Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators India

Lisa asks…

Why do so many people bash nuclear energy and radiation when they clearly know very little about it?

Seriously, what’s with all the hate? It seems like everyone thinks that they’re some sort of sophisticated researcher that can prove nuclear energy is bad, when really it’s the best form of energy that we have. It’s miles better then coal, gas,solar and tidal energy. That’s why countries like India and China that need energy our building nuclear plants.

We use nuclear energy for so much other than weapons (which we can use to counter terrorism)
– Powering our growing population. 79% of France’s energy comes from nuclear energy, because it’s relatively cheap and reliable. Other major cities like Toronto, LA , New York, and England are in constant need for more electricity and nuclear power plants aid tremendously.
-Sterilization of materials (killing bacteria) or Irradiation of food
-Medical Imaging, (You know X-Rays, MRI’s etc)
-Radiation Therapy for Cancer patients
-NASA uses nuclear energy to power there various projects and so does the US Navy

I should also add that Nuclear energy does not emit any green house gases! Like I said before, no other form of energy even comes close seeing that nuclear energy is so diverse in its various applications. It can also be safe. I know where I live in Canada we’ve had nuclear reactors since 1971 (40 years!) with no accidents what so ever.

What’s the deal with all the hate?
What happened in Fukushima was “an act of god” (using law terms) and even after the two bombings the Japanese were able to grow crops and raise cattle, life moves on. And what percentage of 3 Mile island, Chernobyl and Fukushima make up of the reactors in the world? There are over 400 commercial plants plus a bunch of research facilities. Without them we wouldn’t have all these good uses. I personally feel that media is just trying to push some extremely perverse agenda

Toxic Waste is an issue but it isn’t one that has shown any major negative effects on humans.

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Mary asks…

India’s first solar power light?

BPL’s latest product is a unique design of international class.A high performance LED,produces no pollution and creates flicker free light.Moreover its certified by India‘s foremost eye hospital..
A must buy…
You can check out more details at:

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