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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Sale

Betty asks…

Will solar & wind power ever be cost effective on a large without government subsidies?

admin answers:

Robert asks…

Why are people stocking up?

I have seen people been buy solar generators and a water maker that makes water out of thin air. Another guy traded in a corvette z06 2008 for a new jeep wrangler rubicon 2009. People are also buying guns and ammo. What is going on?
They are also ordering food storage

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Jobs

Mandy asks…

What majors to pursue for energy/solar power job?

I’m looking for different majors to pursue for college and, for fun, I decided to stray away from the ordinary boring ones.
I figured solar/energy-saving power is probably going to become a big business, but what majors are there to pursue?

I’d just like some ideas, but if I may ask try to keep it less general. (For example, please don’t simply say “the sciences” unless you may be able to briefly explain a branch of science in particular!)

admin answers:

Helen asks…

What are the social benefits of alternative energy?

I’m doing a project on alternative energy for school. We have to identify the environmental, economical and social impacts of small-scale Hydroelectricity, Solar energy and Wind energy and I’m not quite sure what the social benefits are… does anyone have any ideas???

Thank You 🙂

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Sale

Betty asks…

How to Face India’s Future Energy Crisis?

India is located at a perfect location and has the most perfect weather than Why are we not taking advantage of it?
India is surrounded by oceans, meaning coastlines, where its most windy, so why don’t we have Wind Turbines to produce Electricity?
India is one of the countries that experiences long summers, and most sunny days, then why don’t we have Solar Panels to produce electricity?
These technologies are much better than burning coals to produce electricity, coal burning releases carbon dioxide which is a major cause global warming.
Where as Wind and Solar Energy Technology are clearn energy souces. We have these technology available to us, then Why not use it at a larger scale?

admin answers:

Richard asks…

It’s ***supposed*** to be hot in the summer. Al Gore does understand that doesn’t he?

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Your Questions About Solar Generators Reviews

Donald asks…

What kind of boat (cruising yacht) should I buy?

OK so I am not looking to purchase a boat right this minute. But I do have boat fever and am a very inexperienced boater. I am wondering if someone can suggest to me what kind of boats I should consider given the following conditions I would like to meet:

1) It would need to be easily handled by 2 people. Although eventually my children would be old enough to assist in running the boat, I would like for it to be easily run by no more than 2.

2) It would need to be able to sail around the world. Initially, while learning, I would be doing short stints like Florida to the Bahamas, Mexico, Brazil etc., I would eventually like to cross the Atlantic and explore the Mediterranean, possibly sail around Africa, go through the Indian Ocean, make stops in Indonesia, Japan, Hawaii and California before coming back to Florida. This puts additional requirements on the safety and comfort of the boat.

3) I’d like to minimize maintenance costs. I know that hardware breaks and you just have to fix it, but maximum reliability would be valuable in my mind. Boats with a reputation for leaking or engines that have a reputation of needing constant repairs wouldn’t be worth a lower initial investment to me.

4) I would like to have many modern comforts onboard – refrigerator, freezer, microwave, oven, stove, hot/cold water, shower, electric head, solar panels, wind generator, television, etc. I know you can have these added to an older, cheaper boat, but if the cost of adding passes that of a newer boat that includes these comforts it might be valuable to know how much it will cost to add these luxuries.

5) I am 6’4″, so a boat with a high clearance midships would be very desirable.

P.S. Should I look at Sloops? Ketches? Yawls? Don’t know the difference between these boats and how sailing them is different. Boat definitely does not have to be racing speed. Would gladly trade a lower average speed for greater interior comfort.
Thank you for your “input” morons, but I have no intention of going out and buying a $150,000 boat and just jumping on and sailing to Australia with no idea what I am doing. Do you think I am retarded?

Read the damn question and answer the damn question.
etc etc etc… rambling on for no reason … etc etc etc.”

What? Lol who in the hell are you? Get lost dude I have never asked this question on here before. I’m certainly not interested in input from lowlifes like you.

admin answers:

Steven asks…

Can you help me with my alternative energy science questions which has energy transformations and generators?

1. What form of energy is released from a bowling ball, a car, and a computer?
2. What energy transformation occurs when a solar calculator operates?
3. What energy transformation occurs when burning a campfire?
4. What energy transformation occurs when you rub your hands together?
5. Why does a student feel hot when they play baseball?
6. What energy transformation occurs with an electric fan?
7. What energy transformation occurs with an electric circuit?
8. Which device can be used to generate electricity with ocean tides?
A. Windmill
B. An engine
C. A turbine
9. Which energy transformation occurs with a rechargeable battery?
10. List a source of energy that produces electricity without burning fuel?
11. Which source of energy uses electromagnetic energy and transforms it directly into heat and electricity?
12. What energy conversion happens with a hydroelectric plant?
13. Which energy source can be replaced in the shortest amount of time?
14. Which form of energy is stored in gasoline?
15. What is the original source of energy in fossil fuels?

Answer the next few questions using the background information:
A coal burning steam generator burns coal to convert water into stream. The stream moves turbines to generate electricity. Energy can be transformed for human use.

16. What three forms of energy from the generator are used to produce electricity?
17. What is an advantage to using the stream generator?
18. Which sources of energy can be usedf to power a generator without polluting the environment?


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Your Questions About Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells

Lisa asks…

How can we increase the efficiency of solar cells?

Solar cells/solar panels are environment friendly, but at the moment other sources of electrical energy are cheaper than solar power. How can we make solar cells more efficient and cheaper?

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Donald asks…

What are engineering challenges to develop solar energy for comfort/home uses?

