Your Questions About Solar Energy Calculator

George asks…

Q. How the electricity is produced by using solar energy?

Please describe in details how do the whole mechanisms work? How it is developed? What apparatus is required? How the solar panel is constructed and how it works? Explain me all questions by using 3d figures or images or video if available. I have no prior knowledge about solar electricity so; please guide me in the easiest way as much as possible; I want to make electricity for my home by using solar energy what should I do? How can I achieve or construct it myself?

admin answers:

Solar electric panels are made up of something called silicon, the same thing that makes up sand. There is more silicon on the planet than almost anything else. Even though you can find silicon almost everywhere, making a solar panel is difficult and expensive. The silicon has to be heated to super high temperatures in a big factory, and then formed into very thin wafers.

When sunlight hits a solar panel, it makes electrons in the silicon move around. (Electrons are teeny tiny specks–they?re way too small for us to see, even under a microscope.) The electrons flow through wires that were built into the solar panel. And presto! We have electricity! We can do whatever we want with this electricity, run a calculator, a CD player, or, if we have big enough solar panels, a satellite! [Solar panels are also called photovoltaic panels. “Photo” means light and “voltaic” means electricity.]

Before installing solar panels, make sure you are wearing safety goggles. Make sure you have read and understand the manuals for your installation equipment.

Mandy asks…

How do solar powered calculators work?

Explain how a solar powered calculator works. My solar powered calculator also works with, light from a light bulb, how is this?

admin answers:

A solar powered calculator uses a photovoltaic cell to convert light energy (photons) into electric current to power it. Any source of visible light should work, including a light bulb.

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