Daily Archives: March 29, 2024

Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Home

Daniel asks…

Energy Conservation: How do I start solar powering my home? and living OFF the grid?

Average middle income family living in the boondocks. Where do I learn more about how to do it? Can I do it in stages? How many do I need for my size house? Do I have to put solar panels on my roof? or a big solar panel form in my yard? Are they strong enough to survive severe storms and hail?

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Sharon asks…

What is preventing us from turning to the Sun for our main source of energy?

The Sun is going to keep shining for a long time, and it’s energy is renewable (I think), unlike gasoline and other resources. It seems like the most sensible source of energy to use (or is it? If not, point it out in your answer)! However, it also seems that there are things preventing us from using the Sun. What are they? Is it just too expensive? Is our society too used to using gasoline and other fuels that nobody is willing to take a leap to create a product using the Sun’s energy because they fear losing money? Is it just the lack of technology? and if so, why aren’t we developing the technology to use the sunlight? Do we get a small amount of energy from the sun that isn’t worth harvesting?

What is preventing us from turning to the Sun for our main source of energy?
Regarding the answers that point out something about the Sun not shining 24/7, or that the weather (clouds, haze, fog, etc.) would cause the energy source to be unreliable, why can’t we create something that collects and stores the sunlight into some sort of battery to be used when sunlight is not available?

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