Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators India

Sharon asks…

we want only genrator set for producing electricity?

generator set manufacture in india near pune can be used in govt. department in emergency for lights

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Chris asks…

Don’t you think that India has a lot of lessons to learn from recent fearful Japanese experiene?

Earthquake, tsunami and a nuclear emergency, what has happened in Japan is extremely sad. My thoughts are with the people of Japan. The crisis at Fukushima continues to be a race against time, and is clearly not under control.

But Maharashtra committed to set up a nuclear power plant at Jaitapur! The nuclear reactors planned in the country, especially in Jaitapur, Maharashtra needs to be reviewed. It is also an earthquake prone zone, which the authorities are trying to downplay.

When Japan with its advanced technology is struggling with the situation, imagine what could happen in India? (recall the horrid impact of Bhopal toxic gas leak, due to lax safety systems to protect staff and public, that resulted in the biggest industrial tragedy of our times)!

Nuclear energy is a gamble and the risks can be deadly. The Government needs to invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency, that is not only environmentally sound but also affordable and reliable.

The government needs to know that people all across the country support those opposing the nuclear plant in Jaitapur.

People in Jaitapur don’t want this nuclear plant. Green Peace India is taking a signature campaign in the cause against nuclear installations in general and in the Maharashtra site in particular.

Also be informed:
Nuclear power could cost trillions over renewables Scientific American, June 19, 2009:
The analysis factors in studies from Wall Street and independent energy analysts estimating the efficiency of renewable energy at 6 cents per kilowatt hour versus 12 to 20 cents per kilowatt hour for nuclear. Cooper says those costs will fall on either ratepayers through higher electric bills or on taxpayers through large subsidies.

Don’t you think we should leave a safe and secure place for our children and grand children?

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