Your Questions About Solar Energy Pros And Cons
Mark asks…
what are the pros and cons of: Hydroelectric power, solar energy, tidal/wave energy and wind power?
I just need the basic faults and advantages to these renewable energy sources.
Thank you.
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Ruth asks…
the government’s efforts to build multiple nuclear plants in the country?
The demand for power in India has been constantly growing. However, power generation has not kept pace with demand, leading to frequent power cuts in several parts of India. Against this backdrop, assess the government’s efforts to build multiple nuclear plants in the country. What are the pros and cons of nuclear power? Considering that countries like the US have not constructed new nuclear power plants in the last few decades due to the high costs involved and other reasons, how does one justify the Indian government’s plans? Support your argument with facts and figures.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Sale
Lizzie asks…
Should windfall oil profits be taxed and used to fund alternative energy?
The technology already exists to make cars from composite material (thread and nylon laminate) which is stronger than steel but weighs 1/4 less than steel.
Horizontal wind generators and /or solar cells on everyone’s rooftop will charge batteries in our garages.
Our hybrid gas/electric cars would recharge for free overnight
and gas consumption could easily drop by 75% for most city commuters. Many would never use the gas part of their hybrid at all.
The technology already exists. All we need is a democrat in office who will implement a real national energy policy instead of a “By the oil corp, for the oil corp” policy that the GOP insists on forcing on us.
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Mandy asks…
My husband and I want to live alternative?
My husband and I are in our late 20’s have a little boy and we are already pretty alternative people. Our son has a disorder”not physical disability” that requires both my husband and I at home with him and not able to work so we have decided that since we have to live so extreme so we can take the best care of our son maybe we should just live a little out there when in comes to our lifestyle and living arrangement. We own our home outright and we have put it up for sale and we are trying to decide what kind of alternative living arrangement we want to go for. We have thought about buying a huge RV and just traveling around or maybe a cabin somewhere. We want to have about 50,000 to put aside and use the rest to finance what ever we buy. We don’t want to leave the US due to having a child and wanting to stick with access to United States Health care but other then that we are open to any and all crazy ideas because we want to take this chance to really live in an adventurous way for the next few years before our son starts school. So far we have only thought of the RV idea but maybe there are some cool yurt villages or hippie communities or I don’t know but there has to be some really cool place out there to live off the grid or just really alternative or maybe some tree house village lol like I said any ideas are great….
Ok just to keep the ideas open feel free to include ideas outside of the US
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Your Questions About Solar Generators
Robert asks…
how much is the cheaper electricity generator ?
is it possible to have a solar generator to the cellular phone ?
and to the notebook ?
what s scheme ?
how long to charge ? adapter ? how to use it etc ? thanks
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Linda asks…
What do you think Julia Gillards biggest class war biogotry worst hypocrisy is?
I have heart disease. My electric bill subsidises rich folks generating solar power yet I cannot afford to switch on the hot water heater? Why can’t I get a free solar electricity generator and solar hot water heater? It’s irrational bigotry Labor even dream they’re not fighting either a class war nor have environment credentials?
Surely at least solar energize housing commission homes? Why is Labor so pro rich elitest ideals I dont even own a Prada shoe to even loose at a racism riot I create?
Why is Labor so barking mad devoid of their ideals? Money?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Jobs
Maria asks…
Can I find work in the United States of America note that I holds a master’s degree in solar en?
My question is
Can I find work in the United States of America note that I holds a master’s degree in solar energy from King Saud University in Saudi Arabia?
Is it easy to get a job as a researcher for example.
What is the best university to complete a doctorate in the same field?
What is the most safest State?
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Sharon asks…
who here is in the solar energy, PV, field and lives in the US?
Im interested in talking about the solar energy PV market in the US.
I am looking for manufacturers, site planners, retailer, etc.
heres the question;
In what year will US citizens invest in solar modules as a source of income? what year will the cost of the modules become affordable and profitable?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Price
Mary asks…
Does the cost of taking action on Climate-Change outweigh the cost of not taking action?
Or do you think positive actions will actually improve our economy by massively reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and reaping the benefits of home-grown jobs in renewable energy production?
Even if Climate-Change is not a massive disaster wouldn’t cleaning up the atmosphere create jobs and improve the economy, plus really put OPEC in their place which we have been itching to do for years?
