Daily Archives: February 26, 2015

Your Questions About Solar Energy Jobs

David asks…

What degree would I need to pursue a career in alternative energy?

Wind and solar energy seem to have a promising future. What degrees would be sufficient to become a specialist in the alternative energy field?
What is the field of study called? What should I get a degree in?

admin answers:

Look at www.dol.gov, and it will give you a wealth of information. Especially under the Occupational Outlook Handbook. It will give you the education needed, job outlook until 2014, salary, work conditons, hiring companies, etc. We need more alternative energy available and I want to commend you for looking into this field. Good luck and Peace.

Chris asks…

What majors to pursue for energy/solar power jobs?

I’m looking for different majors to pursue for college and, for fun, I decided to stray away from the ordinary boring ones.
I figured solar/energy-saving power is probably going to become a big business, but what majors are there to pursue?

I’d just like some ideas, but if I may ask try to keep it less general. (For example, please don’t simply say “the sciences” unless you may be able to briefly explain a branch of science in particular!)

admin answers:

It depends on your interests. Electrical engineering (including power transmission) and software engineering are used in this field, but it might take awhile to get a job with an energy-related company. Obviously chemical engineering is a big part of developing cheap but efficient solar panels. But if quantum mechanics and differential equations scare you too much (they are quite learnable with the right background, attitude and teachers), then there are options outside of engineering.

Architecture is needed to actually design buildings to incorporate passive and active solar energy. A lot of time would also be spent on HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) and building materials, just as important for a green building.

You could also go into sales or business fields and then pick your industry afterward.

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