What are engineering challenges to develop solar energy for comfort/home uses?

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Companies

Nancy asks…

Is there a better energy solution than Nuclear Fusion?

I keep hearing its the Holy Grail of energy solution, but that it’s almost impossible to create as yet.

Will it get solved before oil runs out and how as an average joe like me, would i purchase it and contain it in my home like oil.

admin answers:

Joseph asks…

Are solar power panel arrays and a wind turbine generator practical for residential use?

I ran into a “pitch ad” for a way to not only get “off the grid” at my residence, but actually have the electric company require sending me a small check for adding electricity to the grid. Is this stuff feasible or fantasy? I do have tools and could install the panels on my garage roof in chicago,IL.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators Portable

Ken asks…

What powers signs on the side of the highway?

The ones with lights that make flashing arrows and road closed ect. You see them just sitting beside the highway mounted on a portable trailer. There is no way a guy drives around and fills each generator with gas are they solar?

admin answers:

Betty asks…

where can i buy 12V solar panels in long beach?

where can i buy 12V small high wattage solar panels inor near long beach, CA. I am trying to build a portable battery charger for an RV so i dont have to run my generator.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Colorado

Donna asks…

Will magnetic storms and solar winds die out as the sun ages?

I figure that as the sun become a red giant it wont have enough energy to create these monstrosities, but what do I know.

It would be reassuring to know that they will die out eventually cause that would make terraforming our solar system easier when the time is necessary cause we wouldnt need a rock with a strong magnetic field right?

admin answers:

Charles asks…

How many Obama funded solar and wind companies have gone bankrupt?

And how many millions have been wasted?
Tonslc2 – you are wrong. 4 others besides Solyndra, and Bush turned down Solyndra, so you can’t blame him.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Price

Paul asks…

What are the important issues on finding renwable and non-renewable resources?

I have a project and I can’t find anything on this! I just need to know the problems on finding them and using them.

admin answers:

You don’t find renewable resources. They are right out there in front of us. The problem is converting these resources into electrical energy. The technology isn’t there yet for efficient and economical use of renewable resources, such as solar, wind, geothermal, tidal etc. Work is underway in the Bay of Fundy to create turbines to harness the tidal energy in the area. The amount of energy they create right now is about enough to power 100 000 homes, which isn’t very much. Iceland is blessed with geothermal energy and they do have a lot of infrastructure in this area. The current volcano in Iceland is evidence of the amount of geothermal energy they have. I would imagine that Hawaii could get all of its energy from geothermal if the political will was there. Wind turbines are popping up all over in Europe and accounting for a healthy percentage of their total power. Wind turbines are gaining popularity in North America. The problem with these renewable resources is they are not always reliable, ie: the sun only shines for half the day and winds are not always blowing in the area where a wind turbine may be built. Renewable resources are also much more expensive. Your hydro bill would be much higher if all the electricity you got came from renewables and not from fossil fuels. Nuclear power is somewhere in the middle; being somewhat renewable, clean if taken proper care of and cheep once the nuclear generators are built. New technology has made it nearly impossible for a meltdown as has happened in the past and up to 90% of spent nuclear fuel can be recycled to be used again.

Wood is a resource in the middle. It is both renewable and non-renewable. It takes decades to grow new trees which is a short time compared to millions of years for fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas. We have already reached peak oil, which means we have found and drilled more than half of the oil on the planet. With economies such as China and India getting into the style of life that we enjoy in the west, the burden on oil resources is even greater. This is why the price of gas for your car and home heating fuels has climbed so high over the past few years. As we run out of places to drill for oil we begin to get it from places that we would never have thought of drilling just a few decades ago, such as off shore, the Arctic and the Alberta Tar Sands. As we continue to go into these regions for our oil, there will be more news stories as the one unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico right now. We have plenty of coal and even more dirty coal, but if you think that pollution is bad now, it is nothing compared to a planet run on coal. And you can’t run your car on coal.

What we need is a huge infusion of money into the nuclear program. These reactors can be used to create hydrogen for cars and other things that need to run on a combustible fuel. Canada has lots of Uranium in the ground, just waiting to be mined and turned into nuclear fuel. Of course we will have to keep this out of the hands of rogue nations and terrorists.

Bottom line, if you want to have the lifestyle that we all enjoy, you will have to pay for it one way or another.

Mandy asks…

If you were President, what would be your priorities to ensure a peaceful and healthy environment?

If you were President/Prime Minister of your country how would you care for the environment?

admin answers:

If I were President of the United States of America, I would care of the environment by:

1. Replacing/supplanting the Environmental Protection Agency with a new Department of the Environment.

2. I would grant tax deductions to all businesses and industries, large and small, so they could write off the cost of: remodeling their facilities (with environmentally friendly materials and to be energy efficient), new energy efficient equipment and vehicles, and R&D in environmental improvements to their business or industry.

3. I would have developed new environmentally-sound ways of extracting natural resources so that mining, logging, and fishing are possible without damaging ecology, or at least without damaging it permanently. Government and private collaboration, tax breaks, and loans would help, as well as massive research and development.

4. Ban common unrecyclable materials and disposable products, or tax it highly.

5. Begin a National Program for the design and construction of “Stirling” solar arrays, “Stirling” ground power generators, horizontal-blade wind farms at sea and on land, advanced nuclear energy stations, clean-coal retrofitting of existing coal energy stations with new, high-efficiency generators, and technology for existing nuclear and coal energy stations to use exhaust that would contribute to thermal pollution, and for research with the European Union on how to re-process nuclear waste into fuel again. Research carbon-nanotubes, superconducting materials, piezoelectric wires, and wireless electricity for increased efficiency in energy transmission.

