Your Questions About Solar Generators

Thomas asks…

Anybody has idea of where i can get affordable solar electric generator for my relative staying in a village?

I have rlatives who leave in a village where electicity supply from a private company is easily disrupted.Sometimes,takes two to three days for the supplying company to fixed the problem,then later within another day ,the problem reappear again.Because of this,I want to know if anybody could help me.
What i am looking for,is a cheap or affordable and portable solar electric generator to replace the current suppliers.As the village of my relative is located within latitude 23degrees north and south of the equator. where there is sunlight throghout the year.
Any suggestion or links are highly welcome.

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Mandy asks…

How many different types of renewable/clean energy sources are there and what are they?

I have recently seen a new solar thermal generator in mexico which leeds me to wonder what other ones dont i know of.

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