Your Questions About Solar Generators Portable

Paul asks…

How much less pollution does a fireless steam locomotive emit in comparison to a conventional steam engine?

I’m working on a project for uni about steam engines and I want to know if there is a more environmentally friendly type of steam engine, such as a fireless steam engine, but I can’t find if it actually emits less pollution and if it does, how much. Please help 🙂

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Susan asks…

What exactly do I need to survive for a period of time?

With all that is going on in Japan, I’d like to gather supplies to survive a period of time in the event that the San Andreas Fault acts up.

-How much time should I be prepared for?
-What supplies do I need for 3 adults?
-What are some types of food I should buy?
-How much water should I store?

-We want to go to the 24 hour grocery store tonight and grab some things. Your ideas will be implemented right away.

Storage space is not a problem.

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