6. Re-commit the U.S.A to the ITER project, and to additional Fusion energy research.

7. Begin a National Program for the construction of many new Materials Reclamation Facilities across the nation, and for the establishment of materials science labs and cooperation with the private sector to invent new materials to replace non-recyclable ones, and to learn how make all materials recyclable.

8. Institute National Trash Separation Laws, and retrofit all waste management facilities with artificial composters so that organic waste can be turned into compost and fertilizer and shipped to American agricultural regions so that wasted food can be returned to the environment and the nutrients can be recycled.

9. Institute a National Transportation Energy Transition Program, with investments and government aid for a Domestic Oil Industry, so that oil can be produced from domestic oil sources, oil shale in the Midwest regions, and coal. That oil should also be mixed with ethanol produced via the Ethanol Program (see below).

10. Help “Big Oil” find ways to make oil refineries less environmentally damaging, and build new advanced ones to increase capacity.

11. Institute an Agricultural Program that gives farms aid by giving them permission to grow sugarcane and corn for use in ethanol production, making ethanol a form of subsidy that benefits other sectors of the economy and environment. Also, controlling the amount of corn each farm or agribusiness can use for ethanol can help reduce the environmental impact of growing sugarcane and corn for fuel usage, and also cushions the market by reducing the impact on prices if food is used for fuel instead of food consumption.

12. Begin cooperation with the various U.S. Airlines for new technologies for aircraft propulsion, and for the introduction of new more environmentally friendly fuels.

13. Institute a National Fund to allow all levels of government to replace their vehicles with fuel-efficient, hybrid, and flex-fuel vehicles manufactured by U.S. Auto industry.

14. Institute a National Interstate Public Transportation System, to create a Interstate High-Speed Rail and Maglev Rail System, and also to create Intra-state systems of Public Transport, including buses, advanced rail, and also advanced maglev cargo rail systems.

15. Increased fuel efficiency standards, with R&D tax write-offs for automotive manufactures so that the cost of these new vehicles does not rise and hurt consumers.

16. Mandate a National Repair Program to completely restore, update, and expand the National Transportation Infrastructure.

17. Mandate a National Decentralized Solar Energy Program, to install advanced, highly-efficient, U.S.-manufactured solar panels on the top of all homes, businesses, warehouses, stores, and skyscrapers across the U.S.

18. Mandate a National Environmental Restoration Program for the restoration of natural ecology damaged by human activity, both on land, and along the coast, and at sea.

19. Institute National water conservation laws in conjunction with the restoration, and expansion of water management infrastructure, and the building of numerous Desalination Facilities for the production of water fit for human consumption and use.

20. Begin an International Program between all existing Space Agencies, for the establishment of a single, massive advanced Planetary Environmental Monitoring Satellite Network, that can examine and monitor global weather and atmospheric conditions and atmospheric chemical pollution.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators Reviews

Lizzie asks…

What are hybrid cars?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid cars? Comparison with electric and petrol? Where can it be used? Why is it different? How much do they cost? Examples of hybrid cars?

admin answers:

There are two general types of hybrid cars. There is the parallel hybrid like the prius that intends to have an electric motor assist the gasoline engine. Then there is a series hybrid that is intended to have an engine operate a generator that will drive an electric motor directly or through a storage device like batteries. The Volt is to be a series hybrid. These types are sometimes further divided up based upon how much the electric motor is used into a “mild” hybrid or a “strong” hybrid. And then once again if the batteries can be charged by plugging in the vehicle or not.

The electric vehicle stands alone in requiring a plug (or to have batteries swapped.) Here is a chart of the relative efficiencies of the resulting drive trains (vehicles): http://serieshybrid.com/FreedomFormula/images/Drivetrain_Comparison.pdf

An extensive list of hybrid cars with some site references where you may find costs can be found in my answer here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100304052536AAMz5Az&r=w#OMxkB1PfWUqLu47tW6Qs where the “best answer” makes a point that hybrid vehicles would not exist except that the battery with the best cost/energy density/ weight ratio was excluded from electric cars by patent rights formerly held by the Chevron Oil Company.

It becomes clear that all hybrids may be an “answer” to the electric car and not to petrol cars. They are also not created equal. The diversity further marginalizes the electric vehicle. But your question is about a comparison with electric and petrol vehicles. Here is an analysis of petrol vehicles and HFC electric vehicle some of the issues remain the same for any electric vehicle: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Au.878ONFUxFyvFFXW1C39Lty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100218140636AAir1Q7&show=7#profile-info-TolABusEaa Issues reviewed are Tank to wheel efficiency of around 15% vs above 90% for the electric vehicle, sources and the nature of pollution and the relative costs. There is a cautionary note that scope of the concerns will make a significant difference in some of the values.

From the efficiency chart and from the battery history most hybrid cars we see today are about twice as good as their gasoline counterparts while electric cars and plug in series hybrid vehicles are up to 5 times more fuel efficient. The hybrid as a “solution” to allowing the best batteries in purely electric suggests strongly that parallel hybrids are a political delay in adopting series hybrids and purely electric cars. That is arose as a policy from a lawsuit settlement by an oil company suggests strongly that hybrids exist to preserve oil company markets for its products.