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Daniel asks…
Why has the price of solar energy remained generally prohibitive?
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Your Questions About Solar Generators Reviews
Mark asks…
Who Lives Off-Grid In The UK? Looking To Interview People For My Sustainable Website
I am looking for people and businesses in the UK who are not connected to the Grid (Utility Services)
We would like to carry out some interviews for our sustainable website on sustainable living in the UK.
Also we are now evaluating Solar PV, Wind Turbines, Hydro Electric Generators & Wood Stoves. We provide the service free and write up a review on your product/s with links & info.
Hope to get some interesting answers.
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Donald asks…
Is this Logical proof of God? Please read ALL, If you don’t agree with the premise push through?
Please point out logical flaws!
Let’s pose the following, very scientific question, and make simple observations: What of that which is internal of any system in the observable universe has not come from an external source? For example: of everything internal of you, a rock, the world, the solar system, the galaxy, possibly the universe, what has not come from a source outside of itself? Inherently you came from your parents, the rock was formed in the world, the world with the solar system, the solar system in the universe, and the universe in? Physical quantities or existences need external sources to exist. Now, if the original Source cannot be found directly internal of any physical system in the known universe it must then by process of elimination be external, which all sources are, and non-physical. Well what of God, where did He (She… God transcends gender) come from?
God (the Source) by definition is outside of our range of physical observation as an external and non-physical or metaphysical being. However, the physical universe is observable, but, to induce, assume, and then apply the assumed physical properties to a metaphysical existence, unless those properties are made evident, is illogical. It’s the equivalent of claiming because we have sat in one chair we have sat in all chairs; or to say we can view the earth from space before the invention an actual vehicle in which to do so. This is not to say a means of observation cannot be created or to eliminate induction. Nor to say the Source is un-testable or its presence unobservable. It is simply to say properties in the natural physical universe cannot be applied directly to God unless God makes those properties evidently applicable. You ask, which God, or what about pink unicorns, flying spaghetti monsters, or orbital teapots, are they not just as feasible as God(s)?
Now we have to define God and dismiss any opposing illogical entities according to the former. If all things originated with the Source we would include all knowledge, authority, power, good, possibly evil, and quite literally everything. Ergo, we can conclude, God is all knowing and all powerful. We make this conclusion because power, knowledge, and authority go through a process of diffusion moving from states of higher concentration to lower concentration. That being understood we can conclude the Source is active and present throughout the universe as the pursuit of knowledge is active in nature. We can also conclude it is active and present as to supply power to all subsets. By that I mean; a building if not actively connected to a power grid is rendered inoperable (this is excluding backup generators however the same principle applies). This of course excludes the possibility of a self sustaining universe which according to our current knowledge of thermodynamics is improbable and technically impossible. (Side note: if the exclusion of particular governing principles (thermodynamics, Newtonian physics, quantum physics) or the addition of unobservable qualities/quantities (gravitons, dark matter, dark energy) are included in a model without objective, consistent mathematical proof the possibilities are infinite. This of course has its own logical fallacies.) Excluding those models as it would defy our understanding of the universe in its entirety we can in fact logically conclude the existence of a “Prime Source”. If God is ever-present and all powerful why doesn’t he stop evil? Furthermore, if everything came from God… did he create evil?
This is an editorial and not complete
Anomalies or emergent properties can be accounted for via quantum entanglement and the observer affect!
To say quantum physics is random is speculative at best.
At (and before) the Big Bang natural law as we understand it would break down! – S. Hawking
In both a secular and theistic worldview natural law does not apply to any existence the presupposes the Big Band!
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Facts
James asks…
How much sunlight does Arizona get each day?
I heard a fact that Arizona gets enough sunlight (solar energy+heat) in one day to power like the U.S. or something.
Can some one verify this fact and give me a source please?
In response to “ME”: This is for a scientific research project, and your response had neither any relevant material nor was it helpful.
P.S. 10 points Best Answer.
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Ruth asks…
How much does a race car that uses solar panel cost?
Still researching for a car that fully uses solar power energy, suggestions would be nice to.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Home
David asks…
How much power is required to power a large family home?
