Your Questions About Solar Generators Portable
Jenny asks…
How is electricity produced?. What is needed to produce electricity?
Recently there was a blackout in my area after some thunderstorms. The lights not working, the T.V. cannot turn on, and the computer cannot on, the oven cannot turn on, it’s all darkness..only the phone is still working..
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Betty asks…
Where can I buy solar equip in Los Angeles? Smaller scale stuff for portable applications, not a home install.
I’m looking for PV panels, charge controllers, batteries, inverters, that kind of thing. My goal is to build a portable solar generator, something like:
You can get all this stuff online, I know, but I’m new to this stuff and would love to inspect the gear, and maybe ask some questions, before I buy.
I’m also looking for highly efficient (LED) lighting components…
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Cost
Chris asks…
Do we already have the solution to global warming?
Somehow there is this pervasive idea out there that somehow we need to develop this technology. With just a modicum of research it has become obvious to me we’ve already had the solutions for some time but have not put begun to put such solutions in action.
“I’d put my money on the sun & solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.” Thomas Edison, 1931
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Ken asks…
Why is a low starting torque bad for a wind turbine?
Hey. I’m doing a proposal project for my technical writing class and I’m doing it on wind turbines. What I would like to know is why I have been reading that a low starting torque is a detrimental quality to a Darrieus-type vertical axis wind turbine. Wouldn’t this mean that the turbine can start very easily and generate power more often? Does it have something to do with a lot of variability in the generator‘s speed because the turbine can start generating power so easily? Thank you.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells
James asks…
How to make a cheap, nontoxic solar cell (ok to be inefficient)?
Current high-efficiency solar cells are apparently still bad for the environment (manufacturing) How would you make at home a cheap nontoxic solar cell using common materials? It’s ok if it is not very efficient, but I was wondering if it was possible at all — maybe just to power air conditioner.
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Joseph asks…
How the sun can produce heating directly in solar heating?
and how the sun can prouduce electricty usin solar cells?
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Your Questions About Solar Generators
Sandra asks…
Does MicroCap Solar Company CA have a website or contact number anywhere?
MicroCap Solar Company has developed a petawatt solar generator and I would like some further information.
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Lizzie asks…
Where is the best place to find solar or wind power supplies near Calbayog City?
My inlaws have limited electricity supply and it’s too expensive. I would like to build solar or wind generators for them. They live near Calbayog City. Thanks for any advice.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators
Laura asks…
How do I make home made power?
How do I make home made electricity with solar power or a wind generator? I’ve been looking into using wind and solar energy to power my home, reduce electricity consumption and lower my carbon footprint. I’ve looked into solar hot water systems and home wind generators, but what’s the most efficient way to reduce my energy consumption?
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Maria asks…
Can India save a lot of money if Solar power plants are employed instead of employing other plants for power?
Will it be better if India produces electricity with the help of solar energy instead of coal or water ?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Facts
Susan asks…
Is it possible to build a solar power plant using old CDs?
I read somewhere that if you cover the inside of a VW bug’s roof with CDs, you’ll have a reflector focusing enough solar energy to boil water in a reasonably sunny climate. I’m curious: How far can this be scaled up, with racks of CD mounted on heliostats blasting a dark vessel to create steam to drive a turbine?
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Betty asks…
what is solar energy and how do we get it?
What is solar energy, where does it come from and how do we get it for energy, whats an interesting fact about it
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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use
Chris asks…
Can we connect to our own power generator?
Let’s say we bought our own electric power generator.
How can we disconnect our home power supply from the government electric power supply and reconnect it to our own electric power generator?
Can it ever be done?
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Michael asks…
Equipping Home with Wind Generated Power How to Begin?
I am considering equipping a home in West Texas (11 acres of land, plenty of room) with wind powered generators in order to provide electricity to the property. Where does one begin? Can windmills generate enough power to run the home, how is the A/C tied into the home and the feed fro the power company? Any thoughts? Thanks.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators India
Mark asks…
Power Generator for travel trailer – alternative energy kinds like biodiesel or hydrogen or solar?