Unlike electric trains or solar vehicles most vehicles today are dependent upon energy storage. The the potential in a tank of gasoline is greater than what currently or likely will exist in battery storage in the near future. The opposite relationship exists with the means to convert that energy to motion. The electrical motor is far more efficient than the gasoline engine ever can be. Fueling times for a petrol vehicle are relatively short but require attention. Fueling times for electric vehicles are long and can be done without attention. Fueling petrol is from containers in the ground or elsewhere. This creates portability while increasing the risk of pollution. Electricity is clean, but requires more coordinated infrastructure. Fuel is private sector while electrical energy supplies often started out in the public sector or use public rights of way. Fuel is a technology that has been expanded and exploited for 100 years while battery electric is only with opposition enjoying a resurgence.

Hybrid cars extend the range over the more efficient platform of a battery electric vehicle. They pay for this with:
pollution is higher than electric vehicles but lower than petrol vehicles
mileage reduction from an electric vehicle but somewhat higher than petrol vehicles
more complex than an electric vehicle or a petrol vehicle
higher maintenance cost than an electric or petrol vehicle.
Does not free us from foreign oil or give us a viable option to a petrochemical transportation monopoly.

Lisa asks…

carbon footprint of wind generator construction?

admin answers:

A recent issue in the journal Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, shows that as the proportion of renewable energy penetrating the electricity grid grows, the reduction of CO2 emissions drops sharply.
By the time wind power (and, by analogy, solar) reaches about 20 percent of the grid, the savings in CO2 emissions are negligible, of the order of a few percent.

The result seems counter-intuitive – surely the more renewable energy, the greater the reduction of CO2 emissions, and less threat of global warming. But the reason for this finding can be found on the miles per gallon sticker on the windows of new cars. The mileage for highway driving is always greater than that for city – stop and go – driving.
When we touch the brake pedal, we change the engine speed. The lower mileage for city driving means less efficiency from the gasoline, and more pollution per mile driven.
In the same way, when back-up electricity (mostly natural gas power plants) – when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine- is ramped up and down, there are more CO2 emissions compared to when the back-up is running full blast. Result – much of the emissions savings from using wind power or solar is lost.
Dr. Inhaber found results from Colorado, Texas, Germany, Ireland, Estonia and other countries bolstering his argument. If we are to reduce CO2 emissions, we will have to find an alternative to the programs advocated by many governments.

Edited to add comment to Beowolf

This is a peer reviewed paper in a mainstream scientific journal, what the IPCC call the gold standard in science

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Your Questions About Solar Generator For Apartment

Laura asks…

how to produce solar energy in an apartment, and how to do that without?

attracting a lightning strike.

I don’t have a patio so I can’t put a generator out there to keep my electricity running during brown-outs, so I need something solar that can be kept inside, against the window, etc. All suggestions would be considered. My cousin said something about running something from my bathtub to the window but I thought he was joking.

admin answers:

You can Build your Own Solar Energy Systems, It is not that hard…. For DIY go too….

Thomas asks…

can the UV lamps of a solarium be used to disinfect a surface?

I have heard that UV light disinfects and combats bacteria and fungus growth. The wall of our new apartment has mold on it We are under time pressure and unable to wait til we can get a ozone generator, which supposedly also does the above. Therefore I thought I could use my small solar lamp-stand and shine some UV light on the “infected wall”
In case you wonder: I already used vinegar, ammonia and chlorine bleach on the spot – but the mold did not go away completely.

admin answers:

I would not use a UV lamp over bleach. If you have to buy a light brush to help break up the mold. I would also use a mask to prevent yourself from getting a fungi infection of some kind.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy

Sandy asks…

Solar energy- does anyone know of a DIY way to make a solar collector and transfer that energy to batteries?

I would like to learn about solar energy and how I can make some panels for my home, of course with in a reasonable budget. My goal is to be able to run a refrigerator and fan off of battery. Any ideas out there?

admin answers:

If your goal is to save money, it will be hard to do that with solar electricity. You can come out ahead under some circumstances, but powering a refrigerator and a fan is an unlikely one. However, if your goal is to learn about this kind of setup, you could get a kit from (say) Harbor Freight for a few hundred dollars, which will (barely) charge a car battery over a period of a couple weeks. The energy you collect could power a fan for several hours.

I came accross a new, proven and tested home made wind power system and solar power system which eliminates our electricity bills. It was written by a Renewable energy enthusiasts Michael Harvey the diy called Earth4energy. You can get your copy to save energy and help environment while eliminating your power bills. Get it from here:


Robert asks…

What is the difference between thermal and solar energy?

I know that solar energy is energy from the sun converted into elctrical energy and all that great stuff, but if you heat a sheet of flashing copper, put it in the sun and it makes a little more energy than it did in the shade, is that thermal or solar energy
OK I think the real question I’m asking is how is thermal energy converted into elctricity

admin answers:

Solar energy is energy from the sun.

There are many forms of energy.
– Plants use photosysthesis to convert solar energy into chemical energy.
– Solar cells convert solar energy into electricity.
– Evaporated and condensed water, thermals, and winds convert solar energy to mechanical energy.
– Copper flashing, like most things sitting out in the sun, convert solar energy to heat.

So, its solar energy until it is absorbed by the copper, then it is thermal energy (heat).

Edit: I know 2 ways to convert thermal energy to electrical. First is a thermoelectric generator. These tend to be costly, delicate, and have low efficiency. Check out the links below the article, especially the HZ-14 one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermoelectric_effect

2nd way is to use an engine or turbine. Concentrating sunlight with mirrors onto a small boiler creates high pressure steam. It is used in a turbine to make electricity. Some experimental units have actually been deployed by utility companies in sunny areas. While they depend on government subsidies, with enough emprovement, the technologies may stand on their own. You can also use solar energy to heat air or other working fluid inside an engine to convert the thermal energy to mechanical motion that drives an electrical generator. The most efficient such engine is called a carnot engine, which is unfortunately impractical to make economically.