I am doing some research into setting up a wind turbine for my house. I see terms like ‘kW hours’ for energy or power consumption. If my house uses 1500kW hours of energy per week does this mean i need to run a 1500kW generator for 1 hour to satisfy my power needs?
How would i then go about sizing the required turbine needed to effectively power my home?
This is all new to me so i can see alot of follow up questions coming/
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Carol asks…
Does the Electric company pay me for Solar energy?
I am moving into a house with Solar Panels that feed unused electricity into the PG&E grid.
1. Does the electric company have to pay me for giving them electricity if I use less than what my home generates?
2. Do they send me a check in the mail or credit my PG&E account?
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Your Questions About Solar Generators Reviews
Donald asks…
Need information on Vertical WIND POWER?
Due to the economy and small amount of extra cash, I am looking into a vertical wind generator instead of solar. Does anyone have any good information about these. I want to spend initially less than $3,500 and no more than $5,000 to put up one of these on my house or back yard. I live in the city of Colorado Springs and I heard the vertical wind takes up less room and is not very noisy to prevent angry neighbors. Any info is great as I can not find a good website with information.
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Ken asks…
Could hydrogen combustion work well in a rotary engine?
My 83′ Mazda RX7 Wankel 12A Rotary engine had fantastic Power to Weight ratio.
Review the following, mindful that a future solution is needed for when and where the sun doesn’t shine.
Could H1 H1 O1 be distilled via Solar Power?
Do Solar Cell technologies exist that generates enough power for this reaction?
Could this work in a compact, subcompact, or would a ‘solar bus’ area be needed?
Sea or lake water could power these engines for industry and vehicles. I’ve read from respondents that the small Hydrogen Atom evades normal seals that stop other gasses, wetly leaking where other gasses won’t.
My vision entails a ‘self-contained’ Power Plant to combust H1 H1 O1. Intake and Exhaust Ports might be magnetically strengthened with Solar power, or additionally from a DC Generator added to the O1-H2 motor.
Impurities diverted to a rotating ‘lint-screen’ can automatically be rinsed with resulting H2O after H1 H1 O1 combustion.
Existing vehicle chassis might be modified around this technology to reuse existing vehicles and reduce dwindling natural resources.
My water-powered electric-car with a jacuzzi is achievable.
In an emergency, you can provide liquid for your water-powered vehicle.
True environmental recycling.
Let’s clean up our planet – it’s all we have.
No Buy a Tank remedies. I want a Self-Powered Car from water and sunlight.
Picture a California Raisin on Wheels sans scuba tanks .
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Your Questions About Solar Energy
Thomas asks…
Where can I find a periodical on solar energy on the internet?
I’m writing an essay on solar energy, and I need atleast one source from a periodical about solar energy. I can’t really find good periodicals, but I don’t have access to my library at the moment. Are there any good periodicals on solar energy that can be found online and give decent information about it so I can finish my essay? Thanks.
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Ken asks…
What are the enviromental problems involving Solar Energy and what is an idea of the cost?
What enviromental problems are caused by Solar Energy and what is the idea for the cost of say, one solar panel?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Price
Jenny asks…
what are the advantages of alternative energy?
i’m doing an essay about alternative energy, i need a lot of help. thanks
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Maria asks…
How has Biodiesel affected you or your truck?
I am seriously considering using a b20-b99 blend for a 10 year old Ford F-350 powerstroke truck. If anybody has had problems with this in a stock engine please let me know. Thank you!
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Your Questions About Solar Generators Costco
David asks…
Gas to electric in Ohio?
I need to know a place in Ohio that will convert a car from gas to electric, and if it’s possible to convert a car with a manual transmission
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Paul asks…
will the electric car get noticed? we have links all over.?
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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use
Steven asks…
Should we just buy a generator? What size and type?
Our utility bills are crazy and unpredictable. I can’t stand it anymore. We have a 4bdr 1 1/2 story house. Can a generator handle it?
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Helen asks…
how to power a remote cabin with no wiring by means of wind turbine only?
there are no transmission lines in the vicinity so power can’t be brought in, and even if it did it would be far too expensive. So how wind in conjuction with solar power the cabin? is that even possible?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Home
David asks…
What type of generators are these called?
It doesn’t use fossil fuel, coal, or anything that comes in nature that will generate power. Do we use these type of generators to power our homes?
