Your Questions About Solar Energy Facts

Paul asks…

How to get solar power continuously and without any interrupt?

Gas prices are bound to increase , I think will never come below $4. Only solar power is the guaranteed clean,affordable ,low prices alternative option.Only problem is it is not available at all time, Can we build a system that can be placed above the clouds and supply us the solar energy on the ground continuously? Any thoughts?

admin answers:

“Only solar power is the guaranteed clean,affordable ,low prices alternative option.”

Clean? How are they manufactured?
Affordable? Why don’t we all have them?
Placed above the clouds? Hmmmm…..would this increase the cost? Does it get dark above the clouds at night?

Keep thinking!

Check your facts, Mr. 357. Listen to “Dark Side of the Moon” by Pink Floyd. Especially the very end.

William asks…

Can you help me find things on Geothermal Energy?

I need solid facts on Geothermal energy so when i debats with people i can do well. My topic is Geothermal energy and other people topics are Solar Energy, Wind Energy, and Necular Energy. I need some information that makes good points about why we have geothermal energy, what’s it’s used for and all that stuff.

admin answers:

You have to drill pretty deep.

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