on — more of the same.
The climate bill looks like a 100% perfect fraud, from the gitgo. Mr. Axelrod thinks it has a fairly good chance in the Senate because of the writing changes that were made at the last minute in the House, and on this he’s probably right. Coal can see when it has a good deal. The whole issue now will be off the table for the next 10 or 15 years, and there are 10,000 ways that the “caps” can be removed or made more lenient, triggered by all sorts of extremely complex micro-pico-nano regulations that only the coal companies have time to figure out and understand and know how to lobby with. They can get out of the caps. They get a vacation for 15 years. They get out from under state laws. Whee ! … this pollution stuff is easy!
All politicians are politicians. Nature is always Nature. So the Canute story is always apt. The vanity and the lies and the fraud never actually trumps nature, so you can count of on the climate to keep warming up and the CO2 levels to keep going up and the sea level and storm damage to keep going up. If we truly wish to stop being a hypocrite nation, we’ve got to get rid of all politicians. Put a truly independent agency in charge of climate change mitigation — something like the Federal Reserve or the FCC or the NRC — it’s got to be able to make and implement rules smoothly and quickly. It’s got to be run by Chairmen with long terms of office, at least 10 years, 15 would be better. The Chairman has to be mission focused, not politics focused. If can’t get around the Canute Problem (The problem that wise King Canute taught his ministers about based upon knowing that Politics never trumps Nature)., we can’t deal with the climate change issue. This new bill, is just more hot air. Maybe you can find something in it and tell me about what you think is there. Anyhow that’s my question, asked by a true blue enviro, an AlGorista (with rhythm, hence an algorhythm, I’m a poet, I know it, float like a butterfly effect, sting like a karma-effect).
For Dana the Master of Science — I know that H2 is not a mobile source fuel and never will be. For fixed point fuel cells, no problem, especially if mixed as Hythane (H2 + CH4). Here is Gao Bwo Fu, Doctus Juris, Magister Plutus to tell you read my book, “Cost-Effective Ways to Comply with the New Clean Air Act”, or my articles published by Herald-Mail.
H2 is not a fuel for mobile sources, but it’s fine for fixed point sources. If you want conversation why do you block all e-mail so I have to use this question extension to answer you? You can reach me by e-mail real easily, master of science (and where is your 600 page book on the subject of hydrogen burning — cause mine is in the libraries). Never smarty-pants a smarty-pants.
Scepticism is next to Godlicism. I know it.
This science-thinker atheist says, “Bless you, keep those good questions coming!”
admin answers:
Yes. For example, it will help increase fuel efficiency by 25% by 2020.
It requires that utilities produce 20% of their energy from renewable sources and increased efficiency by 2020.
It invests $90 billion in energy efficiency and renewable energy by 2025.
It establishes new standards for building efficiency, requiring new buildings to be 30% more efficient in 2012 and 50% more efficient in 2016.
It directs EPA and the State Department to use 5% of the allowances to secure agreements from developing nations to prevent tropical deforestation.
It’s certainly not a perfect bill, but it’s pretty good, and it’s the best we’re going to get in the forseeable future. Plus it’s much better to have a framework in place which we can improve upon in the future than to have nothing at all.
See the link below for a useful summary.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators
Ken asks…
What are some challenges using and managing renewable energy resources?
Like winter power, solar energy and biomass fermentation?
admin answers:
I think one of the biggest challenges is just getting enough renewable energy to replace a good portion of energy generated by fossil fuels. Right now I think renewable energy accounts for only about 1-2% of the total energy produced. Sources like solar and wind power are good at adding capacity to the grid during peak usage, but they’re not good base load power generators.
Also another problem is that they are more expensive to produce. The cost gap is closing, however, because the new technology is getting better and better, and also it’s starting to cost a lot more to drill for oil and even mine coal. Of course, renewable would be a lot cheaper than fossil fuels if the true cost of obtaining coal and oil were calculated, like using our military to secure a steady supply of resources overseas.
Donna asks…
What are the major benifits of using Regular Electricity or Solar Electricity?
Hi guys i was just reading about solar energy more importantly about it’s energy saving properties, i just wonder why most of the people on planet still prefer regular electricity instead of solar power, is there any disadvantage of using solar power?
admin answers:
There is a disadvantage to them. For one it is extremely expensive to use only solar to power your whole house because the solar systems are so expensive. I something falls on the panel it may break and at that point you will have to buy all new ones. Even a small broken area can make the panel so inefficient it is almost unusable.
The amount of solar panels to power a house can take up a lot of space and is not always great to look at. They are definately are great supplement to your electricity and can save you a lot of money over time. If you are only using solar you will have to get battery systems with inverters to power your home for the time when the sun is not out. Also no power when dark or very cloudy.
Some other sources of energy to look at are windpower, hydropower, and even wood gasifiers with generators.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Environments
Donald asks…
What are some bad aspects of solar energy?
I need some information for my negative debate speech. The subject is “Should the American goverment support solar energy?” If you could help it would greatly appreciated. Thanks!
admin answers:
Keep in mind I like solar energy, but I’ll give you some points.
1) It costs more
2) panels degrade faster than other energy sources equipment
3) They consume arable land
4) they consume natural habitat to set up
5) They can be unsightly (visual pollution)
6) Higher upkeep costs
7) Can be a hazard in high winds
8) transimssion issues getting energy from collection point to use point
9) energy only available in good weather
10) seasonality to its generation makes it an irregular energy source
There are good arguments in reply to all these points, but you wanted some negative debate points.
I came accross a new, proven and tested home made wind power system and solar power system which eliminates our electricity bills. It was written by a Renewable energy enthusiasts Michael Harvey the diy called Earth4energy. You can get your copy to save energy and help environment while eliminating your power bills. Get it from here:
Thomas asks…
How would convert solar energy to electrical energy?
I’m doing a project in Science Club and me and the other people in club are wondering about how we could convert solar energy into electrical energy on a system?
admin answers:
Solar energy panels can capture the suns energy, to transfer to electricity hook the panel to a 12 volt voltage regulator and then to a automotive 12 volt battery.
To use the electricity hook up a voltage regulator to the battery then hook a toggle switch to the voltage regulator positive wire feed, on the other end of the regulator hook up a 12 volt appliance or light bulb, grounded of course.
I came accross a new, proven and tested home made wind power system and solar power system which eliminates our electricity bills. It was written by a Renewable energy enthusiasts Michael Harvey the diy called Earth4energy. You can get your copy to save energy and help environment while eliminating your power bills. Get it from here:
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