Solar Generators
Your Questions About Solar Energy Pros And Cons
Joseph asks…
What do you think of the Conservatives and privatisation?
Do you agree with privatisation or do you think it the root of all evil in the UK? Pros/Cons?
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Betty asks…
Could our energy disputes be solved on a child’s playground?
One for you. One for you. One for you. One for you……..
Since we can not agree on the best form of energy, why can’t we just evenly diversify our energy needs. A little nuclear, a little solar, a little wind, a little coal, a little natural gas, etc…..
All forms of energy have pros and cons, but the one thing that we all have in common is the need.
How hard would that really be?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Home
Lisa asks…
where can I go to find the rightinfo about installing solar or wind power where I live? State/federal credits?
I live on a farm in NW Indiana. I want lower my energy bill and put up solar panels or windmills. Does Indiana have a program to help walk me through this, and where do I go to get the information?
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Maria asks…
What sort of degree is needed to land a job in the energy efficiency sector?
I want to go back to school to get my masters in an energy efficiency/sustainability field, but I don’t know what path to take. I have an undergrad degree in Real Estate & Metropolitan Development. When I have the capital, I would like to develop energy efficient homes in NYC and aboard. But, in the meantime, I want to go back to school and learn more about the field. Does anyone have any ideas what degree path would compliment my real estate degree?
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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use
Jenny asks…
how can i make a working model to generate electricity from windmill or solar panel?
I can either make a windmill and generate electricity from it or use a solar panel to generate can i do that?
Please give me some LINKS or advice…
Thnx for all ur answers in advance
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Richard asks…
What are some of the easiest and most effective ways to be eco-friendly?
I want to help the environment, and I don’t feel I’m sufficiently informed. Help?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Facts
Susan asks…
Why didn’t the human race started with electrical-powered machinery?
Forget the manufacturing price, because if electric-powered supplies were used in the early modern times, then it would set the standards of the supplies’ price,thus available to the public in an affordable price.
If only people didn’t make use of the fossil fuels, the world would be a much better place, since CO2 emissions would be less. But back to the question, is the fact that electricity can be used to power carbon-emitting machines of today?There’s also solar energy, so I’m really lost here.
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Linda asks…
What type of gases and toxics do solar panels use or produce?
Im doing a science project and I need to know what gases or liquids a solar panel can make that is not friendly to the environment. Please name all the gases and liquids and explain how they damage the environment.
It would be most likely that you will get best answer if you find all the bad things about solar energy and explain why they are bad and how they affect nature. that would be helpful to. Thank you
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Sale
Maria asks…
best hho converter on the market?
wanting info for converting auto, motorcycle or other fosial fuel
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Nancy asks…
Are you for actual ‘American Independence’?
Are you embarrassed when you see our leaders [representing you] ‘bowing down’ to countries like Saudi Arabia? Take a look at the following story. I live in Ga. so this hits fairly close to home for me but this is a scenario that is being played out across the country.
Governor Sanford Announces Opposition to Coal-Fired Plant
Columbia, S.C. – February 11, 2009 – Governor Mark Sanford today announced his opposition to a proposed coal-fired power plant to be built by Santee-Cooper in Florence County, saying that projections related to the need for the plant need to be revisited, along with the potential for harm to the state’s environment.
“Everyone involved agrees that building this coal-fired plant is a short-term solution to bridge the gap between now and the time more nuclear capacity comes online,” Gov. Sanford said. “We have a great deal of respect for many of the decision makers in this process and many of the advocates who have pushed so hard for this plant to be built. To that end, I’d single out O.L. Thompson for his leadership of Santee Cooper, and given what’s at stake here I’d thank him in particular for his thoughtful approach to everything he works on.
“In that same vein, I’d respectfully suggest that the environmental community be equally thoughtful in making a choice. It’s simply not realistic to suggest that neither coal nor nuclear is acceptable, because like it or not, one or the other must come our way as our state grows over time. To that end, I’d ask the environmental community to indeed embrace nuclear power as an alternative to the coal-fired plant proposal, for the advantages it has in terms of cleaner emissions.”
