Your Questions About Solar Energy International
Donna asks…
How much energy/petrol does the international space station require per year?
And is solar power the only source of energy to supply it?
admin answers:
You can’t use a fossil-fuel-burning generator in space because it would cost a huge amount to transport the fuel and the oxygen to burn it from earth. Also you would have to get rid of all the heat, which is not easy in a vacuum.
The ISS uses solar panels to provide all its electrical power. The panels are only illuminated half the time of course; when it is on the night side of earth they generate no electricity so the station runs off rechargeable battery packs during this time.
The total power available at any time is 110KW.
Linda asks…
What is a good current international topic to write about that is portrayed differently in certain countries?
I need to write a paper about an international issue (not involving the u.s.) that is controversial, which would lead to a different storylines or portrayal of the event from media all around the world. I am thinking about an event that has happened in the Middle East within this past week, but after doing some research I cant seem to find different newspaper articles that have their own opinion or spin to it.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
admin answers:
Energy. Powerplants to fossil fuels to wood stoves to solar cookers?
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