solar cell

Your Questions About Solar Energy Colorado

Sandra asks…

How do you think the united states should gain energy independence?

I am looking for how people think we should gain energy independence here in the united states and not have to rely on foreign countries for our energy sources.

admin answers:

There is no realistic possibility of it happening in the foreseeable future. Hydrocarbon fuels are essential for transportation, and alternatives to petroleum are simply too expensive to be practical. In future, if nuclear power catches on big, there may be enough nuclear energy available to split water and make hydrogen, which could be combined with coal to make hydrocarbons — but the process is very expensive in terms of energy and won’t be economical any time this century. Oil shales, present in vast quantity in Colorado, will be a cheaper source for decades, although they are not cost effective now. Solar and wind will continue to be bit players, as they are simply too expensive — as well as intermittent.

Nancy asks…

How to calculate the amount of electricity produced by a solar cell ?

How to calculate the amount of electricity produced by a solar cell when the efficiency and the area of the solar panel is given? In my case, the efficiency is 18 % and area is 333 466 122 400 sq.centimeters. Please help quickly!!!!!!!!

admin answers:

Http:// gives the equations.
Http:// gives panel ratings.

The cm^2 per ft^2 is 929 to 1. Your array is 3,602,263 ft^2. For an average of 12W/ft^2 energy density, the best guess is 43,227KW
Peak amount occurs only at the point when the sunlight angle is at exactly normal to the panel. Anything different will be much less, falls off as the cosine of the angle of incidence.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Calculator

Helen asks…

Can you get solar energy from a household lamp ?

Can you get solar energy from a household lamp?

admin answers:

Jordan is technically correct. But if you mean to ask if light from a lamp can produce electricity in a solar cell, then yes it can. But the amount of power the solar cell would produce is always less than the power needed to make the lamp shine, so there is no point in doing it. Except possibly for using a hand held calculator that has a solar cell on it and no battery. The light from the lamp will be enough to power such a calculator.

Charles asks…

How do you determine sun angle to apply in passive solar design?

I’m trying to self-educate myself in principle of passive solar construction. I have a basic understanding of the principle behind it:
-Capture winter sun
-Block out Summer sun
-Thermal mass to store energy
-southernly facing within 15 degrees of true south

My question is, how do you determine/calculate the sun angle to accomodate the principle. I can do a sun angle calculator but I don’t know how to interepret and apply the output: for example:
how would I determine the angles winter & sun angles ( picture: based off of information received:

Lat/Long: 37.05N / 94.51W
Altitude Angle: -17.73
Azimuth Angle: -74.22
Clock time: 6:00am
Solar time: 5:38am
Hour Angle: -95.43
Declination: -22.97
Equation of time: -0.06
Sunrise: 7:28am
Sunset: 5:15pm

**the above is just an example of a given day***

Now that I have the data for that one day, how would I use those figures to determine the winter & summer critical sun angles?

I understand thats just any day and I think I would need the figures for for the beginning and end of the solistices to get a span, but what do those figures above tell me?

How would I use them to draw a diagram (like the link provided) for any given location to ensure enough glass would capture the maximum amount of sunlight in winter but determine enough overhand to block the sun?


admin answers:

The basic critical angle is 90 degrees minus your latitude. The sun angle will vary +/- about 23 degrees from this.
I found that I put an awning above my 2-story south windows which was just wide enough to completely block the sun at the summer solstice. This gave a varying amount of insolation throughout the year without the hassle of tracking.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells

Maria asks…

How much fossil fuel does it take to make solar cells (energy ratio)?

Count the energy the solar cell can harvest over its lifetime. For the fossil-fuel side, you can use the chemical energy in the material, or the amount that could be obtained with heat engines, but in either event specify which measure you used.

admin answers:

I don’t think the Information on this page entirely answers your question, but it gets you a lot closer…


Paul asks…

How do solar cells work?

Hi, can anyone please tell me how solar cells work? Not in too much detail with alot of compicated terminology. I just need to know how they convert solar energy into electrical energy without all the complicated stuff.