We have a 27′ older travel trailer we’ve parked in the woods. There is no water, no power, no electricity. We’d like to turn this old dinosaur into an experiment in off-the grid cottage (start off with trailer and build around it). One thing is a power generator. Does anyone know if biodiesel (i.e. vegetable oil) portable generators exist or if perhaps hydrogen generators? This would be a back up to a solar panel hooked up to the trailer battery. Also looking into how to build a well and septic system. Links to books or examples of websites or other resources would be nice. Piece of land we have is in Quebec. P.S. not sure which category to put this in, there’s nothing on alternative energy.
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Thomas asks…
Solar energy is becoming popular in rural and remote area in India. Why?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy
Mark asks…
What are the enviromental problems involving Solar Energy and what is an idea of the cost?
What enviromental problems are caused by Solar Energy and what is the idea for the cost of say, one solar panel?
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Ken asks…
How do I create solar energy for myself and use it?
Ok so here’s the thing, I want to make my own solar energy. I’m not saying huge amounts that can power my house, I just want enough that I could, I don’t know charge a battery. I also would like to learn how to make solar energy for things like flashlights I make myself. I need to know how to hook the solar power up as a power source. Thank you for all your help and website links would also be appreciated.
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Your Questions About Solar Generators Reviews
Jenny asks…
Electric vehicles articles – help!?
I am writing here because I desperately need more material for my project – I am writing a thesis about Electrical Vehicles – shortly EV, and I am frustrated, because I don’t have enough of credible material. I am searching for articles or publications on internet for electrical vehicles ranging from amateur to professional reviews, if possible. I would like to find ones that are written by professionals and experts – how the EV are working, prospects for the EV now and in the future, evaluations of EV against the fuel vehicles and so on. I am on my wits’ end, because our local library has zero of the mentioned publications. So please, I would appreciate your help, as much as you can give it to me.
Thank you in advance, and I’m hoping to see many positive results there,
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Richard asks…
Could hydrogen/oxygen combustion work in a rotary engine?
My 83′ Mazda RX7 Wankel 12A Rotary engine had fantastic Power to Weight ratio.
Review the following, mindful that a future solution is needed for when and where the sun doesn’t shine.
Could H1 H1 O1 be distilled via Solar Power?
Do Solar Cell technologies exist that generates enough power for this reaction?
Could this work in a compact, subcompact, or would a ‘solar bus’ area be needed?
Sea or lake water could power these engines for industry and vehicles. I’ve read from respondents that the small Hydrogen Atom evades normal seals that stop other gasses, wetly leaking where other gasses won’t.
My vision entails a ‘self-contained’ Power Plant to combust H1 H1 O1. Intake and Exhaust Ports might be magnetically strengthened with Solar power, or additionally from a DC Generator added to the O1-H2 motor.
Impurities diverted to a rotating ‘lint-screen’ can automatically be rinsed with resulting H2O after H1 H1 O1 combustion.
Existing vehicle chassis might be modified around this technology to reuse existing vehicles and reduce dwindling natural resources.
My water-powered electric-car with a jacuzzi is achievable.
In an emergency, you can provide liquid for your water-powered vehicle.
True environmental recycling.
Let’s clean up our planet – it’s all we have.
No Buy a Tank remedies. I want a Self-Powered Car from water and sunlight.
Picture a California Raisin on Wheels sans scuba tanks .
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Companies
George asks…
Is there a way to build some kind of alt energy source for my home with household materials?
I don’t know how hard it is to build solar panels or something that could actually be used to help as an alternatvie energy source for my home? Any ideas??
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John asks…
how energy is transformed from the power station to the residential houses?
how energy is transfomed from the power station to the residential houses
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Your Questions About Solar Generator For Rv
Donald asks…
What can you do if you can’t use rv generator before 10am and not after 8pm to use any electric appliance?
If choosing Solar panel, what size, wattage, etc. When using a marine battery, can I hook up an inverter on the outside parking and plug an extension cord to it and run it inside the motorhome?
at a campsite for electrical appliances, like tv, microwave, etc.
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Donna asks…
what is the best configuration to power a campervan rv?
i already have a 1000 watt generator, i heard you can install 2 extra house dual cycle batteries 2 power your electronics but what is the best way to keep charging them and keep everything running properly , without running out of electricity over and over?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy International
William asks…
How are solar flares dangerous for astronauts?