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Maria asks…
I want to write a research paper on renewable energy pertaining to solar and wind?
Do you have any ideas on what I could use for a thesis? I want to write something about how if people used solar and wind power, how much of a positive impact it could have on the earth. Any ideas?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells
Lizzie asks…
What is the simplest way of making a solar cell?
Is there any way to make a low cost solar cell for general use or home use?
Does any one has answer?
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Sandy asks…
What is the maximum power a solar cell can provide?
Assuming light of arbitrary intensity is available, what is the limitation of the maximum power a solar cell can provide for a given surface area? What causes this limitation?
Assuming light of arbitrary intensity is available, what is the limitation of the maximum power a solar cell can provide for a given surface area? What causes this limitation? I’m not talking about the 1000 W/m^2 standard solar heat flux. I’ve seen fresnel lenses intensify this to nearly a point, putting a large area of solar energy into a small cell at a heat flux of hundreds of suns. What are the limits of doing this? Heat is one obvious problem, but are there others?
This has nothing to do with efficiency. Assume an arbitrary (or infinite) number of photons are cheaply available.
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Your Questions About Solar Generators For The Home
Chris asks…
How can I hook up a generator?
I am building a green home – solar panels on the roof, etc. I was wondering if it was possible to use an exercise bike to generate electricity in connexion with a generator. If so, does anyone know how to do such a thing? I am looking to store any electricity generated to help light my home.
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Robert asks…
What is better, generator or solar panels for camping? We have just bought a camper van whats best?
We are looking at getting a solar panel for camping what does it involve? how much do they usually cost? Are they hard to transport? Are generators easier?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Wikipedia
Jenny asks…
How Efficient is oil?
I have science homework which is handed in on Thursday 5th January 2012 and it is to gain a merit level. I am stuck on A lot of questions. These are the questions:
How Efficient is oil energy?
How Efficient is hydroelectric energy?
What effects does oil energy have on the environment?
What effects does coal energy have on the environment?
What effects does gas energy have on the environment?
What effects does hydroelectric energy have on the environment?
What effects does wind energy have on the environment?
What effects does solar energy have on the environment?
Thanks for helping.
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Charles asks…
How green are cars like the volt really, i mean you plug it in the wall that use energy likely from coal?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Jobs
Susan asks…
How can I start a career in Solar energy?
I want to learn how to install solar panels do i need a certificate or schooling to start in this Field?
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George asks…
Should government help by private citizens through subsidies for who wish to install solar panels on their?
roofs and sell the power to the grid. It’s being done successfully in Germany, why not here? It would help home owners, it would create green energy jobs and help build a green energy grid.
If oil companies can expect these energy subsidies for energy development, why not private citizens?
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Your Questions About Solar Generators Portable
Jenny asks…
How is electricity produced?. What is needed to produce electricity?
Recently there was a blackout in my area after some thunderstorms. The lights not working, the T.V. cannot turn on, and the computer cannot on, the oven cannot turn on, it’s all darkness..only the phone is still working..
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Betty asks…
Where can I buy solar equip in Los Angeles? Smaller scale stuff for portable applications, not a home install.
I’m looking for PV panels, charge controllers, batteries, inverters, that kind of thing. My goal is to build a portable solar generator, something like:
You can get all this stuff online, I know, but I’m new to this stuff and would love to inspect the gear, and maybe ask some questions, before I buy.
I’m also looking for highly efficient (LED) lighting components…
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Cost
Chris asks…
Do we already have the solution to global warming?
Somehow there is this pervasive idea out there that somehow we need to develop this technology. With just a modicum of research it has become obvious to me we’ve already had the solutions for some time but have not put begun to put such solutions in action.
“I’d put my money on the sun & solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.” Thomas Edison, 1931
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Ken asks…
Why is a low starting torque bad for a wind turbine?
Hey. I’m doing a proposal project for my technical writing class and I’m doing it on wind turbines. What I would like to know is why I have been reading that a low starting torque is a detrimental quality to a Darrieus-type vertical axis wind turbine. Wouldn’t this mean that the turbine can start very easily and generate power more often? Does it have something to do with a lot of variability in the generator‘s speed because the turbine can start generating power so easily? Thank you.
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