Governor Sanford laid out four broad concerns about the coal-fired plant proposal:
– Construction and operating costs – On Friday, the Obama Administration said it intended to reverse Bush Administration policies related to not capping mercury emissions, with action carbon dioxide emissions expected to follow. Those forthcoming caps have not yet been factored in to the cost of building and operating the plant. For this reason on Monday, Nevada Power canceled plans for a $5 billion coal fired plant in that state.
– Pollution – The proposed plant would have a significant negative impact on air quality and increase mercury pollution. The plant would emit the equivalent of 2.3 million cars in carbon dioxide yearly, and nearly 15 million cars’ worth of particulate matter.
– Growth projections – Given Santee Cooper’s overall decrease in power sold last year and a statewide slowdown in new home construction, the growth projections that showed the need for the plant need to be revisited.
– Coal prices – Unpredictability in the global commodities market may make the coal needed to run the plant more expensive than originally anticipated.
Joel Sawyer
Communications Director
Office of Gov. Mark Sanford
(803) 734-5254 – work
(803) 446-6713 – cell
(803) 734-6447 – fax
(end of article)
So..There are several forces at work here
Environmental groups including Al Gore and Co.
Obama administration / agenda.
A state governor who [to my amazement] is basing his decision ‘in part’ on a bet Against Future Growth in his state. (what does this pessimistic attitude say about us?)
Feel free to add to this list.
IMO..The time for a half azzed approach to energy independence is long gone. Let’s get in gear and enlist the private sector to Make Coal Plants Cleaner! We have LOTS of coal so let’s get the damned things built! Same with the Nuclear Plants. If the wishy-washy French can do it then what about the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave! As we speak the Obama administration is pushing to put More taxes and Restrictions on the production and sale of Natural Gas! This is one area which shows real promise because of huge new deposits that have been found On Our Soil in the past few years.
Isn’t it time to get in gear and stop playing games with our Independence? Can’t means Don’t Want To!
(( I understand that the Governor is making a choice to focus on nuclear based on budget constraints and long term advantages but if we are serious about this then we need to take advantage of All viable at home! ))
I hear ya,that 10 year goal for ‘alternatives’ sounds good on paper but the problem is we’re walking across a field of diamonds to find a few ‘possible’ gold nuggets!
Edge1: What’s up Bro? All the more reason to keep the damned feds out of you state business! What’s good for New York may not work in Vegas.
Looks like the Irish are fired up today!
cons/mom: I heard it and I remember it well!
UGOT2B: Amen!
Libertarian Soul: I’m not knocking Sanford here. He’s fighting a hydra-headed monster!
Ol’Foolosifer/Edge1: What about this combination? Nuclear for major cities. In rural ares take advantage of what we have in abundance..sunshine and natural gas. Each home could have solar panels and each community could have a generation station of generators run off of natural gas. Here in Ga. some counties invested in deep water wells as a back-up in case of a drought and sure enough we just went through one and those counties were sitting pretty!
You know the feds hate this idea..too much independence for us is bad for them!
Canam: “His opposition to this coal plant does indeed have gore and obama written all over it”
Thank you. That’s the first thing that jumped out at me. He’s being Black-mailed!
Sash: I saw the replay of that speech today. You can see why they hate him and Coulter so much. That truth stuff is scary to them.
blue: My condolences. I forgot you live in RINOland. I have family out there and ther’re ready to storm the castle walls! I’ve noticed you have a very good memory and you’re ON them every step of the way. Keep your doors locked and be alert. They may decide you’re a good lobotomy candiidate. I’m not giving up on trying to convince you to trade in that framing hammer for a S&W revolver.
Dropshort: Believe it or nt AL GORE has hi sticky fingers in that too! They’re worried that it’ll disrupt the mating habbits of some damned desert rat or some such critter. No I’m not kidding!
John: I’m with ya!
neurotic: He is big on that pie in the sky crap isn’t he. It’s time do the business or get off the pot!
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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use
Lisa asks…
Is it practical to use solar panels and batteries to run an HHO gas powered car?
