Your Questions About Solar Energy For Kids

Sandra asks…

What should be the name of a science fair project where i build a model of the solar system?

I am doing a 2nd graders science project i thought maybe the name should be What Is The Solar System? But what would be my procedures and experiment

admin answers:

Super Solar System!

Power Planets!

Awesome Uranus! (just kidding)

Super-Model of the Stars

The Divine 9 (or if we’re not counting pluto anymore..)

The Great 8

The Sun and Pals

I don’t know.. Thats all my creative energy.. Lol

Paul asks…

Why do people think that renewable energy is not viable or economical?

Think about how much it costs to pull stuff out of the ground, refine it and ship it all over the world? How about wind, solar, geothermal, tidal etc?
I am not saying don’t have oil for back up. I am saying it shouldn’t be used first and only.
Elmer going onto websites and acting tough just makes you look like a sissy.
Dez Pirate that is a great answer. Thanks.

admin answers:

Probably because of years of big oil propaganda. I know I look a conspiracy theory nut saying this, but just look at some of these answers. Its sad. If they worked better, we would be using them. We aren’t using them, therefore they must not be better?? Are you kidding me? Do you know how much money oil companies spend lobbying not to spend grants on renewable energy research, or other forms of energy in general? Car companies and other industries that rely on fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, etc… Do this as well. They make too much money as it is, of course they dont want change.

We could make a lot of progress on renewable energy sources and ways to package it/store it if our government (and corporations) cared at all about anything more than money. General it they constantly say it isn’t an issue, and that global warming is fake, and that there is no alternative. We are the US for Pete’s sake. If it doesnt exist yet, then we should be making it happen. But no. We are controlled by greedy fat bastards

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