Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators

Betty asks…

how can i use solar energy as electric energy?

I want to use solar energy at home.

admin answers:

Consider using solar lighting which can be cost effective introduction to solar power. Kits are available with solar panel, regulator, lights, battery, switches and cable. Other DC devices can be run from the battery.
I have used solar panels to maintain charge in batteries for standby generators.
Solar power can be connected to a grid feed inverter to save on power bills or earn money.
Consider what free electricity from the sun for 30 years is worth.

Lizzie asks…

Smart energy conversions that could be used for power production?

I’m writing a report about smart energy conversions that could be possibly used for power production. Something like piezoelectric flooring and solar energy. However, I wanted to know what more ideas are there for power production?

admin answers:

Making wind power

Wind energy is readily available but wind power is not. Unfortunately, the wind power system has not reached the status of becoming a regular power system. However, the good news is that the concept is picking up.

Why is wind power important?
Wind power makes sense in these times when the demand far exceeds the supply. The convention ways of producing electricity make use of the non-renewable fuels, not only making such resources scarce but also affecting the environment negatively. The power generated by wind proves beneficial in the following ways:

• Free source of energy – The wind power makes use of wind energy which is absolutely free, thus saving the non-renewable sources of energy for longer.

• No environmental hazards – The generation of wind power is extremely environment-friendly. It does not emit harmful gases nor does it have any other environment-damaging impact.

• Cost-effective – Using a free energy makes wind turbines extremely cost-effective. Moreover, there remains no worry of sky-rocketing electricity bills.

• 24/7 uninterrupted supply – The wind power ensures that you never have power outages in your house and farm.

• Self-dependent source – Making use of wind power makes you independent. You no longer depend on the government and its agencies for power.

How can we make power from the wind?
A wind turbine is employed to make use of the abundant wind energy. A wind turbine converts wind energy into mechanical energy for mechanical work. Such a wind turbine is generally referred to as a windmill. A wind generator is a wind turbine that further converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy.

A wind turbine typically consists of blades, a tower, a shaft, a base, and a generator. The blades of the wind turbine rotate in the wind to generate mechanical energy. The two pre-requisites for installing a wind turbine are a large area of at least one acre and an average wind speed of 11 miles per hour.

What are the uses of wind power?
The uses of wind power are many. Let’s look at some of the popular ones:
• Running all possible electrical and electronic appliances
• Pumping out water
• Grinding grains and stones

By employing a wind turbine at your home or farm, you definitely make the world a better place. The wind power is a green solution to the power crisis. It does not harm the environment in any way. Moreover, it does not make use of any fuel, thus promising a future of no power-crisis.

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