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Your Questions About Solar Generators Portable

Paul asks…

How much less pollution does a fireless steam locomotive emit in comparison to a conventional steam engine?

I’m working on a project for uni about steam engines and I want to know if there is a more environmentally friendly type of steam engine, such as a fireless steam engine, but I can’t find if it actually emits less pollution and if it does, how much. Please help 🙂

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Susan asks…

What exactly do I need to survive for a period of time?

With all that is going on in Japan, I’d like to gather supplies to survive a period of time in the event that the San Andreas Fault acts up.

-How much time should I be prepared for?
-What supplies do I need for 3 adults?
-What are some types of food I should buy?
-How much water should I store?

-We want to go to the 24 hour grocery store tonight and grab some things. Your ideas will be implemented right away.

Storage space is not a problem.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Home

Robert asks…

What do you think of energy independence?

Let’s set aside Global Warming for a minute and focus on economics.

Would it not be beneficial for America to move its energy sources away from oil and other fossil fuels? We continue to purchase billions of dollars worth of oil from countries like Saudi Arabia (which provided most of the 9/11 attackers) while not investing in renewable resources that can be harvested here in the US and create domestic employment opportunities.

Should we invest time and energy in converting our energy system to renewable resources? I think that this is an issue that both conservatives and liberals can agree upon.
I could have sworn i said let’s set global warming aside, Peaceone

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Michael asks…

What is the difference between the electric and utility bill?

I’m having a little hard time understanding this. It says that 12% of the energy we used is contributed by lighting usage. But 28% of the electricity we used goes to lighting. When they say energy they were talking about AC and heating and such which I am not sure comes solely from electricity and therefore does not affect the electric bill (probably utilities instead?).

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Your Questions About Solar Energy For Kids

Nancy asks…

How much does it cost to install solar cells in a typical American house, and when will it be paid back?

I am very concerned about global warming, and when I grow up (I’m fourteen), I plan on helping to solve the world’s problems by looking into environmental research (college course options would be nice to include in your answers) and I’m wondering currently how much it costs to install solar cells and how long it will take to pay off.

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Susan asks…

How to educate the solar energy harvesting to common people?

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Your Questions About Solar Generators

Thomas asks…

Anybody has idea of where i can get affordable solar electric generator for my relative staying in a village?

I have rlatives who leave in a village where electicity supply from a private company is easily disrupted.Sometimes,takes two to three days for the supplying company to fixed the problem,then later within another day ,the problem reappear again.Because of this,I want to know if anybody could help me.
What i am looking for,is a cheap or affordable and portable solar electric generator to replace the current suppliers.As the village of my relative is located within latitude 23degrees north and south of the equator. where there is sunlight throghout the year.
Any suggestion or links are highly welcome.

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Mandy asks…

How many different types of renewable/clean energy sources are there and what are they?

I have recently seen a new solar thermal generator in mexico which leeds me to wonder what other ones dont i know of.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators For Sale

Chris asks…

Solar Panel Question…?

I would like to know if I had a mobile kitchen could I power it from solar panels mounted atop the vehicle (truck).(to power electric kitchen equipment, i.e. stove, deep fryer.), instead of propane…could I possibly connect the solar panels to a battery to save my generated electricity? If solar panels would not be enough power could a small windmill suffice…?

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Joseph asks…

Comparing and contrasting wind vs. solar power?

I have to write a paper on something in english and I figured this would be a good topic. So I need help from people to tell me what they know about wind and solar power and any other things related. Any kind of information would be helpful. If you know a scientist or someone who does research on this kind of stuff then it would be great if you could also tell me their names because i have to add some sources and I think an expert on the subject would be perfect! Even a teacher would be good. If you get anything from like a magazine or an article of some kind please tell me the title of the article. (it’s fine if you don’t know any of the peoples names or articles title) Thanks.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators For The Home

Robert asks…

Senior citizens would you have a generator if you lived in an area that had debilitating weather?