Finally, things like windmills and waterpower actually convert solar to mechanical power, which is then used to drive generators. These are actually variations of the 2nd point.

BTW, if you’re asking how to make a simple solar cell from copper, see link: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Apf5WS6KKGtoGDDSwRyFbIsAxgt.;_ylv=3?qid=20080520203652AAT6UzD

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Wikipedia

James asks…

suggest some energy related topics for ug final year projects?

1.Project topics should be related to renewable energy.
2.Preferable if related to biomethanation, pyrolysis, cogeneration..

admin answers:

So you want a project for undergraduate school. I assume this is a research project as opposed to an engineering assignment.

It would be interesting to do some overall research to frame your efforts. For example:

Worldwide, how much energy is consumed per year in 2007 in the form of fossil fuels in nonrenewable resources: gas, oil, and coal? “In 2004, the worldwide power consumption of the human race was 15 TW (= 1.5 x 1013 W) with 86.5% from burning fossil fuels.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_energy_resources_and_consumption

How does the Western lifestyle effect fossil fuel consumption?

Given the maximum energy potential of these fossil fuel sources how efficient is our use? For example, some gas engines are very inefficient in converting gas to enegy? (also some home heating furnaces are very efficient.)

What is the breakdown in categories of energy use: transportation, manufacturing, farming, heating, air conditioning, household and business consumption of electricity, and so on?

If we were able to replace conventional braking systems with regenerative brakes that salvage 20% of a vehicles momentum energy, how much energy would we save per year?

What are practical forms of renewable energy? Wind; Tidal; Solar to Steam; Temperature differential in oceans, different depths of earth; or at different altitudes on land; Solar Electric panels; Geothermal; River Dam; bio fuels; Solar furnaces (cooking, heating, thermal storage); and so on?

What is the cost of each practical approach? What’s the initial investment? What’s the ongoing cost? If the cost of a killowatt- hour of electricity goes to $0.80, what technologies become cost effective?

Are we running out of fossil fuels? (Check out “Peak Oil”)

How can governments encourage renewable energy? (Check out what Germany has done with the solar cell energy price supports.)

Fossil fuels have been the cheapest form of energy, but that’s likely to change in the next decade. What would it take to replace all of our enegy dependence on fossil fuels with different technologies?

Before you invest a lot of time with a particular technology, I’d make sure that the renewable energy solution is efficient and can scale up relative to other alternatives. For example, collecting heaps of manure to manufacture gas may not be competitive with more efficient alternatives. The manure may also be more valuable as a fertilizer (since fossil fuels for chemical fertilizers may eventually be in short supply).

Wind Generators, Hydroelectric, Electric Solar Panels, Solar to Steam, Bio Fuels, and Geothermal have all proven to be cost effective in many places. It would be an interesting question to determine what the fixed capital investment and the ongoing costs of each approach will be when the cost per killowatt hour of electricity increases by multiples of the current costs. What percentage of each technology will be used as the cost of energy increases?

Higher capital cost and higher ongoing costs of different technologies can be justified when energy costs increase. When we exhaust most opportunities for wind power, then perhaps solar cells may prove to be financially viable. It would be interesting to see the combinations of technologies that will become viable as we run out of nonrenewable energy sources.

What would it take to replace all of the fossil fuels used in the world with proven technologies?

Another question is how do we move all of this energy around? Fossil fuels pack a lot of energy in a small space.

What is the efficiency and cost of a fuel cell?

Brazil has been doing some interesting things with alternative fuels for vehicles. However, battery power looks like a very practical alternative.

Good luck!!

Susan asks…

Which electrical generation methods use a turbine?

And how does a turbine work?

admin answers:

Turbines of various types drive the generators that produce most of the electric power used in all parts of the world.

Coal is used to generate electricity by first burning the coal to heat a boiler that produces steam. The steam is used to drive a turbine which drives a generator to produce electricity. Oil, natural gas and bio gas are used to generate electricity using a turbine in the same way, but they can also be used to generate electricity using an internal combustion engine or by driving a turbine directly, using the heated gaseous products of their combustion,

Nuclear reactors produce heat to generate electricity using a steam turbine.

Hydroelectric power is usually generated by turbines that are driven by the force of water flowing from a higher elevation to a lower elevation through a water turbine.

The machines that generate electricity using the force of the wind are called wind turbines.

Solar energy can be concentrated and directed with mirrors to heat water to drive steam turbines.

“A turbine is a rotary engine that extracts energy from a fluid flow and converts it into useful work. … A working fluid contains potential energy (pressure head) and kinetic energy (velocity head). The fluid may be compressible or incompressible. Several physical principles are employed by turbines to collect this energy.”

