solar energy facts

Your Questions About Solar Energy Facts

Chris asks…

What are some inherencies on solar energy?

Hello, I am in a debate class and I need some inherencies on solar energy please, thanks

admin answers:

Inherency-Current administration opposes R+D now
“Top energy official extols Colorado based federal lab” Nov 8 2007
Judith Kohler.
Fact: NREL has laid off 32 employees and suffered a $28 million shortfall (National Renewable Energy Lab) So currently understaffed and underfunded national labs for renewable energy research.

Inherency-tax credits for renewable energy have fallen prey to cost cutting related to the Iraq war
“Foster: Dems pushing for renewable energy,” March 29, 2008 UPI
There is an effort underway to extend and renew tax cuts supporting the production and use of renewable energy. The tax cuts for renewable energy have little chance of passing due to the costs of the Iraq war. (how ironic is that, LOL)

These two inherencies prove that the US is not currently doing enough to support research and development of renewable energy such as solar, and also not extending tax credits to promote development and purchase of renewable energy such as solar.

Also, look out your window. How many solar panels do you see? There is an inherency right there.

Ken asks…

I have a 300+ acre land and I want to build a green energy farm. What do I have to do and consider?

I am thinking of utilizing geothermal, wind, and solar energy generation. Can I do that on my land?

admin answers:

You need to find out what potential your property has. Any of the three will work but the question is what will be the better of the three and at what cost. Geothermal, while one of the best forms of electricity, is also the most expensive to place in areas where Geothermal heat is located to deep underground to be practical to be harnessed.

Wind energy can be very efficient and cheap to harness but in areas where the wind doesn’t blow consistently wind generation can be a frivolous pursuit.

Solar energy while not as efficient is very cheap and can be set up in pretty much any location that gets a good supply of light. The down side to solar energy is the fact that current capture capabilities of solar are only about 10% at the very best (8% is industry standard to date) The lack of efficiency in the collection cells makes it necessary to build Immense collectors to make up for the deficiency in energy capture.

You might begin by conducting a few simple tests to see what energy would best be created on your location. Other than that I would consider only making what you need to sustain your own life on 300 acres because what you will get out of a commercial endevour is minimal.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Facts

Linda asks…

What is the easiest and cheapest way to use solar energy in a classroom?

Hi, I’m doing a school project. We are required to design a classroom which exists in a “storage” container, with the idea that this classroom could host 25 learners and be self-sufficient so that it would be able to be used in rural settlements.
What is the easiest and cheapest method of using solar energy? The energy would only need to be used in winter for lighting and maybe a heater/radiator of some sort.

admin answers:

It is possible but very expensive to build a solar system that will make a room the size of a classroom “Self Sufficient” in winter period. May even be practically impossible if located where a lot of cloudy days are experienced.

At least the projects design and cost calculations may open your students eyes to the fact that Solar power is not easy and cheap like the news media likes to make us believe.

I have studied solar power for years. My first guess is you would spend over $100,000 and still not have a system that could support the goal of “Self Sufficient” unless class is willing to spend many days bundled up in freezing temperatures. May be possible in an area like Arizona or the Sahara desert.

Sharon asks…

what daily activities can be done effectively if solar energy is used?

to reduce the use of non-renewable energy in our day-to-day activities, solar energy can be used as it is abundantly available to us. but please give me an idea for which of our daily activities can solar energy be used however small or trivial the work is.

admin answers:

With the net metering laws in most states today, most solar arrays can be connected directly to the grid, and they supply any load you may have during the day.
In fact, most of them supply power to the grid and spin your meter backwards during a sunny day. This “excess” accumulates a credit on your account and you can use the power later for no cost.
Do your job today to run your loads from solar energy!
Contact us today to start the steps to declaring energy freedom!

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Facts

Michael asks…

what is the fact about earth that creates the unequal distribution of solar energy?

Need help on this question:

what is the fact about earth that creates the unequal distribution of solar energy?


admin answers:

That it is a sphere. At high latitiudes, the sun’s rays hit nearly parallel to the ground, and thus heat is spread over a large area (like tilting a flashlight at a wall. It forms a circle, but as you tilt it, it makes a larger and larger circle that’s dimmer). And that’s why it gets cold.

William asks…

How could i find a sponsor to invest on solar energy?

I have finalized some inventions in the field of hydrogen and solar energy. I have made many connections to demonstrate them, but because of very poor investment on research in my region there is the least chance to find a sponsor. Do you know someone, some company or organization to be interested in the matter?
The fact is that i have also contacted some universities, but since my prior education is not related to this field (mining engineering), they can not accept me.
At the time being I am working on the patents.

admin answers:

I work for appalachian energy. We provide solar, wind, andhydro power. Go to

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