Your Questions About Solar Generators

Mary asks…

What kind of inverter do I need ?

I am making/designing a generator that produces electricity to power many items at one time. I need an inverter that will connect to my home grid to power my house. It is not a solar generator or a wind generator.
I need to know what kind of inverter to get. I know that a regular inverter will not connect to my home grid.

admin answers:

Hire an electrician. You should not be doing this yourself if you have to ask y/a how. Check the building codes. Find out what the electric company allows, will they buy surplus power, etc.

Nancy asks…

How to make my camper green?

I am building my own camper right now. While I’m still in the building process what are some ways that I can effectively build wind or solar generators to power most of the electricity? I’ve searched the web and I just can’t find any good DIY (Do It Yourself) projects for them. Thanks!

admin answers:

Some recycling bins and a lot of green paint.

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