I have just purchased an HHO generator which I intend to put on a Tercel. If I put Photovoltaic panels on the roof of the car, and a deep cycle battery in the trunk with a plug-in charger, would it be realistically possible to make a sort of “Home made Hybrid?” Is there a limit to the ratio of HHo to gasoline that I can burn without damaging the valves, etcetera? Anyone out there trying to do something along these lines?
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Maria asks…
how do i make a thermoelectric generator?
i’m trying to make a thermoelectric generator from easy to get items (preferably household items). please be specific and if you can, please include a source.
and, how can i compare this to a solar cell?
thxx in advance first one to answer completely gets 10 points.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Environments
David asks…
What do you think of the Indian government’s strategy to combat climate change?
solar energy, enhanced energy efficiency, sustainable habitat, conserving water, sustaining the Himalayan ecosystem, promoting a eco-friendly lifestyle, sustainable agriculture, and strategic knowledge platform for climate change. what else do you think could be done from their point? any legal action?
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Michael asks…
What if man could harness the power of photosynthesis the way plants do?
We often hear about the potential of solar energy. But when I look at what plants do, even the most optimistic estimates seem modest.
What if we could reproduce photosynthesis the way plants do? Am I correct in assuming such technological prowess would solve man’s energy problems, as well as the scourge of famine in the world?
And just how much more advanced is mother nature when it comes to harnassing the power of the sun?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Wikipedia
Sharon asks…
What Energy Source would be great for a new planet and takes up as little space as possible(For the Generator)?
Also, How big would the plant/generator be?
Also, how big would the generator be?
I have chosen to go with Solar power. Correct me if I’m wrong – All you have to do is place the panels on top of buildings, and the sun does all the work. (There is only about 100 people colonizing the planet). I only know little about solar power, so info on how it works etc.. would be great
Pls Answer
Thanks 🙂
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Jenny asks…
what do you consider to be the greatest challenge in mineral supply and demand for the current century?
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Your Questions About Solar Generators Portable
Thomas asks…
What are substitutes for Inverters?I would like to know the alternatives.Wat should worry Inverter business?
What poses threat to Inverter businesses?
Well I’m analyzing the inverter business and I want to look into substitutes which pose threat to the inverter business.
To make myself very clear.
For example the business was chicken industry then mutton,pork,beef and fish could be considered as substitutes..
@krk: u r right uninterrupted power supply is definitely a threat but I am looking into products.
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Sandra asks…
how to instal a portable home gasoline operated backup generator through the main electric feed line?
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Your Questions About Solar Generator For Camper
Carol asks…
Are there any machines that will air condition your car without keeping the engine running?
Is there a device that operates off a second battery and perhaps solar power?
Some jobs require sitting in your car when the weather is hot. Normally you wouldn’t want to keep your engine running to keep the air conditioning going.
There is a solar powered device that helps to remove hot air from your auto while it is parked, but this is insufficient to cool a car while someone is sitting in it.
I’ve seen air conditioning units on top of campers. But, I think those depend on an outside power source. Are there any like that which can run on solar power and a second battery?
How do I look this up in search engines? Any ideas?
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Jenny asks…
how do I solar power my camper site?
I have property in a very rural area with no utilities close by and would like to know how many solar panels,batteries, charge controler, anf power inverter, would be needed to make a stand alone power system that would run my entire camper?
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Your Questions About Solar Generators Portable
Donna asks…
Can antimatter be used to power a rocket?
I was watching a special on the history channel on rockets, and they brought up a very interesting point. Could we use antimatter to make routine trips to deep space and the rest of the solar system? How could we contain the antimatter blast to the point where it wouldnt blow up the entire rocket?
Would it be a poor idea if humans could actually harness antimatter? I mean…would it create a new cold war? 😛
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Paul asks…
Will Renewable Energy Be a Sufficient Energy Source for the Future?
Hi there.
I have been tasked to write an essay on, and eventually answering, the question “will renewable energy be a sufficient energy source for the future?”. I have some ideas on where to start and things I should write about, but I was curious to know from others some of the important and valid points I should include in my essay, such as arguments for and against the use of renewable energy, types of renewable energy and their pros and cons, the use of non-renewable energy sources and their pros and cons, etc.
