Your Questions About Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells

Robert asks…

What is the most reasonable solution to the world’s dependence on oil?

I know that there is wind energy, solar, hydrogen cells, electric cars, but which one of these is closest and can most viably handle the addiction to oil? I know it won’t happen tomorrow, but when it does happen, what will replace it?

admin answers:

The most reasonable solution is to ration oil via price. Eliminate the cartels like OPEC which are manipulating the price of oil for their own profit plans. Let oil go to those who want to buy it and let the price determine who wants it the most. Let the capitalist market determine its allocation… This is a new concept since the oil market is currently controlled. Anyway, alternatives will become more available and appealing.

Second, eliminate government energy plans and laws. Much of the lack of innovation in the energy creation and distribution markets is because government has insisted on preconceived ideas of what is acceptable and what is not. This has stifled much need innovation and options. These energy laws are known to have a material impact on the forms of energy distribution. LG

Lisa asks…

Which solar wavelengths are converted to electricity?

I am unsure about which wavelengths a solar cell can convert to electricity. Does the cell only convert visible light (400nm to 700nm) or does it also convert UV and infrared radiation to electricity?
Made of silicon?

admin answers:

The answer is non-trivial. The cell will convert photons beyond its band-gap into electric current but it will not convert all the energy of the photon. Indeed the shorter the wavelength, the less of the energy will be converted and the lower the efficiency at that wavelength. And then you have to keep in mind that shorter wavelengths can not penetrate the material as well as long wavelengths and there is a loss of quantum efficiency in the blue.

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