Thanks alot!

admin answers:

Detailed Version: A solar cell is composed of a semiconductor with n-type and p-type material, that has a built-in potential at the junction. When light photons hit the semiconductor, they are absorbed and convert the photons energy into an electron and hole pair. These carriers are split by the built-in electric field of the junction in the semiconductor which outputs a current and voltage that can be used for energy.

Less complicated version: light hits a solar cell and the light is converted into a voltage and current similar to a battery which can be used to supply electrical power.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Jobs

Jenny asks…

Careers in Solar energy and Photovoltaics?

I am really interested in solar energy(currently in high school).I wanted to take up a career in this field.I would like to know the available choice of careers in the area and the academic requirements for the same.

admin answers:

You can do research on making and fitting solar cells. This would require engineering, chemistry or physics… At school you’d have to stay on top of maths & sciences.

You could work for a company that fits solar cells, in which case you could get on an apprenticeship or similar. A bit of maths and practical subjects like electronics (if you can) wouldn’t go amiss.

Alternatively, you could try getting work for a power company that deals with solar power. They will need people with skills in marketing and business. For other things they would need people with problem solving skills, the sort of things you pick up from maths, physics etc. I’m not sure how competitive these are…

I did a physics degree and I’m now writing up my Masters thesis in solar cell research. The other people in my research group either had degrees in physics, although one guy did electronics engineering.

I could have got a job with a power company, solar cell company or a PhD in solar cell research from here. Whatever path to solar you take, it’s safest to make sure you stay on top of maths and science at school IMO.

Chris asks…

I’m interested in a career in Solar Energy. What kind of College Major is required?

I’m going to be a senior in high school this year and I need to find a major to accomodate my goals. I believe a degree in engineering is the way to go. I hope go to to the University of Texas at Austin because they have courses in Solar, but it is not indicated what major it is associated with. Even if I do carreer in solar energy, what can I expect to be doing as part of my job?

admin answers:

If you want to stay on the “practical side” of solar energy, take a degree in Mechanical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering Technology for your undergraduate degree.

If you want to go to the Research side, take Engineering Physics or Engineering Mechanics, or perhaps Electrical Engineering, then follow up with a Master’s degree.

One interesting non-Engineering degree is offered by James Madison University:

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells

Charles asks…

what is the prospect of solar cells becoming really succesful?

Solar cells have two problems: 1 high cost 2. low efficiency What are the prospects that either of these is going to change ?

admin answers:

Pretty good. The real question is how long will it take for either to change.

First off, the efficiency of solar cells has already grown by leaps and bounds, with the disadvantage being that the methods with the greatest efficiency are very expensive.

There’s a couple of ways to improve the efficiency, perhaps without the associated increase in cost.

1) Increase the spectrum of light that can be converted to electricity. Currently, solar cells only convert a very small range of light frequencies to electricity. You could theoretically expand that range by combining different materials in a solar array, but if the crystal lattices of the different materials differ too much efficiency also suffers.

A new development, discovered during development of LEDs rather than solar cells, could expand the range of frequencies that could be converted to electricity without increasing the cost. Indium gallium nitride holds the promise of increasing efficiency to 50 to 70 percent (the best current solar cells run around 30%). The material is very defect tolerant, meaning the crystal lattices don’t have to match so precisely, decreasing the cost of production, plus it has a high heat capacity. Of course, a p-type version compatible with indium gallium nitride still needs to be developed, but if one is found, the efficiency of solar cells would leap while the cost would plummet.

2) Increase the number of electrons emitted in response to being struck by photons of light. Current solar cells can convert one photon of solar energy to one electron with the rest being lost as heat. Nanotechnology could increase that to three electrons per photon of solar energy, increasing solar cell efficiency to around 65%.

Richard asks…

How does surface area affect energy solar cells?

Can someone explain to me how surface area affects energy solar cells in a simple way?


admin answers:

Likely in the same way acreage area affects farming. More space, more potential.
But productivity isn’t necessarily a linear logical thing. I mean what if the farmer doesn’t water his plants enough? And in the same light, what if less efficient material is used in solar cells?

