Daily Archives: June 12, 2015

Your Questions About Solar Energy Pros And Cons

Paul asks…

Stupid question, but is this a potential infinite energy source?

I just thought about this the other day and couldn’t think of how it would work out, and I can’t try it myself…
What would happen if you used a flashlight to provide energy to a solar panel, which in turn fed the energy to the flashlight?
What are the pros/cons of this idea?

admin answers:

It work work but compare the sun the to the flash light. Which one gives off more light, the sun by alot. Solar panels work by converting the protons in the light to electricity. I think either way I asked the same question to my teacher when we learned about solar panels and the problem is the flash light just would give off enough light to power anything, even powering itself. Even if you got a bigger light your just wasting more energy than you gaining. But I know it’s a cool thought, it possible in the future if they get better lights, hope I answered your question. Keep it real

Sandy asks…

What portion of Ontario’s energy needs is served by solar and wind technologies?

What portion of Ontario’s energy needs is served by solar and wind technologies?

Also, what are the pros and cons of expanding the availability of these technologies?

admin answers:

They used solar for both residential and commercial water heating systems, space heating, and to dry crops and lumbers, also to distribute solar powered electricity to power homes in remote areas.

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