I would also like some help on how I should structure the essay, which is an important part I always struggle with. Basically I’m free for help and ideas, so if you have anything to offer – any knowledge on this subject you could give, I’ll happily accept it.
Thank you. 🙂
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Cost
Thomas asks…
Why do wind turbines have the generator at the top?
Wouldn’t it be cheaper and easier to maintenance a wind turbine if the generator was at the bottom? Using helicopters to maintenance turbines has got to be more expensive than a truck. All it would need for the thing to work with the generator at the bottom is a large pole, connected to the windmill by a set of two gears. The way old grain mills used to work.
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Ruth asks…
The use of solar panel in fishing vessel?
I am currently writing a research about this stuff. “The use of solar panel in fishing vessel” Do you know any website or an idea of your own that might be helpful?? How is this being done?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy International
Richard asks…
are there any real downsides to pursuing alternative energy?
I mean lets presume climate change is dramatically less significant than predicted. Surely even in this case we would be better off using wind and solar, due to factors such as general pollution. Let the ranting commence…
ps: I know there’s the thing with storing energy for peak periods – so lets presume we continue to develop new battery techhnology etc.
meh there’s a lot of crap here so far.
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Helen asks…
why cant we use radiation from the sun,stars,and other forms of atomic particles for energy in space?
While in space why not use atomic particles for energy?Energy emitted from the sun,stars,distant galaxies and other places in the universe.Most all particles from space contain radiation that can be turned into an energy to power space ships,space stations and anything usable in space.
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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use
Helen asks…
what is solar power plants and how they work?
can you give the source where i can read more information about it?
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Jenny asks…
I am a technician. How do I install a set of solar electric system?
The isue is that we bought a set of (10 KVA) of the system and I am called upon to mount it as a prominent technician of the town. So how do I go about all the appropriate dimentions, earth connections, and other aspects like the use of salt, chakol. I am already conversant with the working principles of all the parts. I need a comprehensive explanation of the installation from the begining to it’s end.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Price
Betty asks…
I have a 110 volt refrigerator that I would like to power with a solar panel or wind generator.?
It is a full-size model made in 1995. I can not find the watts usage but it is 60 hz and 6.5 amps at full load. I need to know what size inverter, how many deep cell batteries, and how much 12 volt power I would need to put back into the batteries to keep them charged. Thank y’all.
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Charles asks…
how energy independent could one be if they were to dedicate a 40x10ft.houseboat deck to solar cells?
what might be the weight of the necessary batteries and how cost benificial would this realy be?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells
Mark asks…
How can I calculate how fast a solar battery toy car can move?
For a science project I have been given two solar cells, one of 1 V and 0,4 A and another of 2V and 0,55 A. We are two use these solar cells (and other material) to build a toy car.
We also need to calculate how fast this car will move and I don’t have a clue where to start.Is there anyone out there that can help me how to think? What factors will decide how fast the car will move?
Thanks from
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William asks…
How did the cycling of solar energy through the biosphere begin?
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are the same chemical reactions headed in opposite directions. Photosynthesis takes carbon dioxide and water and produces carbohydrates and oxygen. Cellular respiration takes carbohydrates and oxygen and produces carbon dioxide and water. Respiration is the exothermic reaction. Photosynthesis requires the input of energy from the sun in order to proceed. In the economy of ecology, why are both reactions necessary? How did the cycling of solar energy through the biosphere begin? How can it be best maintained today?
–Please help me understand this alittle better.
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Your Questions About Solar Generators Portable
Nancy asks…
where can I buy affordable home Solar power?
I intend to buy 200-200watt solar power to take to a remote part of Asia.l hope to use it for 3 months to power our Laptop, TV, Microwave, Mobile phones, printer, Lighting, Fan etc.
Does anyone know where I can buy?Thanks
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Donald asks…
i have a guardian 15000 watt portable generator. it is way to loud, will a different muffler make it quieter?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Companies
Lisa asks…
Can you give an example of you ever saving current in your daily life?
Can you give the different energy sources?
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Joseph asks…
Is this Explanatory essay viable enough to be good?
By Luyang Liu
What is Geothermal energy and how does it power Australia?