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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Sale

Donald asks…

2kw st generator produce how much current?

i need one st type generator which will produce full amount of current for my house.
need power for 4 sealing fan,7lights,2 motor pumbs 1/2hp,1TV.
please add the recent price list.

admin answers:

4 ceiling fans 400 watts. 7 CFL lights 150 watts. 2 motor pumps 746 watts. One TV 150 watts. Total 1446 watts. 3000 watt gasoline powered generators sell for about $320 USA including tax if you can find a sale. Smaller may cost more and likely cannot supply the starting surge for the pumps. If you need to start both pumps simultaneously, you need 5500 watts or a bit more which will cost about $530, perhaps as much as $1000. 2 kw = 2000 watts likely won’t start either pump even with everything else turned off.
Possibly 3000 watts won’t start the second pump if the first one is running. If you have pump starting problems a possible solution is a 2000 watt (or there abouts) grid tie inverter powered by a battery which you trickle charge from the generator possibly supplemented by a PV solar panel and/or small wind turbine. With the generator running the inverter will think it is connected to the grid, and phase lock with your generator. That will give you 2000 + 3000 = 5000 watts. If you cut the power to one or both pumps, you can turn off the inverter to improve the life expectancy of the battery. Grid tie inverters have an input voltage range, such as 24 to 52 volts, The lower number should be the battery voltage as the actual battery voltage is about 10% more than the battery rated voltage = two 12 volt batteries in series supply about 27 volts to your inverter.
Possibly sme of that is not correct and you should buy about a 2500 watt inverter (not grid tie) with a 5000 watt surge rating. You will need two 6 volt 250 amphour batteries to power it to 5000 watts, and an 800 watt (or there abouts) generator, to charge the batteries when the voltage drops below 6.5 volts on either battery. That may happen frequently unless your wind turbine and/or PV solar panels are rated 1000 watts or more. What is an st generator? Neil

Linda asks…

Solar generator for tiny house?

Hi, Im looking for a 2000+ watt solar generator that i can connect to the electrical system of the tiny house that I want to build. I want there to be a long lasting battery, and i also want to be able to charge the battery from a standard 120 volt outlet. I need to connect the power output to the electrical system of my tiny house, so i can not use an outlet that is built into the unit, because the unit (battery/ charger/ inverter) will be somewhere else (connected to the house system.

admin answers:

I’m a permaculture farmer, on a 40 acre farm. We are slowly moving our entire farm to becoming off grid. So far the water and the heat are off grid. Next is the power.

We’ll be using both wind and solar, because on days the sun doesn’t shine, it’s usually windy. If you go with a grid tied solar system as another person suggested, it will save you more than 1/2 the cost. However when the grid power goes down, so does yours. If you have no batteries and no inverter, you have no power.

I really like the solar systems that Costco has been offering for sale. The nice thing about them is you can start small, and ad more as your budget allows. For your batteries, you want to look at marine batteries (for boats), or golf cart batteries. This next part is really important, so pay attention; BATTERIES GIVE OFF TOXIC GAS, AND MUST BE VENTED TO THE OUTSIDE! So no batteries in your house. Plan on building your batteries a protective box OUTSIDE. Also realize that you should not talk to ANYONE about your batteries and off grid home. Why? Because it’s valuable, and has immediate resale value for those who steal and turn items in for scrap and recycling. You could come home and find your entire system, including the valuable and expensive batteries gone.

Since the batteries have to be vented to the outside, theft is a real possibility. What do you plan to run, in terms of appliances? A laptop takes little power. A desk top computer is a power hog. A refrigerator from an RV can be run off propane, and will use no electricity. CFL or LED lights take very little power. You can install a gas powered stove, so again you need no power for it. We are going to use an on demand water heater, so no power needed for the water. We are currently building a 600 sg ft house, with propane powered fridge, stove, and water heater. The actual power needs of the house are very minimal. We’ll be heating with a wood stove.

You might actually find you don’t need 2000 watts if you choose the right appliances. Of course if you go for full electric everything, you’ll need a lot more than 2000 watts. If you live someplace where you have to run A/C you’ll probably need more than 2000 watts. In our climate, a ceiling fan is more than sufficient.

So sit down, plan your house, and what your ACTUAL electrical appliances will be. Go to YouTube, there are lots of great videos on there about people living in little solar powered houses.

Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

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Your Questions About Solar Energy International

Nancy asks…

What are the expenses of Solar Energy?

i just want to know the expenses of solar energy…i badly need an answer because it’s our research project..help me please..:D..thank you..:)

admin answers:

The big expense is the cost of setting up. Solar power is not particularly efficient at the moment so you have a lot of infrastructure that you have to put in. Australia has just started funding a solar project recently


These are a few articles on it. The other costs are the drawbacks. You have to store the power because power usually peaks at night time and solar power peaks during the day. So you have the cost of energy storage on top of the plant costs. To be totally honest with you I don’t think anybody has a very accurate idea yet on how much it will cost to produce solar power. It is an older technology but it has not until recently been investigated on the scale that people are looking producing today. So there are costs of unforseen problems that will have to be factored in. These costs should drop over time as solar power becomes more common but the initial outlay may be substantial.

Anyway I wish I had more to say, Good luck with your research project.

Joseph asks…

what factors would cause a local solar energy sector to enter into international markets?

I am trying to find out what forces or factors would make them seek business elsewhere other than in their own country. Also what forces would pull them from their country ?

admin answers:

Tax incentives for solar companies. It all boils down to money.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators India

Lisa asks…

How many Renewable Energy Park in india?

admin answers:

New Delhi, India [RenewableEnergyAccess.com] The State Level Renewable Energy Park, set up at Khandagiri foothills, Bhubaneswar, India, covers three acres with demonstrations of new working systems such as solar cooking, lighting, drying, water heating, gasifier, wind generator, biodiesel power, solar energy drier and models of small hydro power, wave energy, geothermal energy. An accompanying media center and conference hall/auditorium on solar passive architecture concept has been constructed to screen films and organize meetings/conferences. Funding came from Indian Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, which also provides funds for remote village electrification and village energy security projects.