I don’t understand why some of these people do not have generators where the weather can get wild. Either too hot or too cold.
My son lives in his own home in SC and he got a huge generator when he moved in in case of outages. He also got it large enough to run his home and the people next door as they were having stair- step children and needed to have lots of milk around he thought.
Patti: it depends on the size of the generator and the appliance.

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Linda asks…

a book which would give basic information about manufacturing of small solar power generators for my home.?

wanted also book of wind generators for the same purpose.
please give the link if possible.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Colorado

Robert asks…

In which ways can communities use a sustainable manner?

Like water, energy resources, and manage waste sustainably?

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Daniel asks…

is there a solar panel job going on in arizona or california?

I heard about one going on in the Needles, Ca area but on the Arizona side of the state line.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Wikipedia

Joseph asks…

How does a sterling engine work?

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Charles asks…

which one is the good stock market Green energy ethonal or uranium power or neuclear power?

I need to find out growing market for investment in stock market.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators

Donald asks…

building a Solar Sterling Engine Generator from junk?

Are there tutorials online or reference you know that teaches you how to build a Solar Sterling Generator and getting most of the materials from junk objects? I was planning to build my own sterling engine using some metal pipe, but not really sure if it will be efficient or will work. So before I start any project I need some reference or guide.


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Ken asks…

How much continuous power in watts can a solar generator produce?

How large of a solar system would I need to run 600 watts for 12 hours? Any ideas on how much it would cost to build one? Thanks.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Calculator

Mary asks…

Why does a solar powered calculator take so little light to work?

I have left mine in a dark drawer for months, and it works right off the bat. I realise it takes very little energy, but it is amazing.

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Mandy asks…

Should Obama call solar the “energy of the future” when the first patent for solar cells was granted in 1883?

12 years before the first patent for the gasoline powered automobile. Seems like someone should’ve been able to turn this into a viable energy source in the intervening 125 years.
Max – Wow, I guess so. A difference of well over a century, and counting.
Greg – Extending your “Genghis Khan” logic, Obama’s solar initiatives should be of great benefit by around the year 2681.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Companies

Mandy asks…

What is your current plan to get off of the power grid?

Where I live we have plenty of wind and sunlight. I am going to build a combination of those 2 types. It will cost a bit to get into but once its done I will be independent and can reasonably say I am doing everything I can to get off of polluting energy.

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David asks…

Who is working on the renewable energy problem?

Can you imagine a green home power plant that was practical enough that every home could install one….wow no more transmission lines no more electric companies

when i saw a commerical about the car that ran on water…i immediatly wanted one of those cars just to tear out the engine to connect to a generator and finnaly cut my power line to EDISON. but it was a hoax…damn.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators Portable

Paul asks…

I’m traveling back in time, how can I find a large quantity of old currency to buy property?

I’ve built a working time machine, so plan on heading back to the early 20th century, either to the UK or a large US city. How can I locate some vintage currency in a large quantity (to purchase land/property a hundred years ago at a bargain price)? I can’t take anything like gold, due to weight/stability issues of the machine, so need bank notes. Can I buy old bank notes anywhere?

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Laura asks…

how would I go about getting electicity to the middle of a field?

such as to a shed or log cabin surrounded by fields? is there a company that will do it? (UK) or could I generate solar electricy somehow? thanks! x

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Your Questions About Solar Energy For Kids

Richard asks…

I know fluorescent lighting is more energy efficient but how much energy is it saving?

What if all the fluorescent lights in a classroom were turned off, about how much money or energy would that actually save?

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Paul asks…

What is the future going to do when the worlds oil runs out in the mid 2050’s as they predict?

What will you teach the kids of tomorrow on how to travel? Walking more?
I’ve been on bicycle alone now for around 10 years.It’s different ,but I’m surviving.Just finding me is not as easy.And getting from point A to point B could take days depending on the distance and the terrain.
If anyone could sponser me with a jet backpack,I’m game if it’s practical.
Any other ideas?