Geothermal energy is a type thermal energy generated from the Earth. It’s also a form of clean and sustainable energy compared to various of other forms of energy; alternatively, it’s another form of renewable energy. Australia can thus greatly benefit from geothermal energy, due to fact that it has numerous advantages.
Geothermal energy is generated from radioactive decay of minerals within the core of the Earth, and from solar energy absorbed by the Earth. It is evident that resources of geothermal energy comes from miles underground or perhaps even deeper, amongst extreme high temperatures of molten rocks and magma. At the core of the Earth, temperatures may reach over 5000 degrees celsius (9,000 degrees Fahrenheit). Heat are withdrawn and will be generated as electricity.
Geothermal energy is low on cost, reliable and environmentally friendly, and thus geothermal energy is sustainable to our environment. It is considered sustainable because heat extract is spontaneously small compared to Earth’s contents, therefore it doesn’t not affect Earth itself.
Advantages of Geothermal Energy:
There are a wide range of advantages of harnessing geothermal energy. The main advantage of harness geothermal energy is the concept of generating less pollution. Geothermal energy have the potential to reduce reliance on fossil fuel. With skyrocketing prices of petrol, various countries are pushing companies to adopt these clean sources of energy. Geothermal energy can also be used directly and instantaneously, it is evident that people have been using this source of energy for taking bath, heating homes, preparing food and nowadays it is also used for direct heating of homes and offices. There is evidence suggest that geothermal energy also gives a significant cost saving on the economy; geothermal energy generally involves lowering running costs since it saves an amazing amount of 80% costs over fossil fuels. Furthermore, no fuel will be required to generate the power to run the Geothermal energy facilities.
How does geothermal electric plants generate electricity?
Gas that are emitted by geothermal energy is used to turn the blades of a turbine, which then is used to power a generator and produce electricity. It is evident that this process heat energy is converted into mechanical energy, and mechanical energy into electricity.
How can geothermal energy power Australia?
Geothermal energy is rarely used in Australia, nevertheless it’s gradually increasing. There are known potential locations near the center of Australia that have been indicated to contain hot granites at depth which hold optimistic potential for development of geothermal energy. Exploratory geothermal wells have been drilled for experiments for presence of high temperature geothermal reservoir rocks and such hot granites were detected. Above all, geothermal energy productions will eventuate in the upcoming years and explorations are expected to find new locations.
Above all, geothermal energy have the potential is light up Australia with it’s environmentally friendly advantages. We should definitely consider geothermal energy and utilise such renewable energy efficiently.
Geothermal energy = viable and feasible By Luyang Liu
What is geothermal energy?
Geothermal power in Australia?
Advantages of geothermal energy
I am in Yr 9.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Colorado
Lizzie asks…
Should the brightest mind in the world be focusing on solving the pollution problems?
With all the health issue’s tied to smog and the eviromental impact from smog, Shouldn’t we be making this the highest priority to fix? Many of you may not know about the seriousness of the pollution from coal burning plants and we have solutions to fix it but it is moving slow also the burning of petroleum fuels should be fazed out the sooner the better because they just can’t be made clean. All this pollution ends up in the ditches then streams then rivers and lakes and it doesn’t have to be that way. If we have the solutions then why not move on to the future and live in a cleaner world?
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Mandy asks…
Where can I find a Solar energy in electronics workshop based in Colorado?
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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use
Nancy asks…
Where does energy come from in the state of Hawaii?
90% of the houses in Iceland use geothermal energy only. Why doesn’t Hawaii invest more in geothermal energy usage? How come solar and wind power haven’t caught on in Hawaii either?
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Sandra asks…
Why are “Molten Salts” a good solar energy storage media?
I want to use Molten Salts to transfer solar heat from a parabolic dish to a storage tank, then to a stirling engine driving an electric generator. Please provide details on how to transfer the salt/heat in this scenario. Thanks.
Thanks for the links, that’s where I got the idea in the first place. My question is how to transfer the heat from the collector to the storage tank, and if convective heat transfer is enough to keep the storage tank charged. I’ve read that pumps are needed, but how can you pump a 1000 degree molten liquid? What kind of piping/pumps are needed?
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