Mary asks…

Can people tell me about solar panels and power in the UK and all around the world! read more please!!!!!!!!!!?

for example: Germany: solar power is making up for 40% of the country there and for Africa and India: they are developing countries and need reliable resources.

please guys! I really need your help!

admin answers:

It’s true that solar energy plants (both direct absorption and reflection generator) need… Solar energy. I’ve never been to the UK myself, but solar might not be an effective alternative. However, wind and wave would be an excellent choice. In fact, I believe that there are large wind farms and wave grids off of the east coast of Scotland.

In developing countries of Africa and even the more developed country of India, the problem with renewable/sustainable energy is the same one that people here in the USA complain about, which is why it isn’t yet being implemented on a large scale. Reason being, it is a very cheap source of energy – however, each one of the sustainable energy capture mechanisms (geothermal, wind, wave, solar) requires a fairly high initial up-front cost to actually build and implement. Once it’s built, it costs almost nothing, but it is a large initial pay-out. For developing countries, it’s “better” to just burn coal and oil (not many natural gas resources like we have, in general), because it allows their economy a better chance to grow.

Also, they’re not bound by the Kyoto Protocols to reduce their emissions (speaking specifically of China and India in this case), even though they have signed on to them as a promise. Their “developing nation” status exempts them, so that they can use the cheap fossil fuels.

Which is incidentally why the US has not signed on, and will not ratify, the Protocol. We’re competing against Indian and China in a very hot trade war, and being bound by the Protocols would be like getting in to a marathon with them, but shooting ourselves in the foot before the starting gun is fired.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators Hawaii

Ruth asks…

– What is a wind energy? – Why wind energy eco-friendly? – What are wind turbines? How were they invented? Who?

I have this project about wind energy and we were supposed to ask and expert.
my teacher wants us to get a primary source so here are the questions…..
– What is a wind energy?
– Why wind energy eco-friendly?
– What are wind turbines? How were they invented? Who invented them?
– How do people set up the wind turbines?
– Is wind energy more efficient than other alternative resources?
– Are wind turbines loud?
– Does wind energy have any money costs?
– How much does a wind turbine cost?
– how many wind turbine are build here in Hawaii?
– How can wind energy help Hawaii?
– for your opinion, what will happen to Hawaii in the future if we keep this up?
– What are the pros and cons of wind energy?
– Is wind energy cheaper than other energy sources? (please compare to biomass, hydrogen, geothermal, solar, fossil fuels, and hydropower)

it’s okay if some are not answered but i need your answers fast….

admin answers:

What is a wind energy?

A method of harvesting energy from the natural phenomena of wind.

Why wind energy eco-friendly? Add the word “relatively”. It isn’t completely eco-friendly.

It is considered eco-friendly solely due to the fact that you don’t need to pollute continuously to operate your devices.

IT isn’t necessarily eco-friendly, because to build the devices requires the technology, the research and development, the resources for building, the complicated rectifier and inverter and charge controller systems.

IT just looks like it is eco-friendly….because common people don’t necessarily do the full cost-benefit analysis.

What are wind turbines? How were they invented? Who invented them?
The same thing as the classical windmill blades…just a modern re-design.

– Is wind energy more efficient than other alternative resources?
Only by the means that it is just a turbine and a generator and hasn’t anything to really cause an inefficiency…of course, the availability of wind resources makes it not necessarily as feasible.

Ok,….I am tired of answering.

James asks…

Does it snow in Tuvalu?

admin answers:

Technically it can snow anywhere, but in the Earths current climate snow in the tropics is highly unlikely unless you are at some altitude, it probably snows above Tuvalu regularly and if it had mountains like Hawaii, you might see that, but it doesn’t. In fact Tuvalu has an average height of just a few meters.

The power generator on the main island is pictured at the bottom of page 5 of this
Note the low and high tide images, some deniers would have us believe these people are lying about what is happening, clearly they are not.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use

Mark asks…

What is the best alternative energy source?

some energy sources could be nuclear(most promising in my opinion), wind power, solar, and others.

admin answers:

It kinda depends on the destination of the energy. For homes, Nuclear is still a long, long way from being ideal – what do we do with the waste which will remain toxic for the next 250 000 years? It may not produce greenhouse gases, but what it does produce is being conveniently forgotten….

Wind and solar have a lot going for them…there are other things too like Hydroelectric power generation – my home state of Tasmania (in Australia) is almost completely reliant on non-greenhouse-gas-producing Hydro power.

As far as cars go…there’s biodiesel, hydrogen fuel cells and water….YES, Water….There’s been a thing called a “Brown’s Gas Generator” around for a long time….a simple way of “cracking” the hydrogen component from oxygen in water….

One of the main things we as a species need to do is consume less of everything – energy included!!! We need to make a radical shift in our lifestyles and thinking patterns as we are not living within our means at the moment!

If you like, email me with anything more you’d like to know!

Hope this goes a little way towards helping!

Love and Light,


George asks…

What do you think is the most creative idea for an Alliterative Fuel Vehicle?

– Electrics have problems with recharge time and distance limits.
– Hybrids are nice but still use gas. Better fuel?
– Bio-diesel is ok but can we create enough oil?
– BMW is using Hydrogen but it is costly to produce and dangerous.

So Yahoo what are your creative ideas. Thanks for your answers in advance.

I have two ideas:
1. A different kind of Hybrid car. Human / Electric. Batteries run the motor but the car only runs if a person is pedaling to spin a generator to feed the batteries. It should also be able to be plugged in for over night recharging.
Solves two problems: Distance and weight loss.