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Cost

Michael asks…

What are really great advantages to Wind energy?

Also, if you can. Some disadvantages countered… Example
Wind energy kills bird, yes but not many etc

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David asks…

Could you suggest a topic for mini project in energy production?

I want to do something useful in energy production side.

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Your Questions About Solar Generators For Home Use

William asks…

Where can I find steam engines and /or generators for home use? I?

I hope to create a solar/ steam residential power station. My idea involved fresnel lenses to focus heat on water as well as molten salt for possible overnight use. The salt and water boilers, so to speak, can be made with refractive propertied ceramics, or so I am informed. Any technical advice or a line on generators , steam engine sources would be great.

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Thomas asks…

Building a home at the end of a canyon. Wind all he time, sometimes gusty. How can I make the wind work with

…me or for me in the design? Could I put in windmills that are hidden and sell electricity back to the city without ruining the design or harming the character (old) of the area? I know this is a tough question, maybe a very tough question. Thank you for reading and thinking about it. I appreciate it!

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Environments

Laura asks…

Collecting and utilizing solar energy, and the impacts?

List and describe various methods that can be used to collect and utilize solar energy.

Like any utilization of the environment, solar energy is associated with some adverse impacts. Discuss these impacts and describe measures that can be taken to minimize these impacts.

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Sharon asks…

Is a solar energy company a utility company?

I work at a call center where I asked someone, “What type of company is better for the environment, a solar company or a utility company?” The respondent said a solar energy IS a utility company. Is that so? If not, what’s the difference?

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators India

Sharon asks…

give me a few working models on harnessing energy.?

i belong to the cbse board of india. the board always looks for a model which should be innovative,original,has a very different idea and technical

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Steven asks…

why day by day indian electricityboard is poor?why people suffring with lights?

iwant to ask why in india electricity servise is mostly maharastras villege or small towns just 7 hour light in 24 hour why?

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Your Questions About Solar Generators Costco

Susan asks…

Electric cars…do you have one? were do I get one? pros/cons? maintenance?

I am thinking of purchasing a fully electric car. I live in Santa Cruz and it would be pretty great to not have to pay for gas…

1. were do I start looking for information online?
2. any one who has one, what are pros/cons?
3. what type of maintenance is required?
4. major “brand name” electric cars?

I am talking the funny egg shaped fully battery run, charge through the plug socket cars.

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Laura asks…

Do it yourself Solar powered transportation?

I want to buy or build a tricyle that is solar powered. I don’t need to go very long distances, but without a car, it’s difficult. I want a tricycle because I want to add one of those bike carseats for my 6 year old to ride with me and I thought it would be better balanced and safer if the seat was mounted in between the two back wheels instead of me trying to balance us two on these Georgia hills.

I want Solar power to give me a little kick on the road for at least a mile or two when I choose.

What do you think? Any tips, ideas, or facts to give me? Do you know how I would go about doing this without paying as much as a used car?

Serious answers only! Thanks in advance!

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Pros And Cons

Robert asks…

Should oil prices to raised to promote energy independence?

What are the pros and cons of raising oil prices to promote energy independence?
I’m trying to write a paper in my economics class and I can’t decide what side to be on.

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Steven asks…

What are the Pros and Cons of Solar Powered Cars?

please tell me the pros and cons of a solar powered car, or maybe some other useful information.
thank you.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generator Cost

Jenny asks…

What methods we can use like photosynthesis and other natural methods to produce and recirculate energy?

For instance, the following link mentions photosynthetic solar panels: http://solar.rain-barrel.net/solarenergy/

Are their other ways to use natural methods to help us become more integral with our environment? How could we make these affordable?
Can anyone think of other natural methods besides wind, solar, and water?

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James asks…

What is the best way to run a 1 hp 3 phase motor in times of power cuts – solar or diesel generators?

suggest any options and its costs effectiveness.

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