Your Questions About Solar Generators Hawaii

Ruth asks…

– What is a wind energy? – Why wind energy eco-friendly? – What are wind turbines? How were they invented? Who?

I have this project about wind energy and we were supposed to ask and expert.
my teacher wants us to get a primary source so here are the questions…..
– What is a wind energy?
– Why wind energy eco-friendly?
– What are wind turbines? How were they invented? Who invented them?
– How do people set up the wind turbines?
– Is wind energy more efficient than other alternative resources?
– Are wind turbines loud?
– Does wind energy have any money costs?
– How much does a wind turbine cost?
– how many wind turbine are build here in Hawaii?
– How can wind energy help Hawaii?
– for your opinion, what will happen to Hawaii in the future if we keep this up?
– What are the pros and cons of wind energy?
– Is wind energy cheaper than other energy sources? (please compare to biomass, hydrogen, geothermal, solar, fossil fuels, and hydropower)

it’s okay if some are not answered but i need your answers fast….

admin answers:

What is a wind energy?

A method of harvesting energy from the natural phenomena of wind.

Why wind energy eco-friendly? Add the word “relatively”. It isn’t completely eco-friendly.

It is considered eco-friendly solely due to the fact that you don’t need to pollute continuously to operate your devices.

IT isn’t necessarily eco-friendly, because to build the devices requires the technology, the research and development, the resources for building, the complicated rectifier and inverter and charge controller systems.

IT just looks like it is eco-friendly….because common people don’t necessarily do the full cost-benefit analysis.

What are wind turbines? How were they invented? Who invented them?
The same thing as the classical windmill blades…just a modern re-design.

– Is wind energy more efficient than other alternative resources?
Only by the means that it is just a turbine and a generator and hasn’t anything to really cause an inefficiency…of course, the availability of wind resources makes it not necessarily as feasible.

Ok,….I am tired of answering.

James asks…

Does it snow in Tuvalu?

admin answers:

Technically it can snow anywhere, but in the Earths current climate snow in the tropics is highly unlikely unless you are at some altitude, it probably snows above Tuvalu regularly and if it had mountains like Hawaii, you might see that, but it doesn’t. In fact Tuvalu has an average height of just a few meters.

The power generator on the main island is pictured at the bottom of page 5 of this
Note the low and high tide images, some deniers would have us believe these people are lying about what is happening, clearly they are not.

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