2. Bio-diesel / Electric Hybrid with solar panels and a plug.
Electric as the main source. Plug in is more efficient that burning gas for recharging. Solar, why not use it to recharge when possible. Bio-diesel because when you have to go to it, it still burns cleaner than gas.

So again what are your ideas. Just curious. Thanks.
OK, I get it people I made a spelling error and forgot to spell check. Please remember “Let those who have never made a spelling mistake, cast the first bit of sarcasim!” Thanks

admin answers:

Electric cars are getting better when it comes to mileage per hour of recharging. But they still require energy, namely electric energy. Which begs the question “what do you think is the best idea for alternative production of electricity?” Maybe solar generation will be made more efficient over the next decade if both business and government invest enough in the technology.

Hybrids are a good stepping stone. It’s still some gasoline, but at least you get superb mileage and consume less petro.

Hydrogen is a rather stupid idea since it is not only dangerously explosive, but takes more energy to initially produce than it releases when burned. I’m not saying there is no role for hydrogen fuel, just that it can never be a major energy staple.

I think biofuel, especially cellulose ethanol, is the most practical long-term solution to our fuel energy issues. Critics will insist that ethanol doesn’t work, that its production consumes more oil energy than the bio energy we get out of it. But that is only because we use mediocre biofuel crops (such as corn) and we produce it by more primitive means.

Brazil, which uses the “old production” method still gets a strong net energy gain on its sugarcane ethanol, mainly because sugarcane is a better crop for producing “old” ethanol than corn. But the “new” way of producing alcohol from fiber rather than sugar could increase gallons-per-acre yield more than twofold from Brazil’s sugarcane and make ethanol a truly feasible fuel. In temperate climates with distinct winter seasons, switchgrass and hempstalk would be excellent “new” ethanol crops since sugarcane isn’t hardy and the new method produces far more fuel anyway.

Even with alternative fuel we still have to cut down on the total miles that society drives by encouraging more carpooling, mass transit, and opportunities to work/shop closer to home.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators

Betty asks…

how can i use solar energy as electric energy?

I want to use solar energy at home.

admin answers:

Consider using solar lighting which can be cost effective introduction to solar power. Kits are available with solar panel, regulator, lights, battery, switches and cable. Other DC devices can be run from the battery.
I have used solar panels to maintain charge in batteries for standby generators.
Solar power can be connected to a grid feed inverter to save on power bills or earn money.
Consider what free electricity from the sun for 30 years is worth.

Lizzie asks…

Smart energy conversions that could be used for power production?

I’m writing a report about smart energy conversions that could be possibly used for power production. Something like piezoelectric flooring and solar energy. However, I wanted to know what more ideas are there for power production?

admin answers:

Making wind power

Wind energy is readily available but wind power is not. Unfortunately, the wind power system has not reached the status of becoming a regular power system. However, the good news is that the concept is picking up.

Why is wind power important?
Wind power makes sense in these times when the demand far exceeds the supply. The convention ways of producing electricity make use of the non-renewable fuels, not only making such resources scarce but also affecting the environment negatively. The power generated by wind proves beneficial in the following ways:

• Free source of energy – The wind power makes use of wind energy which is absolutely free, thus saving the non-renewable sources of energy for longer.

• No environmental hazards – The generation of wind power is extremely environment-friendly. It does not emit harmful gases nor does it have any other environment-damaging impact.

• Cost-effective – Using a free energy makes wind turbines extremely cost-effective. Moreover, there remains no worry of sky-rocketing electricity bills.

• 24/7 uninterrupted supply – The wind power ensures that you never have power outages in your house and farm.

• Self-dependent source – Making use of wind power makes you independent. You no longer depend on the government and its agencies for power.

How can we make power from the wind?
A wind turbine is employed to make use of the abundant wind energy. A wind turbine converts wind energy into mechanical energy for mechanical work. Such a wind turbine is generally referred to as a windmill. A wind generator is a wind turbine that further converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy.

A wind turbine typically consists of blades, a tower, a shaft, a base, and a generator. The blades of the wind turbine rotate in the wind to generate mechanical energy. The two pre-requisites for installing a wind turbine are a large area of at least one acre and an average wind speed of 11 miles per hour.

What are the uses of wind power?
The uses of wind power are many. Let’s look at some of the popular ones:
• Running all possible electrical and electronic appliances
• Pumping out water
• Grinding grains and stones

By employing a wind turbine at your home or farm, you definitely make the world a better place. The wind power is a green solution to the power crisis. It does not harm the environment in any way. Moreover, it does not make use of any fuel, thus promising a future of no power-crisis.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Facts

Paul asks…

How to get solar power continuously and without any interrupt?

Gas prices are bound to increase , I think will never come below $4. Only solar power is the guaranteed clean,affordable ,low prices alternative option.Only problem is it is not available at all time, Can we build a system that can be placed above the clouds and supply us the solar energy on the ground continuously? Any thoughts?

admin answers:

“Only solar power is the guaranteed clean,affordable ,low prices alternative option.”

Clean? How are they manufactured?
Affordable? Why don’t we all have them?
Placed above the clouds? Hmmmm…..would this increase the cost? Does it get dark above the clouds at night?

Keep thinking!

Check your facts, Mr. 357. Listen to “Dark Side of the Moon” by Pink Floyd. Especially the very end.

William asks…

Can you help me find things on Geothermal Energy?

I need solid facts on Geothermal energy so when i debats with people i can do well. My topic is Geothermal energy and other people topics are Solar Energy, Wind Energy, and Necular Energy. I need some information that makes good points about why we have geothermal energy, what’s it’s used for and all that stuff.

admin answers:

You have to drill pretty deep.

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