Your Questions About Solar Generators Portable

Mandy asks…

What are the large yellow things that look like massive solar systems?

Along a lot of the motorways and roads there are very large square things on wheels that are padlocked to the ground. They have a yellow surround. Are they speed checks or do they just tell us about ‘what problems are ahead of us’.

admin answers:

They are portable road ‘matrix’ signs with self contained power packs – usually solar panels & battery -or for more long term use , a diesel generator. They have a radio link to the area police traffic office so they can be updated as necessary to inform of delays or diversions ahead

Sandy asks…

What’s the best way to light a cabin with no electricity?

I have a tobacco barn down in the woods that I’m in the process of turning into a cabin just to hang out in with my friends. It has no electricity and no generator. What would be the best way, if possible, to provide some light in the cabin at night for relatively cheap? Ex- solar lights, battery powered lights
Also, I would like more permanent lights, not just lanterns. If that is possible

admin answers:

As far as the person who said that solar lights are only good for accent lights, I am assuming they have never bothered to buy quality fixtures. With solar, you get what you pay for.

Solar shed lights would be great, or solar panels that you could use to charge radios, etc. Solar sheds lights are easy to install and use and they are bright, last for 3-4 hours continuously on one charge. You mount the solar panels on the roof or a sunny side of the barn. Then, you drill holes to connect the solar panels to the solar lights inside. Good shed lights come with materials that seal the area where the cord connects through the wall or roof. See below for a few options that are well worth the money.

There are also portable solar lamps that you can move indoors after they charge. And yes, we sell them but we also use them quite efficiently. Feel free to call us and we’ll try to work out a deal for you. Rechargeable lights are also good, but you would have to bring them with you each time you hang out.

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