It takes solar flares 8 minutes to travel from the sun to the earth.
So why do astronauts have to react instantly when they observe a flare?
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David asks…
How much energy goes into making af wind turbine?
Does anyone have a calculation on how much energy goes into producing a wind turbine (offshore or onshore). Including things such as: steel production, unit production, assembly, transportation, erection, maintenance, etc? Compared to the amount of energy the wind turbine can produce in its lifespan?
Thank you
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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Sale
Donna asks…
Solar vs. Wind power and how i can use it?
Okay I was on new egg checkin out some solar panels and noticed they have wind generators for sale on their site to money is no problem but like all folks i dont wanna spend more than i have too which should i buy solar or wind? which can get me the most electricity?? and does anyone know about how i can get my house to run on completely solar or wind?
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Paul asks…
Where can I find solar powered generators for sale? the kind that can power basic electrical home appliences?
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Sale
Mandy asks…
Solar panels as an investment and saving – sounds too good to be true!…?
(Firstly I apologise for the length of this, but I wanted to explain the whole situation just so there’s no ambiguity).
Here in Brisbane, Australia we get 7-8 sun hours per day on average (source: ); our household uses ~20kWh per day based on the average of all the power bills for 2009. Using this calculator ( … too lazy to crunch the numbers myself) it tells me the ideal system is 3.2 kW. Our house has a large north-facing roof so that is good enough for solar panels. For practicality (and to keep the numbers conservative) I sourced the figures for a 3.5kW system which is within the price range of $30-40k, but after selling RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) and taking advantage of federal and state subsidies and offsets it is priced at ~$15-20k; I’ll assume a worst case (say, $25k) to keep it conservative.
With a Home Equity Line of Credit Loan we currently have $220,000 in debt overall. At ~6.5% interest the monthly repayments are ~$1,190. If we were to throw the $25,000 for the entire solar setup onto the loan, the loan would increase to $245,000 and interest would be ~$1,330 per month, a $140 increase. Since we are currently paying $126 per month ($4.20 per day) in power bills, it seems it is not worth it. However, 3.5kW x 7.5 avg sun hours gives 26.25kWh daily, or ~6.25kWh more than is needed. When taking into account the 44c/kWh feed-in tariff that is a lowest possible return of ~$82.50 per month (I say “lowest” because it is real-time net metering, so if we have nothing running during the day it will send a lot of power priced at 44c/kWh to the grid; when we buy it back when we are back from work at night it will cost only 16c/kWh, so overall we will gain more than $82.50 per month).
So then if we had to pay $140 extra per month on the loan but that eliminates $126 per month in power costs and includes $82.50 at the minimum in feed-in credits, is that is effectively a saving of $68.50? I know it isn’t really a saving per se since simply paying loan interest doesn’t reduce the loan’s size, but to me it seems to be a saving since the power cost of $126 per month will always be there so it may as well be moved from one account (elec) to another (HELOC loan) without making much difference financially; also the HELOC loan can be paid off and thus interest repayments become lower, while the cost of electricity is only set to rise (on top of inflation-adjustment each year, we are expecting sharp rise when the carbon trading scheme gets passed, and the generators were granted a 16% increase for January 2010 anyway!!!). Additionally when the 3 kids have moved out of home the power use will drop, leaving more electricity for the grid (so more money returns) in addition to less expenses overall (so the HELOC loan will be easier to pay off) – seems like a double win!
There are two major downsides that I can immediately see: variable interest rate rises and home valuation. However for the latter, I am not sure whether it is really a problem. For all I know, solar panels would most likely increase the value of one’s home (seems to be logical anyway), which in turn means more flexibility regarding the floor of the HELOC loan if it is needed.
I am somewhat naive regarding how HELOC works so that is my main concern in this plan. So is this too good to be true, or have I missed something (I generally don’t believe in “too good to be true” hence why I am asking).
Naive re HELOC; I am one of the 3 kids mentioned in the question (19yo) so this is just for me to propose to my parents as an idea.
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Carol asks…
Where can I get a dynamo for my science project?
I am comparing three different types of energy by building three generators (hydro, solar, and wind).
