Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators

Sandy asks…

How to design solar refrigerator in ships?

I’m planning to use the absorption refrigeration system. My target is to freeze 1000kg of fish in fisherman boat. I would have to design this cooling system, next calculate the cooling load, total energy needed from solar energy and then determine the suitable type of solar collector needed. Would the system workable?

admin answers:

Sorry, but the figures don’t really add up. Your 1000 kg of fish (that’s a metric tonne) will need to go into a freezer of around 1.5 cubic meter capacity. An industrial freezer of that size will need a compressor of about 1/2 hp or 400 watts running, with a much higher starting current. Solar panels in bright sunlight generate 70 mW/square inch or 10 watts/square foot. So on a bright day you will need an 8×5 square foot panel to run the compressor. Unfortunately fishing and bad weather go together, not to mention being at sea in the dark. To ensure the freezer is always being fed electricity you would need a very large battery and an inverter, as well as the solar panels. I suspect the captain of the ship would prefer to run the freezer off the generator which supplies electricity to the rest of the boat.

Thomas asks…

What are the best ways to make my home more energy efficient?

Should i use those new light bulbs?
Have Home Depot put insulation in my attic?
Put solar energy panels on my roof?
Install windmills in my backyard?

admin answers:

You can change to CFL’s to save a little.

IF your house NEEDS more insulation, this is the most efficient addition. Also, caulk as needed to stop air leaks.

Solar panels have their place, BUT you need a lot of OTHER parts to use them, and their efficiency is currently too low to make them cost effective for most people in a non-commercial use.

To operate PROPERLY, a wind generator, NOT wind mill, MUST be a minimum of 20 feet HIGHER than any nearby trees or structures AND you must have fairly steady and heavy winds to produce enough power to make it cost efficient. It ALSO requires many additional parts.

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