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Jobs

Ken asks…

What are possible positions (jobs) in solar energy?

I want to work in something that has to do with alternative energy sources such as solar energy hydroelectricity etc. To what type of program i would need to applay and what are the requirements?

admin answers:

I’m just finishing a physics masters in CdTe solar cells. If I wanted to I could go into solar research from here, or get a job with a renewable energy company. A first class (or in some cases upper second) physics degree is sufficient in the UK.

Particularly well paid jobs will generally require a degree. Physics for research and possibly for planning, engineering for designing installations and possibly planning. Mathematicians or other physical scientists may be able to get involved in the actual planning. Non-scientists may be able to get jobs in solar companies in marketing, human resources etc. Physics or electrical engineering would be my recommendation.

If you don’t particularly want to go to university and/or you don’t particularly like maths, then many countries now run practical courses which teach you how to install solar systems in houses and you can get on one of those and be fully qualified to work in installing solar panels.

Carol asks…

what is the best way to break into the solar energy industry?

what is the best way to break into the solar energy industry is still by way of a thorough solar education as provided?

admin answers:

Start by building your own solar cell from recycled materials, but don’t give up your day job. Experiment in your spare time and also take all the solar education courses that are available in your area. Solar energy will definitely be the power of the future as fossil fuels are exhausted.

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Your Questions About Solar Energy Generators

Thomas asks…

Is there a solar electric generator? I heard a company in Chicago has manufactured an electric generator that?

I am looking for a company that manufactures electric generators that uses solar energy.

admin answers:

Erm – that would be a electric solar cell then.

James asks…

is there an alternative for solar panels that can collect and convert solar energy into electricity?

A solar panel is a device that collects and converts solar energy into electricity or heat which can be used by (for example) nearby buildings. But is there any device that acts like a solar panel?

admin answers:

Besides the silicon type, there are a couple of types:

1. The reflector type of solar power, which uses a mirrored dish to focus sunlight to boil water to drive a generator.
2. Using sunlight to heat a thermocouple which drives a current.

Both of these are larger than your typical solar cell and are not really that efficient – yet.

A solar cell is the only thing that converts photonic energy into electricity, although they can be made of silicon and other materials.

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The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Solar Power Fan

The actual term solar power is used to describe not only one issue, but rather a number of methods that involve the harnessing of energy from the light of the sun. There are many different and incredibly resourceful matters that solar power can be and is used for, and the actual subject of solar power is becoming one of quickly increasing popularity. A solar power fan is one of the available uses for solar power, however, as with anything else, a solar power fan does have both its advantages and disadvantages.

What Is A Solar Power Fan?

A solar power fan is a fan for those home owners who do not want to use a fan that is run by the more conventional method of electricity. A solar power fan is, instead, powered directly by sunlight, and the fan will stop at sunset when there is no longer enough sunlight available to power the motor any further. There are both advantages and disadvantages to a solar power fan, and both halves which must be taken fully and thoroughly into consideration before can truly shape an opinion on a solar power fan.

What Are The Advantages?

There are certain advantages to this type of solar powered fan, such as the fact that you do not have to power the fan at all with your own electricity. As well, you do not have to run any electrical wiring to the fan. This can save a lot of time and money as an end result, and is considered as an extremely positive set of factors to the environmentally concerned person.

What Are The Disadvantages?

As with anything, however, there are also disadvantages that come with the solar powered fan, such as the fact that the fan must run on solar power. Thus, the motor is simply not as powerful and it also is much smaller. The fan also covers a lot less space than a regular fan, so you might find that you will have to supply yourself with two of these fans, when you would only need one of the regular forms. As well, the actual cost of a solar powered fan is higher than that of an electrical fan, primarily due to the fact that there is the cost of the solar cell which is additional.

Obviously, you must weigh the advantages and disadvantages out, and the final decision is truly dependent upon your own personal preference.