I will be measuring the efficiency of all three, so I will need three dynamos (I think) to produce energy into the ammeter and voltmeter. All I see is just cycle dynamos, and flashlight dynamos. How do I get a simple, cheap dynamo that I can attach to the windmill and watermill I will attach it to? Here is the link to part of my project:
I’m in 9th grade by the way. If I pull this off, I am so winning the school science fair 🙂
P.S I am not so good at building things like generators and motors and such. I’m new to energy, so help me out here. If you must, please give me insightful instructions so that I may be able to make one (if there are not any for sale)
P.P.S If you have any tips or do’s and don’t’s, I would appreciate it!
Have a nice evening.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Environments
Betty asks…
How much solar paneling is required to produce electrical energy to move a 250 pound body in a 250 pound cart?
What is the amount of solar energy required to drive a 250 pound cart with a 250 pound person 10 miles? How many square feet of recharged paneling would be required?
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Nancy asks…
How much will it cost to install a solar energy power to run a few appliances such as lights,tv,e-fans?
Also where I can inquire here in the Philippines (NCR) about the installation of Solar Power Energy?
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Your Questions About Solar Generators Costco
Susan asks…
all electric vehicles?
why do we not go to all electric vehicles, they have from 40-100 mile ranges, and travel from 25-100 mph.
and for pennies on the mile
lets get with it america, wake up.
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Donna asks…
Is there a cost-efficient way to power christmas lights without AC power?
I was looking at portable power generators as a means to powering Christmas lights outside of my home. My plan was to actually brighten up a tree in a park.
Besides battery powered lights, what else could I do? Besides DIY projects, is there a way to make the lights actually function without batteries. I think the Christmas lights which run on actual AC power come cheaper, and come with more lights.
So would I be able to run with the lights with some kind of portable, affordable power source?
Is this product able to run some lights for two hours?|0||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&search=battery&topnav=#
My email is either or, please email me after answering if there are more details.
This is fairly important to me, thank in advanced.
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators
Ken asks…
How do places with wind and solar energy sustain their power?
Some places rely on solar and wind energy right? To power their homes and such. How do they use energy in the night or when there is no wind? Do they have something that stores the energy like a big battery or something?
I have to “make” a green city and it will use renewable energy source including solar and wind energy. How would I make the wind and solar energy sustainable and not have shortages of power?
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Robert asks…
What do you think about Norm Colemans Idea of nuclear energy?
OK i think its a bunch BS. What if there was a leak? Thousands could get sick, some even die! Whats so wrong with solar energy? Its easier to dispose of and a gadgillion times safer!!
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Your Questions About Solar Energy Pros And Cons
Chris asks…
What’s the difference between Brick, Frame, vs Vinyl Construction?
I am looking at different house listings and wanted to know what the pros vs cons were for brick, frame and vinyl construction. This is the first time I’ve heard of vinyl construction as well.
Also, what is the difference between the different types of heat? Hot Water vs Oil vs Gas?
Thank you!
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Susan asks…
What questions should one ask before forming an opinion about Nuclear Energy?
I’m supposed to write a paper explaining my opinion about Nuclear Energy and whether we should use it or not. Before just gathering Pros and Cons, I want to gather questions that I should find answers to, like cost, how efficient, is it renewable, etc. I’m not necessarily asking you to answer these questions, but help me come up with some.
Thanks in advance =]
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Your Questions About Solar Generators For The Home
Linda asks…
Make electricity with steam at home?
This is probably a silly idea but I really like the idea of making my own electricity. I’ve thought about solar and wind but neither would really work for me. My wife & I will be building a new home in 9-10 years and I have a new idea…. We want to have one of those outdoor wood burning furnaces to heat the house. Is there such a thing as a small steam powered electric generator? If there is, maybe I could use some of the heat generated in the furnace to boil water, make steam and turn a small turbine to generate electricity. This way, I could heat my home in the winter and make my own electricity all year long just with wood. Just an idea (maybe a stupid one). If anyone has any info on this subject please share it with me. Thanx.
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Sandra asks…
For tropical countries around the world,would be possible to generate electricity by using solar power?
Actually it’s not the question I want to ask, I know it’s possible, I’m using this to propose my idea on how to generate steam instead of hot water, using solar powered cells, and then using the steam in turbines to generate electricity for all countries, that could be enough for all Europe on a large scale. Is anyone interested?
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